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- Gameplay: Because I like the gameplay of most professions

- Rewards: I have to agree with the OP, the reward system is great and, if it can't prevent some jealousy due to god d*** RNgesus, at least there is no drama that can happen because of it.

- Open world free from PvP: That is also a very good point of the game because I just can't stand a game were you are asked to duel or are just PKed for no reason every now and then.

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It's always there. Leave. Go play something else. Come back in a few months and it'll be here, free and ready to log in; a constant that is always available. Even if you get tired of playing it as a full time game, you can play it as a backup secondary game guilt free because you aren't dumping subscription cash into it each month. And if they manage to do what they did with GW1, it'll still be here a decade from now.


It's consistent in its existence. I like this.

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I didn't mention this in my first post because I was in a hurry but I agree with everyone else's points too, I'm just adding to them, not saying my points are the only things I like.


Adding another one - I like that almost every time I spend money on this game it feels entirely optional. I know it sounds silly but I much prefer buying things when I don't feel like I need it (and at the other extreme I'll complain loudly about having to buy food, the whole process not just the cost, even though I need it to live and actually like cooking and eating it).


Apart from the base game purchase (Play-For-Free didn't exist then) and maybe the expansions I've never felt pressured to spend money on this game. I've spent...I honestly don't know how much and I'm not sure I want to know exactly, a few hundred pounds at least, but it always felt like it was my choice, something I was doing because I wanted to, not because I had to buy something to progress or enjoy the game.

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1. The Tyria lore background and the world in itself is amazing. The races , the culture , architetures , the feels.

2. The links to GW 1

3. Conquest game mode ... even the lack of fair balance (sometimes) I really enjoy it and ppl who plays it. (average plat player here)

4. The fashion wars .

5. Petey (roller beetle) even if I would totally enjoy some improvements.

6. Only quality of life items on the gemstore.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Nodes! Nodes everywhere and theyre mine, all mine! Got to harvest them all. ?


I love that!


Although the problem with it is sometimes I forget that Elder Scrolls Online doesn't work the same way and I catch myself being 'that person' who sneaks in (literally if I'm on my khajiit) and steals the node while the person who got there first is fighting off an enemy so they can harvest it.


(The other problem is that I can never just get on and do anything in GW2 because I end up zigzagging all over the map chasing nodes and that dotted line ends up looking like it's tracking a distracted kitten in a room full of bees. But I have fun with it, and that's the main thing right?)

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I am overwhelmingly impressed with how delicately they found a niche for the beetle to occupy. It brings something new to the mount landscape without devaluing any other mount.


Despite having 3 overland mounts, both are efficient in their own ways. The Raptor is still fastest downhill or on flat ground in most situations. The Jackal is still fastest on variably terrain, and the beetle fits a new niche of being the fastest over extreme distances, enough to make it desirable, but doesn't devalue either of the other two in most of the situations where they were useful.

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I like the open world in Guild Wars 2 and my favourite zones are the core regions in Central Tyria. Many people seem to prefer meta events but what I like most are the small events scattered around Tyria.

I like my Asura characters, they have very nice animations, voice acting and dialogue.

I like the game to be buy-to-play without a monthly fee. No gear grind is also a huge advantage compared to some other games.

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The communication.


Yes, I know, in light of what happened thats a bit weird. But I just love how "in touch" most anet devs are with the community. No matter which team, theres always one or two that answer questions, defend decisions, listen to arguments - all in a very professional way. Thats really quite rare.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> it's B2P..


This is one thing that tends to get forgotten, but has a huge impact and some cause and effect because it's true. There are many positives that people are listing that I see as a result of the GW2 B2P mechanic. The casual nature of the gameplay, the friendliness of the community, no loot fighting, etc. I think you can link these in some part to the buy once, play forever model that ANet setup back in GW1. Even the recent response and words from Moe speak to this over arching philosophy that permeates everything they do. The fact is, I play GW2, and so does my entire family BECAUSE of the B2P model. Every other positive is a result of this first positive gate.

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Asura just in general, the setting being different (and not having orcs'n elves), the gameplay is fun and the story has been gradually getting better IMO at least... Guild halls, creative and diverse selection of classes... The best implemented mounts I've seen in a MMO, the list goes on.

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I also love all the random little details in the world and the way every time I go through a map or a story instance or whatever I notice something I either never saw before or I forgot or I just enjoy seeing again. Even the seemingly pointless things like that Unsuspicious Rabbit in Mount Maelstrom which distracts me every time I see it because there is _nothing_ more suspicious than going out of your way to tell me this rabbit is not suspicious so every time I end up wondering what it's for and what it does, even though I know it's just a rabbit.


And the little side stories, like the asura/priory research camp in southern Timberline Falls with the human who is terrified of ettins and trying to overcome it and his asura colleague who ends up utterly exasperated with his experiments (sometimes with good reason). It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but I love that little event chain and the dialogue between events and always end up hanging around to follow it through.


Or the charr who is trying to develop a cattlepult and unknowingly terrifying a nearby guard who keeps getting hit with flying cows.


Or...well pretty much every group of kids playing at being GW1 characters or other historical figures or people from GW2. I like how each group has their own take on what happened and how they want their version to go.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > it's B2P..


> This is one thing that tends to get forgotten, but has a huge impact and some cause and effect because it's true. There are many positives that people are listing that I see as a result of the GW2 B2P mechanic. The casual nature of the gameplay, the friendliness of the community, no loot fighting, etc. I think you can link these in some part to the buy once, play forever model that ANet setup back in GW1. Even the recent response and words from Moe speak to this over arching philosophy that permeates everything they do. The fact is, I play GW2, and so does my entire family BECAUSE of the B2P model. Every other positive is a result of this first positive gate.


TBH it's hard for me to think of any positive point about GW2, all i could think of is the fact that i at least don't pay for it every month.

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1. The company - The employees that I've met or chatted with have always been nice and respectful. The company cares about its employees and treats them well, but it also cares about its customers.

2. The people I've met in game, especially the larger guild that the wife and I joined in GW2.

3. The graphics and detail (places where they never thought players could go have astounding details that can now be seen because of mounts.


5. The writing. No, it's not perfect, but it has some really great moments and some literary references that I absolutely love.

6. The game is never down - (I think it went down for half a day or so about two years ago, but that's the only time I can think of). All other games shut down once a week for maintenance/updates.

7. I could go on, but I won't.

8. Ok, one more -- Gaile, Evan, Josh, Peter, Bobby, .........

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I see what you did there. ?


Game is missing shrines for you and Mike in Lion's Arch (maybe in the next time it's rebuilt??).


Devs in this game are generally awesome - I think that's why there was so much shock at recent events.


Oh and Dulfy has an in game mention/Easter egg.


Above + everything else everyone has mentioned!


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