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Chinese dragon skin for Griffon Mount...

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A Qilin would be a good fit but they would have to remove the wings most likely.


Still could be cool though. I am pretty excited about eventually getting a cool griffon skin.[https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/229/519/large/sean-kernerman-kernerman-sean-qilinshowcase1080.jpg?1459007835](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/229/519/large/sean-kernerman-kernerman-sean-qilinshowcase1080.jpg?1459007835 "https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/229/519/large/sean-kernerman-kernerman-sean-qilinshowcase1080.jpg?1459007835")

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's not too late to start planning the Lunar New Year 2019 Mountfit Pack:


> * Year of the Rooster Raptor Mountfit

> * Year of the Dog Jackal Mountfit

> * Year of the Rabbit Springer Mounfit

> * Year of the Snake Skimmer Mountfit

> * Year of the Dragon Griffon Mountfit


Pff surely a griffon is the chicken and the raptor is the dragon.

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An asian dragon wouldn’t fit on the Gryffon’s skeleton. So that would be a 2000 gems mount, I dounbt many people on the western server are gonna pay for.

But I’ve suggested before to people who want a dragon mount, suggest to anet to make the Wyvern a skin. It looks pretty scaly and lizardy without being an actual dragon. and I think it fits on the Gryffon’s skeleton pretty well.![](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5725/21758690490_4f0c3208a8_b.jpg "")


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> An asian dragon wouldn’t fit on the Gryffon’s skeleton. So that would be a 2000 gems mount, I dounbt many people on the western server are gonna pay for.

> But I’ve suggested before to people who want a dragon mount, suggest to anet to make the Wyvern a skin. It looks pretty scaly and lizardy without being an actual dragon. and I think it fits on the Gryffon’s skeleton pretty well.![](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5725/21758690490_4f0c3208a8_b.jpg "")



Actually a dragon skin would fit the Griffon's skeleton very well, a Wyvern skin wouldn't.

A wyvern has 2 legs and 2 wings (see ranger wyvern pet or legendary wyvern).

A dragon on the other hand, has 4 legs and two wings (see Shatterer, Tequatl, Claw of Jormag etc.) just like the Griffon.


EDIT: My bad I didn't see you said "**asian** dragon". You are right an asian dragon skin wouldn't fit the Griffon skeleton, but neither would a Wyvern skin though.

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Sure. Though if you ask me they could do a dragon pack one for each mount. Basically each dragon would have aesthetics of particular mount. Wyvern with small wings would work for raptor. A dragon without wings like Godzilla could work for springer. A mist dragon for Skimmer could work. A Shifting Sand drake would work for Jackal. And a large winged dragon for Griffin. That would be a cool theme pack.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

>I could see an Aurene skin happening at some point though (in fact, I have a feeling us riding Aurene in the story is pretty much certain at this point, even if we don't ever get a mount skin for it).


Agreed, but I really hope if it does go this way that the visuals they develop are much smoother and less cartoonish than what the Bethesda developers came up with for riding dragons in the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's not too late to start planning the Lunar New Year 2019 Mountfit Pack:


> * Year of the Rooster Raptor Mountfit

> * Year of the Dog Jackal Mountfit

> * Year of the Rabbit Springer Mounfit

> * Year of the Snake Skimmer Mountfit

> * Year of the Dragon Griffon Mountfit


I. I would actually buy this.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Personally, for me a dragon is not a griffon (and vice versa), so I would not like to see skins for griffons that make them look like dragons. However, a dragon mount would be cool but I doubt Anet is prepared to introduce another flying mount.


> /me shrugs


Doesn't have to be a flying mount. There are many flightless dragons in fantasy.

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