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Why are names not being released/Can't create character


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > The character creator should not kick you out unless you're completely inactive for a long period of time (I'm not sure how long but it's more than 10 minutes). If you're pressing buttons, moving sliders or trying names it should not kick you at all - that sounds like connectivity issues. If you're trying to think of names to try and concerned you might get kicked out just click to go back to the previous screen and then forward again (or type a name you know is taken) so the game knows you're not inactive.

> >


> Even WvW takes 25 minutes to kick. That being said ... I am not sure if anything in character creation counts as activity. I know that in game chatting does NOT count.


Well even if there is a kick timer it is longer that 2h30 minutes because I have left my game in the character creation for longer than that right now and that should be more than long enough to go through all the character creation options multiple times over.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Sadly Hippy Chartreusegerbil is too long for GW2 - you're only allowed a maximum of 19 characters in a name. Which is really annoying when you come up with a 20 character long one you like.


Ack! Foiled by the max length limit. At this point, it's probably time to try swapping rodent types or shortening the first name. Here are a couple trendy Chartreuse rodent names that might still be available:

- Hippy Chartreuserat

- Hip Chartreusemouse


Regarding the character length problem, I encountered that issue with my first Sylvari at launch. I wanted to use Belladonna Nightshade, but sadly that was 2 letters too long. To compromise, I dropped one of the l's and one of the n's in the first name. Whenever I encounter in-use names, I usually try similar tricks, like dropping/adding letters or substituting ones to produce similar sounding names with alternate spellings. Sometimes even a few of those alternate versions are taken, but with a few more tries I can usually find one that isn't taken yet.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > Even more frustrating, when you eventually find a name after an hour, you will have to start your character creation from scratch because you have been logged off for being idle. It makes people hurry through character creation and maybe pick names they never wanted. Maybe they are selling more makeover kits that way, but you should never bee kicked from character creation, even if you left the computer for an hour.

> >

> > Easily solved. Click your way through character creation without doing anything, and get your name. Then delete the character and start over for real. The name will be reserved.

> >

> > Or pick an original name to begin with. The only time I ever ran into naming problems is when I tried to make a jokey name.


> How does that solve the problem that you have to finish your character creation within a specific, short amount of time?


The name's held onto your account for 24 hours after you delete.


If it takes you 24 hours to make your character, you have a problem.



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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Sadly Hippy Chartreusegerbil is too long for GW2 - you're only allowed a maximum of 19 characters in a name. Which is really annoying when you come up with a 20 character long one you like.


> Ack! Foiled by the max length limit. At this point, it's probably time to try swapping rodent types or shortening the first name. Here are a couple trendy Chartreuse rodent names that might still be available:

> - Hippy Chartreuserat

> - Hip Chartreusemouse


> Regarding the character length problem, I encountered that issue with my first Sylvari at launch. I wanted to use Belladonna Nightshade, but sadly that was 2 letters too long. To compromise, I dropped one of the l's and one of the n's in the first name. Whenever I encounter in-use names, I usually try similar tricks, like dropping/adding letters or substituting ones to produce similar sounding names with alternate spellings. Sometimes even a few of those alternate versions are taken, but with a few more tries I can usually find one that isn't taken yet.


I ran into that problem with my latest character. I really liked the name Rinkhal Stormbringer (after various Istani wildlife) and spent ages trying to find ways to shorten it. When I decided it wasn't going to work I had to pretty much start over.


On that note here's a list I've been keeping (for exactly this kind of topic) of all the names I've been able to get since September (there's 1 more but I might want to use it one day so I'm keeping it). The two in bold are now taken (by me) the rest might still be available.

**Akkedis Rinkhal**

Rinkhal Stormseed

Rinkhal Varanus






Thomas Ash


**Uncia Snowfur**

Tomas Ash



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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Sadly Hippy Chartreusegerbil is too long for GW2 - you're only allowed a maximum of 19 characters in a name. Which is really annoying when you come up with a 20 character long one you like.


> Ack! Foiled by the max length limit. At this point, it's probably time to try swapping rodent types or shortening the first name. Here are a couple trendy Chartreuse rodent names that might still be available:

> - Hippy Chartreuserat

> - Hip Chartreusemouse


> Regarding the character length problem, I encountered that issue with my first Sylvari at launch. I wanted to use Belladonna Nightshade, but sadly that was 2 letters too long. To compromise, I dropped one of the l's and one of the n's in the first name. Whenever I encounter in-use names, I usually try similar tricks, like dropping/adding letters or substituting ones to produce similar sounding names with alternate spellings. Sometimes even a few of those alternate versions are taken, but with a few more tries I can usually find one that isn't taken yet.


Hmm, what about, "The Chartreusegerbil?"

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These names, based on the user's own display ID, were available as I typed this:

* Va Va Voo

* Vava Voo

* Ruby Voorm ([Ruby Vroom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Vroom) is the name of an album by _Soul Coughing_, after Ruby Froom, the daughter of Suzanne Vega)

* The Voovoo Queen

* Dewvoo

* Voo Tu Akill

* Voo Knighted (perhaps better as the start of a guild name, e.g. _Voo Knighted States of Tyria_)


Maybe it's time for the OP to explain just what names they wanted that weren't available.

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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:


> > I like it.

> >

> > Hippy Chartreusegerbil.

> >

> > All joking aside, something like this is a solid approach.


> I swear, you better be in game right now leveling up an Asuran by that name. XD



Went with, "My Chartreusegerbil," to stay within the character limit for names.

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> @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > > > Even more frustrating, when you eventually find a name after an hour, you will have to start your character creation from scratch because you have been logged off for being idle. It makes people hurry through character creation and maybe pick names they never wanted. Maybe they are selling more makeover kits that way, but you should never bee kicked from character creation, even if you left the computer for an hour.

> > >

> > > Easily solved. Click your way through character creation without doing anything, and get your name. Then delete the character and start over for real. The name will be reserved.

> > >

> > > Or pick an original name to begin with. The only time I ever ran into naming problems is when I tried to make a jokey name.

> >

> > How does that solve the problem that you have to finish your character creation within a specific, short amount of time?


> The name's held onto your account for 24 hours after you delete.


> If it takes you 24 hours to make your character, you have a problem.




lol this thing got split up so often that it's not clear anymore what I was talking about. When I started to play GW2, I was logged out of the server a few times at character creation for being "idle". I took my time, left the computer, went back and forth, and didn't expect that to happen. I usually have character names in mind before I start the process, so that was not the problem. Apparently, this was an issue only I had at this time.

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Asura are the most troublesome.

Lorewise they’d take short names.












Some more complex but still short





But while Asura take short names,

I see many charrs and humans, as well as norn and sylvan taking up a lot of short names as well.

Then you’re forced to give your character a surname, or title.


All my asura are now called

Aviann (double n intentional, not because avian was taken)



Eibon the Spiteful


See how the top three names worked, but the fourth needed a surname or title.



And I’ve always beenan advocate of seperating character names from the acount.

I mean, you already have an acount name thingumawhatnow.5683 and that name is used for mailing and friendlists, and invites, etc etc

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Thesaurus is usually a good start. Alt letters can work in a pinch. If you use first and last names usually that opens up a lot names since it's not common to find the same first and last name. You can even get common names by adding a last and sometimes middle name. I have Susan Sto Helit with one alt letter. Got Mythic Kitten with an alt letter. So it's not impossible and you may have to get creative. Even titles and name combinations work.

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> I don’t have this problem to be honest. My friends call me Fox and my character names are always something like; ‘Fox The Donkey’ or ‘Fox The Doughnut’ etc. Good luck tho.


> PS: Unlike loads of other games, you CAN use spaces in this game.


That still seems to surprise a lot of people. My favourite was someone who had just started Elder Scrolls Online and was freaking out about how everyone got "invisible letters" in their names. It actually took a while for someone to explain that it wasn't some special trick to get a letter the game wouldn't show - it was literally just a space and all you had to do was press the space bar. Apparently he'd never played a game that allowed that before and it didn't occur to him it would be possible.

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I have a few guild mates that left the game about 3 1/2 yrs ago, not because they didn't want to play anymore just that real life struck. They are now coming back to the game and they would have been quite upset if all their chars names were taken away since most of them are names that are carried from game to game and they have had for upwards of 20 yrs across different games. They specifically got into the game in Beta to make sure the names they wanted were their own, lol.

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Someone estimated that gw2 has roughly 3 million+ players who login at least once a month and still look at the game. Nevermind inactive accounts, which are going to be in the millions more. I have 7 characters, and even assuming a single character is the norm (and it generally isn't) that's millions of names taken. And those inactive accounts are going to range from people who played the game once and put it down, to students taking a few years out to study, to people who's jobs ensure they have no internet connection of time to play (consider: military), to people taking a few months break, to people who made the account and unfortunate circumstances happened and the list goes on. Despite all of that, i've never had an issue naming my characters, ever. At worst, you can always add a second name and 99% of the time apart from jokes, it'll work assuming you're not naming your character john smith.

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