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Festival of the Four Winds - Its dying rapidly because its not very rewarding

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > Why do people keep pretending that grinding/ gold/ rewards isn't inherent to mmo's?

> > > I obviously play the game because i like the content (specially the combat on GW2), but the rewards is just a big threadmill to keep you playing, right?

> >

> > For me MMORPGs are about the people. I've wasted many hours both in UO and RO just sitting around cities or random dungeons and talking to guild members.

> > Sadly all my friends left GW so I'm currently playing it as a single player game (daily quest and LS content).

> >

> > If rewards are the only thing that keep you playing, why don't you play something like cookie clicker or the likes? Diablo too?


> If you're just sitting around cities and talking to people, isn't it better to have irl interactions?


Depends on who you're talking to. Aside from anything politics always devolving in a battle of idiots, I've seen conversations strike up about all kinds of stuff..... from buildcraft, to crafting projects, game tips, story discussions, sports, armchair developer fun, "Deep thoughts", pointing out weird things on the map, giving directions, or just random chit chat about anything thats remotely interesting for other people to get involved in. Stories about other MMOs, especially the classics, are always fun to watch people go on and on about.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> The entire game is built more around rewarding experiences than getting rich with loot. The festival provides some novelty. I bought a couple of home instance nodes and skins with my tokens - rewards enough imo. As for the boss blitz, people try to coordinate and get 'gold' not for the rewards, but for the challenge.


What Home instance nodes have you bought for token.. I must of missed that vendor...

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> For some reason I decided I really wanted to complete the Pavillion race as a quaggan (using the tonic) carrying a balloon. It took me several attempts but I got there eventually, and I only 'dropped' my balloon twice (it gets disabled if you're hit). No real reason for it, but it's something I wanted to do.

That's awesome. Well done.


> On a more practical note one of my guild mates has been using the gauntlet as a kind of ramped up training golem to experiment with different builds.

Yeah, it's a great tool for that.


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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > Why do people keep pretending that grinding/ gold/ rewards isn't inherent to mmo's?

> > > I obviously play the game because i like the content (specially the combat on GW2), but the rewards is just a big threadmill to keep you playing, right?

> >

> > For me MMORPGs are about the people. I've wasted many hours both in UO and RO just sitting around cities or random dungeons and talking to guild members.

> > Sadly all my friends left GW so I'm currently playing it as a single player game (daily quest and LS content).

> >

> > If rewards are the only thing that keep you playing, why don't you play something like cookie clicker or the likes? Diablo too?


> If you're just sitting around cities and talking to people, isn't it better to have irl interactions?


Not everybody is interested in that though. irl has a whole other set of issues that come with it, anxiety, overthinking.. in a game this stuff is harmless. You can talk about the game you're currently playing or just talk about real life, but without the inconvenience that comes with that. At least that's my best guess. I also enjoy spending time ingame and talk to people, why not? They won't even know I'm a Choya on the Internet.


But for real, it's nice to bond with people that way and it's at least guaranteed that you will have one thing in common: You both play the same game and like it for your own reasons

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> While I feel that the Boss Blitz has become a humongous pain in the butt, I'm still enjoying the rest of it. (Except Queen's Gauntlet because fighting bosses isn't really my thing.) I think the Flying Dolyak race ought to be every hour instead of every two hours, and I've never even seen the skimmer race, so not sure when/if that happens. The mount race in the pavilion is lots of fun, still, the treasure hunt is a blast, and I just love the Labyrinthine Cliffs map with its beauty and coral reefs and interesting layout(and yes, the boat ride!)


Go to the wiki and type in event timers. The second one down tells you exactly when the races in the pavillion are up, as well as the treasure hunt.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> Why do people keep pretending that grinding/ gold/ rewards isn't inherent to mmo's?

> I obviously play the game because i like the content (specially the combat on GW2), but the rewards is just a big threadmill to keep you playing, right?


Grinding gold and rewards are inherent to a certain percentage of every MMOs playerbase, but there are also plenty of people that play MMOs for other reasons. I've never played any MMO to "grind" rewards, nor will I ever. I prefer an MMO where I can get rewards playing naturally without the grinding...which in the case of this event is mostly true.


I'll never sit and run the Mad King's labyrinth over and over to get more gold. Only a tiny percentage of my guild does. Probably less the five percent. The rest of us seem to use it as a change of pace. Another place to farm. Another event to enjoy.


I'd more likely go after an achievement in a place than gold and frankly grindier achievements leave me cold as well.

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I went to Labrynth Cliff once and stayed there for an hour. Never come back since. I did not bother to visit the Crown Pavilion.

I do agree that rewards do keep me coming back for more, and this Festival does not.

Bye Frestival. Hope it will come back in the future with better rewards or I will say "By gone be by gone" + "I dont miss a thing"


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I think it's doing what it's meant to do for the most part but I agree that Boss Blitz could use a little reward rework for as long as the bosses take. One thing I'd like to see is a brawling "bounty" event in Labyrinthine Cliffs or something. More reason to stay in that map and enjoy it. Outside of the treasure hunt that's only up every 2 hours and the races that seem like they are never up, the only thing to really do is play the material sink lottery.


Wouldn't mind seeing some of the bosses or areas change though. Like the flame legion area.


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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I wasn't really even interested when it was announced. Summer and kites aren't really my thing. I'm glad that the rewards aren't too great because otherwise it might have felt like a mandatory chore.


Having more items to spend your loot bundles on would be good too. Maybe even buy the zephyrite supply chests with those as another option. Or material crates or something. Kites and a mini aren't really that exciting.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > Why do people keep pretending that grinding/ gold/ rewards isn't inherent to mmo's?

> > I obviously play the game because i like the content (specially the combat on GW2), but the rewards is just a big threadmill to keep you playing, right?


> Grinding gold and rewards are inherent to a certain percentage of every MMOs playerbase, but there are also plenty of people that play MMOs for other reasons. I've never played any MMO to "grind" rewards, nor will I ever. I prefer an MMO where I can get rewards playing naturally without the grinding...which in the case of this event is mostly true.


> I'll never sit and run the Mad King's labyrinth over and over to get more gold. Only a tiny percentage of my guild does. Probably less the five percent. The rest of us seem to use it as a change of pace. Another place to farm. Another event to enjoy.


> I'd more likely go after an achievement in a place than gold and frankly grindier achievements leave me cold as well.


Grinding and gold/ items rewards are inherent to MMOs, mate. They're not inherent to a "certain percentage of the playerbase". You can say that "it's most appealing to a certain percentage of the playerbase", but please, don't pretend that it isn't one of the pillars of the genre, LOOT, RIGHT?.


As i said above, i play this game because i like the combat system and the fast paced combat, all of this mixed with the bases of the MMO genre. If you play only for rewards, running the virtual threadmill endlessly to get some virtual shinnies without the "wow, time has gone like wind on the last hour", better look at psychiatrist: it's officially an illness. This is NOT what i'm talking about.


What i'm talking is that bitter flavour of playing an epic battle for like half an hour just to realize that there's no spoils for that war.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > Why do people keep pretending that grinding/ gold/ rewards isn't inherent to mmo's?

> > > I obviously play the game because i like the content (specially the combat on GW2), but the rewards is just a big threadmill to keep you playing, right?

> >

> > Grinding gold and rewards are inherent to a certain percentage of every MMOs playerbase, but there are also plenty of people that play MMOs for other reasons. I've never played any MMO to "grind" rewards, nor will I ever. I prefer an MMO where I can get rewards playing naturally without the grinding...which in the case of this event is mostly true.

> >

> > I'll never sit and run the Mad King's labyrinth over and over to get more gold. Only a tiny percentage of my guild does. Probably less the five percent. The rest of us seem to use it as a change of pace. Another place to farm. Another event to enjoy.

> >

> > I'd more likely go after an achievement in a place than gold and frankly grindier achievements leave me cold as well.


> Grinding and gold/ items rewards are inherent to MMOs, mate. They're not inherent to a "certain percentage of the playerbase". You can say that "it's most appealing to a certain percentage of the playerbase", but please, don't pretend that it isn't one of the pillars of the genre, LOOT, RIGHT?.


> As i said above, i play this game because i like the combat system and the fast paced combat, all of this mixed with the bases of the MMO genre. If you play only for rewards, running the virtual threadmill endlessly to get some virtual shinnies without the "wow, time has gone like wind on the last hour", better look at psychiatrist: it's officially an illness. This is NOT what i'm talking about.


> What i'm talking is that bitter flavour of playing an epic battle for like half an hour just to realize that there's no spoils for that war.


Rewards is different from grinding rewards. I maintain that most people don't like grind and in fact, don't grind at all. They aren't necessarily goal oriented. They just play what they see in front of them without any real understanding of what gets what. They kill stuff. They loot stuff. Loot is prevelant. Grinding for stuff is a choice.

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> Tbh i think the problem isn't "bad rewards", but at least make ppl "feel" they're getting something.

> Those bags from Pavillion meta is plain stupid.


Gauntlet not giving _anyhing_ beyond achievements/ap (which are one-time) is also not a good thing for its longevity. Okay, it's going to be probably fine this time around (as we have to redo all of them), but what about next year?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > Tbh i think the problem isn't "bad rewards", but at least make ppl "feel" they're getting something.

> > Those bags from Pavillion meta is plain stupid.


> Gauntlet not giving _anyhing_ beyond achievements/ap (which are one-time) is also not a good thing for its longevity. Okay, it's going to be probably fine this time around (as we have to redo all of them), but what about next year?


We get to do them all over again so I guess it will be fine next time round :)

TBH for me Labby Cliffs was so much better in its original form.. I miss being able to climb the big ships sails, the little event down on the beach.. adding in the skimmer race, the doyly race and the treasure hunt would of made for a lot of variety.. take away the ridiculous water fight thing cos honestly that just looks to me like they ran out of time and ideas. At least make the mob fight back or something.

As it is, the only thing after the first few days is the quartz crystal nodes for me, which is a shame because the area is still excellent in design.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > Tbh i think the problem isn't "bad rewards", but at least make ppl "feel" they're getting something.

> > > Those bags from Pavillion meta is plain stupid.

> >

> > Gauntlet not giving _anyhing_ beyond achievements/ap (which are one-time) is also not a good thing for its longevity. Okay, it's going to be probably fine this time around (as we have to redo all of them), but what about next year?


> We get to do them all over again so I guess it will be fine next time round :)

Based on the current model, i'm pretty sure we won't be able to do the achieves again (and get new APs) next time. And since there are no rewards, and the challenge is already done... what would be the point?


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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> Anyway events should't be about grind and tons of gold. **They should be a fun fillers** between LS releases and a way for people to take a break too.


Nothing left to do = no fun.


Once you have done all the achievements, discovered all the interesting NPCs and listened to their dialogue, talked to everyone and done all the hidden fun stuff as well (boat ride, quaggan lantern puzzle), there really isn't anything "fun" left to do. The events in the Labyrinthine Cliffs are too widely spread over the two hours, the rewards are meager; and in the Crown Pavilion only the Queen's Gauntlet is fun in the long run, because it's challenging and thus doesn't feel repetative like the Boss Blitz.


If the events were more frequent and rewards were more compelling, I am certain people would feel more attracted to this festival in a long term as they are now. "Taking a break" becomes boring when there is zero to do.


P.S. Hey, just thinking: how cool would it have been had they implemented a swim race also, with aspect crystal boosts under water. There is so much I can think of that could add fun to this festival - but at least, increase the event frequency if nothing else so that people feel compelled to collect festival tokens all the time and don't have to wait so long in boredom between the events.


P.P.S. @"LoreChief.8391": I think that, in addition to the aforementioned, the current heat that is plaguing our planet might also be a reason why you will find less people in-game now than you did two weeks ago.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > Anyway events should't be about grind and tons of gold. **They should be a fun fillers** between LS releases and a way for people to take a break too.


> Nothing left to do = no fun.


> Once you have done all the achievements, discovered all the interesting NPCs and listened to their dialogue, talked to everyone and done all the hidden fun stuff as well (boat ride, quaggan lantern puzzle), there really isn't anything "fun" left to do. The events in the Labyrinthine Cliffs are too widely spread over the two hours, the rewards are meager; and in the Crown Pavilion only the Queen's Gauntlet is fun in the long run, because it's challenging and thus doesn't feel repetative like the Boss Blitz.


> If the events were more frequent and rewards were more compelling, I am certain people would feel more attracted to this festival in a long term as they are now. "Taking a break" becomes boring when there is zero to do.


> P.S. Hey, just thinking: how cool would it have been had they implemented a swim race also, with aspect crystal boosts under water. There is so much I can think of that could add fun to this festival - but at least, increase the event frequency if nothing else so that people feel compelled to collect festival tokens all the time and don't have to wait so long in boredom between the events.


> P.P.S. @"LoreChief.8391": I think that, in addition to the aforementioned, the current heat that is plaguing our planet might also be a reason why you will find less people in-game now than you did two weeks ago.


Well if you already burned through it all then you can do something else. Play another game? Clean the house?

Some people burn through content in a day or two, while some don't even have the time to start it.


Given that the game was marked for casual player, most events should be somewhere in between.

If you are hardcore player then you will complete it under a week.

If you are casual it might take you a full month.


Did you manage to get all achievement points and all skins and nodes?

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