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2,000 gem Fox issue

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the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.


When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.


The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.


How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> I think that's a matter of texture loading; there are a lot of those short glitches. I sometimes get a checkerboard pattern on my mount for a second as I mount.


This. At least they fixed the "stuck camera" bug.

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It's a general loading of any graphics in game. When I load into populated areas there's a generic skin for other pc's before it shifts to their actual race and appearance. Mounts are no different the generic mount skin loads before they're replaced with the actual colors and skin selected. The worst is the lag on dismount which makes the screen zoom out then in disorienting you for a moment.

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It's not specific to this mount, it happens with all of them and sometimes other things (particularly players).


I think it's just how the game loads objects - it loads the default model first, then any special skins, effects etc. If it's fast enough you never see it, but if the game is running slowly for whatever reason you'll see the default load in first and then change. If it's running really slow and you load into a busy area you can actually watch each object appear one at a time. It happens to me if I run the game while it's still updating and I'm updating other programs in the background, I've got some weird screenshots of places like Divinity's Reach and Rata Sum from before the ground loaded.

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It's a middle ground they went for when game engine happened not to be able to manage visual changes they introduced with new expansion. Originally, our mounts were not showing up at all and camera got stuck ot waypoint while you could watch your character riding it's own bottom part of ~~armor~~ outfit on the horizon. Current solution is definitely not something you should expect from AAA company selling premium skins, but it's still better than what we had before. Unfortunately, the more flashy game becomes, the more problems like this will occur in the future unless we receive engine overhaul (we won't).

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This issue has occured with some other skins, notably the Raptor as well, and I believe it is more of a render issue than anything. Sometimes, the raptor or jackal will go to default skin for several seconds before applying the expected skin, possibly as the renderer "catches up" to the model. This is more apparent in places with high population, such as Lion's Arch.

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> @"Ajaxx.3157" said:

> > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.

> >

> > When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.

> >

> > The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.

> >

> > How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.


> The 2,000 Gem Animation issue is not with the game, its with your 25 Gem PC. Try using Gems to upgrade your PC. PogChamp.


That's definitely it. /s


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It is a general loading issue not the gem specific mount skin. It affects pretty much everything to varying degrees. I get it with all skins and players too, but that is down to my pc more than anything.


This loading issue I've never experienced with any of the 2,000 gem skins. There's only 2 skins that seem to have minor animation bugs and I'll stand by that.


![](https://i.imgur.com/qCbADs5.png "")


I've never once had this issue. Not with any other mount.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > @"Ajaxx.3157" said:

> > > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > > the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.

> > >

> > > When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.

> > >

> > > The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.

> > >

> > > How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.

> >

> > The 2,000 Gem Animation issue is not with the game, its with your 25 Gem PC. Try using Gems to upgrade your PC. PogChamp.


> That's definitely it. /s


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It is a general loading issue not the gem specific mount skin. It affects pretty much everything to varying degrees. I get it with all skins and players too, but that is down to my pc more than anything.


> This loading issue I've never experienced with any of the 2,000 gem skins. There's only 2 skins that seem to have minor animation bugs and I'll stand by that.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qCbADs5.png "")


> I've never once had this issue. Not with any other mount.


That's loading issue, yes. It happens with every skin.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > @"Ajaxx.3157" said:

> > > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > > the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.

> > >

> > > When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.

> > >

> > > The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.

> > >

> > > How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.

> >

> > The 2,000 Gem Animation issue is not with the game, its with your 25 Gem PC. Try using Gems to upgrade your PC. PogChamp.


> That's definitely it. /s


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It is a general loading issue not the gem specific mount skin. It affects pretty much everything to varying degrees. I get it with all skins and players too, but that is down to my pc more than anything.


> This loading issue I've never experienced with any of the 2,000 gem skins. There's only 2 skins that seem to have minor animation bugs and I'll stand by that.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qCbADs5.png "")


> I've never once had this issue. Not with any other mount.


Other skins must just take less time to render on your PC, then.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.


> When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.


> The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.


> How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.


This is (sadly) true for all mounts.

Even running the new gen processors wont help you here. Basic mount models load, and after a while turn into the actual mount

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This happen on all mounts i believe, when I summon the griffon the standart skin shows up, and only after a few secs the lion appears, and the skin is "loaded" is usually with really poor textures, have to dismount and mount again for him to be in his full glory lol, but rather that happen then to get the camara stuck for whole minutes sometimes.

I think thats a problem with my stuff and not with Anet, but i am pretty ignorant about this stuff.

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I notice it most on griffons. I often have the default griffon for a couple of seconds before my chosen skin shows up. It's very noticeable given that my chosen skin for most of my alts is the Grand Lion.


Doesn't bother me at all, though. If the skin *never* loaded, then it would be a real problem. A moment to load assets is fine.

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Already made a similar thread myself. And yup also particle takes a serious time before changing when teleporting. These last times it became worst: when riding, it's the basic non~animated jackal skin for 10 seconds, really funny. Also now, I don't notice it on others.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> the 2,000 skin has an animation issue.


> When using your hotkey to ride your mount, the default jackal skin loads up sometimes in place of the actual Fox skin.


> The Warhound also had the issue of the teleport animation going to default colours for like 0.2 of a second.


> How do these make it past quality control? If we could get someone from design to take a look at them, it'd be great.


It's an issue with the texture hasn't loaded yet and not with the skin itself. This happens to all skins. Sometimes when I mount the default skin will appear and then after about 2 seconds it will load.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the game just doesn't know how to load objects properly and takes outside client/player models are priority over your stuff, i can wait for 2 minutes till it has loaded everyone in DR and still my mount is basic.


It *does* know how to load objects properly. It *also* has something to get you into the map even before all the objects are fully loaded so that you aren't left staring at the loading screen for quite so long. It always waits until the "permission" geometry (the schema of walls and floors that governs where you are allowed to move) is loaded, but in extreme cases (Kaspersky root kit search can go take a long walk off a short pier!) the "scenery-vision" geometry (the walls and floors you can see) will lag behind. "Mobile object" geometry loads at a lower priority than scenery-vision geometry but a higher priority than mobile object textures, and non-basic mount skins seem to be lower still.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the game just doesn't know how to load objects properly and takes outside client/player models are priority over your stuff, i can wait for 2 minutes till it has loaded everyone in DR and still my mount is basic.


> It *does* know how to load objects properly. It *also* has something to get you into the map even before all the objects are fully loaded so that you aren't left staring at the loading screen for quite so long. It always waits until the "permission" geometry (the schema of walls and floors that governs where you are allowed to move) is loaded, but in extreme cases (Kaspersky root kit search can go take a long walk off a short pier!) the "scenery-vision" geometry (the walls and floors you can see) will lag behind. "Mobile object" geometry loads at a lower priority than scenery-vision geometry but a higher priority than mobile object textures, and non-basic mount skins seem to be lower still.


funny you say that, because at times i walk against nothingness with a fully loaded custom mount skin.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the game just doesn't know how to load objects properly and takes outside client/player models are priority over your stuff, i can wait for 2 minutes till it has loaded everyone in DR and still my mount is basic.

> >

> > It *does* know how to load objects properly. It *also* has something to get you into the map even before all the objects are fully loaded so that you aren't left staring at the loading screen for quite so long. It always waits until the "permission" geometry (the schema of walls and floors that governs where you are allowed to move) is loaded, but in extreme cases (Kaspersky root kit search can go take a long walk off a short pier!) the "scenery-vision" geometry (the walls and floors you can see) will lag behind. "Mobile object" geometry loads at a lower priority than scenery-vision geometry but a higher priority than mobile object textures, and non-basic mount skins seem to be lower still.


> funny you say that, because at times i walk against nothingness with a fully loaded custom mount skin.


Huh. OK. So my analysis is off, certainly on details (or maybe the mount skin got loaded from the system's disk cache so it loaded quickly).

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