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Suggestion: Fishing in the Game [merged]

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...Pfft, I just had an idea to make WvW defenses useful.

Add fishing, and make Cooking (500) a way to cook up reward/xp potions. (Or even, more rarely: supply or war score)

Imagine "sneaking" into a camp to turn it over when 3 bored fishermen look back and aggro the poor sod into oblivion. :P




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I'm okay with fishing, so long as Anet gives the option to stroll by and lob in a stick of dynamite, collect the spoils, and carry on.


A Diablo-esque game I've played had that. Much better than sitting around waiting for the fishing pole to twitch so I can click a button.

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  • 4 months later...

ANet plz bring fishing or I bring **death**.

But srsly, are there any plans for implementing fishing? I'm a huge fan of this profession and in every RPG I play I just have to do it <3 . I just love how fishing was made in Archeage where it wasn't just a nuisance but a good way to spend free time and earn some extra gold. I believe that a good time to bring fishing to the game is with the content with the Deep Sea Dragon (if that's ever to be made). I'm guessing that I'm not the only one waiting for this. :'(

Also I think that I should mention that "My old man is a fishing fanatic..."

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There has been many a thread on this over the years. Gist of my usual response:


Ok if it's like any other node gather, run up and do a short animation for fish retrieval.

Not ok if you have to keep your mouse hovering ready to click on a random spot at a random time. That helps stop bots but it also stops (me) doing anything else, looking at anything else, typing to anyone, doing anything but focusing on the fishing interaction for 20-30 seconds at a time, which is long enough to have my attention wander into boredom. Even worse if there are time limited buffs that increase your fish rewards so you *have* to cast as often as possible without taking breaks.

Ok if ANet comes up with another of their amazing spins on MMO standard fare and makes it a fun, interruptible activity in a way I can't imagine because I'm not a game designer.

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Fishing was something they've always wanted to add, had originally planned for and occasionally teased over the years, but were never actually given the okay to implement it. If they ever get around to it, don't expect it to be like other games because ArenaNet always wants to put their own twist on the usual formula; expect it to be action-oriented at the very least. The underwater expansion would be the most likely time to implement it, and probably its last chance, but they'd likely do underwater spear fishing or something involving underwater mounts rather than basic pole fishing.

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> @"forthal.7423" said:

> ANet plz bring fishing or I bring **death**.

> But srsly, are there any plans for implementing fishing? I'm a huge fan of this profession and in every RPG I play I just have to do it <3 . I just love how fishing was made in Archeage where it wasn't just a nuisance but a good way to spend free time and earn some extra gold. I believe that a good time to bring fishing to the game is with the content with the Deep Sea Dragon (if that's ever to be made). I'm guessing that I'm not the only one waiting for this. :'(

> Also I think that I should mention that "My old man is a fishing fanatic..."


Please utilize the forums search function so that threads aren't duplicated.


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61136/fishing-incoming-you-cant-deny-the-proof](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61136/fishing-incoming-you-cant-deny-the-proof "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61136/fishing-incoming-you-cant-deny-the-proof")

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47632/discussion-about-fishing-in-game](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47632/discussion-about-fishing-in-game "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47632/discussion-about-fishing-in-game")

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38956/fishing-who-wants-to-go-on-a-fishing-trip](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38956/fishing-who-wants-to-go-on-a-fishing-trip "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38956/fishing-who-wants-to-go-on-a-fishing-trip")

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29357/fishing-ideas](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29357/fishing-ideas "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29357/fishing-ideas")




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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> There has been many a thread on this over the years. Gist of my usual response:


> Ok if it's like any other node gather, run up and do a short animation for fish retrieval.

> Not ok if you have to keep your mouse hovering ready to click on a random spot at a random time. That helps stop bots but it also stops (me) doing anything else, looking at anything else, typing to anyone, doing anything but focusing on the fishing interaction for 20-30 seconds at a time, which is long enough to have my attention wander into boredom. Even worse if there are time limited buffs that increase your fish rewards so you *have* to cast as often as possible without taking breaks.

> Ok if ANet comes up with another of their amazing spins on MMO standard fare and makes it a fun, interruptible activity in a way I can't imagine because I'm not a game designer.


Another node type sounds like the worst way to implement it. The whole point of fishing is to focus your attention on it, but not necessarily have a lot happening right up until you have a lot happening. Besides, you could roll it into masteries and have subsystems like rods, bait, lures, time of day and weather, and so on. It's only worth doing if they do it right.

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I am strongly against fishing that works like in most other MMOs, just as an AFK activity, or as a node that we just use like any other node and move on.

It has to be a done like in adventure games, but GW2 style. A full minigame complete with all the bells and whistles:


* Fishing mastery track.

* Masteries in this track would unlock the ability to fish, fishing skills, fishing rod recipes, fishing tool recipes, and basic starting fishing bait recipes.

* Fishing masteries would only gain experience from fishing and events started by fishing.

* Fishing minigame.

* Fishing must not be a "walk to node, press F, wait" kind of deal. It has to be a minigame in which you have to use skills in order, 'fighting' with the fish.

* When playing the fishing minigame in a fishing location, players would get 1-5 skills in the weapon skill slots. They have to be used in the correct order and with proper timing based on how the fishing rod reacts and on how the shadow of the fish in the water moves.

* Fish would have a health bar and a defiance bar that represents the fighting spirit of the fish. The player's health would represent the durability of the fishing line. To catch the fish, the defiance bar must break without losing the health and breaking the line, and without killing the fish. Some particularly stubborn fish would also require to be weakened to a certain % of health to be captured. There may be other difficulty factors depending on the fish, like timers before they escape, or DoT to the fishing line, and even fish that turn into events that require you to jump into the water and fight them.

* Killing the fish would result in failing the gathering, and getting "ruined hook" junk instead any fish or materials.

* Fishing skills

* The 5 fishing skills in the weapon skills side of the skill bar would be unlocked with the first 5 masteries in the fishing mastery track. The first fishing skill comes unlocked when unlocking the fist fishing mastery that teaches fishing.

* Skills 6 to 0 would be fishing tool skills unlocked with the 6th and last mastery of the track

* Fishing tools.

* Crafted with the Huntsman discipline, they help when fishing and may be required for certain specific fish. The recipes are bought from any Fishing Master after unlocking the 6th mastery track.

* The tool skills in slots 6 to 0 will be Ammo skills with no count recharges. The ammo appearing in the skills would be the amount of the tool in the inventory, up to 99.

* The tools could be: a canister of healing nanogolems that restore the health of the line, a zapper than sends a current through the line to stun the fish, glittering shards that confuse the fish so they get damage when they perform actions, snares that immobilize them, and the jewel of the crown: An expensive stick of dynamite that goes in the elite slot, that can be thrown at strong fish to take a chunk of their defiance and health, but that will straight out murder weak fish.

* Fishing rods.

* Crafted with the Huntsman crating discipline. Better fishing rods would be required to fish in higher level maps and catch harder fish.

* Equipping a fishing rod would be done in a new Gathering panel where all other other gathering tools and gathering info would also be moved. This panel and anything equipped in it would be account-wide.

* Fishing rod skins would be obtained from crafting, from achievements, and from the gemstore. Fishing rod skins would not be applied to fishing rods directly as transmutations. They would be selected in the wardrobe and if the selected skin is checked to be active, it'll overwrite the skin of the rod equipped in the gathering panel. All other gathering tools would be changed to work this way too, and skins would be sold separately from tools, encouraging players to buy more skins even if they already have a full set of tools.

* Using the fishing rod would be done with a "Start Fishing" item in a new "Tools" category in the Novelties wardrobe. This category will include all non-toy useful items that are not just for fun and have uses even after their related stories have been completed, like Mursaat Portal, the Position Rewinder or the Brandstone Multitool. This would allow using it anywhere without having to code prompts like with nodes and other objects, and using it even while riding any mount and sitting on any chair, including of course your skimmer while riding on top of the water.

* Once equipped and selected, using the novelty button to activate this tool will use the equipped fishing rod with the selected fishing rod skin anywhere while standing on a valid mass of water. When trying to fish in a place with no fish, players would get a red warning instead taking out the fishing rod.

* Fishing collections.

* There would be at least 1 for each different set of 5-6 maps and regions: Krytan Fish, Maguuma, Ascalon, Shiverpeaks, Orr and S1&S2 maps, Heart of Maguuma, Crystal Desert, Season 3, Season 4, etc.

* Fish collections could reward with things like aquatic life minis, recipes for fishing rod skins, fish-themed guild hall decorations like fishing stools, aquariums and mounted fish; a stool chairs novelty, and so on.

* The collections must of course keep track of the biggest catch for each type of fish you've ever caught in a region, showing it at the bottom the description of the collection entry.

* Bait.

* There would be different types of bait that attract different kinds of fish.

* Bait are crafted with the cooking discipline. The most legendary baits used to catch the harder fish would require cooking level 500.

* Bait would be consumables that give the player an effect that lasts until a fishing attempt ends, regardless of success and failure.

* Bait would be crafted with "crumbs" of food, milling stones and other ingredients that depend on each type of bait. Crumbs would be obtained salvaging any food, meaning that fishing would become a food sink by giving an use to all that useless food filing the trading post.

* Basic bait recipes would be earned with fishing masteries, the rest must be learned by finding and impressing Fishing Masters found across the world with the catches in your fishing collections as you progress on competing them.

* More than fish.

* Sometimes fishing will produce more than fish, like salvageable trophies (e.g.: a pair of ruined boots that can be salvaged for leather, a rusty can salvageable for metal, etc), gemstones, swimming infusions, rusted keys, and underwater materials like coral, seaweed, clams, and pearls.

* Bonus events.

* Sometimes fishing will spawn an event like some angry sea life to attack you, like a giant crab, a bunch of krait or a an angry and hungry quaggan that was about to eat the fish you 'stole'.

* Sometimes event may start from fishing, like a fight vs a veteran boss. On very rare occasions a stronger boss event may start, like a champion, or a fight vs a legendary fish in the water that requires players to jump in the water and fight the fish directly with underwater skills.

* Home instance upgrade: Fish Tanks

* This has to be monetized, so of course we are going to need Home Instance Aquariums.

* Similar to the BL Garden plot deeds, they can be purchased several times to have more 'plots'.

* Each plot would have space to put underwater nodes there to be gathered daily. Like clams, mussels, coral and seaweed.

* Each plot would also have space to set fish as decoration. Fish tanks would be huge, but each fish tank would have only 8 slots for fish. Small fish would take 1, medium fish would take 2, large fish would take 4, and huge fish like sharks would take all 8 slots in a fish tank.



Hm... yup. Something like that should do it.

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