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Exp is useless

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T6 economy is already wrecked, if there is 1 day in a week where peopel receive them more, than usual won't harm the t6 market really, much, especially not if anet adds in the future more recipes and stuff, which requires alot of T6 materials to keep the demand for them up... Theres still so much more anet could add to this game to singificantly increase the permanent demand for lots of t6 material aside of legendary weapons/armor ..for player housing for example, more legendary accessoires (rings, earrings)


Time gated ascended materils have been now long enough only receiva visa crafting/log in reward every 30 days... also here wont hurt 1 day of increased access a week the market not very much when anet adds more stuff to the game to keep the demand up, things will stabilize themself quickly again


karma makes now absiolutely no issues at all.

laurels are also too sparse with them only receiveable yet via log in rewards

The other examples affect only reward tracks and Wxp or PvP rank points, so this stuff affects the economy not at all really.

Ectos have been wrecked already too with how extremely easily you obtain now rares, that their value has crashed to an alltime low already of like 15 silver, when there were times where an ecto was like tripple of that worth it ranging a long time between 35-50 silver.

Things liek that show to me, that Anet doesn#t care if they make with their changes for some time certain valuable items significantly less valuable.

These kinds of changes are neccessary, items shouldnt stay forever extremely valuable. its good that Anet flloods every now and then the market with specific items7materials, until they add somewhen new thigns to the game which again massively increasee the demand for those thigns and add new materials sinks at the same time that draw quickly massive amounts of the demanded items out of the game, so that they willgain in value again, once theres again demand for them and the game draws the demanded item also quicker out of the game again, than new units of that item are produced by players


Economy is no one way street. When anet would add this proposal, letting us gain this way a bit more these kinds of materials, they can add at the same time also new material sinks to catch up this way the material flood at the same time.


At the same time could Anet also drastically reduce the income of thise instant level up items, the game has been flooded by these already way too long. its tiem that the income of them gets significantly reduced..


if thats not enough to slow down thigns, then ANet could even increase the neccessary amount of a level up past 80 from 254k to a higher amoutn of needed exp, so that gainign levels gets slowed down there too.

However, its just only a proposal, in the end it just lies in anets decision ,what and how they realize it..the point of the porposal is only, that there should exisat more various level up rewards past reachign max lvl , than just lousy borign spirit shards, which are more or less useless to people, which have no interest for legendary items, cause theres nothign really useful or interestign to trade them in for otherwise

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> You mean *like in every other game when max level*?


> I've never understood the need for XP to be "valuable" once all levelling is done.


Maybe has something to do with the fact not everyone is at max level, not maxed mastery xp, have alts they are levelling .. tbh they could of just left the game as is after SAB but then there would likely be someone posting about, the need for anet to do"x" or give "y" cos bored... we get nice things we complain, we get nothing we complain.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > You mean *like in every other game when max level*?

> >

> > I've never understood the need for XP to be "valuable" once all levelling is done.


> Maybe has something to do with the fact not everyone is at max level, not maxed mastery xp, have alts they are levelling .. tbh they could of just left the game as is after SAB but then there would likely be someone posting about, the need for anet to do"x" or give "y" cos bored... we get nice things we complain, we get nothing we complain.


People complain, then people complain about the complaining.


The Circle of Life, ladies and gents. :D

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > You mean *like in every other game when max level*?

> >

> > I've never understood the need for XP to be "valuable" once all levelling is done.


> Maybe has something to do with the fact not everyone is at max level, not maxed mastery xp, have alts they are levelling .. tbh they could of just left the game as is after SAB but then there would likely be someone posting about, the need for anet to do"x" or give "y" cos bored... we get nice things we complain, we get nothing we complain.



I'm not seeing how your post in any way relates to mine.

I'm questioning the perpetual request for XP to be of value even past max level and masteries, or when lacking MP to progress.

Nothing in my post relates in any way to XP while leveling.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > You mean *like in every other game when max level*?

> > >

> > > I've never understood the need for XP to be "valuable" once all levelling is done.

> >

> > Maybe has something to do with the fact not everyone is at max level, not maxed mastery xp, have alts they are levelling .. tbh they could of just left the game as is after SAB but then there would likely be someone posting about, the need for anet to do"x" or give "y" cos bored... we get nice things we complain, we get nothing we complain.


> ...

> I'm not seeing how your post in any way relates to mine.

> I'm questioning the perpetual request for XP to be of value even past max level and masteries, or when lacking MP to progress.

> Nothing in my post relates in any way to XP while leveling.


It does relate.. just because you may have levelled all your toons to 80, does not mean xp has no value.. maybe not to you or me personally but it has a value within the game itself.

Add to that its a carrot dangled by anet to temp you and I to buy another toon slot perhaps and in so doing create a value again.. though of course we have lots of boosts likely hanging around to cover us these days.. but not everyone has.


As for the perpetual need for XP to valued.. I guess it falls into the "this is how its always been" ever since table top days even. It is the central currency for pretty much every MMO and many SP games, its also the alpha grind in any game, but its more widely accepted than other perceived grinds. So to offer xp weekends etc is just another way of keeping as many of us in game, especially after the conclusion of what is imo one of the most requested events, namely SAB.


So whether you have personally finished all your levelling or not, XP still retains its value within the game even though it might not hold a value to you personally. When everyone in the game is at that same point then sure XP looses its value, but that would also mean that ANET has not planned very effectively should that happen.. Why do you think the mastery levels were introduced.. to keep XP relevant after core levelling.

I would expect that to contuinue to be expanded on as more and more of us reach max levels on all our toons and have completed everything in game. The old way to ensure the games core grind, core currency stays valuable would of been to simply add a few more levels on, then a few more then up the max by a much large number.. lets say lvl 150 in GW2. What ANET have done is link the new xp levels to new subset of skills/mounts, which has opened up a whole new area of possibilities to keep XP relevant and the game interesting enough to keep us here playing.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> T6 economy is already wrecked, if there is 1 day in a week where peopel receive them more, than usual won't harm the t6 market really, much, especially not if anet adds in the future more recipes and stuff, which requires alot of T6 materials to keep the demand for them up... Theres still so much more anet could add to this game to singificantly increase the permanent demand for lots of t6 material aside of legendary weapons/armor ..for player housing for example, more legendary accessoires (rings, earrings)


> Time gated ascended materils have been now long enough only receiva visa crafting/log in reward every 30 days... also here wont hurt 1 day of increased access a week the market not very much when anet adds more stuff to the game to keep the demand up, things will stabilize themself quickly again


> karma makes now absiolutely no issues at all.

> laurels are also too sparse with them only receiveable yet via log in rewards

> The other examples affect only reward tracks and Wxp or PvP rank points, so this stuff affects the economy not at all really.

> Ectos have been wrecked already too with how extremely easily you obtain now rares, that their value has crashed to an alltime low already of like 15 silver, when there were times where an ecto was like tripple of that worth it ranging a long time between 35-50 silver.

> Things liek that show to me, that Anet doesn#t care if they make with their changes for some time certain valuable items significantly less valuable.

> These kinds of changes are neccessary, items shouldnt stay forever extremely valuable. its good that Anet flloods every now and then the market with specific items7materials, until they add somewhen new thigns to the game which again massively increasee the demand for those thigns and add new materials sinks at the same time that draw quickly massive amounts of the demanded items out of the game, so that they willgain in value again, once theres again demand for them and the game draws the demanded item also quicker out of the game again, than new units of that item are produced by players


> Economy is no one way street. When anet would add this proposal, letting us gain this way a bit more these kinds of materials, they can add at the same time also new material sinks to catch up this way the material flood at the same time.


> At the same time could Anet also drastically reduce the income of thise instant level up items, the game has been flooded by these already way too long. its tiem that the income of them gets significantly reduced..


> if thats not enough to slow down thigns, then ANet could even increase the neccessary amount of a level up past 80 from 254k to a higher amoutn of needed exp, so that gainign levels gets slowed down there too.

> However, its just only a proposal, in the end it just lies in anets decision ,what and how they realize it..the point of the porposal is only, that there should exisat more various level up rewards past reachign max lvl , than just lousy borign spirit shards, which are more or less useless to people, which have no interest for legendary items, cause theres nothign really useful or interestign to trade them in for otherwise


Tome of knowledge ftw! I disagree with the logic that "since T6 and ectos are broken, why not break em more?"

Leveling up is, honestly, not even worth mentioning. Anet even gives out lv80, lv50, lv40, lv30, lv20 boosters. Why does everything in this game have to give big rewards for not even minimum effort?


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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> I think its a shame that if youre not raising a any mastery all the exp goes to waste

> I understand it shouldnt give anything major since doing events in the open world is rather easy but any almost any kind of reward would be nice

> Feels bad to see a huge amount of exp as part of a reward from an event and to have it mean absolutely nothing :(


It is useless and it always was useless (hehe my WvW-Necro was lvl 1500+ before masteries got introduced) and there is really no way to introduce masteries as fast as you gather exp. (Not even talking about the mess millions of masteries would to with balance :) )


I've now 8000+ spirit chards from level up, you think we should have that many masteries?

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You call stuf like 1 potential laurel from a level up big rewards? LOL Or a bag of a random material?

As you mention the Tome of Knowledge, this is why I said, that they would need to get drastically reduced, should ANet ever give each day a level Up a different reward like proposed by me, so that peopel wouldnt not be able to massively farm those anymore. The game got flooded long enough by them, that it is overdue, that they need to get reduced.


There is no problem with it by floodign the market with specific items, as long Anet adds at the same time also enough material sinks to give those flooded materials again also enough demand again, so that their valies will also rise up again.

the boosters you mention don#t work on characters, which have not reached Level 80 yet, so they won't affect the market at all, cause you won't get ever any past level 80 rewards from those...


And hey, the game also rewards players simpoly just only for logging into the game .. lower that this can't it really be and we also receive from daily logins materials, even low end gemstore items like black lion salvage tools, laurels and mystic coins as also tomes of knowledge.. which woudl be the first thing that that id replace out with something else, if Anet would make it possible to gain each day different past lvl 80 rewards, than only spirit shards.


Howeve,r please stop focusing yourself too much on my examples.. its in the end Anet owns decision as to what they'd add as additionalx daily changing past level 80 rewards. Personalyl I'd be happy with ANYTHING, as long its just not only spirit shards ...


PS. someone mentioned thats possible to make gold out of shards, but it being a chore... gettingg instead of spirit shards instead now a bag of money would be also a nice begin, just so that players don't have then the hassle anymore to have to exchange the shards into gold ... but get the gold instead directly.

That would be already a little awesome QoL change and would give people like me, which have no usage for shards an alternative that is more generally useful for most people.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Spirit Shards can also be turned into gold but unless they decide to upgrade the forge interface that is a bit too tedious for most people.


> Yep, as tedious as buying forge fodder for karma to salvage.


That is actually worse and slightly riskier since forging the karma items can give back another karma item and it takes up a lot more space.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> You call stuf like 1 potential laurel from a level up big rewards? LOL Or a bag of a random material?

> As you mention the Tome of Knowledge, this is why I said, that they would need to get drastically reduced, should ANet ever give each day a level Up a different reward like proposed by me, so that peopel wouldnt not be able to massively farm those anymore. The game got flooded long enough by them, that it is overdue, that they need to get reduced.


> There is no problem with it by floodign the market with specific items, as long Anet adds at the same time also enough material sinks to give those flooded materials again also enough demand again, so that their valies will also rise up again.

> the boosters you mention don#t work on characters, which have not reached Level 80 yet, so they won't affect the market at all, cause you won't get ever any past level 80 rewards from those...


> And hey, the game also rewards players simpoly just only for logging into the game .. lower that this can't it really be and we also receive from daily logins materials, even low end gemstore items like black lion salvage tools, laurels and mystic coins as also tomes of knowledge.. which woudl be the first thing that that id replace out with something else, if Anet would make it possible to gain each day different past lvl 80 rewards, than only spirit shards.


> Howeve,r please stop focusing yourself too much on my examples.. its in the end Anet owns decision as to what they'd add as additionalx daily changing past level 80 rewards. Personalyl I'd be happy with ANYTHING, as long its just not only spirit shards ...


> PS. someone mentioned thats possible to make gold out of shards, but it being a chore... gettingg instead of spirit shards instead now a bag of money would be also a nice begin, just so that players don't have then the hassle anymore to have to exchange the shards into gold ... but get the gold instead directly.

> That would be already a little awesome QoL change and would give people like me, which have no usage for shards an alternative that is more generally useful for most people.


But you can already get gold go do the spirit to gold conversion.

Shouldent be to easy to make gold tbh.

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I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

> Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.


Yea but that would be to easy and gold would inflate faster.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

> Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.


I actually think it shouldn't give easy gold but something rather secondary like MF just to make the exp feel not wasted.

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> I just wish I could choose whether the experience goes for masteries or getting spirit shards because currently I got all Tyrian masteries at 4/5 and I don't have the mastery points to finish them so every exp I get goes to waste.


I'm exactly in the same spot,I'm lacking mastery points and the exp goes to waste.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > PvE reward tracks would be a good solution for experience.


> We already have that its called map rewards.


That's like saying karma is the same as trade contracts.


Absolutely nothing to do with each other.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Spirit Shards can also be turned into gold but unless they decide to upgrade the forge interface that is a bit too tedious for most people.


> Yep, as tedious as buying forge fodder for karma to salvage.


I'm not adverse to a bit of mindless tedium in my downtime (podcast time!) and I have karma to burn at the minute. Are there any good guides for what sort of items I should be looking for from Karma vendors to send to the forge?


Sorry for hijacking thread; feel free to PM me to keep the thread on track if you like

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I woudd love it, if the game woudl give us a way to decide which kind of reward we want to receive from collecting Exp, that grants us no mastery, or no level up anymore...

> That there is only Spirit Shards do I find very uncreative. There should be some kinmd of list of various different chooseable rewards you receive if you collected enough Exp to basicalyl gain theoretically a level Up, which is 254k Exp if I remember right


> Either:


> X Spirit Shards, or

> 1 Laurel, or

> XXXX to XXXXX Karma, or

> A random Bag of Tier 6 Materials

> A random Ascended timegated Crafting Material

> ect


> The possible list of rewards is long and it also hasnt to be a by choice thign, it could also just be 7 various thigns that just circle through each day.. so that you always receive Spirit Shards for each theoetical level up past 80 on Mondays... Tuesdays you receive for each theretical level up then instead a Karma Vial, each wednessday you receive a WXP or Reward Track Boost per theoretical level up, every thursday then a laurel, every friday its than a bag of random tier 6 materials... every saturday then is per theoretical level uf a Pvp rank point/ or reward track booster and severy sunday a random ascended timegated craftign material...


> his way would become all those instant level up items alot more rewarding and useful, if you could earn every day for every theoretical level up past lvl 80 a different reward item.


> Just gettign always only Spirit Shards is boring and not really rewardign at all ...especialyl due to Spirit Shards being now not that really great reward with that you can do so muhc, and beign basically useless for you if you are not interest at all in legendary equipment


That would be nice. I don't care about legendary equipment, and there's nothing useful I can do with Spirit Shards. Even 1 laurel would be better, even to buy some silly miniature, better than nothing. I wouldn't put "too good" rewards, 'cause I don't like to farm. But few alternatives would be nice (and not based on the day of the week, but simply selectable according to your needs).

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

> > Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.


> I actually think it shouldn't give easy gold but something rather secondary like MF just to make the exp feel not wasted.


Only if it’s a short booster. Actual consumable magic find eventually will be useless, as it already is for a lot of players (myself included).

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > > I know this Linken, but turning Shards into Gold is a chore...from having to do all the material conversions..

> > > Simpler woudl it just be, if i could decide to switch the reward of the spirit shard directly into a Bag of money, to save the time of needign to convert all this stuff first until i get the gold out of the used up shards. Thats what I meant.

> >

> > I actually think it shouldn't give easy gold but something rather secondary like MF just to make the exp feel not wasted.


> Only if it’s a short booster. Actual consumable magic find eventually will be useless, as it already is for a lot of players (myself included).


Makes sense

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > You call stuf like 1 potential laurel from a level up big rewards? LOL Or a bag of a random material?

> > As you mention the Tome of Knowledge, this is why I said, that they would need to get drastically reduced, should ANet ever give each day a level Up a different reward like proposed by me, so that peopel wouldnt not be able to massively farm those anymore. The game got flooded long enough by them, that it is overdue, that they need to get reduced.

> >

> > There is no problem with it by floodign the market with specific items, as long Anet adds at the same time also enough material sinks to give those flooded materials again also enough demand again, so that their valies will also rise up again.

> > the boosters you mention don#t work on characters, which have not reached Level 80 yet, so they won't affect the market at all, cause you won't get ever any past level 80 rewards from those...

> >

> > And hey, the game also rewards players simpoly just only for logging into the game .. lower that this can't it really be and we also receive from daily logins materials, even low end gemstore items like black lion salvage tools, laurels and mystic coins as also tomes of knowledge.. which woudl be the first thing that that id replace out with something else, if Anet would make it possible to gain each day different past lvl 80 rewards, than only spirit shards.

> >

> > Howeve,r please stop focusing yourself too much on my examples.. its in the end Anet owns decision as to what they'd add as additionalx daily changing past level 80 rewards. Personalyl I'd be happy with ANYTHING, as long its just not only spirit shards ...

> >

> > PS. someone mentioned thats possible to make gold out of shards, but it being a chore... gettingg instead of spirit shards instead now a bag of money would be also a nice begin, just so that players don't have then the hassle anymore to have to exchange the shards into gold ... but get the gold instead directly.

> > That would be already a little awesome QoL change and would give people like me, which have no usage for shards an alternative that is more generally useful for most people.


> But you can already get gold go do the spirit to gold conversion.

> Shouldent be to easy to make gold tbh.


how can you make gold from shards?

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > > You call stuf like 1 potential laurel from a level up big rewards? LOL Or a bag of a random material?

> > > As you mention the Tome of Knowledge, this is why I said, that they would need to get drastically reduced, should ANet ever give each day a level Up a different reward like proposed by me, so that peopel wouldnt not be able to massively farm those anymore. The game got flooded long enough by them, that it is overdue, that they need to get reduced.

> > >

> > > There is no problem with it by floodign the market with specific items, as long Anet adds at the same time also enough material sinks to give those flooded materials again also enough demand again, so that their valies will also rise up again.

> > > the boosters you mention don#t work on characters, which have not reached Level 80 yet, so they won't affect the market at all, cause you won't get ever any past level 80 rewards from those...

> > >

> > > And hey, the game also rewards players simpoly just only for logging into the game .. lower that this can't it really be and we also receive from daily logins materials, even low end gemstore items like black lion salvage tools, laurels and mystic coins as also tomes of knowledge.. which woudl be the first thing that that id replace out with something else, if Anet would make it possible to gain each day different past lvl 80 rewards, than only spirit shards.

> > >

> > > Howeve,r please stop focusing yourself too much on my examples.. its in the end Anet owns decision as to what they'd add as additionalx daily changing past level 80 rewards. Personalyl I'd be happy with ANYTHING, as long its just not only spirit shards ...

> > >

> > > PS. someone mentioned thats possible to make gold out of shards, but it being a chore... gettingg instead of spirit shards instead now a bag of money would be also a nice begin, just so that players don't have then the hassle anymore to have to exchange the shards into gold ... but get the gold instead directly.

> > > That would be already a little awesome QoL change and would give people like me, which have no usage for shards an alternative that is more generally useful for most people.

> >

> > But you can already get gold go do the spirit to gold conversion.

> > Shouldent be to easy to make gold tbh.


> how can you make gold from shards?


No clue but I got 6k spirit shards and Im probabely not one with alot or the only one, so if that could be turned into gold easily the economy could take a nose dive.

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