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6th and 7th mount ideas

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Scorpion: to climb on walls, uses endurance to climb on the wall, 2nd level can endure the climb longer.

Dragon: fly without a high position and getting air to your wings, first level is to fly like the griffon max level in terms of none using special skill 1 and 2. 2nd level use endurance to flap your wings harder in order to rise higher into the air,. 3rd level, spend less endurance on flapping your wings hard.

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**Quaggon** to hold onto while swimming underwater. (kind of like a seabob?)



or make it Rideable underwater & on land, but slow like a griffon on land.

Look someone already designed the land quagogn verison, just plug this in and away we go!


**Dolphin** mount. Pure under water mount.

this video is mostly like a skimmer, but take the effects of it jumping above the surface(think opposite of griffon dive!!) and mostly swimming deep down below the water surface.


**Shark** mount. Ride underwater and on land!

bad video but pretty shark mount :D


**Seaturtle** (seige turtle)




**Cat** - Stealth mount.

I like _dragon fly_ idea :)


P.S. Asura Elite skill already has golem mounts, the "power suit" :open_mouth:


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> @"Pimpology.6234" said:


> **Dolphin** mount. Pure under water mount.

> this video is mostly like a skimmer, but take the effects of it jumping above the surface(think opposite of griffon dive!!) and mostly swimming deep down below the water surface.


Dolphins … pff! You have to think BIGGER. And I’m talking about MUCH BIGGER:

#[Humpback Whale](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Humpback_Whale "")

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"Pimpology.6234" said:


> > **Dolphin** mount. Pure under water mount.

> > this video is mostly like a skimmer, but take the effects of it jumping above the surface(think opposite of griffon dive!!) and mostly swimming deep down below the water surface.


> Dolphins … pff! You have to think BIGGER. And I’m talking about MUCH BIGGER:

> #[Humpback Whale](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Humpback_Whale "")


i saw a whale mount. it looked ugly so i didn't post it, where was it... ah it twas a whale shark


I miss my seahorse mount, WoW has the best mounts :)

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On the one hand I really like how original GW2's mounts are, the fact that they're not the same generic animals most games give you (even the starter mount is a raptor!) and I feel like it would be nice to continue that by making any future mounts something unique to Tyria, something not seen in most games (or at least not as a mount). But I'm not sure what exactly.


On the other hand I really want them to add a brown horse as either one of the 2,000 gem mount skins (for the raptor obviously) or even better as some kind of legendary mount we have to do an epic scavenger hunt to obtain. It would work too because people in Tyria do know about horses but they're either extinct, live a very long way away or are mythical like griffons in real life. (For example in Edge of Destiny at one point they go through an asura gate which sends them to the wrong place and they know something's _really_ wrong when they see horses in the distance - they know what they are but would never expect to see them anywhere they go.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> On the one hand I really like how original GW2's mounts are, the fact that they're not the same generic animals most games give you (even the starter mount is a raptor!)


While I agree that GW2's mounts are unique (particularly their mechanics) and so on, I'd point out that when patch 4.0 of Runes of Magic came out, there was a pre-order bonus that included a permanent "Torex" mount. What was the Torex? Um. A small raptor-style dinosaur. They also had a wide variety of animal mounts, including Mammoths, and a cool thing called the Rune Disk, a sort of hovering oval skateboard without wheels. (The Rune Disk was also the fastest mount in the game.)


Of course, RoM mounts were little more than fancy-looking running shoes - all you could do with them was go faster, with none of the special mechanics of GW2 mounts.


EDIT: RoM 4.0 came out in mid-2011, more than a year ahead of GW2.

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A giant penguin.


Now hear me out, for i am serious. It would function as a underwater mount, kinda like an opposite skimmer with the speed and agility of the Gryphon. But underwater. Staying still would make it slowly ascend to the surface "to breathe" and gaining momento would allow it to achive great speeds underwater. Quickly ascending to the surface would make it shoot out of the water and cover a small distance (Enough to make land - water transitions smooth)


On land it would have same walking speed as Springer, waddling about being adorable/fearsome and look a bit clumsy.


Its movement ability would be "dive" where it like the gryphon descends into the depths, but at a less steep angle.


Combat ability would be "Pierce" where it launches itself forward piercing and bleeding the foes.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > On the one hand I really like how original GW2's mounts are, the fact that they're not the same generic animals most games give you (even the starter mount is a raptor!)


> While I agree that GW2's mounts are unique (particularly their mechanics) and so on, I'd point out that when patch 4.0 of Runes of Magic came out, there was a pre-order bonus that included a permanent "Torex" mount. What was the Torex? Um. A small raptor-style dinosaur. They also had a wide variety of animal mounts, including Mammoths, and a cool thing called the Rune Disk, a sort of hovering oval skateboard without wheels. (The Rune Disk was also the fastest mount in the game.)


> Of course, RoM mounts were little more than fancy-looking running shoes - all you could do with them was go faster, with none of the special mechanics of GW2 mounts.


> EDIT: RoM 4.0 came out in mid-2011, more than a year ahead of GW2.


Please. Asheron's Call 2 came out in 2002, and their mounts were similar to raptors.



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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > On the one hand I really like how original GW2's mounts are, the fact that they're not the same generic animals most games give you (even the starter mount is a raptor!)


> While I agree that GW2's mounts are unique (particularly their mechanics) and so on, I'd point out that when patch 4.0 of Runes of Magic came out, there was a pre-order bonus that included a permanent "Torex" mount. What was the Torex? Um. A small raptor-style dinosaur. They also had a wide variety of animal mounts, including Mammoths, and a cool thing called the Rune Disk, a sort of hovering oval skateboard without wheels. (The Rune Disk was also the fastest mount in the game.)


> Of course, RoM mounts were little more than fancy-looking running shoes - all you could do with them was go faster, with none of the special mechanics of GW2 mounts.


> EDIT: RoM 4.0 came out in mid-2011, more than a year ahead of GW2.


Ok maybe original was the wrong word to use. I'm not suggesting GW2 is the first or only game to ever have a raptor mount, just that the selection in this game is unusual, particularly the fact that the raptor is the first mount you get. In your example it's a pre-order bonus, something special to encourage people to pre-order. That's the kind of place I'd expect a raptor mount to appear (or as a quest reward, more expensive gold purchase to 'upgrade' your starter mount etc.)


The point is I'd be reluctant to bring in all the same animals you typically see in other games, especially since as you mentioned in most games a mount is 'just' a speed boost so they don't need unique mechanics. I think they'd end up feeling a bit less special if we ended up with lots of very similar mounts with different skins/models.

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I don't think it is a new idea at least for everyone who played an MMO with underwater mount a thought properly 5 sec after he/she know all the mounts in PoF wouldn't a underwater mount be a great idea ? Yes so I do I played Dragon Prophet for a while and found a underwater dragon to bad this game has no underwater combat. The cool thing about it was how I could jump out of the water with its inertia and then switch to a flying dragon mid-air or the opposite. ( This were GW 2 is always a bit behind changing my weapons/attunement while gliding or despawn my mount in mid-air I want this kind of stuff )


I think the reason there is no is because so far I heard the developers of GW 2 were always the opinion underwater fights sucks in GW 2. The coming new change in the system could mean they will bring in also underwater mounts in the next few updates.


Another idea for a mount would be one which could use ley-lines and upwinds

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For underwater, I'd like to see a new "Back to the Seas" 5th skimmer mastery that teaches it to dive underwater. While underwater, players hold the skimmer's saddle bars instead sitting on the saddle, like with a scuba scooter.


Then two new mounts:


# Carrier.

* Default appearance: An [Arid Dolyak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/1/10/Dolyak_%28Crystal_Desert%29.jpg).

* Skins - Large pack animals: Dolyak, marmox, bull, moose, shadhavar, etc

* Specs : Slow mount, runs as fast as a skimmer on land. Bad jumper, can only jump as high and far as a jackal without using its ability.

* Special - Carrier :

* 2-4 other players can ride on this mount by interacting with you while you ride it. If they are not in your party, you will get a prompt to give them permission to ride. There will be a new options setting to prevent anyone not in your party to request permission to ride. You can kick players riding your mount by using the skill in slots 2, 3, 4 and 5.

* Mount ability 1 makes the carrier press forward, trampling enemies on its path without dismounting while consuming endurance. It consumes endurance in a single bar like a skimmer boost, while holding the button. This boost movement also damages enemies on its path for a bit. It deals more damage the more allies are riding the Carrier, but it also consumes endurance faster for each ally riding.

* Engage skill : Charge

* Rush forward trampling up to 10 enemies in your mount's path, and dismounts your allies at the end of the rush in a formation around you.

* Deals only about 1/3 the damage of a skimmer barrel roll.

* Causes a 240 distance launch.

* Deals weakness for 2s, and and 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10s.

* Mastery 1: Yakkington's Heritage - The mount gains extra health, allowing it to press forward farther between enemies.

* Mastery 2: Backseat Guard - Allies can use the mount ability buttons 1 and 2 when riding your mount. One gives aegis to the mount, the other recovers 25% of the mount's endurance, each has a 20s cooldown. Then can also use skill #1 to throw dazing rocks at nearby enemies.

* Mastery 3: Master Carrier - 2 additional allies can ride your mount.

* Mastery 4: Sandford's Parting Gift - Shares the bonus health with all other mounts.

* Mastery 5: Inertia - The engage skill now triggers for each ally riding your mount, stacking the damage.



* Default appearance :[ A cute giant jumping spider.](https://www.google.es/search?q=Salticidae&tbm=isch)

* Skins - Climbers and crawlers: Spider, insect, karka, sloth, skale, skelk, etc...

* Specs: Runs as fast as a springer. Without abilities, it jumps as high as a springer normal jump and as far as a jackal normal jump.

* Special - Climbing :

* This mount can climb certain surfaces that are usually indicated with a cue like vines or webs. They have to be prepared beforehand in the map and the textures used for climbable surfaces will be exclusively prepared for them and used for nothing else. As long as it's a climbable surface, this mount can walk on it even if it's vertical wall or even a ceiling.

* The climber can stick to climbable surfaces by walking, jumping or using the first ability towards them.

* The first ability of this mount jumps just a bit shorter than a springer ability jump without masteries, and just a bit shorter than a raptor ability jump without masteries, if it hits any climbable surface mid-jump, it will stick to it until the jump button or the first ability button is used again.

* The second ability is unlocked with a mastery, and spits a web that pulls the climber towards the surface hit if it a valid shadowstep location, or climbable.

* Engage skill : Spring

* Jump at the enemies, immobilizing them.

* Base damage is same as skimmer.

* Causes 2s of immobilize and daze for 1/2s.

* Mastery 1 - Venomous Strike : Adds 3 stacks of poison and 3 stack of torment for 8s to the climber's engage attack.

* Mastery 2 - Climber's Reach : The climber can now use mount ability 2 to throw a tether. If it hits a valid shadowstep location or a climbable surface, the climber will be pulled to the location targeted.

* Mastery 3 - Safety First : Whenever a Climber jumps with mount ability 1, it now leaves a tether behind. While in mid-air, the climber can use mount ability 1 again to pull themselves back to their original location as long as the path there isn't obstructed.

* Mastery 4 - Venomous Training: Shares the effects of Venomous Strike with all mounts.

* Mastery 5: Longlegs reach : The tether can not be fired longer and lasts longer and for more distance before it breaks.


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I support also as new mount rypes the **Carrier and the Climber/Crawler.** But additionally to those Id also love to see as last additional mount type the **Speedsters**, which are high speed felines like big Cheetahs with the speciality to run extra fast and auto avoid incoming attacks when running at full speed


# Speedster


* Default Appearance: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Cheetah.jpg , but just big enough to mount them, lets call then King Cheetahs for now basically

* Skins: All kinds of fast running felines.

* Specs: Runs extraordinary fast, faster than any other Mount Types, Auto Dodge when using Sprint. Can jump higher than Raptors/Jackals, but not higher than Springers, Can jump wider than Raptors, but only at Maximum Speed, needs some seconds first to reach build up Maximum Speed, loses speed when changing quickly directions. Can Burst Sprint only for a short time.

* Special: Auto Evasion/ Roaring/Stalking Stealth (Roar = Fear Enemies)

* The Speedster can automatically evade incoming attacks and projectiles, when you sprint with it, which would hit other mounts, with Speedsters you avoid being hit.

* Speedsters have a secondary Special, which is roaring loud at their prey, causing nearby enemies to run away in fear . It is unlocked via Mastery

* Another secondary but unique Special is Stalking Stealth, enabling you to go temporarely into Stealth, while riding the Speedsters, which happens also automatically when moving through high grass for example. Using the Engage Attack out of Stealth, changes the Attack to its Assault Version, which deals more damage and has extra effects.


* Engage Skill: **Savage Claws** / Assault Skill: **Lethal Bite**


* Jump at your Target Enemy and knock it down, scratching and biting the knocked downed enemy, causing Bleedings and Vulnerability.

* Base Damage is the same as of the Raptor

* Causes 5 Stacks of Bleeding and Vulnerability for 10 seconds

* Lethal Bite: Causes 50% more Damage than Savage Claws and adds additionally to the Bleeding also 5 Stacks of Torment and Cripple


* Mastery 1 - 1 MP - **Wild Roaring** - Learn with your Mount to peform a loud Wild Roar at Engage, which will fear all nearby enemies away from you.

* Mastery 2 - 2 MP - **Hunting Instinct** - Gain Stealth when you move through high grass or when moving very slowly only (not running, going), changing your Engage Skills into Assault Skills

* Mastery 3 - 3 MP - **Highspeed Runner** - You gain faster with your Mount Maximum Speed and you avoid automatically now also incoming projectiles. Burst Sprinting will cost now lesser Endurance also, so that you can sprint for a longer time.

* Mastery 4 - 4 MP - **Roaring Discipline** - Share by learning this Mastery the Wild Roar Ability with all your other Mounts. If the Engage of a Mount caused a CC Effect like Knockdown, will Fear activate first, once the hard CC has ended.


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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> Charr: 6 legged giant wolf/tiger-like predator

> Asura: golem

> Sylvari: stag or deer

> Human: Horse

> Norn: i dunno. ice dragon minion? Not a bear because they are themselves.. Something huge though.. Wait.. A mammoth!


it would be a dolyak ofcourse for norn and a bigger devourer for charr dont know why you see them as getting a mutated wolf or tiger.

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