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Cantha Map (future?)

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> @"Tiger Ashante.1792" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Of course a reason to go there can be written, much like a reason to go anywhere can be introduced, just think about the great reason we had to go to ember bay or siren's landing ;)

> > I think if you feel nostalgic for GW1, why not play it for a few hours, it's all there. GW1 had Cantha, so we obviously need to have Cantha in GW2. GW1 had capes, so it's just natural to have capes in GW2. GW1 had ritualists and scythes, so why aren't they already in GW2, seriously. I just wish for something new, something not reliant on nostalgia, something that isn't a reference and not much else. GW1 also rooted you while using 80% of the skills, do we need to have that too? GW1 didn't let you jump, do we need to remove it now in GW2? GW1 was all instanced and railroaded maps with lots of invisble walls, is GW2 representing this badly and it should change?

> > I loved the PoF maps and Elona in general in GW2 and I'm sure if it's Cantha next, ANet will do a great job and I will love it as well. But can't we have something new now since this is a new game? I'd rather have GW2 explore other regions like the Legions Homelands or the Far Shiverpeaks.

> >

> > (Don't nitpick me on the fact that there is nothing new under the sun in a sense that no real creativity ever exists because nothing just comes out of nowhere. I am fully aware of said fact. I'm just more in favor of picking the road less traveled above endless rehash or reinvention for nostalgic value alone.)


> tbh, we need Cantha to conclude that fan service to both the franchise and gw1 players. If Cantha comes to gw2, i'm sure it won't be anything like it was in gw1, just as Elona/Crystal Desert weren't, other than some major locations such as the actual regions. I think Cantha would be amazing and they should add a new class, Ritualist. That would complete gw2 as well hugely please those gw1 players who are constantly asking for it. After that, rest of Tyria is open for exploration. The sky is the limit and Anet can takes us anywhere. It would be a perfect time to explore a completely new region and perhaps add new races to the game.


just add to your points, it will give the narrative team creative freedom to start fresh, especially with the loss of Peter; keeping neutral here, just purely from the view what talent he brought into the story


the story does not have to deal with elder dragons, but some conflict only limited to that region


also, it will wow players just as each GW1 expansions did back in the old days

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> the world is huge, why limit to regions already explored previously?


> there were speculations that GW:Utopia was gonna be on the Arid with aztec theme before it got shelved for GW:EoTN and GW2


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ezEHDE.jpg "")




Yes, start off giving us new regions to the east, underwater, and woodland cascades!

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


If I remember correctly when GW 2 launched they also said that Mounts would never be a thing either. Just saying stances change over time.

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> @"Neage.3579" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


> If I remember correctly when GW 2 launched they also said that Mounts would never be a thing either. Just saying stances change over time.


They neither said never to mounts or never to Cantha in GW2's lifetime.

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As much as I'd love to go to Cantha, I think other races deserve some time in the spotlight, too. Heart of Thorns centered on the sylvari and Path of Fire centered on humans. An expansion that takes us to Cantha would necessarily center on humans again. Asura are in the spotlight constantly because their technology is behind everything, so that leaves norn and charr who have so far been left out.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> So the idea of a modified or amalgamate version of traditions, symbolism or historical reference comes off as insulting if it even hints at casting them in a negative light.


I think this is the real problem. Cantha as it was left in GW1 had become an oppressed, xenophobic place, and as far as we know it hasn't changed since then. If we went back to Cantha there would be no way to avoid the elephant in the room that is The Empire of the Dragon without MASSIVE retconning. If Cantha in it's GW1 state was offensive enough, there's no way having the China/Japan/Korea analogue as a full-on oppressive, evil empire is gonna fly. Even if we stuck to the Jade Sea and Echovald regions, which are somewhat less east asian inspired, and walled off Shing Jea and Kaineng, Domain of Winds-style, It's still going to come across as offensive.


I think we have a better chance of them making the continent of "Arid" into Totally-Not-Asia 2.0 than going back to Cantha.



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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > So the idea of a modified or amalgamate version of traditions, symbolism or historical reference comes off as insulting if it even hints at casting them in a negative light.


> I think this is the real problem. Cantha as it was left in GW1 had become an oppressed, xenophobic place, and as far as we know it hasn't changed since then. If we went back to Cantha there would be no way to avoid the elephant in the room that is The Empire of the Dragon without MASSIVE retconning. If Cantha in it's GW1 state was offensive enough, there's no way having the China/Japan/Korea analogue as a full-on oppressive, evil empire is gonna fly. Even if we stuck to the Jade Sea and Echovald regions, which are somewhat less east asian inspired, and walled off Shing Jea and Kaineng, Domain of Winds-style, It's still going to come across as offensive.


> I think we have a better chance of them making the continent of "Arid" into Totally-Not-Asia 2.0 than going back to Cantha.





or people can get over themselves because it's a game and any similarities (or lack of) to real life are coincidental

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > So the idea of a modified or amalgamate version of traditions, symbolism or historical reference comes off as insulting if it even hints at casting them in a negative light.

> >

> > I think this is the real problem. Cantha as it was left in GW1 had become an oppressed, xenophobic place, and as far as we know it hasn't changed since then. If we went back to Cantha there would be no way to avoid the elephant in the room that is The Empire of the Dragon without MASSIVE retconning. If Cantha in it's GW1 state was offensive enough, there's no way having the China/Japan/Korea analogue as a full-on oppressive, evil empire is gonna fly. Even if we stuck to the Jade Sea and Echovald regions, which are somewhat less east asian inspired, and walled off Shing Jea and Kaineng, Domain of Winds-style, It's still going to come across as offensive.

> >

> > I think we have a better chance of them making the continent of "Arid" into Totally-Not-Asia 2.0 than going back to Cantha.

> >

> >



> or people can get over themselves because it's a game and any similarities (or lack of) to real life are coincidental


Good luck telling that to China

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Stop with that Cantha. I bet there isn't a future map of it just yet.

1. We have already seen it in GW1. Even if it has changed and can offer something different, there will be a lot of similarities.

2. Enough of that human storyline. We need something new - we need the Asura origins, Charr storyline, and the poor Norn - they are always forgotten.

3. Jungle expansion, desert expansion. It's time for the Ice+Bloodlegion homeland one. Anet won't offer similarly themed exp for sure and most likely it will be completely different than before.

4. Ice+Bloodlegion homeland is actually the most desired by the community and offers a lot of interesting discoveries. Not to mention it will sell good, I can bet that this will be the best selling expansion! Cantha is super lame compared to this.

5. Personal opinion - the expansions locations are moving anticlockwise :)))

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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > If the next expac takes place in Cantha I will be offended not because of the Oriental theme, but because of the recycled setting. I want something good and new.


> I don't get the complaints about Cantha, lol... did or do we get complaints from Africans or Middle East countries and people about Elona? Have there been complaints from the Scandinavians about the Norn?

> Seriously...

In Asia (Japan, China and Korea especially due to their 'History' with each other) it's considered offensive/insulting to take their culture and blender it, especially with china, korea and japan. This doesn't stop places like Japan making king arthur a girl of course, but anet-not unreasonably-wants dosh, so the cantha district had an 'accident' shortly before it was released. There was this sort of thing back in Factions actually; I'm sure I remember hearing the panda ranger companion wasn't tameable for the longest time due to chinese law forbidding even the fictional depiction of it's death.


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > the world is huge, why limit to regions already explored previously?

> >

> > there were speculations that GW:Utopia was gonna be on the Arid with aztec theme before it got shelved for GW:EoTN and GW2

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ezEHDE.jpg "")

> >



> Yes, start off giving us new regions to the east, underwater, and woodland cascades!


I want to go to "Not Real" and the "Hownling Peninsula"

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Reading through all the comments here, I do not see _one_ mention of one absolute fact (whether anybody 'liked' Cantha or 'hated' Cantha), and that is Cantha/Factions is what put the 'wars' into Guild Wars (between the Luxon and the Kurzick factions), because as of now, there is _no_ such thing as 'Guild Wars' in GW2, and that has been a disappointing factor since the release of GW2.


A lot of times I ask myself, how can a company release a game with a name like Guild Wars and then not implement the very element that originally defined the game?


**And as far the Asian culture argument goes** regarding their differences, views and opinions, religious practices, etc. from the real world, to that I say if those who are against the idea of re-implementing Cantha/Factions are going to be offended about all that, **then** Anet can simply give us Cantha/Factions _without_ the Asian-themed music, and _without_ Asian references to their history, beliefs, ways, etc.


As for the rest of Cantha's landscape across its continent? That's all it is, a landscape, and if there is anything on it that would be deemed offensive related to the Asian people in the real-world, then replace it with something else.


Look, I love the Asian culture and its people overall, but my point is Cantha/Factions does _not_ have to be _all_ Asian-themed; Anet should simply re-imagine that part of the game _without_ Asian-themed elements that would otherwise cause said offense. Problem solved! Why is that so complicated?


The only thing Asian-related that would have to stay intact are certain NPC names for storyline reasons, and as far the names of cities go in a re-imagined Cantha, they can either remain (yet no longer be Asian-themed anymore), or NPCs throughout the cities can explain to players how the names of those cities changed (from _x_ name to _x_ name), and as a result, the layout, architecture, etc. of those cities.


There _is_ a way around the Asian cultural issues around Cantha that seem to be preventing its re-implementation, **yet** Anet has to want to work around those issues, and do I believe a re-imagined Cantha (as exampled in the above stated) will _still_ bring good sales, especially if we can fight against other Guilds again, and especially if 'Faction' becomes a thing again between the Luxons and the Kurzicks.


I absolutely miss playing the Fort Aspenwood (FA), Jade Quarry (JQ), and Hero's Ascent (HA) games modes (mind you, that can also be improved on in GW2). They are fun!

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > the world is huge, why limit to regions already explored previously?

> >

> > there were speculations that GW:Utopia was gonna be on the Arid with aztec theme before it got shelved for GW:EoTN and GW2

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ezEHDE.jpg "")

> >


> source on that map? i've never seen it before.


Datamined and translated from Tyrian alphabet by That_Shaman, probably the greatest dataminer in GW2's history.


the translated map was discussed by WoodenPotatoes couple of years ago


and here's the Reddit thread

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > the world is huge, why limit to regions already explored previously?

> > >

> > > there were speculations that GW:Utopia was gonna be on the Arid with aztec theme before it got shelved for GW:EoTN and GW2

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ezEHDE.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> >

> > Yes, start off giving us new regions to the east, underwater, and woodland cascades!


> I want to go to "Not Real" and the "Hownling Peninsula"



Agreed, also I’m interested deeply in Forsaken Cliffs and Thunder Cove. I’d especiall love anything sort of “classic fantasy” ish, like rainy woods with taverns and villages and stuff

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > > So the idea of a modified or amalgamate version of traditions, symbolism or historical reference comes off as insulting if it even hints at casting them in a negative light.

> > >

> > > I think this is the real problem. Cantha as it was left in GW1 had become an oppressed, xenophobic place, and as far as we know it hasn't changed since then. If we went back to Cantha there would be no way to avoid the elephant in the room that is The Empire of the Dragon without MASSIVE retconning. If Cantha in it's GW1 state was offensive enough, there's no way having the China/Japan/Korea analogue as a full-on oppressive, evil empire is gonna fly. Even if we stuck to the Jade Sea and Echovald regions, which are somewhat less east asian inspired, and walled off Shing Jea and Kaineng, Domain of Winds-style, It's still going to come across as offensive.

> > >

> > > I think we have a better chance of them making the continent of "Arid" into Totally-Not-Asia 2.0 than going back to Cantha.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > or people can get over themselves because it's a game and any similarities (or lack of) to real life are coincidental


> Good luck telling that to China


I don't really care how China feels about the games, produced in the U.S., that I play. There is always the option to not release a given expansion in China I suppose.

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> @"Agent Noun.7350" said:

> As much as I'd love to go to Cantha, I think other races deserve some time in the spotlight, too. Heart of Thorns centered on the sylvari and Path of Fire centered on humans. An expansion that takes us to Cantha would necessarily center on humans again. Asura are in the spotlight constantly because their technology is behind everything, so that leaves norn and charr who have so far been left out.


I disagree, it could be a tengu focused expansion and maybe even make them a playable race.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> **And as far the Asian culture argument goes** regarding their differences, views and opinions, religious practices, etc. from the real world, to that I say if those who are against the idea of re-implementing Cantha/Factions are going to be offended about all that, **then** Anet can simply give us Cantha/Factions _without_ the Asian-themed music, and _without_ Asian references to their history, beliefs, ways, etc.


> As for the rest of Cantha's landscape across its continent? That's all it is, a landscape, and if there is anything on it that would be deemed offensive related to the Asian people in the real-world, then replace it with something else.


> Look, I love the Asian culture and its people overall, but my point is Cantha/Factions does _not_ have to be _all_ Asian-themed; Anet should simply re-imagine that part of the game _without_ Asian-themed elements that would otherwise cause said offense. Problem solved! Why is that so complicated?


> The only thing Asian-related that would have to stay intact are certain NPC names for storyline reasons, and as far the names of cities go in a re-imagined Cantha, they can either remain (yet no longer be Asian-themed anymore), or NPCs throughout the cities can explain to players how the names of those cities changed (from _x_ name to _x_ name), and as a result, the layout, architecture, etc. of those cities.


> There _is_ a way around the Asian cultural issues around Cantha that seem to be preventing its re-implementation, **yet** Anet has to want to work around those issues, and do I believe a re-imagined Cantha (as exampled in the above stated) will _still_ bring good sales, especially if we can fight against other Guilds again, and especially if 'Faction' becomes a thing again between the Luxons and the Kurzicks.


So you're saying they should ret-con the entire continent to make it less asian and redesign the entire culture? In a way that seems like it could be more offensive, and it would certainly offend a lot of GW players who enjoyed factions. Plus, they'd have to re-write lots of the existing lore and characters already in GW2. To replace all the things in Cantha that would potentially offend would stip out so much of what people loved about factions it probably wouldn't be worth it to most. All that just to bring back alliance battles? I'd much rather have them create a new land out of whole cloth and transplant the alliance mechanics there rather than gut the lore and history of Cantha.


> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Agent Noun.7350" said:

> > As much as I'd love to go to Cantha, I think other races deserve some time in the spotlight, too. Heart of Thorns centered on the sylvari and Path of Fire centered on humans. An expansion that takes us to Cantha would necessarily center on humans again. Asura are in the spotlight constantly because their technology is behind everything, so that leaves norn and charr who have so far been left out.


> I disagree, it could be a tengu focused expansion and maybe even make them a playable race.

Considering what was happening to the Canthan Tengu in GW1 I think an expansion set there would be the least likely place to revisit Tengu. A southern Shiverpeaks expansion would be more likely to have Tengu than Cantha at this point.


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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Agent Noun.7350" said:

> > As much as I'd love to go to Cantha, I think other races deserve some time in the spotlight, too. Heart of Thorns centered on the sylvari and Path of Fire centered on humans. An expansion that takes us to Cantha would necessarily center on humans again. Asura are in the spotlight constantly because their technology is behind everything, so that leaves norn and charr who have so far been left out.


> I disagree, it could be a tengu focused expansion and maybe even make them a playable race.


I mean, if you're gonna give me tengu as a playable race, then by all means go right ahead.


Knowing how difficult it is to make armor skins for the existing races as it is, and the necessity to make sure every existing armor skin would work for tengu models, though, I sort of doubt we'll ever see a new playable race. *Maybe* a new race that has essentially the same skeleton and proportions as humans, but likely not something as different as tengu. Believe me, I'd *love* to play as a tengu, but it just doesn't seem realistic given how difficult ArenaNet has said it already is to make armor models.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > Forget Cantha. We're going to the blood legion home lands.


> No reason to go there. Waste of time. Cantha is HOT. The only logical place to go next.


blood legion home lands, far shiver peaks, area above DR woodland cascades? these are interesting areas and theres already some map related things there, raid wings and something connected to GW1.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


is this because TENGU are in CANTHA? lol

ya know we all want TENGU anet and by "we" i mean like 80% of us =D

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


> is this because TENGU are in CANTHA? lol

> ya know we all want TENGU anet and by "we" i mean like 80% of us =D


The..tengu arent in cantha. They got forced out and they fled to the dominion of the winds :/

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