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Should LI be sold by raid vendors?

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So I’ve been very very stuck with legendary armor because Anet decided gating it behind the hardest content with the most toxic groups by FAR was a great idea. I never quite bothered to even finish the envoy 1 collection because what would it matter when I needed 150 raid kills? I could scrape by getting enough for the achievements off the very, very rare nice group, but no way could I get 150. Well if it was sold outside raids that’d solve everything but also make it less prestigious for people who did the work. So, what can be done? How about selling them for Magnetite Shards and Gaeting Crystals? Somewhere around 25-50 each? You’d still have to raid a lot and imo the armor wouldn’t lose any prestige. So, would you like to see Legendary Insights sold by raid vendors?

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No. I pugged my entire original 150 LI for my set via LFG and Discord training servers with zero raid experience and zero raiding guild.


It's not toxic, people just want to succeed. There are tons of people in the exact same boat as you. Find them and raid and you'll get it done in a few months.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> So I’ve been very very stuck with legendary armor because Anet decided gating it behind the hardest content

Yes, that's the idea; it's designed to be an ultimate reward for challenging content. Not as something that just any of us can get.


> with the most toxic groups by FAR was a great idea.

Groups aren't any more toxic in raids really. It's just more obvious in PUGs because the level of skill varies so wildly and not everyone is mature enough to handle delays or setbacks.


> I never quite bothered to even finish the envoy 1 collection

OK, that's your choice. I don't follow your argument as to why that means that changing things at this date would be good for the game. Or good for raids.


> You’d still have to raid a lot and imo the armor wouldn’t lose any prestige.

I hope that you can understand that not everyone would share that opinion.


I'm not against the idea of ANet making it possible to obtain legendary-feature armor through other means, e.g. currently it's available as long-term projects in WvW and PvP. But the skins from Raids? I think it would annoy nearly everyone who has already obtained the armor, some of the people who are partly done, and even some who haven't started or gotten far.


Disclaimer: I don't have legendary armor and am currently not raiding.


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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> Negative ghost rider. Faulty premise.


> You aren't getting the collection done because of you, not because of "Toxicity".

> Create your own groups free of whatever you deem toxic and you'll be able to get your armor just like the people before you have.



The reason I haven’t done the collection is because nearly every group I find (even when I start the lfg) are very toxic and have even kicked me from squads I began

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > Negative ghost rider. Faulty premise.

> >

> > You aren't getting the collection done because of you, not because of "Toxicity".

> > Create your own groups free of whatever you deem toxic and you'll be able to get your armor just like the people before you have.



> The reason I haven’t done the collection is because nearly every group I find (even when I start the lfg) are very toxic and have even kicked me from squads I began


Ever wondered why they kick you? They are "toxic" or you are doing something wrong?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > Negative ghost rider. Faulty premise.

> > >

> > > You aren't getting the collection done because of you, not because of "Toxicity".

> > > Create your own groups free of whatever you deem toxic and you'll be able to get your armor just like the people before you have.

> >

> >

> > The reason I haven’t done the collection is because nearly every group I find (even when I start the lfg) are very toxic and have even kicked me from squads I began


> Ever wondered why they kick you? They are "toxic" or you are doing something wrong?


This. Only thing I can imagine that would result in an immediate kick is if you try to play something that performs very poorly (or your performance just isn't up to par)


Most raid groups I've been in needed every bit of DPS we could get. If somebody comes in with a slacker build or doesn't pull his weight then that meant that us other people couldn't progress any further either. Better to remove the players who can't keep up so that the people who got it down can progress.

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Big No.

Problem is people want Envoy Armor in a week like weapon. But, Raid legendary armor doesn't work that way. You have to put some effort or bunch of gold depend on mentality. Pug and get kicked or kick other, be salty but you get to raid whenever you want whichever boss you want. Play static, play by schedule and avoid most of the toxic side. choice is yours.

Pleople play pve, do some farming and bam u got legendary weapon. Same crowd expect armor to work same way too. I'd say leave Envoy Armor alone and give open world pve player some sorta legendary armor like WvW.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > Negative ghost rider. Faulty premise.

> >

> > You aren't getting the collection done because of you, not because of "Toxicity".

> > Create your own groups free of whatever you deem toxic and you'll be able to get your armor just like the people before you have.



> The reason I haven’t done the collection is because nearly every group I find (even when I start the lfg) are very toxic and have even kicked me from squads I began


Uhmm. If every group kicks you then the problem isn't with the group. Are you running sub optimal gear? Failing key mechanics? Doing less damage than the Chrono or use a class even if the group in LFG want another class?

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Simple No due to multiple balance reasons.


Honestly, most of all though because you used the tired old "all raiders are evil" argument.


> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > Negative ghost rider. Faulty premise.

> >

> > You aren't getting the collection done because of you, not because of "Toxicity".

> > Create your own groups free of whatever you deem toxic and you'll be able to get your armor just like the people before you have.



> The reason I haven’t done the collection is because nearly every group I find (even when I start the lfg) are very toxic and have even kicked me from squads I began


There will come a moment in your life where you will realize, if literally every person reacts the same way to you, it just might be you and not them who does it wrong.


That and as always the fact that people love blaming others instead of addressing their own short comings. There is a ton of frindly guilds who get new people into raids for whom the collection part would be no issue. To bad you haven't tried joining any of those and made friends.

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No. That's not the solution. That's at best, bandaid that would create more problems it would solve (the real stopper here is the achievements, not li. Once you have those, you could do escort for half a year, but no amount of LI will help you get out of having to kill all the bosses). What is needed is an alternate pve path to a legedary set (either envoy, or a new one).

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lol i love how you came into the raiding forums, shit talked the entire community, and then asked them about their opinion concerning your recommendations. I voted, 'no' because its a pointless suggestion, but I was happy to vote, 'no' because of the way you behaved. Have fun grinding out your armor.

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I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!

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> @"Cregath.7628" said:

> I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!


I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!


> I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.



Yea, regardless of how it was then, nowadays the LI and prof kill on every single lfg I’ve seen makes it impossible because how can I get LI if I need LI to get more?

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > > I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!

> >

> > I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.



> Yea, regardless of how it was then, nowadays the LI and prof kill on every single lfg I’ve seen makes it impossible because how can I get LI if I need LI to get more?


I guessed that was the main reason. I still voted "no", because, again, it would solve nothing. If LI could be bought that easily, they'd stop being a requirement. Instead, people would switch to something else. Something almost certainly _more_ restrictive.


Personally i'd rather not see, for example, voice in the void style requirements on every lfg.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > > > I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!

> > >

> > > I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.

> >

> >

> > Yea, regardless of how it was then, nowadays the LI and prof kill on every single lfg I’ve seen makes it impossible because how can I get LI if I need LI to get more?


> I guessed that was the main reason. I still voted "no", because, again, it would solve nothing. If LI could be bought that easily, they'd stop being a requirement. Instead, people would switch to something else. Something almost certainly _more_ restrictive.


> Personally i'd rather not see, for example, voice in the void style requirements on every lfg.



I know this isn’t a very good solution but Anet seems to be entirely unwilling to add another set of armor in another game mode. That way even though I’d still want these skins it would be ok for them to be incredibly hard to earn since you can get another set of legendary skins elsewhere

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > I mean if there's pugs that ask for 250li they clearly arent looking for you..

> >

> >

> > That’s all I ever see


> Then why not make your own group or join a guild for that?



I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I guess I need to just keep spending hours and hours trying to get people

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > I mean if there's pugs that ask for 250li they clearly arent looking for you..

> > >

> > >

> > > That’s all I ever see

> >

> > Then why not make your own group or join a guild for that?



> I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I guess I need to just keep spending hours and hours trying to get people


Join a guild.

Join easy fight runs (wing 4 b1-3, wing 3 b1, wing 2 b2, etc.).

Join training runs.


All 3 viable solutions and even not exclusive to each other. It is easier though to wallow in self pity than actual work on a solution.


If you are joining groups which require way higher LI than you can provide, you are not what they are looking for. You can use a fake chat code and no one might notice. Or you could perform like the warrior in this weeks group who did 3k dps on Vale Guardian proving he had 0 understanding of his class and rotation. The polite groups will then remove you with thanking you (that's my approach), the less polite groups will then flame you for wasting their time. Good news, another thing to complain about on the forums.

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