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Why not housing?

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"CJH.2879" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > >

> > > > "best efforts"...Okay then, we have different opinions on what best is i guess.

> > >

> > > Oi stop *nitpicking* Dante.... LoL.... And blessings on you from the Pale Tree =D

> >

> > Im not, unless you meant by your post?


> *Sigh*, nevermind, anyways moving on.


Aha...so avoid my question, alrighty then...

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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> any content that creates more revenue than it costs is welcome, we already have craftable and placeable furniture in the guild hall and we can sit in chairs, so it doesn't seem like a stretch that housing may be added in the future...


> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > @"Zhaneel.9208" said:

> > > > > Housing would be an amazing addition. I'd love to have a Charr-based residence. : D

> > > >

> > > > I could bet behind this.

> > > >

> > > > A residence crafted from Charr....perhaps a large tent of Charr hide. Asuran skulls on the supporting poles for decoration would be a nice touch as well.

> > >

> > > Only if i can have a human skin tent too!

> >

> > Hey, I am an equal opportunity monster. Why not.


> then you would also agree on planting sylavari in gardens? :)


one word for you.....mulch.

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > And noone would be happy at a minimal effort from the devs. assets would have to be coded and redrawn so they could be placed around if they only had one side for example. And youd need new menus and more. It would quickly run up, especially once you consider bugfixing and QA.

> > You do realize they cut down on making armor sets, because it took too much time and it was far easier to make outfits?

> > So no, this would be a horrible waste of dev resources for something done far better in other games.


> Well given the fact that ANET always ensures that there best efforts are put forwards into any developments within GW2 itself I honestly wouldn't worry about any minimal efforts. I believe what Patchwreck.2357 was trying to say (and correct me if I'm wrong here) is that in regards to any basic visual content most of the work for that part of it has already been done.... when you consider all the objects already in the game from home citys to dungeons to fractals ect ect, alot of the basic visual content should already be there & already facing in several different directions.


> I've seen customized player housing in MMO's from 20 years ago so I don't feel that the resources to implement player housing in a game like GW2 with the sheer amount of developers at there call would be necessarily unrealistic. Surely creating a piece of static furniture would be easier to implement on a regular basis rather then a armor set or even outfit as there wouldn't be any visual clipping issues as the "stuff" in the house doesn't move around once placed. One thing I do find incredible is that alot of other older & even some of the newer MMO's did implement player housing and every player I came across absolutely loved it.... And GW2 doesn't have it because...???


> Other developers didn't have even half the resources, yet they managed to do it regardless. I'm sorry but based on the sheer numbers of other MMO's that managed to implement player housing old & new titles alike (alot of them with less resources at there disposal) it just sounds to me like we're all hearing alot of excuses for something that could be done by ANET if they really wanted to (just as mounts were)<<.


Yes, my I was thinking this would just be taken as a continuation of my previous post where I said the same things except I said make it their own and bling things up. The differences between making a 6 part set of armor that needs to fit together properly on 5 different body types and all look good alone as well as together being compared to a kit house is like comparing a tricycle to a car.

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> @"Tiril.2578" said:

> It may be a silly question, but has ArenaNet said anything about this? I see a lot of topics around this subject, and if it was planned or not they would mentioned it? Or do they have to keep things like this secret?


They havent said anything people just want it.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"CJH.2879" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"CJH.2879" said:

> > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > "best efforts"...Okay then, we have different opinions on what best is i guess.

> > > >

> > > > Oi stop *nitpicking* Dante.... LoL.... And blessings on you from the Pale Tree =D

> > >

> > > Im not, unless you meant by your post?

> >

> > *Sigh*, nevermind, anyways moving on.


> Aha...so avoid my question, alrighty then...


First and foremost, let me clarify things & be extremely direct & to the point with you Dante, the only reason I mentioned nitpicking at all (in regards to your own quote) is because you quoted my previous response in its full entirety & then specifically mentioned that your opinion of best efforts by ANET was completely different to my own opinion on it which would then infer that you don't think ANETS best efforts are of the high same standard that I believe they are, because if it were you wouldn't of said anything at all.


I've always believed ANET always puts forwards its "best efforts" which to me means of the "highest standard", (but yes thats my own opinion). If you yourself don't feel that those efforts by ANET are of the same "high standard" then by all means, write your reasons down in the topic & post them. It sounded to me (and I'm sure to many other forum players) like you were dis-satisfied with the "best efforts" of ANET in some way, but stopped short of actually saying it directly & specifically in what way it was.


Also for the record, my definition of "nitpicking" is to be "dis-satisfied" & i only brought it up at all is because of your own post which quoted mine in which you obviously seemed "dis-satisfied" about something but fell short on mentioning just exactly what it was in regards to ANET/GW2. Seeing as you didn't mention what it was I essentially was saying (in the friendliest way possible) if your not going to talk about specifically what it was then don't complain about it. Also lastly in answer to your question, I was not the one "nitpicking" or being "dis-satisfied" to begin with, that was all on you.


If you'd like to now move forwards & past this I'd be more then willing to do so that we can get back to the real topic of "player housing".

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> If player housing was introduced into GW2 I honestly do not believe it would be done with the exact same setup as every other MMO with only single player focus on it. As I've said in previous posts, I truly feel that ANET has an opportunity to make its "own unique housing experience" that encourages other players to visit, view & interact with certain features of the house itself & the player that created it.


Player housing in MMORPGs is a wide subject.

* In ArcheAge, you grab a chunk of buildable-on land in the world and build your house, then you can decorate it. Your house is *there* and any random player can walk up to and into it.

* In Runes of Magic, your house is hidden behind an entry-control NPC, but it isn't anywhere specific. Everybody's house is behind the same NPC (although the NPC is duplicated all over, all the copies of the NPC give access to the same house). There are mechanisms to allow you to visit other players' houses, and ways to block other players from visiting.

* SWTOR has something sort of in between. You can have multiple houses, called "Strongholds", but they are shared between all your characters on the server. Strongholds can be marked "public", and as long as you're online, people can visit.


> Make the players customized house accessible to the public players (or at least the option to do so)...... another suggestion, ANET could think radically about the player housing & even add in the option to create your own mini jump puzzle (fully customized), this would most certainly draw in alot of players to there home. Other ideas for the home, create the option for a statue of the player, there main hero could be on display in there house wearing there most legendary gear in there favorite pose. These are just a couple of suggestions, the possibilities are endless!


Mini JP? Allods Online has the "Personal Allod" which is a bit like that, although it's more of a combat challenge than a JP. (An "allod" in that game is a sort of "island in the sky", a fragment of a former planet that was magically broken up into pieces.)


Re: main hero: OK, but *which* is my main hero? (Armour stand furniture is a fairly standard feature, although its absence from SWTOR Strongholds has caused some grumblement.)


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Tiril.2578" said:

> > It may be a silly question, but has ArenaNet said anything about this? I see a lot of topics around this subject, and if it was planned or not they would mentioned it? Or do they have to keep things like this secret?


> They havent said anything people just want it.


It was first discussed between the (future) players and ArenaNet back in the "core" beta days, and if memory serves, they said that it was something they were studying but they didn't at that time have any firm plans.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> tl;dr all the replies


> I believe there was a rumor prior to the release of PoF that stated that housing was reserved for the next add-on. Well, guess we'll have to wait and see. ;)


I would love to hear them say they were adding housing. To me, that would lock in my loyalty to GW2.

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > tl;dr all the replies

> >

> > I believe there was a rumor prior to the release of PoF that stated that housing was reserved for the next add-on. Well, guess we'll have to wait and see. ;)


> I would love to hear them say they were adding housing. To me, that would lock in my loyalty


I think that it is inevitable.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Tiril.2578" said:

> > > It may be a silly question, but has ArenaNet said anything about this? I see a lot of topics around this subject, and if it was planned or not they would mentioned it? Or do they have to keep things like this secret?

> >

> > They havent said anything people just want it.


> It was first discussed between the (future) players and ArenaNet back in the "core" beta days, and if memory serves, they said that it was something they were studying but they didn't at that time have any firm plans.


@"Tiril.2578" and @"Linken.6345": I had to go through old stuff to find the post I was referring to, and here it is:


"_Player housing has been developed, but didn't make the cut this expansion. It's been postponed as the big selling point for the next possible expansion. This would've included us being able to customise a large plot of land, which acts a lot like current Guild Hall decoration. We could choose the spots of our resources, and it will make a lot of use of Scribing. You'd get a lot of basic decorations to start with, but if you want to spend a ton of money and resources on it, you can do it._"



As I stated earlier, the whole post must be looked upon as rumors and speculations, as most of it didn't come to pass - but keep in mind that a few details in all the fake news were actually accurate, so you best decide for yourself whether you want to put your hopes up for housing. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> @"Tiril.2578" and @"Linken.6345": I had to go through old stuff to find the post I was referring to, and here it is:


> "_Player housing has been developed, but didn't make the cut this expansion. It's been postponed as the big selling point for the next possible expansion. This would've included us being able to customise a large plot of land, which acts a lot like current Guild Hall decoration. We could choose the spots of our resources, and it will make a lot of use of Scribing. You'd get a lot of basic decorations to start with, but if you want to spend a ton of money and resources on it, you can do it._"

> Source:


> As I stated earlier, the whole post must be looked upon as rumors and speculations, as most of it didn't come to pass - but keep in mind that a few details in all the fake news were actually accurate, so you best decide for yourself whether you want to put your hopes up for housing. ;)


@Ashantara.8731 Thank you for having a look.:)


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Tiril.2578" said:

> > > > It may be a silly question, but has ArenaNet said anything about this? I see a lot of topics around this subject, and if it was planned or not they would mentioned it? Or do they have to keep things like this secret?

> > >

> > > They havent said anything people just want it.

> >

> > It was first discussed between the (future) players and ArenaNet back in the "core" beta days, and if memory serves, they said that it was something they were studying but they didn't at that time have any firm plans.


> @"Tiril.2578" and @"Linken.6345": I had to go through old stuff to find the post I was referring to, and here it is:


> "_Player housing has been developed, but didn't make the cut this expansion. It's been postponed as the big selling point for the next possible expansion. This would've included us being able to customise a large plot of land, which acts a lot like current Guild Hall decoration. We could choose the spots of our resources, and it will make a lot of use of Scribing. You'd get a lot of basic decorations to start with, but if you want to spend a ton of money and resources on it, you can do it._"

> Source:


> As I stated earlier, the whole post must be looked upon as rumors and speculations, as most of it didn't come to pass - but keep in mind that a few details in all the fake news were actually accurate, so you best decide for yourself whether you want to put your hopes up for housing. ;)


Where is this person getting his information from? To me, the post looks like he is just pulling things out of the air, but I'll be honest and say I don't really know anything, so my opinion and two copper gets you two copper.


I would love this to be true.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> *GRABS* whip and starts beating the dust of a long dead horse. Why house? You have home instance and guild halls. It's enough. Would rather they spend resources on new content not cosmetic things seriously.


Because we can't decorate the home instance at all, and we can't decorate our guild's guild hall the way we want unless it's a personal vanity guild,

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> *GRABS* whip and starts beating the dust of a long dead horse. Why house? You have home instance and guild halls. It's enough. Would rather they spend resources on new content not cosmetic things seriously.


Housing would be new content, technically. Just not new content _you're_ interested in.


That's okay. Not everyone likes everything. But I wouldn't deny someone else something just because I personally don't want it.

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Where is this person getting his information from? To me, the post looks like he is just pulling things out of the air


It is a known fact that ANet likes to spread rumors a few weeks/months prior to the release of a new expansion, with a few truths being hidden in them. Maybe that person is somehow affiliated to ANet? After all, [this](http://archive.is/m4YET "this") was leaked a couple of months before PoF came out, and I too wonder how they got this data (data mining?), for it was all accurate.

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I wouldnt want player housing but guild houses or mansions sound like an idea. Basically the possibility to upgrade the guild initiative HQ as a guild hall / with guild hall functionalities. (for a size / functionality comparison.) I like the idea of having smaller guild halls located within a major city.



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The concept should not be restricted to guild, imagine you are a casual player and like decorating, customizing, building a home like in AC or MC, and DON'T want to be part of a guild, want to evolve alone (It can happens) ; what alternative would they have ? I like the idea of smaller guild hall, an instance for that or houses but outside of the guild hall, a non-guild hall/house. But then, two solutions: Make some areas all around tyria and cities instanced where you can have your own house OR an global map/instance that everyone can access through an asuran gate.

The fact is, guild hall don't need guild houses/mansions, in this case we just need a ton of new decorations! If we got the tools, (floor/wall/roof/staircase) we can make our own house in GH without requiring to add another system or massive prefab structures aka Houses, and more, they are no much involvement in guild hall, no new decorations after 8-9 months I guess.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Faline.8795" said:

> > Where is this person getting his information from? To me, the post looks like he is just pulling things out of the air


> It is a known fact that ANet likes to spread rumors a few weeks/months prior to the release of a new expansion, with a few truths being hidden in them. Maybe that person is somehow affiliated to ANet? After all, [this](http://archive.is/m4YET "this") was leaked a couple of months before PoF came out, and I too wonder how they got this data (data mining?), for it was all accurate.


Interesting if ANet really did that. It's not unknown. I've seen other companies do that. John Nathan-Turner, who was the producer of Doctor Who in the 80's, often leaked stuff to generate interest.

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After taking a look on the leak, that's sad Anet haven't keep the Holosmith sword showed on the trait wheel, instead we got a very basic lightsaber, seriously non-sense, this would love to have this holographis-steampunk sword instead! :o Bring her to live!



To return to the subject, I hope that some kind of this feature arrive with expansion 3. Or just massive addition of decoration.

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Dont player's have a own "home" instance in each city,or it is account bound instance?


Once i went to try to see how this worked and it was a human on it's own Asuran home instance, kinda felt like an organic garden to farm some resources nothing more :).

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