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Is buffing numbers a conscience design choice?


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With the introduction of the barrier mechanic, adding more bubbles, more AoE condi cleanse/converting, AoE booncorrupting and whatnot Anet is making it easier and easier to play vs lower numbers without having to worry about misplays or being punished for bad play.

Anet seems to be constantly pushing the number advantage harder every time they balance, which leads to more imbalance.

Not so long ago you could easily punish unorganised groups double your size even if you where unorganised but simply had more effective play.

Why is Anet buffing numbers so hard that the lower numbered side either has to organise to tryhard status to stand a chance, while more likely the majority will not bother to commit to this and will just do something else instead.

The intital tools to turn the favour have sadly become moot and even static play is hardly punished in these situations as it can be simply shrugged off these days.

If this is a consience design choice then i personally have a hard time seeing it justified as it simply keeps lowering the depth of gameplay.

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Braindead karma train is what's keeping WvWvW alive. Anet's focus on this 'aspect' of the game, making it easier for larger groups to come out on top against smaller, more organised, groups is sad to say the least.

Feeding the braindead karma train with these balance changes will ensure people coming back, atleast those who favor from it.

As it has been for ages now that the group with the most players often comes out on top. The importance of being organised was really something then. It also made it more fun, you can say challenging. Now i agree that it's easily shrugged off by having more numbers in your group.

WvWvW has always been that unwanted child of Anet. Not much love, and when it gets love, it's far from any good.





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Agree with he OP 100% any skilled gameplay in WvW died whenever arenanet decided to completely ditch combo fields and finishers (mechanics that actually required coordination, positioning, aiming and timing), to bottomspam mechanics to please casuals and lazy people who just wanna log in join a blob and press 1 to victory. Group fight mechanics in this game are a joke, if the original class designers look what GW2 has become they would kill themselves for being part of it.

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well all thos combo field are stil there, Anet even added cleanse on light fields but they added a movable condi spam wave, game atm has to much movement overall, scourge needs to be rooted on shades need to stay in one place i would give scourge a reflect dome while they are on shades has a trade off, and damage relfected part would fill the barrier pool, what makes it lame is the continous movement while on shades stacked with all courges and fb's, that's Anet balance mistake, but they are good at makind bad to awfull gameplay.


Anet stated in the past that the fields should happen more randomly than extreme coordenated, that was another mistake in the gameplay in wich they kinda tried to change, but then failled with all the must play aoe spam classes and stack to win, stop to blast fields m8 be a mistake due the huge mobility every one end having andalmost fitghs are range aoe and melee aoe skills as well... since ANet class progression is not by stats but by buying the new elite gimmick for low effort gameplay, wich makes it has bad has a vertical gear progression.«, if not worse, since u have to tweak your armor stats for the new elite gimmick.


Theres alot on Anet that players ignore and are easilly manipulated, gw2 dont offer much rather than power creep and spam, if u take out that or balance the game, the poor work on mechanics will start to be noticeable and players will find game boring faster.



In terms of gameplay gw2 is extremelly bad (dont confuse toon animations with gameplay guys).



Game needs less aoe/cleave to make it less spammy. (Anet have been increasing it over time then blame servers cant handle the players number... lol while WVW tends to have less players....)

The aoe that stays needs improvements and trade offs the stronger effect it has.

Damage and condi might be well balance but the "whom classes gameplay is ment for " might be the real culprit here, reason mostly end in extreme powercreep results or spammable heavy gimmicks rotation base.

And anything that does not end carrying the players in a way it not meta, notice that meta in gw2 mostly means play most broken class that sacrifices less, while meta should ment team tactic or gameplay tactic not direct to poewrcreep nor spam wich atm and always be what this game was built in to offer to players.



This is somehting that players need to learn if they want to play decent pvp games or are in search for a decent pvp, games towards heavy gimmick gameplay like gw2 are the oposite of a skilfull gameplay, that is what gimmicks and false roles like gw2 also have were ment for, to make the game simple and easyer for every one form all ages to success w/o being actually good nor put effort to it, they just want players to stay.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @Rampage.7145


> well all thos combo field are stil there, Anet even added cleanse on light fields but they added a movable condi spam wave, game atm has to much movement overall, scourge needs to be rooted on shades need to stay in one place i would give scourge a reflect dome while they are on shades has a trade off, and damage relfected part would fill the barrier pool, what makes it lame is the continous movement while on shades stacked with all courges and fb's, that's Anet balance mistake, but they are good at makind bad to awfull gameplay.


What i mean was that the meta used to be blasting, spinning, leaping tru fields at the start, which required timing, communication, positioning, coordination and mechanical skill to acomplish as a group, and now it is just a buttonmash contest no more group interaction is required other than play a certain spec and mash as many F1 F2 F2 as possible, it is just sad what this game has become.

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> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @Rampage.7145

> >

> > well all thos combo field are stil there, Anet even added cleanse on light fields but they added a movable condi spam wave, game atm has to much movement overall, scourge needs to be rooted on shades need to stay in one place i would give scourge a reflect dome while they are on shades has a trade off, and damage relfected part would fill the barrier pool, what makes it lame is the continous movement while on shades stacked with all courges and fb's, that's Anet balance mistake, but they are good at makind bad to awfull gameplay.

> >

> What i mean was that the meta used to be blasting, spinning, leaping tru fields at the start, which required timing, communication, positioning, coordination and mechanical skill to acomplish as a group, and now it is just a buttonmash contest no more group interaction is required other than play a certain spec and mash as many F1 F2 F2 as possible, it is just sad what this game has become.



I notice that, but overall blastiing is a bit self preparation while ur trying to hide your group, those combo field gameplay are mostly dead cause everything else is AOE SPAM turrets, red marks everywhere where u spend more time dodge and bloking and "kitting" and reallying on your side spam FB and scourges capabilities than all those "good coms blast fields", and that why i tryed to cover the issue with the game where Anet does not want that to happen with fields being used for damage liek they were initially, reson they add tons of aoe that ended substituting the fields, this is a game were mindless stuff happens with poor control of the players since players dont need to know whom or what to hit they are apes with aoe spam stuff trying to hit another apes that want to have more aoe spam capabilties nothing more... and this conflicts with all that gw2 core was.


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> The meta always has to change or the game gets stale and boring deal with it. If you wanna win 10 v 30 you'll have to be on point with builds, skill, bombs, support etc and the enemy has to be bad. That's always how it's been when outnumber fighting past and present.


issue is that they kinda kill rather than add more options to the battlefield wich end in every one using the same class stacking.... there are no metas... just class swaping in the same meta... AOE stacking and more the spam is the better.

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well, I just finished a nice evening where we were constantly fighting larger groups. Or 3 smaller but in sum much larger groups at once. Went really, really well.


Maybe people should stop complaining because change is bad m'kay?


that said, the current barrier/condi spamming necros (why do scourges even need barrier? With their extremely high base hp?) are annoying.

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High reward high risk fails hard .. Most classes put out an insane amount of damage by nearly beeing unkillable.. where´s the sense in that and why isn´t there some sort of negative feedback in case of blobbing .. offtime capping, outnumbering ? Bad state gw2 is in atm and no changes in sight .. alliances won´t fix this all but still the devs are way out of touch ..

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Any devs who do play WvW do so in NA servers.

As such they play the classic pirateship.

So in those rare moments when WvW gets some "balance" it is based on NA gameplay.

As such this is to buff the pirateship meta.


So yes they do it on purpose.


Remember when WvW was a part of map completion?

But PvE players complained due to the fact that they had to fight to get a keep.

The devs pandered to them and removed WvW POIs from map completion.

Would they do the same for WvW-only players? Map completion after getting all the WvW only POIs?!

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altho I was for it at the time, it all started going downhill when they nerfed aoe by lowering the caps. I remember watching videos of 5 eles holding off and eventually beating a zerg. it would be awesome if they went back to that somehow, but it seems impossible not only cuz they are against it but the engine with all the new skill spam couldn't handle it.

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The rule should be simple; if you're not taking damage, you shouldn't be dealing damage.


Used to be true for the most part. And skill coefficients/damage came at the cost of investment and risk.


These days, a few classes just have an excess of everything that's needed, and what's needed is pretty much low-cooldown, massive damage/hard counters and damage immunity effects.


I have a feeling it's not so much a conscious decision for WvW but a byproduct of the fact skills, utils, and traits are all designed around PvE, which does not care about a lack of fun for the enemies or the number of opponents at hand; likely, buffing PvE values to claim addition of "harder" content is the reason why we have what we have; a vocal minority wants "hard" PvE content, and tons of people want to feel OP/be OP. So they add that content in.


It's like playing the batman games; people have literally beat the game by just scripting the attack button to be spammed. The game beats itself and no thought is required whatsoever. And tons of people eat it up like it's great content.


I really do miss the core game. Things are too much a mess because the design is seemingly done strictly by "rule of cool" than what's healthy for gameplay integrity.

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I have to desagree that isnt that conscious, everything in a game product is conscious expecialy damage output and skill formulas the concept of gameplay, if not, it show how poor they care about it of the effort on it is wich imo they just want to have a strong pve numbers, reason they have been most catering at pve stuff.

I think it is Anet way to promote their game as "can be players by most" as in is a easy game just follow the gimmicks that take effort out more than others., reason they dont follow the rule of "more sturdy" means less damage, by giving surviability and damage ouput to some, that is their way to make players feel how strong a new class elite is and buy it realsease after release **wich is the true reason elite traits were added**, it is a "marketing vs further developing decision", to bait n'buy and if u take all that poor care in balance/class design game gets dull cause they dont offer much rather than powercreep every expantion up in a way or another.

Another reason this happens it is cause they advertise the game with no armor progressino system, but in reallity they were forced to do it wih the elite traits, cause players will always go after what is stronger and if they can get carry momments with the new stuff the better for the player.


For some reason i call Anet the "lamersnet" and mostly a game built from lamers to lamers, i know it is blunt, dull etc, to call it but in term of logic and what/how Anet has been changing their game development mentality this m8 be the more accurate to bluntly acuse them of not promoting a good gameplay, since they have prefereces in a more heavy gimmick gameplay.


/sorry about any bad english or if it ended a bit confusing.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @DeceiverX.8361


> I have to desagree that isnt that conscious, everything in a game product is conscious expecialy damage output and skill formulas the concept of gameplay, if not, it show how poor they care about it of the effort on it is wich imo they just want to have a strong pve numbers, reason they have been most catering at pve stuff.

> I think it is Anet way to promote their game as "can be players by most" as in is a easy game just follow the gimmicks that take effort out more than others., reason they dont follow the rule of "more sturdy" means less damage, by giving surviability and damage ouput to some, that is their way to make players feel how strong a new class elite is and buy it realsease after release **wich is the true reason elite traits were added**, it is a "marketing vs further developing decision", to bait n'buy and if u take all that poor care in balance/class design game gets dull cause they dont offer much rather than powercreep every expantion up in a way or another.

> Another reason this happens it is cause they advertise the game with no armor progressino system, but in reallity they were forced to do it wih the elite traits, cause players will always go after what is stronger and if they can get carry momments with the new stuff the better for the player.


> For some reason i call Anet the "lamersnet" and mostly a game built from lamers to lamers, i know it is blunt, dull etc, to call it but in term of logic and what/how Anet has been changing their game development mentality this m8 be the more accurate to bluntly acuse them of not promoting a good gameplay, since they have prefereces in a more heavy gimmick gameplay.


> /sorry about any bad english or if it ended a bit confusing.


If you are this cynical about the game and Anet, why do you even play? If I felt this way about a game or a company, I damn sure wouldn't keep playing it, I'd find something else.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @DeceiverX.8361

> >

> > I have to desagree that isnt that conscious, everything in a game product is conscious expecialy damage output and skill formulas the concept of gameplay, if not, it show how poor they care about it of the effort on it is wich imo they just want to have a strong pve numbers, reason they have been most catering at pve stuff.

> > I think it is Anet way to promote their game as "can be players by most" as in is a easy game just follow the gimmicks that take effort out more than others., reason they dont follow the rule of "more sturdy" means less damage, by giving surviability and damage ouput to some, that is their way to make players feel how strong a new class elite is and buy it realsease after release **wich is the true reason elite traits were added**, it is a "marketing vs further developing decision", to bait n'buy and if u take all that poor care in balance/class design game gets dull cause they dont offer much rather than powercreep every expantion up in a way or another.

> > Another reason this happens it is cause they advertise the game with no armor progressino system, but in reallity they were forced to do it wih the elite traits, cause players will always go after what is stronger and if they can get carry momments with the new stuff the better for the player.

> >

> > For some reason i call Anet the "lamersnet" and mostly a game built from lamers to lamers, i know it is blunt, dull etc, to call it but in term of logic and what/how Anet has been changing their game development mentality this m8 be the more accurate to bluntly acuse them of not promoting a good gameplay, since they have prefereces in a more heavy gimmick gameplay.

> >

> > /sorry about any bad english or if it ended a bit confusing.


> If you are this cynical about the game and Anet, why do you even play? If I felt this way about a game or a company, I kitten sure wouldn't keep playing it, I'd find something else.


Which is why I do not respond to that poster. Most of the posts can be boiled down to 'the game is PVE and horrible' and 'Anet wants it to be a karma train'


So... I have stopped responding to this poster as it appears that the results are not constructive.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @DeceiverX.8361

> > >

> > > I have to desagree that isnt that conscious, everything in a game product is conscious expecialy damage output and skill formulas the concept of gameplay, if not, it show how poor they care about it of the effort on it is wich imo they just want to have a strong pve numbers, reason they have been most catering at pve stuff.

> > > I think it is Anet way to promote their game as "can be players by most" as in is a easy game just follow the gimmicks that take effort out more than others., reason they dont follow the rule of "more sturdy" means less damage, by giving surviability and damage ouput to some, that is their way to make players feel how strong a new class elite is and buy it realsease after release **wich is the true reason elite traits were added**, it is a "marketing vs further developing decision", to bait n'buy and if u take all that poor care in balance/class design game gets dull cause they dont offer much rather than powercreep every expantion up in a way or another.

> > > Another reason this happens it is cause they advertise the game with no armor progressino system, but in reallity they were forced to do it wih the elite traits, cause players will always go after what is stronger and if they can get carry momments with the new stuff the better for the player.

> > >

> > > For some reason i call Anet the "lamersnet" and mostly a game built from lamers to lamers, i know it is blunt, dull etc, to call it but in term of logic and what/how Anet has been changing their game development mentality this m8 be the more accurate to bluntly acuse them of not promoting a good gameplay, since they have prefereces in a more heavy gimmick gameplay.

> > >

> > > /sorry about any bad english or if it ended a bit confusing.

> >

> > If you are this cynical about the game and Anet, why do you even play? If I felt this way about a game or a company, I kitten sure wouldn't keep playing it, I'd find something else.


> Which is why I do not respond to that poster. Most of the posts can be boiled down to 'the game is PVE and horrible' and 'Anet wants it to be a karma train'


> So... I have stopped responding to this poster as it appears that the results are not constructive.


Noted, and thanks for the heads-up.

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