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Rant about a player insult

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Hey guys I just need to rant and maybe make some noise about something that pissed me off today so if you really not into rants i suggest to find more ambitious topic. So i get back from work to my beloved home and after nice calm dinner dacided to make fractal dailies. I opened LFG for 75 and waited for group. Finally ppls joined me and one guy started to complain that i am a thief and that he wants to puke when he see me. I told him that he should log out and go puke to toilet (so he safe his keyboard) and that there wasn't "no thieves" in description (it was 75 rec and there was a time when i was spamming 100cm everyday to get red aura so how can thief not be viable in fractals ???) later when i told him to calm down and what is all that yelling point and asked if he want to report , he called me a basta... kitten and started to threating me that i am only smart in internet and if it would be a dark alley i wouldn't be so smart and at the end i got kicked from my own group coz they joined in few ppls group... yeah thats all sorry to bothering you with that one unimportant story but as i said i am just pissed off. I really love the GW2 community and I see it as the best community in MMO games but as i know from long time there is always a darker side of the "alley" xd but seriously one of his mates he joined with said that he can't belive how few words can harm and why all this ppls are so soft this days... I am pissed off but i am fine but i have friend in this game that have depression so yes , that kind of situation can definitly harm someone , not mantioning that this game is played by kids too. Sorry again for wasting your time if you have rode all of this and i do really hope that A-Net will do something about it. :/

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There is largely nothing Anet can do since it is a symptom of the internet where ppl can be nasty to others sheltered behind their keyboard where they feel empowered. Block, report, move on and be safe in the knowledge you are the bigger/better person. It happens every day in this game and every other online game and it almost impossible to police.

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There is not very much ArenaNet can do about players who discriminate against certain professions or (elite) specializations. The only thing they can do is continually check if the balance between the different professions/specializations is okay to allow anyone to be competitive.


Of course, we as community can do our best to be friendly but as in real-life you will always encounter people with very different attitudes.


Other than this: There will always be parties allowing you in, maybe with an exception for raids which require very specific strategies in which some builds just work a lot better than other builds.

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> @"Biziut.3594" said:

> I really love the GW2 community and I see it as the best community in MMO games but as i know from long time there is always a darker side of the "alley" xd but seriously one of his mates he joined with said that he can't belive how few words can harm and why all this ppls are so soft this days... I am pissed off but i am fine but i have friend in this game that have depression so yes , that kind of situation can definitly harm someone


This is definitely something you should use the in-game report option for. ANet do take that seriously, and what they did was punishably inappropriate.

It sucks, and I'm sorry you suffered through that.

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I hope you reported him. There's absolutely no need for going off on one like that, even if you're playing a profession he doesn't like. (Especially since he joined your group - he could easily have skipped it and found another group if playing with a thief is so unbearable to him.)


Sadly other than reporting and blocking people like that there's not a lot you can do. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd had a bad day or had other things going on and was just looking for an easy target to vent his frustration. Which is totally unfair on you, but it's what some people do. Had a similar thing in a shop earlier today - I was in the middle of paying and some guy barged past the queue, leaned over me and put his money on the counter and said he was just going to take his items and go. The cashier wouldn't allow it, said he'd have to go to the back of the line and he blew up at her - started shouting about how he shouldn't have to wait and she should do whatever he told her because he's the customer, acting like _she_ was the one making a scene when she'd been very calm and polite. And all that because he didn't want to wait 2 minutes to get his paper and an energy drink.

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It really is time that fractal gets a partyleader-function so this cant happen anymore...

Block and move one, knowing that those kind of players are in every game.

And *pls* stop to immediately jump on the “thats why i dont raid!“ train again, we had thos so many time already. Black sheeps exist everywhere, in raids, open world, pvp etc in each game. Most of the raidcommunity is helpfull, the many discordsservers to have a easier time to get into raids proves that.

But if you continue to blame an entire community for what ~5-10% of them do, then domt be surprised if the whole community stops begin helpfull someday.... just saying.

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Yeah you are all right and I did as you all said just needed to let it out somewhere sorry for that , forum should be place of getting some knowledge and solving more serious problems but it was just angry and anger guided me here so sorry again and thanks for a good words. Damn tho i play a charr i decided to handle that sylvari way and even wrote to that guy "All things have a right to grow , the blossom is the brother to the weed" i called him a brother and told him that i hope he will learn something from this game too. Thanks again guys you are great community.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> Report them and open a ticket here on the support page as well. I've also been doing this for all the elitist arc dps schmucks out there who complain, say I suck, and that my dps is off and kick me cause it took 30 seconds too long to kill the boss, or whatever.


While I fully agree with your stance against what I would call build nazzis, I don't think this is a bannable offense or something that support can solve for you. The other side of the story is that some of the game content is very hard and requires certain strategies involving certain builds. While I would love more accessibility here, the current situation is that certain builds are just not viable for certain raids. This will frustrate high-end players so much that they will kick you if they are afraid that you cannot perform well enough.


I guess content like raids could get a normal mode besides of the current hard mode, allowing more freedom of builds and therefore group composition.

The solution would be three way: A more friendly attitude of the high-end community, a more adaptive attitude of players with uncompetitive builds and a more forgiving mode as alternative for the current hard-mode content.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> > Report them and open a ticket here on the support page as well. I've also been doing this for all the elitist arc dps schmucks out there who complain, say I suck, and that my dps is off and kick me cause it took 30 seconds too long to kill the boss, or whatever.


> While I fully agree with your stance against what I would call build nazzis, I don't think this is a bannable offense or something that support can solve for you. The other side of the story is that some of the game content is very hard and requires certain strategies involving certain builds. While I would love more accessibility here, the current situation is that certain builds are just not viable for certain raids. This will frustrate high-end players so much that they will kick you if they are afraid that you cannot perform well enough.


> I guess content like raids could get a normal mode besides of the current hard mode, allowing more freedom of builds and therefore group composition.

> The solution would be three way: A more friendly attitude of the high-end community, a more adaptive attitude of players with uncompetitive builds and a more forgiving mode as alternative for the current hard-mode content.


Way to read my very simple statement and twist my words into to the extreme as if I, or others like me, run the wrong builds, dying because I don't know the mechanics, basically the extreme to what I mentioned. That's different and understandable, as long as they're not being jerks about it. Even then, people need to be held accountable to how they treat others. I'm able to do content fine. I'm able to listen to suggestions or instruction if need be. I do learning raids first. and am sure I know content before feeling confident to do non-voip raids.


But sometimes on a fractal, I take my T4 dailies a little casual, and sometimes I might get kicked because I have low dps. Then I get the pleasure of waiting around for an hour to find a new group to do one T4. That is totally Anets fault for allowing Arc dps into the game and I consider that abuse by the players. I report it.

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The only "mistake" you made was trying to talk to them. Honestly, if someone is being horrible at you, don't start a discussion, it will only make it worse. Report, block and try to kick them before they try to kick you. If you get kicked instead, means there are more people like him in the group, so good riddance, you are better off away of such people anyway. You can go find a group with actually decent players to play with.

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There is a simple fix: **Disable the kick-function** just use an afk-manager instead, and give people the possibility to specify what they are searching for in an system-checkable way. (I want lvl=80, class in {ele max 2, mesmer exactly 1, ...}, power > 2800, armor < 1100, 14000 < hp < 18000, ...)

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Find a like-minded guild that isn't full of metababies.

Then do dungeon/fractal runs with him in groups of 3 or more. That way, if you add people from LFG, you have full kick power.

Safety in numbers.


Also, next time a player harasses you, report for harassment / verbal abuse.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> But sometimes on a fractal, I take my T4 dailies a little casual, and sometimes I might get kicked because I have low dps. Then I get the pleasure of waiting around for an hour to find a new group to do one T4. That is totally Anets fault for allowing Arc dps into the game and I consider that abuse by the players. I report it.


This sort of behaviour was present before ArcDPS was available, and would continue to be present if it were removed.


Reporting ArcDPS use is never, never going to help, because Chris_GGG has explicitly said that, yes, it is acceptable in the current form, and DeltaConnected is absolutely working with him to ensure it stays that way.


Reporting the behaviour is entirely reasonable. I'm not sure which of those two you meant, so for the audience, the clarification.

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