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[Personal Area] Garden plot Deed

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Here I want to highlight ArenaNet's (broken) promise that we can (apparently) harvest any type of plant to pick in Tyria.


I do not invent anything, this promise was however well indicated in the mail during the purchase of the garden ... It is not so.


For my part, at the sight of this promise, I bought 2 because I wanted to harvest flax seeds (those needed for the manufacture of flasks).


Well .... nothing at all! oO


Not a single bag of flax seed proposed by the gardener, while I harvest every day on known spots.


There is even here, deception on the commodity at this level (purchase price). It is shameful. Very disappointed.


I have the real feeling of being scammed.


I would like to get reasoned explanations from ArenaNet because here I am talking about real money spent on you. A shame !

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The OP has misunderstood the phrasing. I recommend that they start a new thread, asking ANet to update the wording to avoid confusion.


> @"ghost.5478" said:

> Here I want to highlight ArenaNet's (broken) promise that we can (apparently) harvest any type of plant to pick in Tyria.

No such promise was made.


> _From the gem shop_

> This activates four plant nodes for daily harvesting within your home instance. Nodes in your garden can be sown with seeds to grow plants of your choice.

All that says is that we get to choose the plants; it doesn't _promise_ that we can choose absolutely any type of plant in Tyria.


> I do not invent anything, this promise was however well indicated in the mail during the purchase of the garden ... It is not so.

The mail you get from purchasing the garden plot says no such thing. The key phrases are:

* "Your gardener will have several seeds available to start,"

* "You can unlock more varieties by harvesting seeds from plants in the wild."


The email we get is less ambiguous than the gem shop phrase.


> [From the wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Garden_Plot_Deed)

> Congratulations! Your new garden has been installed in your home and is now ready for use.


> Speak to the on-site gardener to pick which seeds you want to grow. To plant your seeds, equip the appropriate seed pouches from your inventory, then interact with a patch of open soil. The crops you plant will regrow each day until you change the type of crop that's planted in each area. Your gardener will have several seeds available to start, but you can unlock more varieties by harvesting seeds from plants in the wild.


> Your gardener can answer any questions you have in more detail. Good luck, and happy gardening.



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Flax home instance node is separate and has been in the game longer then the garden plots.


The only way to get it is from black lion chests. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flaxseed_Harvesting_Node


The garden plot only allows you to plant items that don't already have a separate home instance node already. If you could plant Flax and already have the node from black lion chests, it would be too much. Especially considering 2 garden plots give 8 gathering nodes.

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Yeah, it's badly worded and quite deceptive in my opinion, "Nodes in your garden can be sown with seeds to grow plants of your choice." is weak at best and misleading at worst. I _chose_ to grow flax seeds, no? OK, Orrian Truffles then. No? Jungle Plants? Omnomberries? No?


Basically, other limitations apply but if there's already a home instance node then you can't plant those seeds. If you're charging people for something with these kinds of limitations (or rather that they will spend real money on the gems that are used to buy them) then you should be upfront about them and explicitly list what _can_ be grown rather than relying on your customers to update your wiki after the fact.

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> @"ghost.5478" said:

> For my part, at the sight of this promise, I bought 2 because I wanted to harvest flax seeds (those needed for the manufacture of flasks).


> Well .... nothing at all! oO


As far as I can tell, nodes (such as flax) that already existed for your home instance before this gardening area was introduced, are excluded from the list of available seeds to plant.

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The list has been on the wiki for ages, including the market values of the drops:


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Garden_Plot_Deed#Value_of_produce. I realize it's a bother to visit a web page before making a purchase, but surely for 1000 gems, it's worth 30 seconds to do a bit of research to save one from the agony of unfortunate assumptions.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> If its a recent buy you can try to ask for a refund of gems for this specific purpose. I have made a request like that before and they did refund my gems and I bought something else I liked.


The OP should definite submit a formal request.


A refund might not be possible, though. I think they can refund gems for items, because the item can be destroyed. I don't think they can revert account unlocks, like the Garden Plot, which means it might not be possible to get a refund in this case. However, it costs the OP nothing to ask.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > If its a recent buy you can try to ask for a refund of gems for this specific purpose. I have made a request like that before and they did refund my gems and I bought something else I liked.


> The OP should definite submit a formal request.


> A refund might not be possible, though. I think they can refund gems for items, because the item can be destroyed. I don't think they can revert account unlocks, like the Garden Plot, which means it might not be possible to get a refund in this case. However, it costs the OP nothing to ask.


Ohhh right you are. I didn't think of that at all. Kinda tricky with things that do give benefits as well. Dont want to end up with practices where people buy it, use it and reap the benefits and then want a refund.


Gotta wonder if for such an fairly costly item a one time trial is a solution for in the future purchases.

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I would be nice if you could plant a node that is available as a separate node if you unlock it too, though.


Get the Flaxseed Harvesting Node, now you can plat flax in your garden too, get the winterberries node, you can plan those too. Maybe with a restriction, like being able to plant only a certain number.


It could help raise the value of the plant gathering nodes that have been getting rather cheap.

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I'm still confused why your are upset over not being able to plant flax when there are several farms in the open world? Just doing 2 farms (VB and Draconis) I get approximately 50 flax seeds per character. 8 more seeds it's not even enough to worry about, IMO of course. Plant the seed you need for primers and use glyph of bounty on your harvesting tool.


Edit because of auto corrects!

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> I'm still confused why your are upset over not being able to plant flax when there are several farms in the open world?


It shouldn't matter in the least _why_ the OP wants it: they spent 1000 gems under the belief that the Garden could include Flax. Maybe they want to go home instead of open world farming; maybe they wanted to do both. The OP isn't upset about flax-versus-not as much as they are frustrated that they spent a lot of currency to get something different from what they expected.


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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> I'm still confused why your are upset over not being able to plant flax when there are several farms in the open world? Just doing 2 farms (VB and Draconis) I get approximately 50 flax seeds per character. 8 more seeds it's not even enough to worry about, IMO of course. Plant the seed you need for primers and use glyph of bounty on your harvesting tool.

Like the OP, I bought the Garden Node in order to plant flax seeds and was disgusted to find out I couldn't. Ultimately, I ended up doing exactly what Artemis is suggesting here - using the flax farms and planting my Garden Node with the primer plants. That is working just fine for me now. Still, when I bought the Node I didn't realize I needed to go look for the fine print somewhere. It would have been helpful if Anent had been clearer that there was a limited list of what one could grow.


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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> No, it does not say *all* plants.

> Everything it indicates is that there is *a choice*, so obviously several options.


Precisely. You do need to do a collection achievement to get all of the plant nodes, but it is a "choice" for the plants you have unlocked.




Gem store and Black Lion Chest upgrades: none of the plants from these can be planted in your garden.


If they didn't come out with the garden plot, they probably would have put all the plants from it 1 at a time in black lion chests as separate nodes, taking forever to give us the rest of the plant nodes.


I don't think there are any clam or mussel nodes for our home instance, but we pretty much can get everything else between gem store, black lion chests, and the garden plot.

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>Add some cozy charm to your daily gathering with a garden plot for your home instance. Your personal gardener has a stockpile of seeds to get you started, **but you can also cultivate seeds you find while harvesting plants in the open world.** Like other home-instance gathering nodes, garden crops can be harvested once per day.


I can see the confusion. They should have had a note at least that said something like "plant nodes from gem shop and black lion chests can't be planted in your garden plots since they already have their own nodes for your home instance."

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> Yeah, it's badly worded and quite deceptive in my opinion, "Nodes in your garden can be sown with seeds to grow plants of your choice." is weak at best and misleading at worst. I _chose_ to grow flax seeds, no? OK, Orrian Truffles then. No? Jungle Plants? Omnomberries? No?


> Basically, other limitations apply but if there's already a home instance node then you can't plant those seeds. If you're charging people for something with these kinds of limitations (or rather that they will spend real money on the gems that are used to buy them) then you should be upfront about them and explicitly list what _can_ be grown rather than relying on your customers to update your wiki after the fact.


Or maybe because English is not the OP's native tongue he didn't understand the wording? I understood exactly what I was getting when I bought my two plots, without even looking at the Wiki I knew that I wouldn't be able to plant anything that I already had a home instance node for, nor would I be able to plant anything that a home instance node exists for. Deceptive marketing practice it is definitely not, I could point to a hundred items in the real world that are sold just like the Garden Plot, and there's never been a complaint lodged about them...it's just a matter of being able to comprehend English(which is harder to do if it's not your native tongue).

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English is my primary language, and "nodes in your garden can be sown with seeds to grow plants of your choice" is poorly worded. The OP is not wrong, the statement is vague, and not everyone even knows that there are additional home instance nodes. The item saying you can grow plants you choose, implies that you can grow the plant that "you" choose. Not, you can grow a plant that you choose from a very select, limited list.


Not saying it is intentionally misleading, but it should be worded that you can only choose from a set list.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> English is my primary language, and "nodes in your garden can be sown with seeds to grow plants of your choice" is poorly worded. The OP is not wrong, the statement is vague, and not everyone even knows that there are additional home instance nodes. The item saying you can grow plants you choose, implies that you can grow the plant that "you" choose. Not, you can grow a plant that you choose from a very select, limited list.


> Not saying it is intentionally misleading, but it should be worded that you can only choose from a set list.


The statement is not vague, nor should it be more clear. English is not my main language and it is crystal clear to me.


An example from a different marker. Mercedes brings out a new car that goes from 0 to 200 km per hour in 10 seconds. They advertise with it. You are the person getting upset that the speed limit is 120km per hour!


Just cause something is not explicitly stated, doesn't automatically mean the opposite. Just cause the manual of the microwave doesnt state that one shouldn't put animals in it, doesn't mean you can!

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The OP talks of broken promises and deception. I don't think that is true. Disappointment is speaking, as it often does when expectation does not line up with reality.


Imprecise language is rampant in sales information in general, not just from ANet. It causes customer upsets and demands for refunds. More precise language is always better _if the goal of the business is to avoid those issues_. It is any easy trap for someone writing anything to fail to look at what's being said with the eyes of someone who does not already know what it means -- which is where the writer starts.

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Uh ....


Lets assume you COULD plant flax


1000 gems per plot for 4 nodes per day


on the other hand you could just spend 800gems for a character slot and get 8 nodes per day ...


Seems like a poor choice regardless if the end goal is getting more flax. 125% of the cost for 50% of the benefit.

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That was my reason for buying one of these plots as well, and would have bought two if I could have planted flax. But with its current implementation I just don't see the value in it.


I would attempt to make some guaranteed dye unlocks but I need quite a few of the special seeds, which grow into flowers that do not even have a slot in storage and take up bank space.


I think that's what irks me the most, actually. Releasing a gemstore item that gives special crafting materials without the foresight to give said crafting materials a slot in storage. lol


But yeah, it would be nice to be able to plant flax seeds.


And to the poster above me, you could just park an alt you don't play in one of the 4? flax farming spots and yield better results. But sometimes it's easy to forget and if you're already farming your home instance it's one less thing to worry about farming.


Also, I think we need more flax farms in general unless they play on reducing the seed cost of linseed oil. It still takes a lot and linseed oil is used in so many things as it is, as well as buckets full just for guild upgrades. >_>


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The list has been on the wiki for ages, including the market values of the drops:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Garden_Plot_Deed#Value_of_produce. I realize it's a bother to visit a web page before making a purchase, but surely for 1000 gems, it's worth 30 seconds to do a bit of research to save one from the agony of unfortunate assumptions.


This should be in game, when real money is involved. Customers have 0 obligation to visit or even know that wiki exists.

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