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What are your GW 2 Pet Peeves?

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> Top 3.


> 1. "Universal Counter" mechanics; makes the game feel so dumbed down compared to GW1. (eg, dodge makes you immune to EVERYTHING; condi clear affects ALL debuffs, CC and DPS effects, etc.)

> 2. 6 months between balance passes. Really?

> 3. elitist frac and raid community. I just want to play, I don't care if your completion time is +2 seconds then your last run, boo frikken hoo.


3 is easily solved make your own groups all welcome and do the content.

I wont say you will clear raids but your perfectly fine playing what ever you like, there is no magical

*I win button*

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Lack of UI customization. You would think since monitoring bars, cool downs, buffs and conditions was so important that you would have options to place that visual data on the screen in different ways because you know, not all of us have 20/20 vision, the same monitor size or the same setup.

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My pet peeve would probably when your character is forced to say something. Can't I just make some other random NPC be "the commander" and just let my characters be themselves? I can't imagine 100 different reasons why I'd not be in the spotlight, but, when my character says something out of character, it's fairly difficult to stay consistent.

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Now that we have a 'salvage all' function (thank you!!), all we need is a 'deposit all' function for all mats in your inventory, as well as a 'use all' function for all essences of luck. Then I'll really be happy. Because the amount of mouseclicks I make with this game is just downright silly.

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> @"Scrivs.4501" said:

> Now that we have a 'salvage all' function (thank you!!), all we need is a 'deposit all' function for all mats in your inventory, as well as a 'use all' function for all essences of luck. Then I'll really be happy. Because the amount of mouseclicks I make with this game is just downright silly.


If you use the cogwheel in the top right of your inventory, you can deposit all mats to storage already.

You can also ‘consume all’ essences of luck by right clicking them, and selecting consume all.


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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Scrivs.4501" said:

> > Now that we have a 'salvage all' function (thank you!!), all we need is a 'deposit all' function for all mats in your inventory, as well as a 'use all' function for all essences of luck. Then I'll really be happy. Because the amount of mouseclicks I make with this game is just downright silly.


> If you use the cogwheel in the top right of your inventory, you can deposit all mats to storage already.

> You can also ‘consume all’ essences of luck by right clicking them, and selecting consume all.



... you have got to be joking me ... all this time ....


I salute you! o7

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My biggest pet peeve is timed jumping puzzles being mandatory for the holiday achievements. Unlike many people I am a player with a disability that inhibits my mobility and makes anything requiring jumping very difficult if I can't do it at my own pace. (often even in open world stuff friends that play a mesmer sometimes have to help me get places accordingly.) My difficulty is that I only have one fully useable hand for those that may be wondering....so......aim...jump...aim...jump and sticking to characters with ranged abilities like rangers where I can just park myself someplace and pick stuff off from a distance.

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- Visual clutter

- Ancient engine and directx (wtf same DX version as guild wars factions which released in 2006!)

- No dungeons/dungeon team

- No easy mode for raids

- No customisable UI (no side bars for food, pets, gizmos etc.)

- Bugs which are still here since 2012, events bugging out since 2012, never gets fixed

- Ultra slow group content release

- Denying of Cantha

- Too much stuff filling inventory bags

- No questing for legendary items and other collections which relies on events in the open world. Meaning: you wait for minutes to hours on the same spot in hope the events starts. WTF is that? Make a fucking quest system which you can do solo in an instance.

- Cutting off worlds kills immersion. You have a great art design team but you cut off half the island of Istan which was explorable in Guild Wars 1. Also I can't see certain landmarks from one map which are in a different map. This really hurts immersion.

- Still a dreadful camera which jumps, trembles, shakes, zooms in and out like hell, especially during jumping puzzles.


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1. No option to turn off mount sounds-- the kitten griffon triggers my misophonia something fierce. And the shriek carries halfway across any map.

2. This may be me and my stupidity, but I can't find a setting to turn off player effort noises. The female asura, "aaaaahhhh," is especially annoying.

3. No option to turn down visual effects. I've stopped doing daily events and bounties for the most part because player bling (and boss bling) is totally out of control. I actually AOE'd someone during the justicar fight one of the first times I did it because their skin glowed neon green. I only noticed it was a player after I wasted an attack :3

4. Kill trolling by high level players in the starter areas. I've actually had level 80s follow me mounted to one-shot elementals in the Plains of Ashford while leveling a new charr.

5. Weird targeting changeups. Who knows where your attack will land?

6. Why are so many outfits so full of bling? Why are weapon skins so weird? And why is stuff coming out of the Black Lion chests account bound? I'd love to sell some of the horrible skins I've gotten from them. I sure don't want them. Especially you, creepy griffon backpack/glider.

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Minor/major sigils and runes - well the fact I cant get rid of them more conveniently


Message suppression after 2 mails, no mass mail feature for guilds


The bug where your guild history shows things as "..." and then your whisper stops working unless someone whispers you first or you wait long enough for the "..." to load


Repeatable hearts don't let you access the vendor unless you repeat the heart even if you've already completed it once


Not being able to pick chat colors




"Silly" items like Quip, The Dreamer, the rainbow unicorn finisher etc etc


Charr armor clipping

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Several Items that I'm gonna list can be expanded on greatly, but we'll just hit the big points.


1. **Lack of effort put into other races models, armor, animation.** The texture mapping on some of the armors for Charr and Asura, are literally no effort. Ears sticking out of places they shouldn't, major clipping issues on tails, massive backpack/weapon scaling issues when sheathing weapons compared to wielding them. The Charr T1 Cultural Medium STILL AFTER 5 YEARS has a glitch on the back shoulder where the weighting applied to the model is messed up. The back part of the model is connected to characters elbow and does this ridiculous glitch as you run or attack. I had reported this multiple times in the past. No change.


2. **Medium Armor Trench-coat Curse**. The fact that all armor is trench-coats, exacerbates the clipping issues mentioned above and really kills the ability to mix and match chest and leg armor. As most leg armor is horribly simple textures with no depth or models accompanying them. This makes it so anytime you do pair them with one of the 3 non-trench-coat armors, it looks like ass.


3. **Legendary Weapon Effects**. This one is more minor, but I feel like they should be more careful with how the legendary effects apply to things like projectiles. Particularly with thief class, you have skills that share effects from offhand weapons. Like Shadow Shot for instance uses off hand pistol, but applies main hand legendary effects. Downstate skills, when using The Shining Blade Legendary, I literally hurl full sized shining blades non stop from down state... or with HOPE I throw laser rocks? Some of the skills should at least include part of the special effects that accompany the skill being used. Like poison shots, etc. It just makes using the different skills seem boring after a while, hearing the same sound effect with the same projectile effects on everything.


4. **Preview Window**. The preview window is way to narrow for larger characters, the armor slot UI covers half the character. Also, you need a substantially better system for dye previews on armor we aren't currently equipping. Having to search the Trading Post then, right-click preview for a globally applied dye is terrible. Also you should be able to preview main and offhand simultaneously.


5. **Achievement Organization**. The way achievements are organized are all jacked up. I'm OCD so maybe that's part of it, but the whole thing needs to be categorized better. Story Journal, for instance, should only include achievements earned within the story instances. Zone achievements should be put under it's appropriate section, see example.

>Exploring Achievements

>>Heart of Thorns

>>>Verdant Brink

>>>Auric Basin

>>Living World Season 3

>>>Bloodstone Fen

>>>Ember Bay

>>Path of Fire

>>>Crystal Oasis

>>>Desert Highlands


You guys get the point. They shouldn't include story segments, and the basic zone achievements, like champion kills and diving goggles, should not be lumped in "Story Journal" Section. If it is an issue of the "Episode Mastery" Achievements, they can have that appear in both sections.


6. **Reward Track Bloat**. I'd like to see the reward tracks streamlined a bit more. Instead of one for each dungeon path, give us a "Dungeon Reward Track" and allow each major milestone to drop a chest that allows us to select the dungeon tokens/set we wish to choose from. Merge all episodic ones to a "Living World Season 3" track, and again allow for selection of all different skins you can earn throughout LW3.


7. **Inventory Management**. Allow us to collect large bags that increase our *total* inventory slots. From that total pool, allow us to designate a set number of slots and apply a name, as opposed to "Leather Bag" we can say call it "Condition Gear", then allow us to apply a property to said cluster of slots, like a check list.

[ ] Allow Compact

[ ] Show at Vendor

[ ] Consumable Only

[ ] Soulbound Weapons/Armor Only

[ ] Lock Current Inventory (Once item is unequipped it returns to this bag.)


You get the point.


8. **Account Bound Crafting**. For the love of the six PLEASE come out with this already. I've made and posted in multiple other threads on this issue, so I wont go into it.


9. **10-Man Raids**. This one is a personal issue, and I realize others may disagree, but I really wish they stuck to the 5-man party for these. It's difficult for me to find a 10-man group of people to raid with filled with people I actually like. The biggest problem is how the raids relate to the living world story, as I am a lore enthusiast and it's difficult for me to see this content. I love the difficulty of raids, and I am more then geared to handle it, but it's gated behind a required amount of players for me.


10. **Skin Wardrobe Organization**. I'm hoping for an overhaul here when we inevitably get the build template system they have to be working on at this point, but this does not have enough love put into it. Why are there any items missing from this list, particularly legendary back pieces? I'd like to see subsections that give me some indication of where the skin came from, or at the very least separate black lion skins from the rest. I'd like to see:


>>Core Tyria

>>>Krait Dagger, etc.

>> Dungeon Daggers

>>> Inquest Dagger, etc.

>>Gem Store Daggers

>>>Marjory's Dagger, etc.


11. **Backpack & Weapon Dyes**. I understand the overhaul this may be, but I'd like to see this, or at least add some more quiver and practical backpacks that aren't brown. This would also get rid of skin bloat the the standard ascended models having 9 versions of simple color variants.


12. **Outfits No More**. Please just put the extra resources into making these separate pieces, if there is clipping between existing armor sets(which there already is plenty of), it doesn't matter, allow us to mix and match it. Charge more for each set to compensate. Outfits, while they look great, make you a generic clone of other people in the world and in a game that is all about cosmetic rewards this needs to be addressed in my opinion.


13. **Condition Burst**. Really defeats the point of a attrition mechanic. Nerf damage and amount applied, increase duration and substantially nerf the amount of condition removal. So the longer the fight the more dangerous they become, even if you are cleansing as much as you can. Currently they almost function the same as a dodge, ie twitch game play. I realize this cannot be changed without massive overhaul at this point and I understand any change would ripple throughout the whole game, but still something that is a pet peeve of mine.


14. **Emotes Removing Weapons/Back**. Why, just why? So dumb.

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My biggest pet peeve is pretty silly; people killing the same enemy as me that isn't a group event in core open world. xD I don't even know WHY it annoys me but it does...


And in a similar vein, a much more reasonable peeve: people using knockbacks/pulls on non-defiant enemies when im hitting it when it doesn't interrupt an attack of importance (like, you wanna knockback to interrupt an attack which might kill or severely damage me/someone else - especially in ex pack maps? sure. doing it on the common wolf which won't deal more than 2% of my health in damage? why make me chase it...)

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-The Revenant - awesome concept, terrible execution. Needs a lot more skill choice.

-An approach to balance that is nothing short of astonishingly bad

-Lack of new weapon types

-Lack of new world dungeon 5 man content

-Lack of visual effects slider

-Conditions are overtuned/badly designed. They should be short duration, low-medium damage with the benefit of ignoring armor.

-Defensive stats are weak, in part because of conditions being overtuned and proliferation of immunity/resistance

-Too much reactive/chaotic gameplay over strategic gameplay


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* Tome spam and no way to turn off audio/video effects of it

* Having to spend money to map travel anywhere outside a guild hall (GW1 never had this)

* Way too many veteran/champion mobs in HoT/PoF maps

* Overpowered mobs that can down you in one or two hits, ignoring your health/defense/evasion/etc

* Ground targeting for engineer turrets was silently removed from the game on 6/23/15 without explanation and every time I bring up the subject to Anet, they refuse to answer. It's been close to three years now and I still want to know the reason for its removal!

* Players who idle for hours at a time instead of logging off

* No player-created filters to block specific messages or whispers if it contains keywords of our choosing

* The number of mobs in living story instances is the same, no matter how many people are in your party. Mob counts need to be dependant on how many players are doing the instance. More players, more mobs. Playing solo? Much less of them.

* Unable to pull single targets without dragging their friends into the fight


This is all I can think of at the moment.

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- Way too many one shot boss mechanics and overtuned mobs that can kill you in one or two hits.

- Way too many contested waypoints in core Tyria, and honestly I think the contested waypoint system should be taken out of the game completely.

- Core Tyria events that take a long time to complete compared to other events, yet give you the same amount of experience.

- Too many renown hearts with not enough things to do that take forever to fill.

- Underwater combat feels generally slow and weak.

- Game balancing is too infrequent and rarely addresses serious core profession issues.

- Inventory space is too expensive and inventory management is not very good.

- No way to save builds or gear sets when switching.

- Hard to get participation credit sometimes for events with very large groups, instead becomes a tagging spamfest. After a certain group size threshold, the requirements for gold should be far less.


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Non-attacking skills causing autotarget to pick a target. Especially Guardian shouts which really shouldn't do that. It seems kinda random which skills do that and which don't, but purely defensive skills SHOULD NOT DO THAT. Every time I use "Retreat!" while wielding a scepter and my char engages a nearby moa and slows down which is THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WANTED, a small part of me dies.

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> Non-attacking skills causing autotarget to pick a target. Especially Guardian shouts which really shouldn't do that. It seems kinda random which skills do that and which don't, but purely defensive skills SHOULD NOT DO THAT. Every time I use "Retreat!" while wielding a scepter and my char engages a nearby moa and slows down which is THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WANTED, a small part of me dies.


100% agreed with this!

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> 2. Over-the-top use of CC in PvE. There are other ways to make combat more challenging and skillful, instead of more annoying.


This. x100 (which, incidentally is my record for the number of chain stuns I've had to deal with.)


And the rest:


Most of HoT being on clock-rails. Especially Dragon Stand. Free the zone!


The crafting system, especially as it relates to building gear for statistics. This is more of a *fundamental flaw in design* than it is "pet peeve".


Varying utility in stats. Vitality/Healing Power are mostly trash with very little effect, but Berserker applies impact multiplicatively.


Confusion. In. PvE. This goes beyond "pet peeve" and back into *fundamental flaw in design.*


Stability. It isn't prevalent enough, doesn't last long enough and doesn't provide enough protection from the crowd-control fetish that is some parts of PvE.


What passes for "difficulty" in enemy design.



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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Scrivs.4501" said:

> > Now that we have a 'salvage all' function (thank you!!), all we need is a 'deposit all' function for all mats in your inventory, as well as a 'use all' function for all essences of luck. Then I'll really be happy. Because the amount of mouseclicks I make with this game is just downright silly.


> If you use the cogwheel in the top right of your inventory, you can deposit all mats to storage already.

> You can also ‘consume all’ essences of luck by right clicking them, and selecting consume all.


"Deposit All" was added between Beta Weekends 2 and 3, if memory serves, and definitely before the game was released.

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> @"Scrivs.4501" said:

> Now that we have a 'salvage all' function (thank you!!), all we need is a 'deposit all' function for all mats in your inventory, as well as a 'use all' function for all essences of luck. Then I'll really be happy. Because the amount of mouseclicks I make with this game is just downright silly.


Could have swore I used an option like that yesterday on a 60 count stack of +10 luck

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3 pet peeves, so 3 things I find annoying in this game?


1) That you have never ever since 6 years as a player full control over your own ingame privacy - that you can't influence at all, who "follows you", if you want specific persons to follow you, that you don't get even requested at all, if you want that follower, or not.. the game should ask you always first for permission, if any person should become your Follower!!! and I as a player should be able ALWAYS to decide over what that Follower can see from me, if they should be only able to see, wen I'm on, or if they should be also able to see, on which Map I am, on which server ect. which are delicate infos, which not just every stranger, who wants to be a Follower should get to see, if I DONT WANT THEM TO SEE THIS


2) The inability in this game to reduce visual effects/sound effects of others, like being able to deactivate specific Auras, like specific Back items, like Miniatures, like Legendary Effects (Foot Prints, Weapon Swing/Sound Effects ect.) and all this stuff that can negatively affect your own Game Performance (lag) massively, your FPS Performance and so on, if we would just get the option to reduce the effect spam of OTHERS DIRECTLY, instead of having to reduce our own game performance and cripple down this way our own play experience back into stone age >.>


3) The fact, that this games combat system is so unbalanced, because over the time most of its components got permanently ignored by the developers, especially the conditions and boons, where it doesn't help at all to make only number changes on skilsl and traits, when this game has by now simply way too much effects, thsn are good for this games balance and its outdated combat systems from 2012 which were never MADE for all this effect spam, the E-Specs ect.. When something too much is just too much, it doesn't become bett,er by adding always more on top of it. ANet must get to learn, when enough is enough and it is better to REDUCE effects, instead of addign always only more and more to something, making things just worser, than they are before.

This whole unbalance and effect spam is basically one of the main reasons, why I become more and more inactive in this game, just because fights make absolutely not so much fun anymore in WvW, like they used to be like 4 years ago when the last WvW Tournament was held and all this effect surprul crap didn't exist back then, cause no Torment, no Taunt, no Alacrity, no Slow, better balanced conditons overall for WvW/PvP, no powercreep from E-Specs, no Rev, which is in itself complete junk and needs a rework in my opinion, cause it has been by its design from release day on already a black sheep among 8 white ones, which would have gotten under my lead this way NEVER a green light for implementation ..., cause the whole design has nothing in common with the other classes and just try hard wants to be "unique" and different, as off to help this way for HoT to sell better ... well this shot got mighty into the wrong direction I guess ... instead of the Rev Anet could have just used better something else as a Feature for HoT to improve the sales, like Housing or adding Fishing as a new Gathering Job together with finally Jeweler/Chef 500 or so, i guess that would have received much better reactions, than the Rev ...




Well, theres more, than just 3 things I could name, but these are currently my 3 biggest peves I guess which i woudl put under the Top 3


Theres alot here, what others have written, where I could bliedly agree with as well, what I would call not a pet peeve really, but are things, which belong for me under quality of life aspects, that should get definetely improved for this game ,like


- Making Crafting accountbound.. it should be enough to master Craftign Jobs once, you shouldn't do this for every single character.. and if you need to have that gold/material sink so much, then at least let Characters with maxed Crafting Jobs craft accountbound "Profession Guidebooks" of various types (Beginner, Professional, Expert, Master, Grandmaster), which give a character that uses them massive booosts to Crafting Ranks to speed up the processes and make it a bit quicker and cheaper for players that have already maxed out crafting jobs to let their secondary characters close up quickly, so that you dont have to switch permanently between characters just to craft efficiently!!


- Complete Reformatting/Reorganisation of the whole achievement list, can't agree more with this, the whole thing has become so massive and unoverviewable, that it should get better reorganized with more sub menus that help making the achievement list become smaller again, so that you dont have to scroll down so much... but instead just open up the sub categories of achievements, that you actually want to see


- Raids need finally a Difficulty Setting Split between Easy, Normal and Hard Mode

Easy Mode could then be 5 Man rebalanced with significantly reduced rewards, but no limits for repeating them to farm there slowly...

Normal is then like now, 10 Man Content, but better balanced, without instant kill mechanics, without stupid timers that bring up only DPS races/Elitists

Hard Mode is then like now, with instant kill mechanics, with timers, has the best rewards therefore ect. so that if you play that mode constantly, will make sure, that you earn this way your legendary equipment the most fastest/cheapest way, so that it feelsl for you as a player the most rewarding in an effort/time relationship seen, while PvEers7Achievement Hunters and people which just have issues with frustrative difficulty settings, elitists, and just want not to wait for 19 , but rather only 4 others to join will stay then in Easy Mode, can experience the content thrn there at they own pace, without having to pay other players for that even extra just for cleared instances to experience the story tidbits ect. >.>

Thats the reason, why there exists also different difficulties in Fractals... the community has to accept that the same should count as well for Raids, to make them as content more accessible for all types of players, so that even every single WCSN can get their foot into this content and progress there on, until they think they are ready for the real deal and want to speed up their progress in the game and better rewards by tackling on the harder mode versions, once they have collected first enough experience in the simpler mode versions with the raids in itself (WCSN = Worst Case Scenario Noob).

Its unbelievable, that Anet can just dumb down this games beginner stuff into kind of INFANTILE MODE sort of, to make the content for people more accessible and easier to understand, but they just can't do the same so far for Raids to increase the accessibility to this content, while still keeping their minority of hardcore raiders happy by lettingthe hardest raid forms stay the most rewarding ones, instead of forcing that kind of hardcore difficulty setting upon everybody and expecting of that 1% of the community that is kind of into raids to kind of teach the other 99% of people that are not into raids how to play Raids in this game, when its kind of Anets job to take uninterested peopel onto the hands and kind of slowly let them experience Raids at their own pace just via different difficulty modes, that would be for everybody easier.

Can't understand this Anet Logic in this case ...

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