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Legendary crafting mastery track should be hidden like the raid one.

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The core Tyria mastery points are scarce and locked behind a wall of achievements. LWS2 is an option only if you are willing to put some money into it. Sadly, for me the story in this game is very forgettable and I can't justify paying for it just to get the mastery points. After suffering through the whole episode of Gates of Maguuma where Kasmeer and "Jory" explain how much they care for each other I was even less thrilled about it. Ok, you are lesbians, fine, just stop shoving that into my face! But I digress.


Tyria masteries make sense for the most part. Pact Commander is good all around and useful. Fractal mastery is also good since nothing prevents you from doing even a low tier fractals casually. However, Legendary crafting mastery track is useless unless you intend to actually craft a legendary. Therefore, just like the raid track this one should be hidden and not prevent you from getting shards.


Currently I have filled my masteries with what points I could scrap until I got stuck at Magister of Legends. Got no points to put into it and can't earn spirit shards. The game actually discourages me to explore core Tyria and earn xp because I gain nothing, but lose future opportunities to earn something.


For me, legendary crafting is a waste of time and gold since most of the weapons are just wayyy over the top for my taste and there are way cheaper options. I don't think that it is too much to ask that this mastery track is hidden until you actually have the desire to work on it and I hope more people share that opinion. It has been done with raids, it has been done with the griffon in PoF. Why not also here?


Btw why the HoT legendaries require core Tyria points anyway? And not just a few but 9 of them? At least add a few more core insights or lower the requirements if the above request is too much to ask?

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> @"Lightbringer.5860" said:

> While this may be nice, how would someone unlock it? The raid one is unlocked when you defeated your first raid boss (I think) and the gryphon is unlocked when you get the mount. The only way I can see of unlocking it would be talking to a npc about it but that can easily be done on accident.


The track can be unlocked by crafting a legendary precursor or whatever it is called. If you simply receive a letter from that Grandmaster Hobbs guy once you have a relevant crafting skill at high enough level, it will allow everyone to discover how to start this easily.

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Tyrian masteries. Let's see: fractals have some very easy ones, 9 more are easily obtainable from mastery insights, many are available through story (a lot actually), many others can be gotten via world bosses (open community runs triple trouble often, dry top as well, Karka is easy, Teq achievements too). You should be able to max them, even without LS2!

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Learn to start the process of creating a legendary weapon by unlocking access to the first tier of precursor weapon collections.


> I'm pretty sure you have funds to buy 1st unlock from Hobbs which is the only thing you need to unlock this track. You claiming:


This track is unlocked by default. That's the problem. Hobbs alone is unlocked when you put a point in Revered Antiquarian.


> > The track can be unlocked by crafting a legendary precursor or whatever it is called


> is false information.


Did you even read this post? It was a suggestion how to make it work not info how it does now.



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Okay, what's the problem cause I'm confused here. You don't have mastery points? You don't know how to unlock this track? What's your point besides "I don't like it, remove it"?


I think he was just responding to me, not saying that was a thing in game.


Also to craft the precursors you need tier one of the mastery so that idea wouldn't work. And mail wouldn't be good because some people would read it, delete because it wasn't relevant at the time and forget about it when they want to start the mastery.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Okay, what's the problem cause I'm confused here. You don't have mastery points? You don't know how to unlock this track? What's your point besides "I don't like it, remove it"?


Problem is that if you don't use something you shouldn't be forced into grinding mastery points for it so you can earn spirit shards. If you don't raid you can skip that track. If you don't own griffon you can skip that track. You can't skip legendary crafting if you like it or not. Do read before commenting, please.


And no, Tyria points aren't easy to get. For example, I can't remember how many times I went to check Tequatl before an organized group actually appeared and killed it. Still waiting for such miracle to happen for the Triple Trouble...

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It takes 41 MPs to fully unlock the Core Tyria mastery tracks. If you don't do fractals or own LS2 it's extremely difficult to fill out.


I agree that getting MP blocked is a huge disincentive towards running content in the affected regions. If I had to choose I would have gone the other way and insisted that the fractal track be hidden especially since those are a rich source of MPs. It all depends on what you like doing.


Regardless, I don't think hiding mastery tracks is the right solution. Once the bar is filled it should automatically switch to spirit shards.

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At some point, the question becomes: how many "masteries" can someone choose to ignore before they cross the line from "being able to complete the mastery tracks" to not being able to?


* There are a total of [49 Mastery Points required for Central Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery#Mastery_track).

* A total of 82 are available in the game, leaving 33 to spare.

* A total of 66 are available without any from LS2, leaving 17 to spare.

* Ignoring Tequatl & Triple Trouble gives us a total of 58 points, leaving 9 to spare.


Alternatively, you can still ignore all the boss fights and do LS2, skipping fractals (or mix & match: only some of the fractal mastery points are difficult).



Those 58 points come from (one point each unless there's a number):

* 20 from various types of exploration: Dry Top, Explorer (2), Jumping Puzzles, Silverwastes (7), Mastery Insights (9)

* 7 from Simple Collections: Basic (Koutaphile), Rare (5), Fashion

* 17 from Fractals: Fractals of the Mists (15), Nightmare, Shattered Observatory

* 14 from Events + Stories: Hero (11), Transfer Chaser, Justice of the Blade, Conservation of Magic (side story)


Remember: you can skip any 9 of these 58 and still max out on Core masteries.



Tequatl is done daily, successfully. Use LFG or show up in the zone about 10-15 minutes prior to start time. Triple Trouble is much more challenging, of course, but there are organized runs of it daily. Post a request in _Players Helping Players_ if you can't find these via Google or LFG and people will offer specific resources. I wouldn't rule out those if you are serious about maxing all masteries.


Similarly, all but maybe 4-5 of the fractal achievements are that difficult; it shouldn't be hard to find a group via LFG _or_ form your own _or_ ask for help in the PHP forum.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Okay, what's the problem cause I'm confused here. You don't have mastery points? You don't know how to unlock this track? What's your point besides "I don't like it, remove it"?


> Problem is that if you don't use something you shouldn't be forced into grinding mastery points for it so you can earn spirit shards. If you don't raid you can skip that track. If you don't own griffon you can skip that track. You can't skip legendary crafting if you like it or not. Do read before commenting, please.


> And no, Tyria points aren't easy to get. For example, I can't remember how many times I went to check Tequatl before an organized group actually appeared and killed it. Still waiting for such miracle to happen for the Triple Trouble...


Mastery system is a lvl80+ progression system. It's like you would demand removing levels 45-65 because you don't like them but still getting to level 80. The raid mastery is an exception because it is gated by a high end content which is definitely out of reach for many players. It was a design mistake later fixed by hiding the track as now devs believe that it's better to make cool mastery for everyone (aka open world) instead of hiding cool flavour mechanic in raid.


Getting masteries for legendary track is like getting hero points. You have more than enough to get them but still you are supposed to do at least bare minimum.

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The solution isn't to hide 1 or more tracks. If the goal is just to watch the XP bar fill, reset, and get a spirit shard.


They could either enable us to "temp disable" masteries, so you don't work/progress toward any mastery, but gain spirit shard like normal.


or, just make a own special mastery called "Spirit Shards", that doesn't take mastery points, and just restarts, and gives 1 spirit shard at the end...


(I still haven't bothered figuring out what spirit shards are used for...)

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If any of the Core tracks would be a candidate for being hidden (and I don't think they should!) it's the Fractal track - unlock upon completing any fractal.

Now, this would be a poor solution, mostly because of the number of people who would be unhelped because the track is already started.


Core is definitely the category that is hardest to finish, at least if you don't fractal regularly, but there are absolutely points enough! Some are rather grindy though, like the SW bosses.


The problem really is that it's one of *extremely* few systems in the game where can actually make a bad decision and be left without a reasonable way to undo it - if you spend your MPs in the wrong tracks, scraping together the remaining points can be pretty tricky!

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> Tyria masteries make sense for the most part. Pact Commander is good all around and useful. Fractal mastery is also good since nothing prevents you from doing even a low tier fractals casually. However, Legendary crafting mastery track is useless unless you intend to actually craft a legendary.


But not everyone is you. For instance, I've gotten a lot out of Pact Commander and Legendary crafting, but my investment in Fractals has not paid for itself.

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> @"Lightbringer.5860" said:

> While this may be nice, how would someone unlock it? The raid one is unlocked when you defeated your first raid boss (I think) and the gryphon is unlocked when you get the mount. The only way I can see of unlocking it would be talking to a npc about it but that can easily be done on accident.


> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I really want to know a solid answer as to how you want to unlock the track if it is hidden by default? Someone mentioned having it unlock when you craft a precursor, but you need the mastery to craft the precursor so....


Put it behind some minor Item Acquisition associated with Legendary Crafting, like, say.. _Making the Gift of Mastery_ unlocks the Legendary Crafting Mastery... because, lets get real, you are not going to make that by mistake.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> After suffering through the whole episode of Gates of Maguuma where Kasmeer and "Jory" explain how much they care for each other I was even less thrilled about it. Ok, you are lesbians, fine, just stop shoving that into my face! But I digress.


It wouldn't be less annoying if they were a straight couple, frankly.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> At some point, the question becomes: how many "masteries" can someone choose to ignore before they cross the line from "being able to complete the mastery tracks" to not being able to?


> * There are a total of [49 Mastery Points required for Central Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery#Mastery_track).

> * A total of 82 are available in the game, leaving 33 to spare.

> * A total of 66 are available without any from LS2, leaving 17 to spare.

> * Ignoring Tequatl & Triple Trouble gives us a total of 58 points, leaving 9 to spare.


> Alternatively, you can still ignore all the boss fights and do LS2, skipping fractals (or mix & match: only some of the fractal mastery points are difficult).


> ****

> Those 58 points come from (one point each unless there's a number):

> * 20 from various types of exploration: Dry Top, Explorer (2), Jumping Puzzles, Silverwastes (7), Mastery Insights (9)

> * 7 from Simple Collections: Basic (Koutaphile), Rare (5), Fashion

> * 17 from Fractals: Fractals of the Mists (15), Nightmare, Shattered Observatory

> * 14 from Events + Stories: Hero (11), Transfer Chaser, Justice of the Blade, Conservation of Magic (side story)


> Remember: you can skip any 9 of these 58 and still max out on Core masteries.


> ****

> Tequatl is done daily, successfully. Use LFG or show up in the zone about 10-15 minutes prior to start time. Triple Trouble is much more challenging, of course, but there are organized runs of it daily. Post a request in _Players Helping Players_ if you can't find these via Google or LFG and people will offer specific resources. I wouldn't rule out those if you are serious about maxing all masteries.


> Similarly, all but maybe 4-5 of the fractal achievements are that difficult; it shouldn't be hard to find a group via LFG _or_ form your own _or_ ask for help in the PHP forum.


This... Core Tyria mysteries are in excess and really should not pose any difficulty to max out and then have an excess you just have to run stuff and do stuff .. to get stuff.

The Tequatl comment I find really odd as it and pretty much always has been a popular world boss event ... that might be your issue if your not finding a map running it or completing it... you simply have to look at when the event spawns and get into map or advertised group with enough time to ensure your on a busy map copy cos organised or not it's now a pretty easy boss fight.

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I'm in a similar situation to the OP, as I'm not sure how I'll get the last few mastery points I need to complete the core mastery tracks, however I can't understand how not earning spirit shards is a major disincentive to play on core maps.


Does the OP need the spirit shards as they use them frequently, or is it just FOMO about the lost xp?


If it's due to needing spirit shards, then there are alternative ways to get them (dailies, drops, tomes), but if you don't need them, how does the lost xp really matter?


Personally, I don't think any of the tracks should be hidden. Despite the fact that my xp bar won't move in core tyria for at least 3 months, I'll still be playing on them for the other reasons I enjoy doing so.

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This game has been on for how long...five years? I suspect that many of those saying that there are plenty of mastery points lying around in Tyria have long ago completed those masteries and moved on. They have forgotten that grind and prefer to keep it the way it is because of a sense of achievement.


I myself said that mastery points are hard to acquire and that was a big mistake. How easy or hard they are to get is irrelevant. What is relevant is that if you craft legendaries you need that track and if you don't you are handicapped until you finish it by any means necessary.


Let me ask you something: Why do you think the griffon mastery was hidden? I'll tell you why, because the devs realized that not everyone has 250 gold ready or willing to spend on this. They also realized that people will be less likely to earn xp and generally play in PoF when all the xp earned there goes to waste. A smart decision, wouldn't you say? Don't use, don't grind. And PoF mastery points are so easy acquire that they did not even needed to do it. Yet they did, because it was a good decision from a gameplay point of view.


_Now what is 250 gold for the griffon compared to the gold and time investment to craft a legendary? _That is why this track should be hidden. The legendary mastery track was introduced at a time when the game needed the people to strive for something, to give them a goal to focus their efforts on since the "achiever" type of gamers were unsatisfied. The game has moved on from that time and has only gotten better for it.


I saw some people claiming that it is the fractal track that should be hidden and I disagree. You see, fractals are the "end game content" that MOST people do to acquire ascended gear and eventually raid if they want to. In order to start fractals you need only a set of exotics and you are done. There is no need to hide that track because there is no barrier to begin doing them.


In order to craft legendaries however, you need a lot of time and hundreds, maybe thousands of gold. This IS a barrier and not the fun kind of one. Also, unlike other tracks, each of its levels adds nothing for the player, but unlock the next level of grind. It is horribly boring, unexciting to level and it is useless unless you are in for the shinies.


I don't think there is anything more to be said. I rest my case.

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The thing with Teq is you have to show up early in order to get a successful map. If you show up literally a spawn time your map will fail. Yes it means some standing around and waiting, or even running around and gathering hard wood and platinum to kill time but its a lot more useful towards your goal of capping core tyria mastery points to arrive early than coming here and complaining that TEQ JUST ISNT DONE ANYMORE. And worst case scenario it's done every night successfully at reset by SEVERAL MAPS and there's even a map that arrives as early as 1 hour prior to reset and stands around for that time and just talks crap- I would know coz I did it for several months with several other of that map's regulars. So yes, Teq is done. Now go get it.

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