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To many Mounts

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I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

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Luckily you don't have to spend 250g in one go, you can do it in stages and work towards it. Thousands upon thousands have it, so it isn't the slightest bit of an issue.


What demographic are they appealing to? The GW2 fanbase of all ages as far as I can tell and a fine job they've done with it too.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I am not sure that you accurately claim to know what most people can choose to afford to buy. Particularly as you state that the one group you might know well enough to comment on, can actually afford the mount.

I didn't claim to know. I stated my opinion and asked a question. (forgot the question make)

> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Get a new guild?

My guild is fine. have a large well equipped Guild Hall that we have all worked hard on. We all find it an unnecessary expensive to have to pay for part of the game, during the game.


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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range.


Melanie Griffith? XD


On a serious note, what are you even talking about? You can get 250 Gold in a few days just by farming Istan, you don't have to spend real money, lol.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I am not sure that you accurately claim to know what most people can choose to afford to buy. Particularly as you state that the one group you might know well enough to comment on, can actually afford the mount.

> I didn't claim to know. I stated my opinion and asked a question. (forgot the question make)

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Get a new guild?

> My guild is fine. have a large well equipped Guild Hall that we have all worked hard on. We all find it an unnecessary expensive to have to pay for part of the game, during the game.



So, you don't expect to have to buy anything in game while you play. Ever? The griffon is a non-essential item. Why is it any difference to buying anything with in game currency. That's what in game currency exists for.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys). Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

- Different mounts have different abilities. Trying to make them as real as possible. Ex: Raptor has ability to hover water surface, able to jump up high, fly in the sky.... Convinient is nice but this game is going to suck hard!

- Griffon is a hidden achievement. Its not easy to unlock it either! And players still can play the game well without the Griffon.

- I got the Griffon without using real Money and it wasnt hard to get 250G.

- Trust me, no one will ever give in any sort of effort to convince anyone in your Guild including you to get The Griffon.


Sum up. Griffon is optional. Like it, get it unlocked. Do not like it, well, no one will ever give a kitten.


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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


There can never, and I mean NEVER be too many mounts. These toys are one of the best things to happen to GW 2. No one's takin' muh toys son.

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It's the number of hotkeys.


I now only bind 3 mounts and rarely touch the others, otherwise you need 6 mount/dismount hotkeys (or using modifiers on the same key).


Edit, also these keybinds serve zero purpose in wvw (or pvp for that matter), so I'm not going to waste precious keyboard space for anything easy to reach. It's bad enough with the special action key, which is also useless in those gamemodes aside from crowd rally in coliseum (and yet often requires frequent use in pve so you have to bind it to something easy to reach) - I don't like wasting keyboard space for it.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I am not sure that you accurately claim to know what most people can choose to afford to buy. Particularly as you state that the one group you might know well enough to comment on, can actually afford the mount.

> I didn't claim to know. I stated my opinion and asked a question. (forgot the question make)

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Get a new guild?

> My guild is fine. have a large well equipped Guild Hall that we have all worked hard on. We all find it an unnecessary expensive to have to pay for part of the game, during the game.



You asked why ANet priced the griffon out of most player's (reach?). This both a question and a statement. You are stating that ANet did something and then questioning why.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)?** Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, **who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


Every time I see posts like this I wonder why people make them.

Every 28 days your login rewards give you 20 Mystic Coins, 35 Laurels, and a couple pieces of Ascended Crafting material (via chest of Loyalty) you can TP. Lowball TP Value = 60g just for logging in.

Doing your dailies gets you another 2gx28= 56 g just for 5-10 mins of busy work.

That almost half of your mount just by logging in and doing dailies.

You can make a reliable 10g per hour just from running around and chopping trees and mining rocks.


This game throws money at you. 250g is not a lot. Saying you have an entire guild who feels the same as you about this rather small fee comes off as borderline ridiculous and just weakens your point.

This game needs more Gold sinks, not less.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range.

> Melanie Griffith? XD


Hah! I was just about to reply what Melanie Griffith had to do with anything. ;)


I agree with the sentiment of "too many mounts", though. It's a pain in the behind already to switch quickly between them - don't get me started on keyboard or mouse button shortcuts, all my input devices' buttons/keys are already fully occupied in this game, so where should I put those, especially when you still need to unmount before mounting (so simply pressing the respective shortcut to switch mounts is not enough), and that just gets confusing with dozens of keys and remembering which key/button is which etc. Now think about future mounts - it is doomed to end in chaos.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough.

I originally didn't see the purpose of mounts in a game with lots of waypoints. However, each of the mounts has different features, different character. I think the game would be **much** less fun with only a single mount. Even two would feel like a waste of potential.


> What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)?

Apparently, the group that likes to have variety and might be willing to plunk down some RL cash.


> Why did you price the Griffith out of most players,

What makes you say it's "out of the range of most players"? What data do you have to support that most people can't earn 250 gold?


> who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies,

I haven't spent a dime on the game. Of those who have said how they obtained their 250g, the vast majority earned it in game, not via credit card.


> No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

Then I feel bad for you and your guild. The griffon is a lot of fun.



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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> Why did you price the Griffith out of most players


Firstly, Griffith priced himself out when he betrayed his friends for divinity, and dealt with the God Hand.

Secondly, you have had a year now to scrounge up 250 gold, even if you only do dailies for 2 gold a day, thats 125 days, meaning.. what did you spend your gold on when you shouldve ben saving for the gryffon?

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


**Why are there so many mounts when one or two could have all the abilities?**


As far as I know Anet haven't explained this, but here's a few possible reasons I can think of:

1. It limits how many abilities you can use at once, which reduces the risk of them being over-powered and forces players to think about what they're going to do. If you just had one mount which did everything then using them would be much simpler - just hop on your mount and it'll deal with whatever terrain you come across. This way you need to plan ahead a bit. Yes you can just switch mounts as needed, but for that you have to find a safe spot out of combat.

2. Following on from the above splitting the abilities between different mounts gives you a clear visual reminder of what your current one can do and helps make the controls simpler since each one only has a few abilities.

3. It also means the mastery lines are seperate and players can choose which one to focus on instead of having to work through all of them in the order Anet thinks they should do it.

4. Some players like the variety and find it fun to have lots of different mounts. (In Elder Scrolls Online all mounts are functionally the same - a simple speed boost over land - but that didn't stop people asking for other animals in addition to horses for a full year before the company started adding other animals, and constantly suggesting new ones to add now)

5. It gives them more models to work with to make gem store skins. Although I guess they could have done different skins for 1 mount anyway - like ESO does.


**Why is the griffon so expensive?**


Because it's an optional end-game addition. It's like the legendary weapon of mounts, apart from a few adventures there's nothing in the game which requires the griffon. Yes 250g is a lot, just like legendary weapons cost a lot, but there's absolutely no need to spend real money on either because you can take your time saving up gold to get it, and since you get gold from just playing the game (and items and materials which you can sell for gold) sooner or later you'll have enough, no matter what you do. But if you're rather spend the gold on other things that's fine - that's why the griffon is optional.


I finish PoF in mid-November so during the Wintersday festival I collected as many gifts as I could without feeling like I was forcing myself to grind for them and sold them on the TP which got me most of the money for the griffon. I sold some materials in my bank to get the rest. I know other people who have done dailies to get the gold, and one person who is just buying an item as and when she happens to notice she's got 25 gold and nothing else she really wants to spend it on.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I agree with the sentiment of "too many mounts", though. It's a pain in the behind already to switch quickly between them - don't get me started on keyboard or mouse button shortcuts, all my input devices' buttons/keys are already fully occupied in this game, so where should I put those, especially when you still need to unmount before mounting (so simply pressing the respective shortcut to switch mounts is not enough), and that just gets confusing with dozens of keys and remembering which key/button is which etc. Now think about future mounts - it is doomed to end in chaos.


You can press any of the mount shortcut keys to dismount. When I want to switch mounts I normally just find the button for the one I want to switch to and press it twice (with a pause between) - the first press dismounts you, the second one activates the relevant mount.


It doesn't really help with keybinds since that only removes 1 of the 7, but it does make switching easier for me.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


> It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.


whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


I am one of those that do not buy fake monies for real monies. I was able to get the 250 gold for the griffon no problem. Didn't even do the dailies. I sold the gear I got drowned in during the Tarir meta on the trader, along with mats and other items. So 250 is doable. Even 500 is doable. Now if they made it a 1k mount? Then that's pricing out most players that do not deal with the trader.


Though this is coming from someone who played a game where mounts are 42,000 gold (unless you bought an upgrade of the game with real money) until they introduced level rewards and give you a free mount at level ten. So an optional mount at 250 gold? That's a steal right thar.

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