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Changes to UNDERWATER combat [merged]

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This is great news!


I actually really enjoy underwater content and it's been in an annoying Catch-22 situation for ages where they don't add much water because the combat sucks, but don't fix the combat because there's so little.


Keeping my fingers crossed for more Revenant skills especially.

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I've always loved underwater exploring and combat in gw2. Having been ignored by the devs for years I hope they bring their full attention to it and bring it up in quality to where it should be, and not just update it in a way that will result in it being shelved.

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I am pleasantly surprised. I hope the changes are a big improvement: bad as underwater combat might be, I've gotten used to it over these last 6 years and I'd hate for things to feel the same or get more complicated.


My big hope is that underwater breathers will become skins: they aren't actually needed for breathing underwater & there's no reason we should need a 7th rune for every set, given the limited amount of underwater combat we do

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> My big hope is that underwater breathers will become skins: they aren't actually needed for breathing underwater & there's no reason we should need a 7th rune for every set, given the limited amount of underwater combat we do


I would be happy simply with being given the ability to put a helm skin over top of it. I'm fine with outfitting out with runes and infusions, but don't always like the appearance. It takes away from a nicely setup character's look.

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With the update, hopefully Anet has considered "fixing" the following quirks:

1) You do not need an UW breather to stay underwater for a long time. I am hoping this gets fixed. It's not a huge tragedy, but it does reduce the immersion (oops, did I really say that?).

2) For as long as we have had ascended UW breathers, it has been impossible to stat-swap them in the mystic forge. If number 1 above is fixed for once and for all, then this needs to be addressed at go-live also.


I have always enjoyed underwater exploration, and have not hated the combat (but maybe I have not loved it either -- it is a bit too easy to get disoriented). I am hoping this brings changes for the better and some really good quality content (i.e. LWS4 episode in the near future -- we are in the time window for another episode and have not seen the anticipated teaser trailer yet).

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I've always liked underwater combat/content, but just never felt like anet gave it enough love (aka, more content).

Frenzy and Kotaki were the first legendaries I made, back in 2012 and early 2013, respectively.


Expansion 3 confirmed:

Quaggan Utopia

Deep Sea Dragon

Jade Sea no longer jade??

Cantha confirmed?!?!

Underwater raids when?!


GEN 2 WATER LEGENDARIES WHEN?!?! (I mean I can hope, right?)

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I'm wondering if this means a new UW map in the next LW update.


One of the episodes probably will shift into underwater content, but mainly to get you back into it. They likely would have continued to avoid underwater combat if there wasn't a big reason for it, which would be the underwater expansion that has been hinted about since the beginning. Doing it next also has the bonus of avoiding the mount problem for another expansion. The problem however is that people tend to avoid underwater content, so it probably won't sell well by itself, but maybe they'll finally do housing and finishing, both of which were recently touched on.



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