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So how do you find mesmer now in your respective gamemode?


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Real simple: no difference.


Got some damage, lost damage in other places, but all in all similar stuff.


At least in WvW. Shatter is still vastly more flexible and usable in any engagement, while condi can still kill solo players that doesnt have enough condi cleanse and is completely worthless in fights beyond that.


In terms of opponents I meet, the performance is roughly the same. Well except one outlier where my shatter mesmer accidentally killed a warrior while at the same time fighting a spellbreaker (and won). It happens. Normally I cant beat spellbreakers. They could have been fools.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Real simple: no difference.


> Got some damage, lost damage in other places, but all in all similar stuff.


> At least in WvW. Shatter is still vastly more flexible and usable in any engagement, while condi can still kill solo players that doesnt have enough condi cleanse and is completely worthless in fights beyond that.


> In terms of opponents I meet, the performance is roughly the same. Well except one outlier where my shatter mesmer accidentally killed a warrior while at the same time fighting a spellbreaker (and won). It happens. Normally I cant beat spellbreakers. They could have been fools.


Yeah the other night I had a FB Berserker combo I get running across and normally that should be a tough fight but no.

The hardest fight I’ve had has been a dh+FB combo.

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All is good apart from Axe ambush and Axes of Symmetry being changed to torment in pvp and wvw.


Sure pve folk get to do their dps again... but in pvp and wvw we've essentially lost a condition on axe, which has a negative impact overall on hybrid and condi play using axe due to fewer conditions to cleanse, less skilled play on both sides due to all skills spamming the same condition (ok you've got some bleed and cripple in there but it is minor), and add to that now staff essentially homogenises with this Bleed/Burn/Torment, losing regular vuln as a cover condition. So we have fewer regular conditions overall which are kind of brainless to apply and are easier to cleanse.


It's not as effective and I don't find it as fun as it should be.

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For solo open world play, condi Mirage is still strong. It lost a little damage, but nothing major. We'll call it an even trade for the phantasm improvements. Where it has really taken a hit, however, is in area damage (which was already mediocre prior to the nerf!). Two key components of condi mirage area burst (jaunt and cry of frustration) are now basically worthless because they are based on confusion, which does basically no damage in PvE.


ANet, if you're listening, it is not in any way okay to leave these skills in this useless state. This needs to be addressed. Any response? What is the status on this situation?

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chrono support build is even easier , hopefully more people will take the burden . also chaos can is pretty good for pure support build now . its also interesting to test what does best for each boss and fractal .


power dps builds including dom and illusion both are fun to play around .only complain is danger time may need some reword or maybe lost in time needs more love . otherwise those two can't be used in any game mode seriously . tho if i want to play dps chrono i usually just start lfg as other class , otherwise people will assume im support .


mirage is pretty much same dps wise .but now u can use phantasm which makes gameplay more engaging .image change also added bit more and cc to mirage .



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My condition build is still very powerful in WvW, while I may not be able to stack 30-40 bleeding like I used to I can stack 45 torment easily with axe. Only problem is that with how Anet having lowered the condition duration you're basically settling at 10-20 stacks of condition the majority of the fight even if you're pulling all the condition duration boost from every resource (gear, runes, nourishment, signet, traits). The problem with this change is that none of my conditions are outlasting resistance which is no help to me at all and when you're dealing with a SB Warrior which has stances and Full-Encounter and **high mobility**, the fight becomes one-sided as I'm incapable of producing any form of damage outside of power and my conditions are used against me, also, with the power increase SB Warrior received in the fix it's literally a one-sided fight.

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Feels overall better in raids, and much better in open world. It does feel a little less flexible in that swapping time warp for moa or alacrity well for anything else hurts your boon output much more as support chrono. Quickness feels tighter than it used to be, but overall it's ok. Both DPS builds feel fine, and being able to shatter when needed on any setup without worrying about phantasms lost is huge.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> PvE: Chrono support is stronger than before and has several variations of builds depending on how hard you want to go on support or healing.

> WvW Group: Mesmer is still absolute and total trash as a dps class. The nerfs to spellbreaker and changes to chrono make it a very strong boonshare support again.


About my experience as well. Enjoying Power Chrono in PvE; phantasms are a hoot.


WvW... I still feel a bit useless if I'm not running a standard boonshare support. If left alone, ranged phantasm chrono seems ok for getting bags and kills, but really struggles if caught unaware. The utility of the phantasms is so low. Mirage is probs a better choice there.

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PvP: S+ tier.


Some Phantasms can hit for more than 50% of the average player HP with one shot (and then fire again because chrono) while the mesmer is using defensive stats and traits. It's an unbeatable 1v1 monster.


Mirage is broken too, mostly because it's impossible to CC them and they have thief-like mobility with amazing spammable burst and CCs.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> PvP: S+ tier.


> Some Phantasms can hit for more than 50% of the average player HP with one shot (and then fire again because chrono) while the mesmer is using defensive stats and traits. It's an unbeatable 1v1 monster.


> Mirage is broken too, mostly because it's impossible to CC them and they have thief-like mobility with amazing spammable burst and CCs.


Inclined to agree in many ways right now, but you gotta realize... This is the first major overhaul in GW2 for any class and as such it will take time to balance the scales. A major part of the problem in my personal opinion is that we’ve not gotten a major buff to our defensive stats since launch, whereas damage has more than tripled since.

We need a defensive stats overhaul to make PvP in any and all its forms, healthy again.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > PvP: S+ tier.

> >

> > Some Phantasms can hit for more than 50% of the average player HP with one shot (and then fire again because chrono) while the mesmer is using defensive stats and traits. It's an unbeatable 1v1 monster.

> >

> > Mirage is broken too, mostly because it's impossible to CC them and they have thief-like mobility with amazing spammable burst and CCs.


> Inclined to agree in many ways right now, but you gotta realize... This is the first major overhaul in GW2 for any class and as such it will take time to balance the scales. A major part of the problem in my personal opinion is that we’ve not gotten a major buff to our defensive stats since launch, whereas damage has more than tripled since.

> We need a defensive stats overhaul to make PvP in any and all its forms, healthy again.


Its also worth to be said that theres no word on any future overhauls for other classes.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > PvP: S+ tier.

> > >

> > > Some Phantasms can hit for more than 50% of the average player HP with one shot (and then fire again because chrono) while the mesmer is using defensive stats and traits. It's an unbeatable 1v1 monster.

> > >

> > > Mirage is broken too, mostly because it's impossible to CC them and they have thief-like mobility with amazing spammable burst and CCs.

> >

> > Inclined to agree in many ways right now, but you gotta realize... This is the first major overhaul in GW2 for any class and as such it will take time to balance the scales. A major part of the problem in my personal opinion is that we’ve not gotten a major buff to our defensive stats since launch, whereas damage has more than tripled since.

> > We need a defensive stats overhaul to make PvP in any and all its forms, healthy again.


> Its also worth to be said that theres no word on any future overhauls for other classes.


That's mainly because no other class is as fundamentally broken on a mechanical level as mesmer was.

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It was a very good rework, to be honest. The numbers may need a bit of tuning in competitive gamemodes still.


Mesmers are the king of support, top tier power and top tier condition in PVE. They're the best or one of the best classes in sPVP. Their place was more or less unchanged in zerg WvW as a utility bot, but their roaming was buffed and is still arguably the best with core war and thief.


Which is a bit spooky, as if they're at the top of every game mode, it's pretty much a guarantee they're going to be nerfed soon lol.


I love not being punished for wanting to press a phantasm though.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > PvP: S+ tier.

> > > >

> > > > Some Phantasms can hit for more than 50% of the average player HP with one shot (and then fire again because chrono) while the mesmer is using defensive stats and traits. It's an unbeatable 1v1 monster.

> > > >

> > > > Mirage is broken too, mostly because it's impossible to CC them and they have thief-like mobility with amazing spammable burst and CCs.

> > >

> > > Inclined to agree in many ways right now, but you gotta realize... This is the first major overhaul in GW2 for any class and as such it will take time to balance the scales. A major part of the problem in my personal opinion is that we’ve not gotten a major buff to our defensive stats since launch, whereas damage has more than tripled since.

> > > We need a defensive stats overhaul to make PvP in any and all its forms, healthy again.

> >

> > Its also worth to be said that theres no word on any future overhauls for other classes.


> That's mainly because no other class is as fundamentally broken on a mechanical level as mesmer was.


Id argue necro and rev are but ehh

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Thief main and wvw focused. The only thing I dislike about the power mesmer is the mantra of disruption and that's only because it somehow stuns me mid dodge - sometimes. apart from that it's fun fighting you guys. Power burst is very dodgable even from stealth because skill animations are still visible (said this in the spvp forum as well) Condi mirage is give or take, if I can land steal then I can fight them other wise I can't keep up with the Condi pressure with just SoA and shadow return.


What would help a lot of people who do have issues or claim mesmer is OP like a lot of people currently do so, should just play a few games in PvP or even just sit in the lobby and muck about, watch skill animations and skill CD.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Thief main and wvw focused. The only thing I dislike about the power mesmer is the mantra of disruption and that's only because it somehow stuns me mid dodge - sometimes. apart from that it's fun fighting you guys. Power burst is very dodgable even from stealth because skill animations are still visible (said this in the spvp forum as well) Condi mirage is give or take, if I can land steal then I can fight them other wise I can't keep up with the Condi pressure with just SoA and shadow return.


> What would help a lot of people who do have issues or claim mesmer is OP like a lot of people currently day so, should just play a few games in PvP or even just sit in the lobby and muck a out, watch skill animations and skill CD.


This. People would much rather complain about something than put the effort into watching the thousands of videos on how to play on or against Mesmer. I think part of the problem is whenever someone new to the game starts playing they think they’re the only ones that have had that problem and immediately launch into nerf mode rather than thinking “huh the game is 5 years old surely someone else has had this problem” and doing the research.

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I think I really dislike how it turned out. Came in with an open mind and now I'm leaning towards negative sentiments. I guess I didn't realize how much(creative) extra utility I had previously, and kind of took that for granted. As a casual player it feels sluggish, less responsive, in some ways. In other ways the apm increases feels pretty awful, and I wasn't exactly lethargic, I had a fairly active rotation. It feels far more same-y across multiple (core) mesmer builds. Instead of feeling like I have more focused abilities as a core mesmer, I feel like all I do is manage clones. which isn't terribly enjoyable for me. Just two cents from a casual player. FBM ~

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I still find condi Mirage to be better in PvP, power Mesmer still has as many annoying flaws as it always had with just a bit more dmg now. Mirage condi remains the best duelist in my opinion and the only real counters to it seem to be Druids and support Firebrands which are less common now with that power meta that we have going.

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To be honest i realy love this changes , my play style didn t changed much, only my effectiveness .

Manage to enter with DPS Chrono to raid ( wasn t the "hard" one it was w4, then W2 first boss ) well it started with a little misunderstand about dps support and dps power , but the rework was 2 days old so damage dealing chrono was new phenomena . Hope this change encourage others to try out this new chrono play style. Mirage part, no more missclick and offhand wep is more active part of mirages arsenal.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> It was a very good rework, to be honest. The numbers may need a bit of tuning in competitive gamemodes still.


> Mesmers are the king of support, top tier power and top tier condition in PVE. They're the best or one of the best classes in sPVP. Their place was more or less unchanged in zerg WvW as a utility bot, but their roaming was buffed and is still arguably the best with core war and thief.


> Which is a bit spooky, as if they're at the top of every game mode, it's pretty much a guarantee they're going to be nerfed soon lol.


> I love not being punished for wanting to press a phantasm though.


wars are the king of support, top tier power and top tier condition in PVE. power soulbeast needs a little bit buff before entering meta .

fixed for you .

joke aside , dps wise power chrono is great with its utilities and dps .they could really work danger time and lost in time . right now mixing assassin gear feel awkward when we have an useless crit chance trait .and anet could just add target swap function to base mesmer weapon . after patch its not a strong selling point on mirage anymore (it wasnt that useful anyway )i don't know why they still hold this one on mirage



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Support Chrono has many more trait variations which is good. BUT. Boon share is more demanding. Its harder to maintain Quickness and Alacrity Duration for everyone (once you drop your rotation, sharing becomes a huge problem. It used to be so much easier to recover). Maintaining 100% alacrity and quickness on yourself is easier.


Every other aspect of chrono is a huge improvement though.

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