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So... a question about the new beetle mount

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I apologize if this has been cleared already. I didn't see anything about this topic wether on reddit or here.

Is it true that the mount is going to be 250g or 500g plus a collection like the griffon?

I've heard a player confirming this yesterday on mapchat while I was waiting for the Pride March in LA.

I couldn't find the source of this knowledge neither did I ask where the information came from because I'm extremely shy and anxious but I want to know if this is real.

It would be such a bummer because I've been helping someone out on crafting stuff plus I was planning to make the new warhorn and I'm not that active anymore due to my social fear and paranoia suggesting me everyone is watching me to have the time to daily farm. Also having some work related stuff to get done.

I do hope it's not the case and instead its cost is the same as it was in GW1.

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I really hope not. The griffon was a tedious process (for me anyway) that I dont want to repeat for a mount whose functionality isn't the different from the other ground mounts. I don't mean the mount skulls, just the mobility aspect of it. I'm late to the game, getting the griffon only a few weeks ago, so I'm still low on funds (just over 50g). I want the mount, but it's going to take me a bit to get back up to 250g, let alone 500. I'm really hoping it is just part of the quest in the new zone. It almost seems like a pivotal part of the new LS episode, but that is just speculation from my guild mates and me.

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Sounds like a load of bull. They wouldn't lock a map mastery behind that much gold. Maybe we get a little gold price like for the Jackal, but I highly doubt that.


Jackal is optional after all. This one will have impact on the map that is most likely not just going to be convenience

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I also can't believe it but I saw nobody else in the conversation questioning it so I though it must be a leak but the only leaks I found are related to the map and some story coming from China.

Oh, don't say "Mr" as they could be "Mrs" or something else not gender related. Thanks

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Just because noone questions a statement, doesn't make it right or believable. Also many ppl question the statement in this thread.

I think ppl fear that it will cost 250g because of the griffon and are therefor likely to believe it, a statement that evokes strong feelings is easier for us to take as fact if it is (presented as)somewhat plausible.

I personally doubt the 250g pricetag, since the beetle isn't part of a big expansion but somthing that will be tied to the LS currently running. The griffon was a different beast entirely. I expect it to be either something we rent in Kourna, making it limited to this specific map as other Masteries were, for a limited time at a low price or buy the ability to "rent" for free for something along the lines of 50g.


But as has been stated many times now, we don't know yet, we will know when it's released. Everything else are ppls thoughts, fears, expectations, hopes, dreams etc.

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People are always talking in map chat as if they know something. It's not worth anyone's time to argue, especially about something nobody knows yet.


The raptor was free from completing one chapter of the story, the springer cost 1 gold & trade contracts and a heart quest, the skimmer cost 4 gold and trade contracts and a heart quest, the jackal cost 20 gold & trade contracts and a heart quest, then came the griffon which cost 250g and a collection mission. The person you heard was probably speculating based on the trend of prices, but I think the griffon was 'special.'


IMO, it's far more likely the beetle will cost more than the jackal, but much less than the griffon. It has a wall-breaking mechanism that just reeks of 'this will be necessary for the story' and if so, they would not ask a price most people would find ridiculous and unreasonable. No more than 50g is what I expect. Gold sinks, like 500 gold items, are usually purely extra items, not things you need to play the story.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Oh, don't say "Mr" as they could be "Mrs" or something else not gender related. Thanks


Take it easy there. While I don't pretend to speak for @"Just a flesh wound.3589" , I very much doubt that it was anything more than what amounts to a canned phrase. Modern languages are filled with such things, and it's never a good idea to treat them as if they are to be interpreted literally. (That is, I strongly doubt that @"Just a flesh wound.3589" meant "Someone who is definitely beyond any shadow of doubt obviously for sure a man".)

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Is it true that the mount is going to be 250g or 500g plus a collection like the griffon?

> I've heard a player confirming this yesterday on mapchat.


New mount is actually going to cost 10k gems, 700g and 1 unbound legendary wep. Confirmed by my milkman :lol:


No, but seriously the cost has not been posted by anyone credible as far as I know. As others in this thread have speculated, it could be similar to the Raptor mount which was practically free or (I suspect) may cost an amount of new map currency (Domain of Kourna) and be tied into a quest of some sort.


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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> But how do they know about it then?

Those who know, aren't telling.

Those who tell, aren't knowing.


> It seemed that nobody questioned it in the chat

Welcome to the internet. Well, actually, welcome to humanity (we don't even challenge advertisers much anymore)


> so I guess it must be true.

Or people were tired of correcting misinformation or weren't paying attention.

The lack of challenge doesn't make something true.



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As a general rule if someone makes a claim about upcoming content that wasn't covered in the announcement and they can't/don't give a source it's nothing more than their own opinion. At best it's an educated guess, at worst a deliberate lie.


If they do give a source and it's not something you can track down (e.g. they claim someone with inside knowledge told them) you have to try and gauge how likely it is. Sometimes you can do that by comparing it to other existing content - for example the mounts needed to complete PoF are much, much cheaper and easier to get than the griffon which is entirely optional. It looks like the beetle will be required to complete the new living story chapter, therefore the cost is likely to be much closer to the cost of the other mounts than the griffon.


Sometimes there is no way to tell if they're right or not until the content is released (or past due, like when someone told me the 2nd expansion absolutely _had to be_ set in Cantha and Anet could not do anything else). In that case it's generally not worrying about. Even if it's something you'd like to prepare for in advance it's better to wait and see than potentially waste a lot of time grinding gold you won't need.

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I doubt it'll cost gold at all (or at least no more than a gold or two) as it'll probably be earned through and be required for the LS episode content.


I think it'll probably be unlocked by the map mastery rather than by an extensive, expensive collection.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I very much doubt it will cost much to get. It’s probably needed to access other parts of the map as seen by it breaking through walls. My guess is it’s going to either be with the first story section, like the raptor, or a heart with a small cost to buy.


Yeah, it's an obvious content gate. I equate it to the jackal, which serves a similar role, however unless retrofitting will happen it will be usable as a gate on fewer maps.

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