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Monoblobs kill the game


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I am trying to play in WvW lately, and finding that the linking has created a single monoblob on most of the maps at prime time. I realise the servers do struggle with high populations at prime times, but to try defend against a full monoblob has become ludicrous of late. I am unsure if anyone else is having the same issues, but not naming servers as this against the forum policy, and would like to know if this is still common, or has become more noticeable with the linking. I do know that WvW seemed to get better, but seems to be worse than I have ever experienced in almost 6 years of playing.

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Linking in specific hasn't made it worse. Players will gravitate to different servers for many reasons:

- some for more fights

- Some for easier matchups

- Some for people to play with and against

- Some to prove a point. (Like 'see I told you I could do this')

- And currently, at least on NA, one of the *stated* reasons is to practice for alliances.


At least with one up one down you MIGHT get a different matchup in a week.



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> if addressed to me, then no since we do all maps.


Just like some player complained in team chat you were not ktraining and u were changing map to fight and actually defend stuff from zergs looking for easy caps ... lold



Issue is how WVW design is actually towards monoblocks ktrain stuff more than actually search for fights, it is a design issue since game was made for extreme casuals.

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So is it the monoblob killing the game... or your futile attemp to fight it thats killing it for you?


Because I find that the best way to fight a monoblob is to not fight them. People always keep complaining about the blobs, yet they always keep feeding their behaviour by trying to raise their own monoblob so they can headbutt each other (*"we need more firebrands!"* should be the official slogan for WvW), instead of splitting into multiple groups and showing the blob that the smaller forces control the field while the blob run around chasing their tail always on the wrong side of the map.

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Just roam and do your own thing...


The blob sucks yea, but they don't bother coming to stop a solo player from taking thier EB towers... Even in T1.


![](https://i.imgur.com/bamNDWI.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/KLMALPU.jpg "")


Usually best thing to do is take the tower and then defend it by yourself or with a friend until the pugs on the enemy team summon thier main zerg.. Can get a lot of good 1v4 or 2v8 sort of battles, using the NPCs and top of stairs to kill as many as possible.


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I believe this derives from lack of competent commanders and that players have better understand which commander is actually worth following.


Unfortunately these days with serverpride being dead when objectives take ages to take with EWPs and T3 walls, gates etc, commanders just don't want to lead 15-20 man groups for mostly PPT oriented gameplay.


Back in the day there was commanders fighting for chance to tag up thus you could easily find decent small group commanders fighting small group commanders on other maps. But back then meta was more simpler and even bad players could survive for a long time. It didn't feel that bad wiping to a 15 man guild with 40 man blob when the fight lasted 2 minutes. These days fights like that are over within 15 seconds.



If you want smaller group fights, you have to join a guild these days, unfortunately it seems that most guild leads are either uninterested in the meta or just got enough of the game.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > if addressed to me, then no since we do all maps.


> Just like some player complained in team chat you were not ktraining and u were changing map to fight and actually defend stuff from zergs looking for easy caps ... lold


> @MarkBecks.6453

> Issue is how WVW design is actually towards monoblocks ktrain stuff more than actually search for fights, it is a design issue since game was made for extreme casuals.


=) defending in our case gives us more bags though.


you missed yesterday. @.@

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The mono blob is a result of all the Pve casuals that came in for ascended armor and the legendary backpack, no real wvwer would blob for rewards, because Wvw isn't about the rewards... hold on, let me wipe the spit off my nose. Seriously though, those aren't blobs, they're actually fight guilds looking for good fights from the 5 whole defenders, its better now with no acs in the way...dang it I need more tissue.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> blobbing in general was not a problem when most servers could do it. But since WvW is on the decline it is getting more boring than ever.

> But hey of course that is something that the so called alliances will solve right :/


Doubtful, but then that's not the problem alliances are supposed to address, and not an argument against alliances whatsoever.


My server rarely blobs in my experience. Maybe sometimes at reset you'll see multiple comms running together to counter the 2 mapqueue blobs the other servers are runnning, but you're also just as likely if not more to see those 4 or so comms go their own ways, and often join only to defend an objective under attack. The groups I've been in (outside of reset) are <30 people about 95% of the time, and more than 40 almost never, maybe once a month.

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Every time I think about What Could Be Done To Discourage Zerging, the main problem that stops it up is that people just don't care about the structures. You don't really gain anything from having lots of structures.


If we had cared about the structures, having as many as possible of them, it would put value on splitting up and taking more of them, and only gathering for a zerg to beat a particular object.


Another point against the tiered points for objectives, it makes people care more for 1-3 objectives, and ignore the rest.


Wish there was a way to discourage players from zerging constantly, but I don't think it would be possible at this stage, there are just too many things working toward zerging.

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Have you seen the Nerf Arrow Cart thread? The majority in that thread think Zerging is the only thing to do. Having to stop and spend time trying to take down a small group of people defending a structure is dumb, it wastes their time, you should have to come out and defend it, and furthermore if you don't have enough people to defend it you shouldn't keep it! Blob mentality is the only WvW mentality. At least according to some.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Have you seen the Nerf Arrow Cart thread? The majority in that thread think Zerging is the only thing to do. Having to stop and spend time trying to take down a small group of people defending a structure is dumb, it wastes their time, you should have to come out and defend it, and furthermore if you don't have enough people to defend it you shouldn't keep it! Blob mentality is the only WvW mentality. At least according to some.


Just like you decided to roam and camp siege in t1 towers, they decided to zerg. They do what they want and you do what you want, I dont see the issue.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Have you seen the Nerf Arrow Cart thread? The majority in that thread think Zerging is the only thing to do. Having to stop and spend time trying to take down a small group of people defending a structure is dumb, it wastes their time, you should have to come out and defend it, and furthermore if you don't have enough people to defend it you shouldn't keep it! Blob mentality is the only WvW mentality. At least according to some.


> Just like you decided to roam and camp siege in t1 towers, they decided to zerg. They do what they want and you do what you want, I dont see the issue.


The issue is, is that they think nobody should be able to camp siege at all. If it were up to them they would have siege either nerfed to the ground or removed entirely. I have no problem with them zerging if that is what they want to do. I don't mind zerging once in a while, but they think there should be no sieging at all. People camping siege in a T1 just slows them down and keeps them from taking the structure in 2 minutes. I like that there are many options for players to play WvW.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Have you seen the Nerf Arrow Cart thread? The majority in that thread think Zerging is the only thing to do. Having to stop and spend time trying to take down a small group of people defending a structure is dumb, it wastes their time, you should have to come out and defend it, and furthermore if you don't have enough people to defend it you shouldn't keep it! Blob mentality is the only WvW mentality. At least according to some.


I'm kind of amazed that that's what you took away from that thread.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > Have you seen the Nerf Arrow Cart thread? The majority in that thread think Zerging is the only thing to do. Having to stop and spend time trying to take down a small group of people defending a structure is dumb, it wastes their time, you should have to come out and defend it, and furthermore if you don't have enough people to defend it you shouldn't keep it! Blob mentality is the only WvW mentality. At least according to some.

> >

> > Just like you decided to roam and camp siege in t1 towers, they decided to zerg. They do what they want and you do what you want, I dont see the issue.


> The issue is, is that they think nobody should be able to camp siege at all. If it were up to them they would have siege either nerfed to the ground or removed entirely. I have no problem with them zerging if that is what they want to do. I don't mind zerging once in a while, but they think there should be no sieging at all. People camping siege in a T1 just slows them down and keeps them from taking the structure in 2 minutes. I like that there are many options for players to play WvW.


Most players dont want defenders they are used to game placebos and belive they need and are in right of a easy reward(gw2 game design made this mentality), nor be slowed and dont agree that their group can be stoped if their gruop with double or triple of the defenders, since it will make the players that were expecting a no defense and free take to put some effort.


I've managed to build sup AC (theres was 2-3 ac's at max) and groups of 20-30+ usually bail imediatilly or apear later with a full queue server to take that from 5-10max players, where their 40man group only knows how to build proxy catas on places that makes no sense, happened so many times that i made this the deadulf way to play for most wvw players, they whine if effort or tactics are needed, and structures are so easy to take due how gimmickly this game is.... if people are atacking with lots and fail to take struture and QQ cause was due 2 or 3 sup ac's... they are really really bad, it is easy enout to sustain arround 5 sup ac's, more than that gets complicated, and i play under pugs, a organized group should do much more.


Now i theres alot of siege and plauers and atackers are inferior in number.... makes no sense to even atack, if numbers are similiar it is a bit of being persistent, strucutres were designed not to be holded at long term, most if not all have quite a few ways to take them gimmickly, just needs something that most players dont want, effort and time.

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