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can we make the griffon actually obtainable ?

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> @"Orimidu.9604" said:

> Classic "works for me so it should work for you" nonsense.

It's only nonsense if you agree that "I can't figure out how it works" is the same as "it doesn't work."


> There's a simple solution to this, and that is ANet adding Living World elements to more PoF maps. There's not much reason for us to revisit old Crystal Desert maps after we've finished our collections and whatever we wanted to do. ANet could easily add more sidequests connected to Living World to PoF maps to keep players in those zones.

That's only simple to describe; it's not at all simple to implement. And it wouldn't help the OP, because people who currently avoid fighting the Facet would be tackling these other sidequests and still not go out of their way.


The OP could have written: _I need to defeat the Corrupted Facet to get my Griffon and I don't seem to be able find or form a group in LFG that can do so successfully. Can anyone offer me some suggestions, so I can get my wings?_ I hope you can see how that would have started a different sort of thread with different sorts of responses.


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I purely play solo, and even I could get the griffon. Sure at first I also dreaded the group events needed to complete the collection. But I just had to gather courage and set aside my anxieties for the goal.


Facet is probably the most popular bounty, and Crystal Oasis is the most common zone for bounty trains. If you're trying for the griffon, that means other people could also be wanting the same thing you want. Thus many players would be glad to join you to beat the bounty. Same for Deadhouse. Just hang around, look around, ask around.

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Getting the Gold is the easiest part, you can literally farm it in 2 days just by hopping on to do Palawadan every 2 hours and then log off and do whatever you want for 90 minutes. One week max if your free time is too limited. Getting Gold is ridiculously easy in this game, thanks to timed events. You don't even have to sit online all day and search for groups, just log on for 20 mins when Pala starts, that's about it. And for the facet/other events, you always have map chat and LFG.

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well in all this time i managed to see one bounty train so i guess i have bad timing

regardless i done that, honestly the only bounty i couldnt fathom killing with less than 10 players was the legendary facet and only because the fragments are so tanky it takes the player skill and awareness factor out of the equation , luckily my bounty train had like 30 people .


but yeah all i need now is a bajillion gold

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> but yeah all i need now is a bajillion gold

"only" 250 ;)


For some people, that's trivial: play TP, farm Istan or Silverwastes for "a few days". For others, it's daunting: 4 months of saving the 2g from dailies.


You can check whether you have any hidden assets you can divest by using [GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/) to visually inspect your bank, alts, and material storage. If there's not enough there, you can consider farming. And often the best way to 'earn' money is to stop spending it.


You might also have some currencies that can be converted into gold (although sometimes, that just feels like a different sort of grindy farm).


Let us know (preferably in a new thread) if you get super stuck on the gold-acquisition part and we can probably offer more specific advice that suits your playstyle.



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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours


> Griffin is as core as ascended gear


and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> >

> > Griffin is as core as ascended gear


> and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.


crafting ascended gear costs alot more then the 250 for griffon


and bounties are part of PoF

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > >

> > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> >

> > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.


> crafting ascended gear costs alot more then the 250 for griffon


> and bounties are part of PoF


it only costs more if you buy the mats, not when you earn it while playing.

and bounties are an optional part, i see them like raids, optional and useless.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > > >

> > > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> > >

> > > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.

> >

> > crafting ascended gear costs alot more then the 250 for griffon

> >

> > and bounties are part of PoF


> it only costs more if you buy the mats, not when you earn it while playing.

> and bounties are an optional part, i see them like raids, optional and useless.


even if you ''earn'' those mats

they still have value wich you could have sold


it does not become free.


and while bounties are optional


SO is the griffon

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> >

> > Griffin is as core as ascended gear


> and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.


Getting sufficient laurels to fully outfit a character with ascended trinkets takes months. Since the griffon is unlocked for all characters simultaneously, with no need to move it from character to character, it would be more accurately comparable to getting ascended trinkets for all characters on the account...which could take many more months.


Crafting ascended ascended armor first requires that you level your crafting, get the specific recipe, and gather/buy materials.


Then start gathering for weapons.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > >

> > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> >

> > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.


> Getting sufficient laurels to fully outfit a character with ascended trinkets takes months. Since the griffon is unlocked for all characters simultaneously, with no need to move it from character to character, it would be more accurately comparable to getting ascended trinkets for all characters on the account...which could take many more months.


> Crafting ascended ascended armor first requires that you level your crafting, get the specific recipe, and gather/buy materials.


> Then start gathering for weapons.


and all that doesn't take any achievements or killing a legendary enemy, the griffon does.

i can get an ascended armor without actually going for it, just take my time and play the game.

getting the griffon takes me from normal play, having to do stuff i normally would never ever do and making me kill an enemy i rather stay away from as far as humanly possible.


i don't care about time, i care about the trouble behind it.

every single piece of ascended gear is obtainable without even putting one single foot in any achievement or legendary battles, that's already allot better then a mount that takes me out of my normal play and pretty much forces me to do stuff i would never see as fun.


IMO the griffon should be done like the jackal, complete a heart ones and enough gold+ trade contracts.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > > >

> > > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> > >

> > > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.

> >

> > Getting sufficient laurels to fully outfit a character with ascended trinkets takes months. Since the griffon is unlocked for all characters simultaneously, with no need to move it from character to character, it would be more accurately comparable to getting ascended trinkets for all characters on the account...which could take many more months.

> >

> > Crafting ascended ascended armor first requires that you level your crafting, get the specific recipe, and gather/buy materials.

> >

> > Then start gathering for weapons.


> and all that doesn't take any achievements or killing a legendary enemy, the griffon does.

> i can get an ascended armor without actually going for it, just take my time and play the game.

> getting the griffon takes me from normal play, having to do stuff i normally would never ever do and making me kill an enemy i rather stay away from as far as humanly possible.


> i don't care about time, i care about the trouble behind it.

> every single piece of ascended gear is obtainable without even putting one single foot in any achievement or legendary battles, that's already allot better then a mount that takes me out of my normal play and pretty much forces me to do stuff i would never see as fun.


> IMO the griffon should be done like the jackal, complete a heart ones and enough gold+ trade contracts.


its a optional mount.

if you don't like doin the quest for it .

don't do it. the griffon isn't needed for anything

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> IMO the griffon should be done like the jackal, complete a heart ones and enough gold+ trade contracts.


You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. ANet believes differently. I don't expect that they will change things with regards to obtaining the griffon at this point. Sorry. :(

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I just joined a bounty train last night at like 9pm my time and got the facet. Collecting the eggs was easy peasy, but you do need to level up your mount masteries (mainly the hopper). Dulfy has a great guide.


Edit: If you’re hurting for gold I recommend taking time to learn fractals. It’s a pretty solid source of gold, throw in core dailies and world bosses like Teq you can make 19-22g+ per day depending.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > > >

> > > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> > >

> > > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.

> >

> > Getting sufficient laurels to fully outfit a character with ascended trinkets takes months. Since the griffon is unlocked for all characters simultaneously, with no need to move it from character to character, it would be more accurately comparable to getting ascended trinkets for all characters on the account...which could take many more months.

> >

> > Crafting ascended ascended armor first requires that you level your crafting, get the specific recipe, and gather/buy materials.

> >

> > Then start gathering for weapons.


> and all that doesn't take any achievements or killing a legendary enemy, the griffon does.

> i can get an ascended armor without actually going for it, just take my time and play the game.

> getting the griffon takes me from normal play, having to do stuff i normally would never ever do and making me kill an enemy i rather stay away from as far as humanly possible.


> i don't care about time, i care about the trouble behind it.

> every single piece of ascended gear is obtainable without even putting one single foot in any achievement or legendary battles, that's already allot better then a mount that takes me out of my normal play and pretty much forces me to do stuff i would never see as fun.


> IMO the griffon should be done like the jackal, complete a heart ones and enough gold+ trade contracts.


legendary enemy literally means nothing in this game

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"Supz.9836" said:

> > > > > I already have the Griffin and agree with OP , something as core as the Griffon should be soloable at least during low peak hours

> > > >

> > > > Griffin is as core as ascended gear

> > >

> > > and ascended gear (trinkets at least) only takes some laurels, armor can be crafted with just a little bit of effort.

> > > the griffon however, takes 5 achievements completed with a legendary enemy killed and 250g, allot more then ascended gear.

> >

> > Getting sufficient laurels to fully outfit a character with ascended trinkets takes months. Since the griffon is unlocked for all characters simultaneously, with no need to move it from character to character, it would be more accurately comparable to getting ascended trinkets for all characters on the account...which could take many more months.

> >

> > Crafting ascended ascended armor first requires that you level your crafting, get the specific recipe, and gather/buy materials.

> >

> > Then start gathering for weapons.


> and all that doesn't take any achievements or killing a legendary enemy, the griffon does.

> i can get an ascended armor without actually going for it, just take my time and play the game.

> getting the griffon takes me from normal play, having to do stuff i normally would never ever do and making me kill an enemy i rather stay away from as far as humanly possible.


> i don't care about time, i care about the trouble behind it.

> every single piece of ascended gear is obtainable without even putting one single foot in any achievement or legendary battles, that's already allot better then a mount that takes me out of my normal play and pretty much forces me to do stuff i would never see as fun.


> IMO the griffon should be done like the jackal, complete a heart ones and enough gold+ trade contracts.


And I got the griffon with no trouble, in less than a week, while I have yet to acquire a full set of ascended gear for my main more than 5 years in. You apparently dont like fighting legendary foes, I dont like crafting.

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> well in all this time i managed to see one bounty train so i guess i have bad timing

> regardless i done that, honestly the only bounty i couldnt fathom killing with less than 10 players was the legendary facet and only because the fragments are so tanky it takes the player skill and awareness factor out of the equation , luckily my bounty train had like 30 people .


> but yeah all i need now is a bajillion gold


For someone that got a legendary, a bajillion shouldn't be a problem.

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