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An Alt-O-Holic's Plea


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Hello Anet & fellow GW2 players!


I am back with a similar request I made sometime last year, as I am still hopeful this will happen. I am a complete alt-o-holic, and I am looking to reach a cap that will make my collection of characters complete. Last time I made a thread about this subject, someone proposed bumping the character limit to 90 - giving the possibility for every race/gender/profession combination. This would be absolutely perfect, and I would be so grateful to have those extra 20 slots!


I have been told just to make a second account so I can create more, but I would prefer to keep everything on the same account I have put so much into, and anything over 90 I think would be too much (I hope...). Creating new characters have always been a passion of mine, and making complete sets is satisfying, but currently I am 2 slots short of having my full 8 sets of every profession.


Another request, which I'm sure has been frequently brought up already, but I was excited when new faces and hairstyles were brought in for humans with PoF - can we expect the same for the other races? That would be greatly appreciated!


As with the last thread I posted about this subject, it's always nice to hear about my fellow alt-o-holics and all collections, so please share them here!

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I have 42 characters currently, mainly due to fashion wars. The main change that I'm still hoping for is to be able to preview auras like the poly luminescent refractor or snow diamond infusion in both the wardrobe tab so that you can see how it looks with your design and in the makeover kit panel if your character is wearing said aura/infusion.


Always a fan of more qol changes though.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> I can't conceive of how someone can have that many characters. How do you even decide which one to log into?


If each one of the OP's proposed 90 is parked at a JP and it takes roughly a minute to swap toons, load, loot, and swap, then it would take over an hour per night just to gather, without, you now, actually playing the game.


That said, if someone wants to spend to unlock 90 or 120 character slots, I'm all for it (for them, not for me). My guess is that ANet has a much lower limit because it makes the size & content of each account's database more manageable. There are probably all sorts of headaches avoid by having arbitrary limits on bag slots, character slots, material storage 'depth', shared inventory slots, and so on. And I'd further guess that we haven't quite reached those limits and ANet will dole out a few cap-breaking changes each year.

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While we're at it, it'd be nice to have--in the character loading screen--a dropdown list or some other form of quickly finding a character in your stable. Instead of having to slide across over and over and over and then often missing the character I'm looking for. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. It's even worse when I change gear and don't even notice I'm looking right at the character I want to log in with and happily go sliding farther down the list for no reason. Sounds silly, but it's an issue I deal with every day. :)

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I'm nowhere near the cap - I've sworn I won't go above my current limit of 11 characters and a spare slot (one of each race/gender + an extra female sylvari, or one of every profession + an extra ele and engi for elite specs). My rule is I can't add more unless they make Tengu a playable race...because then my 12th man will be a tengu called Sea Hawk.


But I completely understand wanting 'sets' of characters and if you want a lot then 90 - one of each race/gender/profession combination - seems like a logical maximum. While our current cap of 74 (I think) doesn't seem to fit with anything.


It's one of those things where it might be a niche request, but it doesn't seem like it would hurt anyone and it appears relatively simple for Anet to do (since they have raised the cap before). Plus it would make them money - even if only one person buys the extras, at $10 a slot that's $160, which should at least cover the cost of paying someone to make the change. So overall it seems like there's more benefit to doing it than not.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> May I add to your plea that we can have a search function that works across all characters?


> I'm also an alto-holic and I constantly lose my Legendaries, I play atleast 15+ characters a day.


One thing that could actually be helpful for this is gw2efficiency.com as it has a search function for your entire account and allows you to cycle through individual characters and their inventories as well. It's the best GW2 resource I've seen and keeps up with everything, even having a function that tells you when your next character will be getting a birthday gift, so it may be worth checking out. ^^

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> @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

> While we're at it, it'd be nice to have--in the character loading screen--a dropdown list or some other form of quickly finding a character in your stable. Instead of having to slide across over and over and over and then often missing the character I'm looking for. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. It's even worse when I change gear and don't even notice I'm looking right at the character I want to log in with and happily go sliding farther down the list for no reason. Sounds silly, but it's an issue I deal with every day. :)


I only have 10 characters currently, and a list is already something I would find useful. I eventually hope to have one for each elite spec, so this would prove quite useful.

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Bet if they raised the cap, you'll be asking for more slots next year. It's how addiction works m8 ;)

I don't really care as I have one char per class and two extra slots and I'm fine with it, wasn't even aware there was a cap on character slots. Guess I'm fine with raising it then :)

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Only at 37 slots at the moment, but an increase on the cap is always welcome, I'm always willing to spend gems for another slot.


I also do wonder when people go on about build templates and the like, changing to the required build is easy, you just log on to the correct character, we just need not to get turfed out of wvw when we do it.

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Really though, ANet, can we get a better loading screen that shows more characters? That tiny scroll with no keyboard command (PgUp/PgDn would be *great*) and only 7-8 slots per line is just terrible for alt-lovers.


> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I, too, would love to have 90 asura characters.


You could start your own college!



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> @"Moonlit.6421" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > May I add to your plea that we can have a search function that works across all characters?

> >

> > I'm also an alto-holic and I constantly lose my Legendaries, I play atleast 15+ characters a day.


> One thing that could actually be helpful for this is gw2efficiency.com as it has a search function for your entire account and allows you to cycle through individual characters and their inventories as well. It's the best GW2 resource I've seen and keeps up with everything, even having a function that tells you when your next character will be getting a birthday gift, so it may be worth checking out. ^^


I use it all the time but opening a 3rd party website all the time to do it can be annoying

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> @"archive.8406" said:

> Hello Anet & fellow GW2 players!


> I am back with a similar request I made sometime last year, as I am still hopeful this will happen. I am a complete alt-o-holic, and I am looking to reach a cap that will make my collection of characters complete. Last time I made a thread about this subject, someone proposed bumping the character limit to 90 - giving the possibility for every race/gender/profession combination. This would be absolutely perfect, and I would be so grateful to have those extra 20 slots!


> I have been told just to make a second account so I can create more, but I would prefer to keep everything on the same account I have put so much into, and anything over 90 I think would be too much (I hope...). Creating new characters have always been a passion of mine, and making complete sets is satisfying, but currently I am 2 slots short of having my full 8 sets of every profession.


I have 45 toons, spread across 2 accounts (two race/profession combo's missing as yet, with a couple of duplicate mesmers I needed for utility at one point). Having 2 accounts is actually quite useful at times - I double-head my monitors, and most days I run a copy of the game on both for a short while at least. And there are definitely situations where it's really useful to be able to party up with yourself, and give yourself a helping hand (so to speak). The down side is account-bound stuff, obviously (gems are a pain; I like to buy when they're low and build up a stock, but 2 ccounts mean I have to plan ahead more for what I'm going to spend on) and the occasional double hit when ANet launch something new or useful. Overall, I think it's worth it - but I wouldn't go to a third one.


What **I'd** like would be the chance to tell ANet "These two accounts are both mine - treat them as one for account-bound purposes." But I don't see that happening (and I can see plenty of reasons why it won't).


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