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Is Beetle Mount worth it?

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It's free thats true ,however you are kinda force to get it.


So you can get spirit shards and maybe have a better time on next following maps .


Is it worth it ? Well ... it's fast , but at what price. Currently im doing my tests in other maps than kourna. For example tyria maps , hot maps and pof maps. My experience so far. The Lack of the not full endurance bar at the beginning and slow regeneration ,let you be faster dismounted than you may like, while you have better time with jackal and raptor , which makes it harder to get dismounted .

I really like the beetle , because it reminds me at a bicycle, however if you go up a hill. You are slow as fuck and an easy target.Same while you are on full speed. Some enemies can still snipe you down with 2-3 hits.Really annoying then to wait for endurance bar to get full after 10-15 seconds (!).


It's worth for driving on less crowded maps with almost no objects that ruins your speed,that also quite limit it and probably let you run on jackal and/or raptor superior or even griffon.It's fun , but meeh. Usefullness is not really that high, because of that lack of endurance.

If you want speed get it , if you expect it to be usefull ? Only for breaking walls for following maps. Any other "landspecific" mount like jackal , raptor and griffon are waaay more superior.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > Free? Don't you have to purchase PoF first? o.o

> >

> > Free as in no gold cost.


> Idk. I guess my version of free is more restrictive. The Raptor was "no gold cost," so maybe this is ANET's way of phasing that mount out?


> D:



Nah, the beetle is too slow to pick up speed to use for short distances, and can't really evade (except by just blasting past enemies).

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Worth? We're talking about the time it takes to acquire this i assume. And that would be up to you. Do you like collections? because there are 3 easy tiers to getting this free mount.


Is it better then Jackal or Raptor overall? No , it's not. There is still a need for those mounts.

However, there is a upside and down side to the beetle.

**UPSIDE:** super fast boosting speeds, fun drifting abilities, can break through walls (as you mentioned), you can do tricks in the air to refill portions of your stamina if landed correctly.

**DOWNSIDE:** you start with no stamina/boosting speed power and have to wait for the bar to fill. Boosting is not unlimited and will have to let it recharge before you can boost again. With no boosting/stamina its a pretty slow mount, (which feels slower because of the 1 bar of stamina vs raptors 2 or jackals 3) but makes up for this with the boosting distance. If you have to turn a lot and are bad at drifting this is not going to be your mount of choice.


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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > > Free? Don't you have to purchase PoF first? o.o

> > >

> > > Free as in no gold cost.

> >

> > Idk. I guess my version of free is more restrictive. The Raptor was "no gold cost," so maybe this is ANET's way of phasing that mount out?

> >

> > D:

> >


> Nah, the beetle is too slow to pick up speed to use for short distances, and can't really evade (except by just blasting past enemies).


Yeah, too slow for too long every time you dismount/mount, can't jump over anything at all, and getting dismounted due to having no evasion ability makes the beetle ill-suited to general purpose the way griffon/jackal/raptor are. It's much more similar to skimmer or springer - a specialist mount for specific situations. Unfortunately, its limitations are so severe that those specific situations amount to basically never outside of just playing around with the admittedly very enjoyable speed boost and drifting features.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I have enough MPs to complete the collection, but I do a lot of harvesting and attacking random enemies.


I'll probably wait to spend the points until I see that I need the mount to progress in the map/story. I know the expansion has only been out for less than a week, but I can't see myself spending much time on that particular map.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I don’t know as the Beetle Mount has a great deal of utility. It probably will be useful for certain niche purposes. However it is a lot of fun to go blasting through the maps and I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t races based on this mount, both from ANet and by other players. Since it doesn’t cost much besides time if you have this map then it’s well worth getting.


to farm the new map it come in hand, u use it to travel fast in the "frontline" area, doing events and killing mobs to collect the "spare parts".

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Is the beetle worth it? Absolutely.


It's not a mount you _need_. It's a very situational mount, and overall the other mounts can do everything the beetle does, sometimes even better. But oh boy, it's fun.


It will take some time to get used to, as it's heavily momentum-based and extremely sensitive to terrain, meaning every uphill, downhill, slope and bump will affect your speed and movement. However, when you grasp the idea and get some experience under your belt, the beetle is ultimately the fastest land mount and will get you to places SUPER fast. Also there's the fun factor; you can do some pretty crazy tricks with this mount, so that's a little extra if you're into that sort of thing. If you want to see it in action, check Woodenpotatoes' thorough analysis on YouTube.


Not to mention you'll need it to achieve max mastery rank, Kourna 100% map completion (I think, some PoIs seemed to be locked behind beetle walls), and there isn't even a gold cost or a huge grind involved to get the mount.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> To actually answer the op, is it worth it? No. It is a gimmick mount which you will use 1% of the time if not less. The griffin is still best imo for general game.


It is a gimmick mount but (outside of PoF) so is the Springer. You really don’t need to jump on top of that building and you don’t need to ZOOOM across the map, but it sure is fun to do so. In addition, I expect to see races based on the beatle, both from ANet and from players. (ANet checked out a race that a Beatle race track guild [[DRIFT]](

) is doing).


PS. not everyone has the Griffin.


Edit: added link, grammar

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> To actually answer the op, is it worth it? No. It is a gimmick mount which you will use 1% of the time if not less. The griffin is still best imo for general game.


Even if it is gimmicky, it's;

- FREE, as in no gold cost at all, just 3 simple collections.

- Fun, I've been having an absolute blast on my Beetle in many maps, not just Kourna.

- Used in certain situations just like the other mounts. Sure, we have waypoints to get from one side of the map to the other, HOWEVER, using the beetle is far more fun than a loading screen.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > To actually answer the op, is it worth it? No. It is a gimmick mount which you will use 1% of the time if not less. The griffin is still best imo for general game.


> It is a gimmick mount but (outside of PoF) so is the Springer. You really don’t need to jump on top of that building and you don’t need to ZOOOM across the map, but it sure is fun to do so. In addition, I expect to see races based on the beatle, both from ANet and from players. (ANet checked out a race that a Beatle race track guild [DRIFT] is doing).


> PS. not everyone has the Griffin.


Semantics, I know, but I would call the springer and skimmer specialized mounts (as opposed to generalized, such as griffon/jackal/raptor). It's not about whether you strictly "need" a mount ability, but whether not it is useful, practically speaking. For example, you "need" the beetle's wall breaking ability to grab a few POIs on the new map, but this is contrived in such a way that the ability exists for no other purpose and is therefore not very useful. The springer is useful on every single map. And that's the issue with the beetle. It could be useful, but due to certain design decisions it is not. This could be fixed and there is little need to worry over too much overlap as the beetle is very much restricted to flat ground where none of the other mounts are.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> I am so annoyed that it is collection-locked. I am growing increasingly tired of collections and now yet another mount is locked behind not one but 3!


> That has put me off of this story episode. The will to play has completely vanished. Absolutely disgusted.


The collections is one of the easiest. Take a look at it before you turn your nose in the sky. And Anet fixed most of the bottlenecks in it.

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If you consider uneven terrain, speed wise it's slower than the jackal and the raptor, while the griffon overall is the best mount. For flat terrain, no turning/jumping yeah the beetle is faster but it's evade mechanics are worse too. Overall it's more of a cute gimmick but it's a cute one at that. :)

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> In LW3, we got masteries (oakheart etc) we never use in other maps, in this season, we got a new mount ability (breaking walls). Here is how the mount works:


> * You rez the mount, and your dodge bar is depleted.

> * Over 30s it charges and refills which means the Beetle has full energy.

> * You then hit your dodge key and it will take off in an auto-run at max speed (think of Jackal double blink only visible and on the ground)

> * So other than the speed, it is just another mount, with another "hook" or quirky ability.


> I find the S and C clunky keys to use as controls and haven't really found them helpful in controlling it. It most certainly doesn't turn on a dime! =) Once you complete the 3 collections, and get the Beetle, it tells you to do the Roller Beetle training Adventure, which most ignore. However, I went and did it as instructed and it is really a helpful adventure/tutorial that gives you all your key commands and shows you how the Beetle works.


> Some people are complaining because map complete requires the second mastery and yes there are 2 POIs and 1 MP that you need Beetle Mastery 2 skill to get; however, you can get these by asking someone to open those rooms. I did the entire map complete before having the Beetle because I asked ppl to open what I couldn't. I still use Jackal, Griffon and Springer as well it just depends on the situation and tbh, I will likely rarely use this mount except in CD areas or maps with sparse WPs.


> So it is just another mount with a new hook or ability that is tied to this map only.


it takes 15 seconds to charge the boost ability not 30 seconds

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I have 3 issues with this new mount (either tho I super love the design and the fact we got that roller beetle !)


* The basic speed is way too low ... could be pointless if we had access quickly to the first speed charge.

* The endurance is empty when entering the mount ... and the regen is quite slow at start. COUld have been great to get it half full when entering and/or increasing the endurance regen speed for the first charge.

* It looses speed way to fast imo when going up. Even its physic looks wrong . You have tons of momentum but you loose it all in 3-4 sec going up.



But I keep saying it's a super great mount and I love it . Just think it needs some improvements to be really usefull.

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Springer, Griffon and Skimmer are my primary mounts. I use Griffon all the time, its simply too useful with snap vertical ascent and gliding. Sure its slower than raptor, but its just by far more mobile. I never use raptor, simply outclassed, and only use jackal for sand portals. Beetle is useless.

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