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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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As a veteran player for like 4 years:




Just for the elite specs and curious about how they gonna be . I REALLY LOVE ANET'S TEAM , which are creating those specs ! their idea's are amazing . So far i really enjoyed all of them ( some took some time , due some changes or wasnt as good as anet wanted them).They are a big point for me to buy the next expansion. So much fun and new stuff to try out and explore with them.


Mounts and glider were both great ideas , but i feel like mounts brought some troubles like certain advantages over other players,which kinda feels like p2w,while gliders could help , but wasnt as op as mounts are. Atm i really cant imagine me any other idea currently about what anet gonna add as next , which is kinda good and bad at the same time , since it kinda worries me. It's basically anything any other mmorpgs kinda got except glider , but mounts and they are faaaar more better than in any other mmorpg.


Hot was the thing that changed alot and was great , since it added masteries to tyria , fractals and hot maps themself. So you played new content and old content again to get masteries , which was really cool. Also the story was interesting as sylvari , which is a really unique experience and i loved it alot. ( Still want some kind of sylvari corrupted option !). Also those metas and maps are faaaar more better because it's jungle and jungles are always far more mysterious and dangerous,while desert maps was mostly dull like in any other mmorpgs , however anet did had some nice map design in pof . Also those new maps are cool and bad at the same time, since they brought something more than we encountered before More dmg , more cc and a lot of nasty abilites like chak stacking debuff that slows you down and makes you more vulnerable . Pretty op if you ask me considering how fast they can spam that shit on you without mastery . it's sometimes really a struggle against them and also all that cc and more dmg increase like those frogs with their bows. Cool idea , but sometimes it's not really fun to get two shooted by an bow frog , which kinda ambushes you,while you heavily focused with other frogs or enemies.


The enemy design are also really interesting with a real bitter taste in my mouth, when i look at hot and pof. I notice alot more of nasty conditions and alot of more cc also more damage.


Yes i know pof mobs and hot mobs are easy to kill sometimes if you know how , but still some of them can be really nasty and ruins your whole experience . Yes i know we have tryhards , who welcome this challenges , but still a little less cc stuff wouldnt be bad for me.

Pof mobs are also interesting , but also way more annoying. I really dont like to fight awakeneds like that abominations ( still no clue how to deal with it kinda ) or those lifestealings enemies amd dont let me talk about those forgeds. Interesting and tricky combinations i give you that anet, but i feel rather forced more or less to have someone around me or some friends atleast to go around in pof to be able to fight certain enemies, but so does hot.

However their hp's in pof are some kind of improvement less champions like frog champion or balthazar , which can be luckily cheesed with stealth atleast that balthazar champion. Those are a great example of what anet shouldnt do that much. Yes maybe 1 hp per map like this is okay , but not more please :^)


The story in pof was .... interesting , but somehow not really what i expected kinda ... it felt general classic mmorpg story. Balthazar could have some great potential to be like Scarlet and toying around with us or something like that , but no he just vanished and died , while causing another stronger becoming problem : MAGIC. interesting stuff , but also a stuff that is a bitter taste in my mouth. Now we have aurene , which getting less "Noticed" ? You see her sometimes , but meeh , thats it.

Joko is interesting or started to become interesting and then poof. strange ways.


The enviroment looks always great. It's refreshing and amazing to see. Also amazing to see and run around to explore more little details and how much love they put into and much aids they made certain places ... is sometimes stunning D: ... I like their map designs alot ... All of it. I couldnt spend so much time on it , but i try to not enter certain places , since they are crowded as fuck with aids enemies.


If we really get underwater expansion. I really hope they will do some good stuff to it. Cool for underwater combat get some love , bad in , that there could be more options to become really annoying to dodge certain stuff and their aoe scripting. I would see some massive problems in it and i hope if they do it . they better take their time , take deep breath and think logical about what they do and what they can do and if they add new elite specs give them also not only underwater skills also skills for onland :^)


Another thing that i kinda worry is ... I'm mainly a pve player , but from what i hear about pvp and wvw it's get worser and worser which every expansion and getting less love than pve does . Also I think before hot . there was much more class variations and now it's far more limited . Same goes for raids. The community is changing , making it difficult for anet to create new classes kinda, since as a game creator you really want to see all your classes :D or peoples enjoying every piece of it.

So i kinda fear that if the next expansions doesnt change something pvp and wvw ... going to get some hard times probably.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> For me, HoT was like a poison to GW2, it destroyed many of things that made GW2 a great game, from the way Elite Specs were added, to raids, to those hideous maps, to needing mastery lines and meta events to get around, was just like an injection of everything I could hate into a single expansion, and eroded what was once a really unique and wonderful game. I cannot put to words how much I would like to have removed HoT from this game, and because of that, I almost didn't buy PoF. I bought it, but reluctantly an then only the smallest pack.



^^This, this and so much this.^^


You only forgot to mention “**hiding MPs behind some absolutely ridiculous minigames – most of them time-gated on top of that**.”


So… Expansions? I’ll buy ‘em but I won’t pre-order or pay full-price for them.


I bought the hype and pre-ordered HoT. After the HUGE disappointment that was this expansion for me, I promised myself I’d never EVER preorder or pay full price for anything published by ANet.


I saw the recent PoF discounts (25% at Dulfy’s, then 30 or 33% a GW2) and finally 50% off and that’s when I bought it.

I’m planning to do the same for all/any future expansions.


I’ll buy them when they’re sold 50% off, even if I have to wait a year or so.

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> @"Justfor.6018" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > For me, HoT was like a poison to GW2, it destroyed many of things that made GW2 a great game, from the way Elite Specs were added, to raids, to those hideous maps, to needing mastery lines and meta events to get around, was just like an injection of everything I could hate into a single expansion, and eroded what was once a really unique and wonderful game. I cannot put to words how much I would like to have removed HoT from this game, and because of that, I almost didn't buy PoF. I bought it, but reluctantly an then only the smallest pack.

> >


> ^^This, this and so much this.^^


> You only forgot to mention “**hiding MPs behind some absolutely ridiculous minigames – most of them time-gated on top of that**.”


> So… Expansions? I’ll buy ‘em but I won’t pre-order or pay full-price for them.


> I bought the hype and pre-ordered HoT. After the HUGE disappointment that was this expansion for me, I promised myself I’d never EVER preorder or pay full price for anything published by ANet.



now i think of it, i bought HoT for 32 euro while it was 50 euro through Anet.

good thing i did that, beside the glider HoT is the worst of the 2 expansions.


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Anet as a company has been turning me off. I'm not playing nearly what I used to. I'm down to a few hours in WvW on reset and maybe an hour here or there. My wife has cut back even more. We loaded the new living story and haven't played through it (all the others were done within a day). Map gimmicks, bad pvp balance, poor wvw matchmaking and a myriad of other annoyances are sending us to spend our time and money elsewhere.


Will we buy a new expansion - for the first time in the history of Gw1 and 2, the best I can say is "maybe".

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Reading some of the replies, I feel everyone has their approvals and disapprovals with regard to how Anet releases its content.


Even though my answer to buying an expansion is a "maybe", it's not because I don't like how Anet handles anything (personally think they're pretty good compared to other MMOs out there) but rather I've just developed a disconnect with the genre. Ever since breaking away from that first MMO hit, I've learned how these games draw players in and keep them and the best thing you can get in return as a player is something in return besides a time-sink. The market for time-sinks is saturated beyond compare.


I know this game's lore and set-up does not lend itself to developing unique characters well but any little bit helps. If Anet released an expansion with playable Tengu, I'd have to put my money where my mouth is and buy it despite not being able to make a developed unique character out of it. If they also took steps and made plans to release more races down the line with perhaps "voice-over diversification" and other tidbits, I'd have to further put my money in my talkie hole and pre-order it. I can at least pretend to develope some unique characters for a couple more years with that.



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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> Anet as a company has been turning me off. I'm not playing nearly what I used to. I'm down to a few hours in WvW on reset and maybe an hour here or there. My wife has cut back even more. We loaded the new living story and haven't played through it (all the others were done within a day). Map gimmicks, bad pvp balance, poor wvw matchmaking and a myriad of other annoyances are sending us to spend our time and money elsewhere.


> Will we buy a new expansion - for the first time in the history of Gw1 and 2, the best I can say is "maybe".


You are clearly a PvP-focussed couple. Expansion packs do barely add any features for you as target audience, so it's not much that "aNet as a company turned you off", it's more that you chose a game that - thank god - focusses more on PvE, that's what the big majority prefers.

To me, the company took a big dent to the unnecessary Deadeye butchering, but man, the game's that good that I still want more. I took a 2-month break and after all my hate and rage faded, I am here again. That requires a very good game to begin with.


Your opinion and view on that matter is, of course, still totally valid. But seeing you get upvotes and helpfuls, I think this might clear things up for external readers about the game's actual and general quality.




> @"Justfor.6018" said:

> I saw the recent PoF discounts (25% at Dulfy’s, then 30 or 33% a GW2) and finally 50% off and that’s when I bought it.

> I’m planning to do the same for all/any future expansions.


So you make a fuss over like 15 or 20 Euros discount, wait **one year** if required for the expansion pack of a video game you (should!) like enough to invest your precious time of your one and only life? Eh, wait what? *shake my head*



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> > @"Justfor.6018" said:

> > I saw the recent PoF discounts (25% at Dulfy’s, then 30 or 33% a GW2) and finally 50% off and that’s when I bought it.

> > I’m planning to do the same for all/any future expansions.


> So you make a fuss over like 15 or 20 Euros discount, wait **one year** if required for the expansion pack of a video game you (should!) like enough to invest your precious time of your one and only life? Eh, wait what? *shake my head*



Yes. Because when it comes to games, whenever I like or dislike something, my wallet does the talking.


Like the old saying goes: when money talks, BS walks.


Besides, I have *plenty* of content to work on, even if I didn’t buy the expansion during the release days.


Also, I might add that buying PoF 8 months past the release date hasn’t have a significant impact in my ability to get what I need to unlock mounts and stuff -and I find people to play with, despite the new LS- so I’d say I made the right decision. :)




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> @"Zedek.8932" said:


> So you make a fuss over like 15 or 20 Euros discount, wait **one year** if required for the expansion pack of a video game you (should!) like enough to invest your precious time of your one and only life? Eh, wait what? *shake my head*



The game is a product.


As with any product some consumers will place greater value on it than others. Consumer being thoughtful, measuring the merits and value of a potential purchase against their own desires and needs, is a good thing.

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