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Do You Want Capes? I want capes.


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Well... capes clipped even in gw1, there are clipping issues with ordinary items and armour too. Don't we need a better game engine for better cape physics?

I don't really mind capes in the long run, but if you want them and don't want any clipping issues with the current technology on which GW2 runs, then truth be told, you don't want capes at all. Make up your mind guys. No capes, or capes with minor clipping, there is no in between.

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Butt we have tons of capes!


Seriously, though, no. I've never seen a game that handled capes correctly. Ex. SWTOR has tons upon tons of capes, and every single one of them has clipping issues. If it's not your boots popping through, the cape clips straight through your speeder's innards. It look stupid and shatters immersion. A running Charr, like mentioned above, is shaped a lot like a speeder. Mounts could be another problem.

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Capes back in GW1 was cool, to rep your guild, specially if you had bronze, silver or golden trim as showing off your hard work from tournaments, GvG and other comp stuff.

I had most of the time my cape toggled off because it ruined most of the armors, but I did enjoy using it whenever I was with my Guild and Alliance.

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Where's the "I don't really care" option? It's be nice if they were in the game, but if there's clipping issues like people say, I doubt I'd bother with them. We already have a few cape like items, and every time I try them, they clip so much that I'm immediately turned off the idea. And I don't even use charr, they've probably got it worse.

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> @"Nevaahe.6308" said:

> I understand the clipping issues and the development problems they face with doing capes, I accepted that awhile back. But then they made backpieces like [banners of Ancent Elona](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Banners_of_Ancient_Elona), which is essentially a mini cape. Yes it clips, but I don't care that it does.


That's fair. In your shoes, I'd probably change the suggestion from asking for "capes" to asking for "more banners". Sure, it's a minor word choice difference. It's just that "capes" come with all sorts of other baggage that "banners" don't have to carry.

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I never know what to make of the "it would be difficult" responses. Sometimes I realize that it's probably a valid excuse, but other times it sounds really lazy. That might be because it's been used for many more things than capes. I've seen Anet put out some really nice things, so I feel like they could accomplish a lot more if they tried or perhaps were able to hire an additional team to do the trying for them.

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If they had to hire additional people to make them work, capes could end up as an expensive gem store accessory. I don't see them being any significant draw for new players, or retention of existing ones.


I'm wondering if that might solve the problem, or potentially make things worse.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> If they had to hire additional people to make them work, capes could end up as an expensive gem store accessory. I don't see them being any significant draw for new players, or retention of existing ones.


> I'm wondering if that might solve the problem, or potentially make things worse.


Sorry, I didn't mean capes specifically. I was just thinking about other things they've said were too difficult and wondered if they just needed a larger staff. Although, I **do** think they need a larger team to generate armor and outfits, even if that means **some** of it has to be in the Gem Store.

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