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What's your opinion on Super Adventure Box availability?

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Its my strong opinion that SAB has been a waste of resources, and continuing to put in more resources is only more wasteful.

> They completely ruined gliders, and I have a strong fear this april we’ll get SAB mounts which will be the end of my patience with that farce


It's a gift to players that love platforming. Although you might not like it (and a big minority as well seems to be indifferent towards SAB) there's a big group of players that still adores it.


IMO it's good they halted development on SAB worlds since it doesn't cater to a chunk of the audience. But consider it an experiment to see how the fanbase reacts and what the fanbase puts priority in terms of entertainment.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Its my strong opinion that SAB has been a waste of resources, and continuing to put in more resources is only more wasteful.

> They completely ruined gliders, and I have a strong fear this april we’ll get SAB mounts which will be the end of my patience with that farce


Ya know, its fine that you dislike SAB. But its not right to call it wasteful. There are those of us who greatly enjoy the content. Heck, that gw2 efficiency site that was linked earlier shows that more players have played SAB than the raids if you go by achievement percentage.


If it was just for my personal opinion, I would rather have 100 SAB worlds than 1 more raid. To me raids completely ruined open world bosses by drawing the focus away from amazing content like Tequatl and instead locking it up in instances. I was always in the raids don't belong in GW2 crowd, to me bosses like Tequatl were better than any raid, but I won't begrudge another player for their enjoyment of raids (or any future skins/mounts they may get).


At the end of the day, the goal of a game is to have fun. The goal of a MMO is to have fun in the same world as others. Playing with others means compromise as everybody has different tastes. Very few MMO players will play all aspects of the game, but it is never wasteful to develop more content for your players. Next month we will get SAB, maybe the patch will be something in the game that you enjoy which we don't.

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I could have gone a few different ways with this poll, but I do love SAB and if it were updated frequently enough and expanded sufficiently (more worlds, more rewards, maybe some dailies) I would like to see it around full-time. Would I pay for that? You bet I would! But free is always better! On the other hand, with only the same 2 worlds and the likely prospect of no significant additions, it is probably fine where it is as a festival.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Its my strong opinion that SAB has been a waste of resources, and continuing to put in more resources is only more wasteful.

> > They completely ruined gliders, and I have a strong fear this april we’ll get SAB mounts which will be the end of my patience with that farce


> May I ask why you don't like it so much? I know it's 8bit platforming with the guns and boombox, but that is all I know of it.


I like 8bit games, but when i want to play an 8bit game, I'll play one.

This is not 8bit. This is 3d-HD, and especially the music sounds like they gave a bunch of squirrels coffee and released it in the music chamber.


It doesn't look 8bit, it doesn't sound 8bit.

The platforming aspect is fun, but even if the idea is fun, if you make it ugly and noisy is nothing but a thorn in the game.


And it's the same with gliders. Seeing the rainbow-cloud glider in the open world, especially during raids, is giving me nothing less of a reason to groan. SAB gliders don't belong in the 'real' world.


And the reason I'm calling it wasteful is, any resources spend on SAB is a resource not spend on raids, fractals, LWS, current events or other festivals.

I much rather they put SAB on a permanent 'maintenance mode' and put the actual resources in making the missing festivals like Meatober, or more current events of which i think we're getting too few

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SAB must remain a festival.


The only way it could be kept permanently is by limiting what can be done while it's not the festival.


For example, you could do all the achievements all year long, but only get the weapons and other rewards during the festival.


There could also be an increased cost to enter when it's not the festival. For example, you'd need the infinite coin or a tradeable token that drops only from jumping puzzle chests to enter SAB outside the festival time.

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I would be done with SAB if it were out all year long. It would probably suffer the same fate as dungeons and people wouldnt play it much.


The amount of grind for stuff is substantial enough that we're probably better of that its available in smaller dosis only.


The immersion etc etc.. SAB to me feels a bit like Star Treks Holodeck. I wouldnt mind some.. well different games even. Theres more out there than just retro platformers.


Which is exactly why to me its mostly just a retrofestival really. Like a yearly ingame Arcade.

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SAB is one of those seasonal things where everyone goes off to do it for a few weeks, and guild activities kind of take a backstep (just anything else seasonal/new). It's fun for a few weeks but it just doesn't have the shelf life to be a permanent feature.


I like campy stuff as much as the next person, but I don't really want to pay money for it. Not even if they had SAB mount skins...because they probably will and we'll see those year-round like the boom box.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > I love a going to a cafe and getting a high quality coffee. I could buy a machine at home to give me the same thing, but then going out to get a coffee wouldnt be as fun anymore :)


> That's a dumb argument, you don't stop going out just because you can drink at home anyway.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > And this game is really lacking regarding side-activities for that matter.

> >

> > 55 Non-seasonal Jumping Puzzles, 4 Activities, 15 HoT Adventures, 18 PoF Griffon Adventures, 7 Non-seasonal Mount Races

> > This game may be lacking a few things. Side-activities is not one of them.


> How many of those are replayable, hm?


All of them. Every last one is replayable.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> The amount of grind for stuff is substantial enough that we're probably better of that its available in smaller dosis only.


That's kinda contradictory. You want smaller doses, but then people need to rush and farm it if they want to get the rewards in time.


Were it permanent, people wouldn't feel forced to focus exclusively on SAB during the festival. You could do tribulation mode at your own pace, no hurries.


> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > I love a going to a cafe and getting a high quality coffee. I could buy a machine at home to give me the same thing, but then going out to get a coffee wouldnt be as fun anymore :)

> >

> > That's a dumb argument, you don't stop going out just because you can drink at home anyway.

> >

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > And this game is really lacking regarding side-activities for that matter.

> > >

> > > 55 Non-seasonal Jumping Puzzles, 4 Activities, 15 HoT Adventures, 18 PoF Griffon Adventures, 7 Non-seasonal Mount Races

> > > This game may be lacking a few things. Side-activities is not one of them.

> >

> > How many of those are replayable, hm?

> >

> All of them. Every last one is replayable.


We must have a different concept of what replayability is. For starters, I don't see any of those giving any meaningful rewards after the first completion. Some don't even have any meaningful rewards even in the first completion.

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Personally, SAB wouldn't be as special if it were available to play year-round. It would lose its charm after a while. I like the seasonal availability of it, even if we don't get any new worlds and instead only weapon re-colors (crossing my fingers for purple this year).

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > The amount of grind for stuff is substantial enough that we're probably better of that its available in smaller dosis only.


> That's kinda contradictory. You want smaller doses, but then people need to rush and farm it if they want to get the rewards in time.


> Were it permanent, people wouldn't feel forced to focus exclusively on SAB during the festival. You could do tribulation mode at your own pace, no hurries.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > I love a going to a cafe and getting a high quality coffee. I could buy a machine at home to give me the same thing, but then going out to get a coffee wouldnt be as fun anymore :)

> > >

> > > That's a dumb argument, you don't stop going out just because you can drink at home anyway.

> > >

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > > And this game is really lacking regarding side-activities for that matter.

> > > >

> > > > 55 Non-seasonal Jumping Puzzles, 4 Activities, 15 HoT Adventures, 18 PoF Griffon Adventures, 7 Non-seasonal Mount Races

> > > > This game may be lacking a few things. Side-activities is not one of them.

> > >

> > > How many of those are replayable, hm?

> > >

> > All of them. Every last one is replayable.


> We must have a different concept of what replayability is. For starters, I don't see any of those giving any meaningful rewards after the first completion. Some don't even have any meaningful rewards even in the first completion.


Replayability means, by definition, the "ability" to be "played" repeatedly. Rewards for repetition are nice, I suppose, but are not necessary for something to be replayed.

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