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Does everyone use a specialization now?

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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> Curious if people still run the vanilla classes and builds, or does everyone run with a specialization?


I only play core specializations. It's probably due to how much time I've spent playing them from 2013. I play core engineer in PvP to this day and I reached near platinum 1.

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A lot of my characters are still using core specilisations because I haven't gotten enough hero points to train the elites yet. When I do get enough I'll decide if I actually want to use them or not. I'm not going to use an elite just for the sake of it, there has to be something I actually want to do on that character.


But even when I do use the elites it tends to be only parts of it. For example my ranger is technically a druid but I only use 1 glyph and the celestial form as a back-up heal. And the traits of course, but I was using Nature Magic before, which is the core healing/defense line so that's not a big change. Although my enelemtalist changed a lot once I had Tempest unlocked, but I'm still experimenting to find a final build for her.

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I'm not crazy about Druid or Soulbeast, I always played a Ranger like a WoW Hunter with a Longbow. Keep in mind I lost interest in Ranger after I got one to 80 (I did like the idea of a Power Glypher but then I heard it was a junk build so I said oh well).


Occasionally I'll run a Core Bunker Guardian Build; although after playing ESO a lot I found my self really good at using Dragonhunter Active defenses (my only gripe with Guardian is the rediculously low hit points).


Warrior I've screwed around with a Phalanx Stength build that replaces Berserker with Defense but then after playing Reaper for so long it really irritates me that Warriors can melt like butter with out self healing on a Reapers level.


Prior to Path of Fire the only Meta build for a Renegade was a Core Condition Build.


Other than that I use Heart of Thorns Elite Specs even though I have Path of Fire. I shift between Reaper and Dragonhunter.

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Speaking about PVE, I have switched over to an Elite spec to most characters that have unlocked them:

War -> Spellbreaker : unlocked berseker too, bot not tried yet, as SB is really good

Mesmer -> Mirage, it's great, probably will unlock Chrono, too

Engi -> Holosmith, great elite, for sure I keep it, don't think to unlock Scrapper

Necro -> Scourge, it's just so much better than core

Guard -> Dragonhunter, although I am not sure I like it so much

Ranger -> Core, even tho I have unlocked Druid and almost finished Beastmaster, I will probably mingle with them in the future, but I am happy with core LB

Ele -> Core, haven't unlocked anything, don't play it much

Revenant -> Core, I use it so little that I am still running the power build suggested after boost


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There isn't really a reason to use core builds for me anymore, since I have all elites fully trained for all professions, and they simply do everything better than vanilla builds. And it's not just about efficiency and dps, I just like the elite spec playstyles more and find them more enjoyable. Core professions just feel like they... lack something.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Sinful.2165" said:

> > I had a lot of fun on my core condi trap ranger. Granted, I was using vipers which is a HoT stat combo I think. Also, my favorite pet was a PoF pet.


> Just curious... Which PoF pet? I really like the Jacaranda. (Sylvari Soulbeast with Jacaranda and Iboga... Plants all round...)


I used the jacaranda for the AoE lightning that it casts almost immediately on swap which helps pressure a stationary target like someone trying to stomp. I also used the iboga to occasionally pull people on to my three traps. <3 the PoF pets.

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