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Anyone play with Endless Miniature Tonic/ Endless Embiggenning Tonic always on?

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Hi, do any of you play with Endless Miniature/Embiggenning Tonic always on during the times where its possible?


How do you go about your daily GW2 life? Do you have trouble navigating because you're unable to use mounts? Do you purposefully walk places with the tonic on without a mount just because you favor the way your character looks with the tonic on more?


Endless Embiggenning Tonic Chronomancer w/ Signet of Inspiration and Executioners Axe doesn't need no mount tho! (unless springer/griffon for high places)


Please share any guidance or tips you may have for playing using this tonic.

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I use embiggening on asura a lot, especially with new healers for e.g. fractals (easier for them to find me). Side benefit: I can finally see the shiny weapons I spent so much time to earn!


I hardly ever use the shrinking one.


And I don't use tonics all the time, because it's one more thing to micromanage. Be fun if there was a tonic slot that would auto-enable it out-of-combat, but I doubt that's in the cards.

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These two tonics are awesome, I use embiggening on my charr to make him bigger and miniature on my asura, it makes her look like a progeny x) But they are several bugs linked to these which is sad: You can go underwater with miniature but not embiggening, why seriously? Using photon forge will disable your embiggening effect... Whereas it works perfectly while using summoned weapons of the elementalist. Have to check if these work on necromancers effects... What is sad too, is you can't use tonics and mount in the same time, guess it's ok because summoning a giant raptor... xD

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> Hi, do any of you play with Endless Miniature/Embiggenning Tonic always on during the times where its possible?


> How do you go about your daily GW2 life? Do you have trouble navigating because you're unable to use mounts? Do you purposefully walk places with the tonic on without a mount just because you favor the way your character looks with the tonic on more?


> Endless Embiggenning Tonic Chronomancer w/ Signet of Inspiration and Executioners Axe doesn't need no mount tho! (unless springer/griffon for high places)


> Please share any guidance or tips you may have for playing using this tonic.


As an asura player, it was really hard keeping you off my screen so I can see myself during this weekend's marching, Bara. However, you did look fab. :)

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > I have a full sized Norn that I play with Embiggening. Unfortunately I can't be big and use mounts at the same time, which complicates it a bit.


> how do you get around that?


By not being big on a mount. They're not compatible, there is no way around it. The complication is the need to become normal sized to use mount

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  • 1 year later...

I think the mount restrictions are done on purpose. They set the height limiters in the game because they decided those were the maximums and minimums that would interact best with the game world. If they allowed people to pop a tonic that made them massive or tiny and then also allowed them to mount up, the mount would have to be coded to scale with them and it'd be about the same as having chosen that larger or tinier size in the character creator.


The current system is what allows people to have fun but also keeps them from overcrowding the screen with outsized characters models _and_ mounts in a game where it's already tough to see the boss or objectives. Visual noise is a big headache in Guild Wars 2, but I'm at least grateful not to have jumbo mounts on top of everything else.


In short, they call them novelties because they're for funsies only. I don't think ArenaNet has any intention of taking tonics into account when it comes to other features. Combat tonics are the closest we've come to something like that, and even those have a limited size.

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> @"hansandfranz.8697" said:

> It seems that once this item is added to the 'Account Wardrobe' it can no longer be used....


Quite a necro.


> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I think the mount restrictions are done on purpose. They set the height limiters in the game because they decided those were the maximums and minimums that would interact best with the game world. If they allowed people to pop a tonic that made them massive or tiny and then also allowed them to mount up, the mount would have to be coded to scale with them and it'd be about the same as having chosen that larger or tinier size in the character creator.


> The current system is what allows people to have fun but also keeps them from overcrowding the screen with outsized characters models _and_ mounts in a game where it's already tough to see the boss or objectives. Visual noise is a big headache in Guild Wars 2, but I'm at least grateful not to have jumbo mounts on top of everything else.


> In short, they call them novelties because they're for funsies only. I don't think ArenaNet has any intention of taking tonics into account when it comes to other features. Combat tonics are the closest we've come to something like that, and even those have a limited size.


All they had to do was auto disable and auto reenable the tonics when using mounts. Having this restriction to mount up while transformed really ruins the ease of using these things. Mounts ruined the fun of such items being used in combat and travel.

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I mainly use the miniature-tonic on charr and norn charakters, since it makes their animations look faster, or rather not slowed down. For fracs i use the mini one to make my charr not be a fking bother to everyone when u have to do the jp-parts on those small platforms and so every1 (including myself) can actually see the mobs im hitting. Whenever i see a giant charr with some even bigger backpack/backpiece cluttering my screen makes me want to kick them from the grp immediately. As for the mount-issue, i either use the axe-toy (which looks hillarous on tiny chars btw) or simply use a asigned shortcut key to get in and out of the tonic quickly. I have a shortcut asigned to the axe-toy as well, making things quite convenient to use.

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