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Invulnerability = ruin the game


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After playing so much time in PvP, I realized that the invulnerability can become very OP depending on the class, sometimes I feel that it lasts longer than it would have to last and lengthen the fight, giving more advantage that can stay more invulnerable ...


* I say that they remove it directly, in this way we will have faster matches and without much advantage for some classes.

* Another would be to set a specific time limit (no more than 2 seconds, for example) and a fairly high CD (6 min) to reuse the ability.

* Finally, a redesign that reduces all damage by 80% for 3 or 4 seconds. (3 or 4 min of CD)


What do you think? (these changes would only be for PvP)



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Everything needs to be toned down. The power creep that comes with every expansion has made the game unplayable. Too much sustain and defensive abilities, passives are out of control, condis are still too strong... Power creep might be good for PvE but in PvP everything is so powerful that it has become a facerolling clown fiesta.

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Invulnerability of any kind is usually a bad idea when it can be thrown among many other things, but it can work when it's in a limited skill set.


That's why in a game in which classes hae fixed skill sets like a shooter or a moba you can easily have it , but it can create problems in a mmorpg when there's way more possible combinations.


In the particular case of GW2, I'd replace most instances of invulnerability with particularly large barriers that can bypass the cap.


Barrier is been overused in Scourge, scourge should not get as much self barrier as it's getting, at least not without a trait or investing more in vitality and healing power, but it could fix a few things in other professions.

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Some classes need it, others absolutely don't while they also have *too much*.


I would increase CD on mesmer's distortion and blurred frenzy. (70 base and 15 base respectively).

I would downright delete passive endure pain, auto-evade on thief acro line and elixir S traits.

I would reduce the duration of signet of stone.

I would reduce blocks all across the board, mainly for guardian.


Once we're done with that, reduce damage a little, and remove some unblockable properties from some attacks since blocks would become more rare.


Blows my mind how out of all of these, Ele's obsidian flesh is the only one that received a direct nerf with no compensatory buffs.

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The time for most all invincibility should be shortened but make up for it by also stopping condition damage. Going invuln prevents you from holding a cap, that's all the balance it needs for PvP.


> @"Razor.6392" said:

> I would reduce blocks all across the board, mainly for guardian.

You mean reduce block all across the board on the class whose low health is sold on prediction defense and damage denial? That would be like removing healing on all Elementalist Water skills.

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Ideally, active blocking of 1 attack is the best kind of combat invouln. Attack, counter, attack, counter, etc and so on with fairly low cd, similar to dodging.


Unfortunetly, we got this thing called WvW where 20 people will happily focus a single enemy and think they got awesome skillz. SPvP cannot be substantially altered without destroying WvW. But on the PvP forums I suppose thats not much of a threat to make.

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While i support the idea of removing invulnerabilities, i also think that some classes must get some kind of compensation for losing it.


As an engi for example, i would totally appreciate the removal of elixir s, (only because its a must slot type no matter what build you are running nowadays), however, the removal of it also means the deletion of the only natural stealth skill that core engi has access to.


Stealth via combo is unreliable for engineer if this is the only type of stealth engi can get, our fields are either rng based or are too slow to set up, not to mention that our blasts/leaps means blowing some big cd's for a 3 second stealth.... just no.


Arguably, followed by cc break, the most important defensive skill engi has, without it, it wouldn't be able to survive insane metas like this one

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Replace invulnerability/channeled blocks with the mechanic used in skills like [Arcane Shield] and [shield of Wrath]: "For X (very short duration) seconds, block the next Y (single or a very limited number) attacks." The most horrendous thing to deal with is watching someone press a button and either effortlessly stall all combat or potentially laugh off a million hits because their block or invulnerability period has a long, static duration. Also, inflicting damage off of a block is super poor combat design; that should go and/or get re-worked.


> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Honestly? At this point it'd be easier to list what's _not_ ruining the combat because everything is broken. It's a mess and the only way out is GW3, until they powercreep that to hell as well.


This, however, is the real core of the matter. The game is busted beyond saving at this rate. It's not really worth even talking about this stuff because any topic (no matter how fundamental in nature) is always just the tip of the iceberg.

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The only Invulnerability that i think is balanced is guadian Renewed Focus, long cooldown, cant attack during it and have no passive trait line that triggers it...but stuff like engi is invul is just beyond broken to me, allow the player to be really uncareful with what he is doing, since he have a disposal 2 invul(one active and other passive)...but for balance sake, if they would(which they wont) nerf the invulnerability skills, evades, blocks and things like Endure Pain and Berzerker Stance should also be nerfed.


> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> in a world were over 800k healing on marauder gear, over 15 stacks of confusion in a 3s burst and AoE condition bombing are a thing, invulnerability ain't really much of an issue compared even to stability to me.


> I bet over half of the people voting for removing it from pvp main a power build... probably holosmith


lol can you imagine Holosmith be able to survive a team fight(even a 1v1) without the invulnerability?

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here's the thing with just removing it though. there exists to much damage spikes and CC abilities to just remove passive procs and invuln from the game. I keep seeing posts that essentially go like "nerf/remove X then pvp/wvw will be fixed."


To an extent I want some of these things reworked/removed. However, it needs to just be a comprehensive rework not just remove a major facet of the game design and basically break it. if these abilities were removed spike damage classes would easily dominate specs that rely on the procs to stay competitive. in reality I want most passive procs to be removed, but extreme damage spikes need to be rebalanced as well.


basically my point is fixing pvp is more complicated than nerfing a specific class or removing a specific mechanic. instead what the game needs is a comprehensive rework to address power creep, that has led us to extreme damage output and extreme sustain capabilities. So yes I want it gone, but I want it removed right. if that makes sense?

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Sounds like somebody wastes their bursts when somebody pops their invuln...

> I say no, because it's more of a mind game. Choosing when to pop your own invuln, while waiting for theirs to end. Don't get me wrong. I love chasing engies when they shrink down and run away XD.


I really don't, because that means I eat 3k damage x3 because of braindead bunker down mines.


Passive invulns need to go.

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