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Idea for new Content

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It would be cool if anet released some sort of DLC for $5-$10 that added a bunch of unique skins or new legendaries that could be completed via collections. These collections could become unlocked account wide after buying the DLC. I think it would be a good way to incentivize getting new skins and having more to do.


I still remember when they said they would have a full set of new legendaries by 1Q of 2013 lol... would be nice to get those and 3rd generation legendaries sometime soon.

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I bought the GW1 Bonus Mission Pack and enjoyed it. I wouldnt be interested in buying DLC that required completing a collection in existing maps to unlock new skins, but a DLC dungeon (or something of the sort) with unique rewards would get me to open my wallet.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Not sure why anyone would think that the cost of making. lots of armor and weapon sets and legendary journeys would be covered by a $5-10 content pack.


Me neither. I also fail to see why this would be more attractive to ArenaNet than, for example, putting another black lion weapon set in the store.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> It would be cool if anet released some sort of DLC for $5-$10 that added a bunch of unique skins or new legendaries that could be completed via collections. These collections could become unlocked account wide after buying the DLC. I think it would be a good way to incentivize getting new skins and having more to do.


> I still remember when they said they would have a full set of new legendaries by 1Q of 2013 lol... would be nice to get those and 3rd generation legendaries sometime soon.


They do have a sort of DLC for 5 bucks: it's called the Living World (currently we're in season 4, episode 2). There are new skins with most episodes, mostly completed by collections and all gated behind the DLC.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Not sure why anyone would think that the cost of making. lots of armor and weapon sets and legendary journeys would be covered by a $5-10 content pack.


If you’re not in the industry you most likely have no idea how difficult things are. After over a decade in gaming it still surprises me how long things take to do


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Not sure why anyone would think that the cost of making. lots of armor and weapon sets and legendary journeys would be covered by a $5-10 content pack.


was just thinking of a way to incentivize them to release new skins. If you think 5 bucks isn't going to do anything, then why dont they just release more legendaries for free like they said they were going to do in spring of 2013.


and yes I do know how long it takes to create things for a game. I also know they have a team of 400 people and they are just skins with particle effects and cookie cutter recipes attached to them.


people mod skins and particle effects into games for free, its even a hobby and it doesn't take them from 2013-2018 to make a set of skins.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Not sure why anyone would think that the cost of making. lots of armor and weapon sets and legendary journeys would be covered by a $5-10 content pack.


> was just thinking of a way to incentivize them to release new skins. If you think 5 bucks isn't going to do anything, then why dont they just release more legendaries for free like they said they were going to do in spring of 2013.


> and yes I do know how long it takes to create things for a game. I also know they have a team of 400 people and they are just skins with particle effects and cookie cutter recipes attached to them.


> people mod skins and particle effects into games for free, its even a hobby and it doesn't take them from 2013-2018 to make a set of skins.


But you also said "new legendaries that could be completed via collections"


And as far as skins go, paticularly armor skins they have to fit five races. What you're asking for isn't practical, it isn't feasible and it won't happen. Would it be nice? Sure. It would be nice. But we already have expansions which give us some new stuff. And we have Living Story which gives us some new stuff, and while this stuff is happening you're asking for Anet to make cheap content with seemingly more rewards. I'm not sure of the incentive.


It's not even like the legendary set from Heart of Thorns is finished now. And that's taken them three years.

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also, why is everyone on here so nasty always? all from a simple suggestion. I mean look at what you guys wrote. anet doesn't want 5-10 dollars its not enough money to do anything, and we basically dont want new legendaries. We dont care that they didnt release new legendaries in the time frame they promised. New ideas are bad... I'm going to assume negative things about the OP because, clearly they don't know how long it takes to make things and they must be clueless... and my favorite post, simply saying "NO... give them money some other way, because, reasons."



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I’ve thought a lot about something like a GW2 equivalent on the bonus mission pack (if I understand how it worked correctly, I haven’t played it). Basically a side story, miniature (or somewhat smaller) expansion made by some other team to be released in content gaps. It could address stories like the minions of Mordremoth and Zhaitan after their masters deaths, give new maps in places like the jungle and orr, and maybe include one armor set. Essentially, as i said, a smaller expansion with side stories to be developed alongside other content and released whenever it’s ready and fits into the schedule

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> also, why is everyone on here so nasty always? all from a simple suggestion. I mean look at what you guys wrote. anet doesn't want 5-10 dollars its not enough money to do anything, and we basically dont want new legendaries. We dont care that they didnt release new legendaries in the time frame they promised. New ideas are bad... I'm going to assume negative things about the OP because, clearly they don't know how long it takes to make things and they must be clueless... and my favorite post, simply saying "NO... give them money some other way, because, reasons."


> wow....


Yes, its everyone else's fault you want logistically impossible things and everyone is a meanie for pointing out the many flaws with your request.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> also, why is everyone on here so nasty always? all from a simple suggestion. I mean look at what you guys wrote. anet doesn't want 5-10 dollars its not enough money to do anything, and we basically dont want new legendaries. We dont care that they didnt release new legendaries in the time frame they promised. New ideas are bad... I'm going to assume negative things about the OP because, clearly they don't know how long it takes to make things and they must be clueless... and my favorite post, simply saying "NO... give them money some other way, because, reasons."


> wow....


What time frame was that exactly? Right they never said you will have them all at release or we will release 3 every 2 months untill all 16 is complete.

You will get them with hot we got hot and wer still getting em.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I’ve thought a lot about something like a GW2 equivalent on the bonus mission pack (if I understand how it worked correctly, I haven’t played it). Basically a side story, miniature (or somewhat smaller) expansion made by some other team to be released in content gaps. It could address stories like the minions of Mordremoth and Zhaitan after their masters deaths, give new maps in places like the jungle and orr, and maybe include one armor set. Essentially, as i said, a smaller expansion with side stories to be developed alongside other content and released whenever it’s ready and fits into the schedule


You mean kinda like the side stories we get now for free, just with exta maps and armor sets so bigger then living world season episodes.

Good idea but not going to happen mate.

I would be happy if the living world season episodes gave us a over arching armor set over 6 episodes instead of multiple boots/gloves/shoulders tbh.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > also, why is everyone on here so nasty always? all from a simple suggestion. I mean look at what you guys wrote. anet doesn't want 5-10 dollars its not enough money to do anything, and we basically dont want new legendaries. We dont care that they didnt release new legendaries in the time frame they promised. New ideas are bad... I'm going to assume negative things about the OP because, clearly they don't know how long it takes to make things and they must be clueless... and my favorite post, simply saying "NO... give them money some other way, because, reasons."

> >

> > wow....


> Yes, its everyone else's fault you want logistically impossible things and everyone is a meanie for pointing out the many flaws with your request.


https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-guild-wars-2-in-2013/ Impossible? they said they were doing it... I didnt say if it was possible or not. But yes thanks for the sarcasm. Again very nice...

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Well, that Blog is from mid-2013, so I don't see how they could have 'promised' a whole new set of 16 Legendary Weapons by Q1 of 2013.

This was what I found in the Blog: _"On top of this, you’ll also see new legendary weapons and new types of legendary gear in 2013."_

Nothing really about Q1, nor anything about 16 new Legendary Weapons. /shrug


Oh, and of course don't forget this line: **"As always, the content above is subject to change as we test and iterate on these systems."**

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Anet already release new legendaries periodically (roughly inline with new Living Story releases). So wouldn't this basically be asking to pay $5-10 for something we currently get for free?


Although if you want to do that you can - when a new legendary is released buy 800 gems, convert them to gold and spend it on materials for the legendary. You've just paid $10 for a new legendary skin.

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