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Exposure on Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit

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This complaint physically hurts me.


Obviously it does not have practical use.

It is aesthetic.

The dynamic exo-suit would clearly be used more for combat, hazmat-type jobs, but this one is clearly to just walk around in.


To look snazzy, while having the extra shinies. Why are people trying to overanalyze everything like it's a national issue. It's a suit that asura want to look good in, that's it.


Move on. You don't like it, we know. We don't need a public announcement.

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It's kind of funny the number of people that post without reading the post they're replying to. That aside, isn't this kind of the opposite problem that occurred with legendary armor? I remember reading a small snip-it of it on dulfy.

>Note that due to feedback from players, the female version of Charr and Asura armor will be made identical to the male version in a later patch.


These sorts of problems to tend to arise when you aim to make the female version "identical" to the male version. Of course, this was specifically about the legendary armor, but I imagine it influenced subsequent internal design decisions.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> It's kind of funny the number of people that post without reading the post they're replying to. That aside, isn't this kind of the opposite problem that occurred with legendary armor? I remember reading a small snip-it of it on dulfy.

> >Note that due to feedback from players, the female version of Charr and Asura armor will be made identical to the male version in a later patch.


> These sorts of problems to tend to arise when you aim to make the female version "identical" to the male version. Of course, this was specifically about the legendary armor, but I imagine it influenced subsequent internal design decisions.


The problem with the legendary (precursor?) armor was that the female version had... well... a human female shape to the chest. It was matched to anatomy that charr and asura females just don't have, and it looked awful.


Charr and asura generally have gender neutral clothing, which tend to match the male versions of the gear on other races. The asuran female exo-suit looks like the male one, just as it should.

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The thing is, it's not exposed to danger. It's got a force field over it. Asura use force fields to retain tons of water, to walk on, as structural components of buildings, to restrain horribly dangerous beasts. They probably have full confidence in the protective value of a force field incorporated into their garments.


I understand the issues that can arise from molding human male designed outfits onto female asura bodies (though I don't see any reason asura would object to visible chests any more than they do to visible arms -- the oddity is how much they display their *ears* which to the asura are the bodily area of attraction, the larger the more exciting or at least the more attractive). I just don't think the "combat vulnerable" argument applies to this particular one.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> It's kind of funny the number of people that post without reading the post they're replying to. That aside, isn't this kind of the opposite problem that occurred with legendary armor? I remember reading a small snip-it of it on dulfy.

> >Note that due to feedback from players, the female version of Charr and Asura armor will be made identical to the male version in a later patch.


> These sorts of problems to tend to arise when you aim to make the female version "identical" to the male version. Of course, this was specifically about the legendary armor, but I imagine it influenced subsequent internal design decisions.


^that was one of the worst decisions Anet have ever made.


Stop being cheap with the female versions and make proper ones rather than copy-paste the male version.




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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> But why do Asura hide that? There's nothing there on either gender?


That's actually untrue. There was an old forum post entitled 'Lore and Mechanics Interview with Eric Flannum' where Eric, the Game Director (Lead Game Designer) from 2005-2015, said this:


**Q:** _How easy it will be to determine the gender of Asura characters? Do female Asura have breasts?_

**Eric:** _Asura are mammals and female asura do have mammary glands, however they are not particularly prominent the way they are in humans or norn. For the sake of physical attraction, asura place much more importance on the ears, eyes, and shape of the head (larger head equals larger cranial capacity of course!) than anything else. As for telling the genders apart, female asura tend to have much softer and fine features than males and wear their hair differently._


On female asura, the one-piece swimsuit style of undergarments would hide all of their relevant anatomy which is simply not portrayed on character models because no one needs to see it. This is true for all racial character models which are _not_ anatomically correct for the sake of keeping this game suitable for a PG-13 audience but lorewise, Eric says that there is more there than the game is willing to show us.


"Not prominent" does not mean nonexistent, which means that the absence of any physical indicators of where their mammary glands would be located is more of a game model limitation rather than an indication of how they should appear if all the models were anatomically correct.

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> @"Krypto.2069" said:

> -Is this a :trollface: post? :confused:

> -Idk, maybe it's a :trollface: post.


> -Maybe? C'mon, is this _really_ a :trollface: post? :confounded:

> -Perhaps, kinda, sorta... this is a :trollface: post.


> -**SERIOUSLY**, is this a kitten :trollface: **POST or WHAT!?!?** :rage:

> -Yes, I think **FOR SURE**... this is **DEFINITELY** a :trollface: post!


> -Ok, that's what I thought. :-1:

> Dam :trollface: :trollface: :trollface: !!!


I wish. Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a thread complaining about a coat in Dragon Age Inquisition that had a "butt window". Of course, the actual coat was copied after a split tail suit coat, but ya' know, people gotta be offended about something.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> The thing is, it's not exposed to danger. It's got a force field over it. Asura use force fields to retain tons of water, to walk on, as structural components of buildings, to restrain horribly dangerous beasts. They probably have full confidence in the protective value of a force field incorporated into their garments.


> I understand the issues that can arise from molding human male designed outfits onto female asura bodies (though I don't see any reason asura would object to visible chests any more than they do to visible arms -- the oddity is how much they display their *ears* which to the asura are the bodily area of attraction, the larger the more exciting or at least the more attractive). I just don't think the "combat vulnerable" argument applies to this particular one.


Our little friend Oggy can tell you



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Plenty of warriors and combatants have opted out of wearing the **armor of the nine**


> Celtics, Spartans, and Native American fought nearly nude, and their deaths in battle wold be far more gory than a GW2 fatality.


> A more recent lot of insufficiently covered fighters would be Vietnam War era American soldiers.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/zHm5u6j.jpg "")


> That guy has a bit more than his midriff exposed. Land-mines, bullets, rockets, and napalm are all able to wipe him out no sweat.


> The point is sometimes people just don't care and will wear whatever they want, even it it goes against "logic".


I think the reason the guys dressed like that was because it was wet and hot as hell over there. If you didn't suffer from heat exhaustion, you'd suffer from a multitude of rashes and infections.


Anyway, I'm a bit surprised this armor is so hotly debated.

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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > OP never said it was a "problem", only stated that he does not like it. That is what a discussion forum is for, stating your opinion, asking for other opinions, discuss.

> > Also, the word "indecent" does not seem to refer to his own standards of decency, but to what he percieves as the game lore standard for Asura decency.

> > Stop jumping on every little negative thing any person says, behave like adults and discuss in a discussion forum, instead of just trampling on other's opinions.

> >

> > Most thought out posts imo are by TWMagimay.9057, the swimsuit look of Asura underwear might indeed have just other historical/cultural reasons than everything that they cover being a taboo. Still, calling it "clickbait" in case he cannot prove the lore standard for Asuran indecency was inappropriate.

> >

> >


> He didn't just fail to prove a lore standard, he admitted he never had one to begin with. The phrase "indecent exposure" has a very clear meaning and the costume does not meet the requirements in any way, shape or form. Thus the title does not reflect the content of the topic and has a purposefully misleading phrase with strong (negative) connotations. What would you call it if not "clickbait"? Or was an exposed belly exactly what you expected to see when you clicked on this topic?


Nonsense. His assumption is based on Asura underwear covering way more than other race's and he said so. And I expected a post about indecent exposure, which it is. The title says nothing about what standards the indecency is based on so if YOU expected more than the post, you assumed too much, nothing more to it.

His assumption may be wrong, that still doesn't make this clickbait though.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/70caxJn.png "")



> I think I've got you all beat in inapproriateness.


Take those gloves off, they offend me! xD


Anyway for the OP, in all seriousness there are a few "revealing" armour for asura already (ie tribal) which you could say don't make sense culturally (though I don't know how much truth there is in that), but I don't find any of them indecent, especially this exo-suit. Looks quite good to be honest.


Realistically the "one piece swimsuit" is more down to asura looking like children rather than the fictitious culture, so of course care has to be taken not to portray this inappropriately in a game.

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