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Christmas gem store Gift


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Personally I'm glad they don't do one day specials on Christmas because (like a lot of people I suspect) I'm not at home and can't log in. I always miss the Wintersday finale in GW1 for the same reason.


If they were going to do something special I'd rather it was for the whole of Wintersday. I don't remember if there's been any freebies (unless you count the items you get in-game like the mini Toxx I got from a Wintersday gift) but there's been a lot of discounts and special items in the gem store, which is pretty good.

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> @"Lpfan.3578" said:

> Ah yes... "they didn't give us something so they must not like the holidays!"

> Because trying to guilt people (or companies) into giving you presents is truly in the real spirit of the holidays!


I was personally kinda hoping for some small token for logging in during xmas day. Nothing huge. I don't think he's guilting anyone...

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"I paid for this game, I demand free gifts!"


You got exactly what you paid for. Stop acting like an entitled child.


EDIT: And if it turns out you *didn't* pay for this game (i.e. free to play) then you have **NO** right to demand free items from the gemstore when you haven't even supported the developers that made the game in the first place!

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> Would have been nice ANET to give us a gift to day, just a token as it is the thought that counts after all. I free Christmas wreath or hat for example... Anet are being a Bah Humbug this season.


On the flipside, people that cannot log in during Christmas for the little trinket gesture will feel cheated for just celebrating the holiday as it's normally spent and then they'll just have to offer the gift over the course of multiple days or the entire month...kind of like they already have done with the Wintersday event...

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> "I paid for this game, I demand free gifts!"


> You got exactly what you paid for. Stop acting like an entitled child.


> EDIT: And if it turns out you *didn't* pay for this game (i.e. free to play) then you have **NO** right to demand free items from the gemstore when you haven't even supported the developers that made the game in the first place!


FYI free players cannot post on the forum. You must have a paid account to log in.


They can however participate in the Wintersday event and get all the items that come from the presents and achievements, like everyone else. So in a sense they do get free items.

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