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griffion vs new legendary

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> @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> what whould you make first , griffon or legendary wepon?


Griffon. It's a lot of fun to fly around, especially from various high points in maps like VB, Maelstrom, and some of the guild halls. I'm enjoying Griffon more & more, as I learn to master the controls.

In contrast, Legendary Weapons are moments of fun, spread out.


Plus, you can do both: Legendary: 2500 gold. Griffon: 250 gold.

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I made 2 legendary weapons before I got the griffon, but it wasn't available at the time so I guess that doesn't count.


If I was trying to choose which to focus on first I'd probably do the griffon first because it's quicker and cheaper (it took me a few weeks rather than the several months it takes to make a legendary) and it might come in useful when doing map completion. Although when I'm doing map completion I try to avoid using mounts because I don't want to get into the habit of relying on them and forget how to do it properly.

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This is a bit of a weird comparison, considering the sheer cost difference between getting a Griffon and crafting a Legendary, but that's also part of why I'd vote for Griffon. It's a much more easily achievable reward, and yet unlike legendaries, which are purely cosmetic, it actually gives you something fun to use from a gameplay perspective. If you're aiming for both, having your Legendary delayed by a bit for your Griffon is, to me, a better option than having your Griffon delayed significantly longer by your Legendary.


P.S. to add more to that perspective, if you're still doing world or Maguuma exploration for a Legendary, having a Griffon can make that process both easier and more fun.

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My 2p for what it's worth:


Spent a good few months thoroughly enjoying the griffon around the pve zones, doing all the races and jumping off all sorts of places... had a lot of fun. Now since nearly 2 months I have not used it at all, because I don't need to. I don't like the disappointing feeling of "not flying" and always falling despite putting in effort to flap. Also the squawk engage skill sound effect is very irritating to me as well as the clip/clopping of hooves as it runs. Now I only use it if I **need** to fly somewhere. Most of the time in pve I'm chilling on the skimmer because it's the most relaxing, and in reality I don't care for jumping and flying off things especially as it's not really flying. Gliding is a convenience - and now I am seeing griffon in the same way - ie it's a tool to get from a to b. The disappointing feeling of wasting effort hitting the jump key repeatedly while constantly falling isn't as fun anymore as it used to be when I first unlocked it.


A legendary on the other hand - if you like the skin it is great to have in all game modes. If you might get bored of the skin and transmute then ask yourself how long the novelty will last and if you value the stat swap. I have one legendary I will likely never transmute because I love it that much. But I have another that has spent most of the time in a different skin, making it seem like a waste of time/gold to make (although now I am enjoying using it's skin again).


Griffon is cheaper and you will get enough fun time out of it that's worth the 250 gold. Whether it's something that retains your interest after the novelty wears off depends on your tastes.

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If it wasn't already clear at this point, the Griffon has a much greater immediate return on investment. Aside from being slightly slower on foot, it can replace the other mounts in general purpose, and has the benefit of traveling a LOT faster if you start with a significant height advantage. The other mounts still have their specific use cases, but most are also hampered by the sharp terrain geometry of Core Tyria; plus the griffon itself can handle small cliffs, and can scale slightly better then the Springer if theres a lot of small outcroppings.


That QOL and increase in traversal speed is a big deal in both expansions, and well worth the investment for getting around and hitting older content that has movement requirements. Plus Legendary weapons are now just gold sinks, so 250 gold is like maybe 2 weeks of farming if you hit the usual places.

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