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Do you think spellbreaker elite, WoD, should get nerfed? Yes/no, and why?


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I think Spellbreaker w/WoD + Scourge was Anet's answer to the previous boonshare meta that was going on.

WoD strips you down to your socks (or less :lol:), and then ol' man Scourge :trollface: has his way with you... and he ain't gentle! :kissing_wink:

IMO both WoD and Scourge (boon corrupt) are overtuned and could use some toning down.

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Absolutely not. Spellbreakers are one-trick ponies that have sub-optimal viability outside of zerg-busting in WvW. If you've ever played a Spellbreaker, you'd know that your only purpose in life is to divebomb into a zerg of 30+ players and hope that the players don't know what WoD is and decide to stay in the hurty bubble instead of dodging out of it. Outside of that, you are virtually useless. Small groups and roamers are hardly affected by WoD and will shred you easily. And besides, they've been out for several months now, so if you see one running straight into your raid, you should know what to expect

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Trait and range of players loosing boons out o fthe dome in a larger radios need to be fixed.


The skill itself it is fine, and makes sense in this newbish boon stacking and spam gameplay.


Overall it is a bad egg to try to kinda balance another bad thing Anet wants to exist on the game to be a simple game for the most brainless players.

Theres to much boon stackins as well.

Pitty that Anet prefers to keep to enforce some spam based gameplay with stacking rather than clever gameplay at the end, so every "balance" will be just to dissimulate some bad gameplay, while still makign it possible, then Anet increases the easy gameplay on other thing to compensate.

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WoD for WvW is fine. All people care about is having perma boons and run right thru the enemy.

This is one skill that is keeps them most in check.

Look at the downsides of this if you playing warrior, you need to be in melee range to activate it.

Smart players will see you coming and focus you.

Skill itself is on a high cool down.

Then there are the more creative players who stealth the warrior and send him to melee for WoD, that's the funniest.

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Against a competent enemy blob, you will rarely get winds off in open field. Long cast time means that even if you pop dolyak signet or whatever other form of stab you've got equipped, you'll probably get chain CC'd before you can get it off. Bubbling a choke is better, but even then, once you get your bubble in place, you're more or less relegated to dropping out of the fight and tagging people with longbow to get sigil alacrity so you can bubble again sooner.


Scourge is far more useful and easier to play for countering insane boon spam.

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No, because Warrior must dive to many people and place WoD, and you can always CC him before and interrupt, another thing is WoD only remove boon, yes there is talent damage for it but that damage is very2 low not even hurt, so Spellbreaker can only remove Boon, and if they want to deal damage they still have to hit you.


On the other hand, Scourge mark is ranged, Boon corruption is 2 in 1 job, remove boon and immidiately apply damage/soft cc, and you can't interupt mark since they will apply it first to block choke or something.

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As much as I hate projectile deflect on it, it's very balanced skill. It has big cast time, it's in melee range and you can simply dodge out of it without getting almost any boon stripped. The problem is chain bubbles from multiple warriors (but then again, it's problem with any multiple aoe spam, like CoR on revs, meteors on eles, wells of corrupt on necros etc) and enchantment collapse which strips your boons even if you dont stay in dome. That's the unbalanced part (to certain degree). If they put even slightest ICD to it, it will be fine, or just completely remove it, because it makes no sense whatsoever. It's like having epidemic on trait that procs all the time.

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100% no. People complain it's too powerful without thinking. If zergs are collapsing without boons then there are much bigger problems here. Spellbreaker bubbles are one of the only things instigating intelligent movement and melee combat in WvW at the moment, without them it would just be boring long-range pirate ship combat.


WvW is in a better place now than it's been since the start of the condi meta. Tons of stuff is still broken, but skilled, coordinated squads tend to win fights at the moment, and squads who just spam AOE don't.


The problem is that stability and resistance are indispensable in large fights. No boon should be indispensable.

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> @"Defias.1892" said:

> Absolutely not. Spellbreakers are one-trick ponies that have sub-optimal viability outside of zerg-busting in WvW. If you've ever played a Spellbreaker, you'd know that your only purpose in life is to divebomb into a zerg of 30+ players and hope that the players don't know what WoD is and decide to stay in the hurty bubble instead of dodging out of it. Outside of that, you are virtually useless. Small groups and roamers are hardly affected by WoD and will shred you easily. And besides, they've been out for several months now, so if you see one running straight into your raid, you should know what to expect


just gonna drop some of my WvW gameplay (roaming) to show its still not bad outside of zerging


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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > No, because Warrior must dive to many people and place WoD, and you can always CC him before and interrupt...


> Not if the warrior has the slightest bit of initiative and asks for mes/engi/thief to stealth them.



Not to mention, meta spellbreaker takes Last Stand in the grand-master trait in Defense line. This is pulsing stab. Its long enough that you SHOULD get of a winds off almost 90% of the time. It's up to you as a player to know when it should be back up

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The initial effect could be toned down. Maybe have it strip 3 boons initially + 2 for every second you remain within the bubble afterwords. Reduce the cooldown to 60 seconds so that its a little more readily available and give warriors a little more AOE potency (without further touching the elements of the profession that make them overtly potent at roaming).


It _is_ too much for a single button press.


Of course I'm still of the opinion Stability, Quickness and Resistance should be their own effects, not boons -- so that those effects aren't easily removed or corrupted but cannot be chained to last forever. I would be alright with warrior farts if this were the case.


~ Kovu

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