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[Feedback] Serpent's Ire

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Greetings fellow living and presumably breathing persons,


I have just now attempted the Serpent's Ire Meta for the first time. I was not on a professionally organized map but we did have two commanders and we passed the first phase without too much trouble, it got a little close but it worked out fine. In the second phase however we didn't stand a chance at all - it felt like we were just a bunch of lv5 Characters trying to beat down a World Boss by themselves.

It honestly felt like, whoever designed Serpent's Ire has only played and tested things a Hammer Warrior with all CC's available in his utility slots.

Dear ArenaNet, please consider the fact that not every class has unlimited access to meaningful CC's and please do consider that World Events are supposed to be managable with the average map population. Which means CC is available but sometimes limited. Don't make a fight depend on CC only. If a Map Meta requires more organization than tagging up and gathering 20+ People then it's a terrible Map Meta in my Opinion (Which is why I hate all of the HoT Metas with all my heart).


Please change something about that - it's no fun at all. I miss the times when we could just go to any World Boss, write "Boss XXX is up!", wait a moment and then proceed to beat him down with whomever is available - it wasn't always easy and sometimes it would fail, but they never failed because you didn't have enough CC or whatever, they used to fail because you didn't gather enough people or because no one knew what to do. In the case of Serpent's Ire everyone knew what to do but it didn't matter at all.

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It's not that hard as long as you remind everybody to bring at least some form of CC. A thief can already do a lot of work on his own with Basilisk Venom etc. You need a full squad or a bunch of people who 100% know what they are doing to do this and that is fine. Also, once one is down the entire thing gets a LOT easier

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Many things has been said about this event since september and nothing changed. If they make another achievement requiring me to do it for the 4th time I simply ignore it. I hate this event and with amount of feedback about it there's nothing to add anymore. The lack of any attention to PoF 6 months after release is unacceptable.

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At first I thought the breakbars needed to be nerfed a little until recently. I think it’s fine just how it is although the rewards are kind of meh The only reason that it’s difficult is likely because players don’t bring CC (a player problem) and they don’t use proper strategy (a player problem).


Of all the times that I have done this meta, it’s been the easiest and most painless when four groups of five players are created with the sole purpose to CC their boss. Everyone else zergs from boss to boss until they’re completed.

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Had to do it for backpack few days back. Joined a com with 20ish in squad. Map was not organised at my play time as it was too early still. My husband think it will be fail but we made it

I had full cc build. After one boss is cced and at 10% hp.. I quickly move to next boss to help .. etc.. it is doable if players know what to do.. we don't need everyone to cc to do it but if everyone knows to cc it fast it will be easy. When map fail it's players issue not the game.. just try it again.

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The event is fine. Just remind everyone to bring cc and to use bunny at the first stage. I ran the meta by chance a few days ago and we only started recruiting mid searching for the zealots. I described very briefly what we had to do and just insisted everyone start with the bunny.

Event was a success. O/


Do tell people they have like 10 seconds between the breakbars and tell the different classes to use the cc that is not in their normal rotations also.


For 100% rate of success and not silliness like ours just gather people early and make sure they know what they are to face since most just jump in with no wiki. Promise things will just go smoothly as long as you give them info so everyone is on the same page.

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People fail at CCing Verdant Brink matriarch. Serpents Ire needs a lot of CC, which many players cant be bothered to either being along, or lack the knowledge of which skills CC. Whatever the cause, in my experience (i have done the event many times) when one group finishes fast, it helps other groups and the event tends to fail less. It is a bit weird, however, that such an event has such crappy rewards... Personally, I believe it will get nerfed, much like Heart of Thorns Migraine achievement CC of Eir was nerfed.

If you need serpents Ire, do it With a well organized Group. By the way, Triple Trouble is still harder than every world boss event

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> People fail at CCing Verdant Brink matriarch. Serpents Ire needs a lot of CC, which many players cant be bothered to either being along, or lack the knowledge of which skills CC. Whatever the cause, in my experience (i have done the event many times) when one group finishes fast, it helps other groups and the event tends to fail less. It is a bit weird, however, that such an event has such crappy rewards... Personally, I believe it will get nerfed, much like Heart of Thorns Migraine achievement CC of Eir was nerfed.

> If you need serpents Ire, do it With a well organized Group. By the way, Triple Trouble is still harder than every world boss event


But the issue with triple trouble is that people just don't know the mechanics of the boss (an that it get's trolled too often).

But yeah I'll try joining a more organized group for Serpent's Ire, I still think the fact that such excessive organizartion is required for an open world boss is a problem. Open World Event's aren't supposed to require excessive organisation, they're supposed to require players on the map to gather around and fight with whatever build they prefer for open world content. Instead it requires players to pick up an unusual amount of CC on top of requiring an abnormal amount of organisation. It's no fun at all - just like all HoT Metas which basically are just: LFG enough ppl onto your map and you win. (Except for DS where you somehow need to get people to NOT cc, which is just as hard as getting people to DO cc)

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I think I've attended 4 Serpent's Ire events recently. Each of them failed. I think a lot of people either don't know what to do or just don't bring enough CC (nor DPS). That being said, the 5 NPCs do have a rather excessive breakbar and that breakbar refills extremely quickly. Additionally the countdown bar goes to failure rather fast as well for the performance of most squads I've seen.


There are reasons that not many people do the Serpent's Ire such as, the rewards suck a** and the event itself is unreasonably difficult for the general people who typically show up. It is also annoying that ANet forces people to do content that a large chunk of the populace already avoid for the variety of reasons they do, just to try to revive failed content instead of actually fixing it to be remotely enjoyable to most. I'm fairly certain the people who actually enjoy that meta are in the minority looking at how often you run into an organized map or people calling for the event in LFG (and how full squads are when they do)...

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Break bars have always scaled _incredibly_ harshly, it's been that way since HoT and Anet have never adjusted it.


This sadly.


Heck, the Muckstalker bounty in the Desolation is a good example of wonky break bar scaling. Get more than 10 people on that one bounty, especially if they don't bring/know how to CC and/or have good DPS, and watch its health bounce back insanely fast. It becomes an unwinnable battle.


I also need to do Serpents' Ire for the backpack but it's getting tiring trying to find anyone willing, first and foremost. :\

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > Break bars have always scaled _incredibly_ harshly, it's been that way since HoT and Anet have never adjusted it.


> This sadly.


> Heck, the Muckstalker bounty in the Desolation is a good example of wonky break bar scaling. Get more than 10 people on that one bounty, especially if they don't bring/know how to CC and/or have good DPS, and watch its health bounce back insanely fast. It becomes an unwinnable battle.


> I also need to do Serpents' Ire for the backpack but it's getting tiring trying to find anyone willing, first and foremost. :\


Or Zohoqan in the new map. He self-heals pretty quickly. Quickly enough that I have seen the event fail many times. Usually a group of people attempt it, Zohoqan heals to full over and over and the people give up and leave. Awesome and fun content. :)

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The Event is fine as it is. Don't know what's so bad about an Event where you actually have to do something instead of only autoattacking. If people don't know about CC by now, it's their own fault. Ain't that hard to bring a decent balance of CC and damage. The only thing that could be improved are the rewards.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> The Event is fine as it is. Don't know what's so bad about an Event where you actually have to do something instead of only autoattacking. If people don't know about CC by now, it's their own fault. Ain't that hard to bring a decent balance of CC and damage. The only thing that could be improved are the rewards.


But that requires people to organize for the event to an extend that matches some raids even though it is an OPEN WORLD EVENT - which should be designed to be beatable by any average map population (like almost every single other Open World Event with the exception of HoT).

Also, no Open World content should be so incredibly reliant on one single mechanic (CC in that case). Not everyone plays CC heavy classes and again we're talking about Open World Content, not instanced content. I'm not going to change build or class just because I ran into a world boss.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > The Event is fine as it is. Don't know what's so bad about an Event where you actually have to do something instead of only autoattacking. If people don't know about CC by now, it's their own fault. Ain't that hard to bring a decent balance of CC and damage. The only thing that could be improved are the rewards.


> But that requires people to organize for the event to an extend that matches some raids even though it is an OPEN WORLD EVENT - which should be designed to be beatable by any average map population (like almost every single other Open World Event with the exception of HoT).

> Also, no Open World content should be so incredibly reliant on one single mechanic (CC in that case). Not everyone plays CC heavy classes and again we're talking about Open World Content, not instanced content. I'm not going to change build or class just because I ran into a world boss.


I disagree. You're playing a game, you don't participate in an interactive movie. The event doesn't feature many mechanics, it's mainly only the CC-thing. It's not hard to change some utilities for some CC. It's not about CC only anyway; it's about decent balance between CC and damage.


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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > The Event is fine as it is. Don't know what's so bad about an Event where you actually have to do something instead of only autoattacking. If people don't know about CC by now, it's their own fault. Ain't that hard to bring a decent balance of CC and damage. The only thing that could be improved are the rewards.


> But that requires people to organize for the event to an extend that matches some raids even though it is an OPEN WORLD EVENT - which should be designed to be beatable by any average map population (like almost every single other Open World Event with the exception of HoT).

> Also, no Open World content should be so incredibly reliant on one single mechanic (CC in that case). Not everyone plays CC heavy classes and again we're talking about Open World Content, not instanced content. I'm not going to change build or class just because I ran into a world boss.


So is triple trouble with TS organizing, squad organizing, coordinated kill of all 3 heads. Yet, no complaints about that. Some events NEED to require something other than simply pressing 1-1-1-2, which can down every world boss. Rewards should be better for such an event.

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Few days ago I started the collection for Funerary Armor set (never cared too much of this event), and this event is really hard to complete if you play in 10-15 people squad.


You can complete the 1st phase of this event- 5 champions, you kill them in 20-25 mins.


But then all 5 appear in one place, and how to spread 10-15 group then? And the exploding timer is soo fast!


The scaling of this event is too big!


I don't want to imagine how hard it must be if there are 50+ people if for that small group is probably unworkable...


Also telling "Somewhere in the Brand" doesn't help a lot...


This event is a torture.

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There is a difference between Triple Trouble and Serpents Ire: TT was announced big at the time it was released in the course of a feature update, and [it was described](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/january-21-2014/ "it was described") as the most difficult and demanding event, explicitly requiring organization:

> The Great Jungle Wurm

>The incessant pounding of the mysterious probes has woken up big trouble: an oversized jungle wurm with three giant heads is ravaging Bloodtide Coast! Band together with other heroes to confront and defeat the ravening threat! Be warned: this battle will challenge even the best and bravest that Tyria has to offer! Put your skills to the ultimate test in this epic encounter that will require savvy, determination, and large-scale coordination.


Serpents Ire, on the other hand, wasn't introduced. It was simply brought with Path of Fire, without any introduction, like a trojan horse. You'd expect a meta event with moderate difficulty, like in HoT, but actually get something as demanding as TT, and nobody knows it. Since the players don't know it, they cannot tell about it, so no player knows about the demands. It's so badly introduced and integrated into the game that almost all players see it as chore instead of challenge and will do it grudgingly once for collection demands and never again. For the players, it's _that PoF meta event that always fails_. Yes, I know that there are eager commanders who organize that regularly, but that's only known to a very small part of players, not widely known.


With TT, this is completely different: every player knows since years that this is a special event only likely to succeed if organized thoroughly. Everyone knows that if a minimum of x players isn't at the start, the organization cannot even begin. Nobody tries this event with the misconception that only a crowd of people is required to hack away some enemies.

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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:


> Dear ArenaNet, please consider the fact that not every class has unlimited access to meaningful CC's


But this statement is objectively false. Every class does in fact have CCs both soft and hard to counter break bars, just because they choose not to use them doesn't mean they suddenly don't exist at all and you can make absurd claims like this on the forum.

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