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Daily Achi cap

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I know it is an old topic, but I had to bring it back, that title **"Uncontrollable Achiever"** **60k** will not be reached at any pace without the dailies :(

Could you please, pretty please reconsider opening the cap held at 15k for the past 3 years!

I feel like i'm standing still, I don't mind for those who reach the 15k to remove the 2g from daillies, it's not the gold I am after, it's the achievement points.

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One alternative solution, if this is what ANet would want, is to change how the cap works.


The AP Cap is there to create a ceiling, so that players that joins later can catch up, and so that you can't get very AP reward etc just through doing the daily like a religious ritual.


If ANet instead capped the daily AP to a certain amount per YEAR the game had been out, it would allow it to progress further, at a slower rate. But also allow players that joined later to catch up if they want to.


The bigger problem would still be all the old achivements and stuff that new players can't do (LS1 etc).


Anyways, since the cap is at 15000 or so, you can earn a max of 3650 ap for dailies in a year, say they increased the cap with 1500-2000 each year. That would allow for a slow growth, veterans could relax a bit and log on every other day instead of every day. And new players could catch up eventually.


(Personally this doesn't really bother me, but I'm not an AP hunter)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Dailies aren't the issue, it's the lowered ap rewards given with content these days. I'm not sure why they want to slow ap gain down - surely encouraging play is good for the game.


No kidding. I wished I had done all the APs from the first 2 years now.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Dailies aren't the issue, it's the lowered ap rewards given with content these days. I'm not sure why they want to slow ap gain down - surely encouraging play is good for the game.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> It’s something called “future proofing”. Anet doesn’t have to think about rewards for AP for years because of caps, working rewards out and calculations of what is currently achievable.


Both the cap and the piddly amount of AP offered by achievements are in aid of what Haley posted.


> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> I agree with Ill, they should just remove the achievements you haven't reached yet from being visible.

> Personally, I don't think dailies should even count to the total, cause harvesting a node or viewing a vista is NOT an achievement.


Neither are most of the rest of the "achievements." MMO's consist of lists of things to keep you busy. Achievement points are MMO busywork with some perks, much like reputation in some other MMO's.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> The AP Cap is there to create a ceiling, so that players that joins later can catch up, and so that you can't get very AP reward etc just through doing the daily like a religious ritual.


The cap actually exists bc ppl complained they felt 'forced' to do their dailies every day in order to 'keep up', since missed daily ap was gone forever before the cap. With a cap, missing a day merely pushes the day your daily cheeves stop yielding ap one day further into the future, so nbd . . .


I never really understood that complaint bc there's tons of ap in the game that's gone forever if you missed it, but w/e . . .


What really irritates me about this whole thing is the fact that they've now created a reward track that we players cannot progress. While daily ap is available, you can always log in and do something to progress that track along. After you hit the cap, there will probably still be plenty of ap available, but it becomes increasingly more difficult to obtain until it becomes at first practically and then, eventually, literally impossible to make any progress . . .


There are tons of solutions to this, either eliminating the daily cap, or regularly introducing new sources of meaningful amounts of ap, or just eliminating the reward track altogether or moving the unique rewards to another venue and leaving the ap reward track as a series of rewards that repeat every 500 or 1k ap or whatever. There are tons of ways to fix it and the fact that they introduced the cap without addressing the effect in had on the reward track has always been really frustrating to me. I'm going to make a sad face now :(

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> @"Shaman.4513" said:

> I know it is an old topic, but I had to bring it back, that title **"Uncontrollable Achiever"** **60k** will not be reached at any pace without the dailies :(

> Could you please, pretty please reconsider opening the cap held at 15k for the past 3 years!

> I feel like i'm standing still, I don't mind for those who reach the 15k to remove the 2g from daillies, it's not the gold I am after, it's the achievement points.


And once you reach that they'd need to add the 65k title and then the 70k title while with the current system with the cap they don't have to deal with adding more rewards to the achievement reward list. Plus there are TONS of rewards missing up to 60k, radiant/hellfire stop at 41k and there is no reward at 45k, pinnacle weapons stop at 56k and there is no reward starting from 57k.


Those suggesting to remove the cap so the "later" rewards become available need to re-think their ideas. The cap is fine, the only problem with the achievement rewards is releasing the rewards that aren't available and honestly I don't know how anyone knows what rewards we'll get at those points.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> There are tons of solutions to this, either eliminating the daily cap, or regularly introducing new sources of meaningful amounts of ap, or just eliminating the reward track altogether or moving the unique rewards to another venue and leaving the ap reward track as a series of rewards that repeat every 500 or 1k ap or whatever. There are tons of ways to fix it and the fact that they introduced the cap without addressing the effect in had on the reward track has always been really frustrating to me. I'm going to make a sad face now :(


What you are missing is that achievement rewards are not a reward track because it has no upper limit. They had to say "we will stop here" at some point and they did at 60k. But that's not a set limit, because if 60k is the actual maximum and there is nothing beyond it, then imagine what will happen once players reach that point. No, achievement rewards need to be infinite and the only way to have an infinite "track" without having to add new rewards every few months is to introduce a hard cap in its progress.

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Anet should just retroactively increase the worth of alot of achievements, than we would be significantly closer to 60k.

I have like over 14k Ap already within the first year and now 5 years later, the amount of Ap we receives has drastically been slowed down by ANet.

Because most new Ap gets into the game now only via Living World patches through the new maps/story, of when anet added some kind of new features and stuff to do via expansions, so in regard of this it is naturally normal, that AP gain has been reduced, but this kind of drastical Ido find isn't normal.


Way too much achievements aren't in fact really worth the tiem doing them, cause you et only lousy 1,2 or3 Ap for them, when they should be at least 5 or 10 Ap worth or in case of time gated stuff that requires a lot of time 15, 20 or 25 ap worth.


After this step should be the cap of Daily Achievements be increased from 15K to 20K...

Lets not fall into illusions here .. no noob which begins a 6 year old game, will EVER catch up a 6 year old player account that is ACTIVE. NEVER EVER.

So we don't need to fool ourselfes here.


After that, reintroduce back again in an overworked and better designed way Monthly Achievements with an own Cap (10k) and introduce also new Weekly Achievements that will have their own Cap (15k)

This will give us then the practical 30k AP more, easily by doing again Dailies, Weeklies and Monthlies over the time, to reach without much effort the 60k somewhen, together, while having also a little puffer zone with Ap that gets added over tiem through story content/expansions.


After that has been done, then should anet finalyl reintroduce Living World Season 1, so that people who misseed that stuff will have again the chance to make its AP, so that AP in general are again fair and everybody has again permanently the same chance of reaching potential all AP there is by doin everything, even if this is unreaölistical for beginners now, but it should still be doale, cause everyone has the same right to experiencee the same game content, which is not the case as long season one has not been fully reconsteucted and reimplementated as good as possible with the things that can#t work anymore in persistent maps being put then into new fractals instead to replay the content there. to be able to obtain the achievements which are bonded to content that doesnt work now anymore in persitent maps, liek the marionette battle, like the lions arche invasion and its 3 mechs battle ect.

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This is an old discussion and I do not believe there is an easy answer. If you compare the current system with gw1, I prefer this one. In GW1 it is possible to gain the highest title (God walking amongst mortals) within 6 months. After that, all there is to repeat or play game formats you might not like.


So it is good that arenanet wants to keep offering us challenges and rewards, but also that it is exponentially tiered.

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This discussion again. I say again, because we have it on the forums once in a while, we even had it in the old ones. As far as I remember the cap was placed, so the new players can "catch up" with the veterans over time in terms of achievements. We all know that this is never going to happen, thanks to locked/old content.


A possible solution we worked on last time (which does not even violate the official purity of purpose):

- Dailies give 10 AP per completion until the cap of 15,000 is reached

- Then dailies give 5 AP per completion until the cap of 30,000 is reached

- Then dailies give 2 AP per completion until the cap of 45,000 is reached

- Then dailies give 1 AP per completion without a cap


Note: To reach the first cap, you need to do 1,500 dailies, which is more than 4 years, in case you never miss a single day. To reach the second cap, you need to do 3,000 dailies, which would be ~ 8.5 years. When you reach the 2nd cap you played the game for at least 12.5 years. The longest mmo I ever played was 7 years. For the last cap you need to add another 7,500 dailies, more than 20.5 years - total of 33 years. If you are still worried, WoW is out since 2005 (EU), that is barely 13 years XD.


Now a newbie could argument, that veterans are still far ahead of them and that this system would not help newer players to catch up in time. Well, personally I would be fine with 1 AP per daily, once the 15,000 AP cap is reached. This would give the players a decision: If you still want to get 10 AP for free, you have to do 10 dailies. If you do not want to wait that long, do any of your unfinished achievements. Purity of purpose!




About that 60,000 AP reward

If you create a system of values, you always want to have scales which are beyond the maximum reachable value. Else you cannot overview it properly and everything looks mixed up. If you make a graph with %, you do not let the scales end at 50%? I do not think the 60,000 AP is there to be reached by any player ever. It is there to indicate the end of the system. And even if we get close to that in a few years, they will increase the scale to 100,000 AP.

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> @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870


> Sounds good


sounds pointless to me.. if you add caps, that are never achievable by anyone, because the game will be already dead, before even one single player will even get close to any of those caps ..33 years ..roflmao




Better is 10 Ap until 15k

Raise Cap to 20k, 5 AP then

Raise Cap to 25K, 2 AP then

Raise Cap to 30k, 1 AP..


still similar system, but at leats a bit more realistical, without siuch unrealistical overdramatic huge cap increases of 15k each time .... when simply 5k steps are more than enough

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870

> >

> > Sounds good


> sounds pointless to me.. if you add caps, that are never achievable by anyone, because the game will be already dead, before even one single player will even get close to any of those caps ..33 years ..roflmao


> PS:


> Better is 10 Ap until 15k

> Raise Cap to 20k, 5 AP then

> Raise Cap to 25K, 2 AP then

> Raise Cap to 30k, 1 AP..


> still similar system, but at leats a bit more realistical, without siuch unrealistical overdramatic huge cap increases of 15k each time .... when simply 5k steps are more than enough


that was the point to to never reach the cap, since when people reach cap they complain that they are not growing.

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And if they never reach somethign ,they even complain much much MORE... the argument is moot.. people will always complain, unless they have the constant feeling, that they used time was no waste, which is only the case, if you let achieve people something when a cap has been increased...


The voice of complainers that QQ about no constant growths will be definetely much more silent, than the massive SS that you will gain of complains, when your playerbase has the impression that they never achieve a new cap, before the game is already dead.

It makes more sense to give the players a constant flow of many small AP cap increases with some little breaks in between,than only a few huge cap increases, that nobody will ever reach in the games life circle just to that people are gettign their reasons to complain suffocated in the smoke... like - look guys, we raised the caps now so high, that you will always get Ap from dailies, but the hook is, you will never be able to reach the cap - and now be quiet !!


Thats the way how it feels, if you put the caps into absurd heights, when things get changed just to quiet the complainers. It doesn't feel right. Is it a solution. .yes sure, but there are better ways to please the community, without having to raise everything directly into absurdity.


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> And if they never reach somethign ,they even complain much much MORE...


Simple solution so nobody complains: don't make the rewards of endless reward tracks visible. Don't add to the wardrobe items that nobody has access to, don't add to the wiki titles and such that you get at levels not yet available. Problem solved.


I'm curious how it's known what the titles are for such high levels of AP


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

>I'm curious how it's known what the titles are for such high levels of AP


Well, it’s been datamined, so they are in the game files. Surely this is obvious as most “upcoming items” are regularly datamined.

I personally thought it was a terrible idea having rewards for achievement points, but since they aren’t going anywhere, Anet should remove the leaderboard and ability to see others AP in game, then *maybe* think about removing any caps.

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