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PoF maps are pretty empty, makes it hard to do anything.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"coro.3176" said:

> > > As a WvW/PvP player, I'd gladly hang out in the PvE maps if there was any chance of excitement (ie. pvp combat). The maps are all beautifully designed and a lot of fun to explore. I'm just bored out of my skull because the only thing to do there is kill mobs or run pve event chains.

> > >

> > > Optional pvp flag on?

> >

> > Ew no please. They "tried" that in SW with the bandit camp for awhile, and it backfired horribly, also made it annoying to get that POI. PVE in this game is PVE, and if they allowed PVP in it itd add *another* thing theyd have to balance around and they have issues with balance already.


> Fair. I'm just saying there's a large population that never spends any time in the PvE maps at all because there's no chance of the kind of combat we like - vs other real players. If you want to make a deal with the devil (.. so to speak), you could have a lot more players on those PvE maps.


I think that population is alot smaller than you think it is in this game. At one point in time i counted each individual(see different person) response in a dual thread, and the majority(over 60%) of the people where against even dueling(optional or not) in the open world. Sure the forums are a small portion of the player base, but this game is one of the most casual, and friendly games on the market, and having any kind of open world PVP goes against that too, alot of us here are playing this game because that isnt a thing. I know its one of the reasons im here, having had bad experiences in other games with the "option" left me with very few games i enjoy.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"coro.3176" said:

> > > As a WvW/PvP player, I'd gladly hang out in the PvE maps if there was any chance of excitement (ie. pvp combat). The maps are all beautifully designed and a lot of fun to explore. I'm just bored out of my skull because the only thing to do there is kill mobs or run pve event chains.

> > >

> > > Optional pvp flag on?

> >

> > Ew no please. They "tried" that in SW with the bandit camp for awhile, and it backfired horribly, also made it annoying to get that POI. PVE in this game is PVE, and if they allowed PVP in it itd add *another* thing theyd have to balance around and they have issues with balance already.


> Fair. I'm just saying there's a large population that never spends any time in the PvE maps at all because there's no chance of the kind of combat we like - vs other real players. If you want to make a deal with the devil (.. so to speak), you could have a lot more players on those PvE maps.


Sorry, no. There is an area for that type of play style and I believe that it should remain there. I've quit other MMOs for this because it isn't my preferred play style. I'm glad that GW2 has it separated.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> @"keenedge.9675" It's not the enemies that irritate me in PoF, rather it's their aggro ranges. As for HoT, it likewise isn't the enemies, it's the maps. I give credit to them as they are well done. I personally don't enjoy them. Even as a very casual player, I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on the critters and their abilities and whatnot. That's not my issue.


Aggro ranges have always been POS in this game!


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"keenedge.9675" It's not the enemies that irritate me in PoF, rather it's their aggro ranges. As for HoT, it likewise isn't the enemies, it's the maps. I give credit to them as they are well done. I personally don't enjoy them. Even as a very casual player, I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on the critters and their abilities and whatnot. That's not my issue.


> Aggro ranges have always been POS in this game!



Lol, I'm sure as heck the aggro ranges in PoF are slightly bigger.

Occasionally I've been like "wait what? I pulled that from over there?"

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> @"Xhalvia.5029" said:

> I'm not even going to entertain the notion of reading the nonsense you are spewing.

> You talk BS mate.

> I got no patience for people who don't have a clue about what they are talking about.

> Especially to those who ignore what is presented to them as they ask.


Just because you're choosing to not counter what I'm saying, doesn't mean that its nonsense. If anything is being ignored, it would be my request for the actual g/hr from Istan that the average player obtains. Same goes to how having an optimal farm is harmful to the game. All that I have been given is a link to a website on how to use a tracker to track my g/hr counter-arguments using class balance, which has nothing to do with this, as it's easier to argue about an imbalance there.


I doubt any MMO has multiple farms across all of its content that are balanced. None of this would really address the OP's issue about their difficulties in doing collections and achievements that require assistance from other players. Adding a farm to every map won't necessarily help those trying to complete all of that. Player will do whatever is a part of the farm.


The most effective solution to the OP's issue at the moment is to use the LFG. When I say use, I also mean creating their own LFG posts rather than sit there and waiting for one to show up for them. Calling for help on a map also works as well as waiting for a daily that may potentially help you such as with bounties. You can also post on the forums, Reddit, etc and get people to group up with you that way. If you're struggling, chances are there may be some other people as well and were just sitting around waiting for an opportunity to present itself to them.


Could PoF meta loot be made better? Sure. Would adding farms to every map help? Probably not. There are other, and probably better, ways to keep players playing older content. Just looks at HoT. It's been three years and players are still playing it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Because PoF maps were pretty boring (both content and reward wise) compared to HoT maps.




When I came back, picked up HoT...I was stunned. They put their heart and soul into it and you can tell. The maps were great, aside from TD heh, but the metas were lovely. Now, in PoF, its crap. Zone into a map randomly to see if anyone is doing a bounty...vs on nearly a timer zone into HoT maps for meta events.


Next expansion: Tyria centric. Make it across old-world tyria.


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The biggest reason I despise PoF maps and stay away from them is because every time I dismount there, I have to fight half a dozen enemies. The aggro range, as mentioned above, is one of the problems. I don't have the exact measures, but based on distance I tested, PoF aggro range seems to be between 50~100% longer than Core maps. The other problem is that enemies chase too far. In Core maps, I find it really hard to round up 5 or more enemies since enemies will stop chasing me almost instantly. In PoF, they chase for so long it's so hard to lose them.


It's gotten to a point where I ignore the vast majority of gathering nodes in PoF maps. It's just not fun being forced to fight half a dozen enemies every time I dismount trying to gather nodes, view vistas, interact NPC's, etc.

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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Because PoF maps were pretty boring (both content and reward wise) compared to HoT maps.


> This.


> When I came back, picked up HoT...I was stunned. They put their heart and soul into it and you can tell. The maps were great, aside from TD heh, but the metas were lovely. Now, in PoF, its crap. Zone into a map randomly to see if anyone is doing a bounty...vs on nearly a timer zone into HoT maps for meta events.


> Next expansion: Tyria centric. Make it across old-world tyria.



Nobody wants to pay for a revamp of the old content. People will buy it because it will be the new content, but it's a bad idea.


Also >Putting their heart into HoT but not PoF


PoF has the most attention to detail in their maps, hands down. Incredible experience, but as I said: One time only and no reason to ever come back outside of collections.


> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> The biggest reason I despise PoF maps and stay away from them is because every time I dismount there, I have to fight half a dozen enemies. The aggro range, as mentioned above, is one of the problems. I don't have the exact measures, but based on distance I tested, PoF aggro range seems to be between 50~100% longer than Core maps. The other problem is that enemies chase too far. In Core maps, I find it really hard to round up 5 or more enemies since enemies will stop chasing me almost instantly. In PoF, they chase for so long it's so hard to lose them.


> It's gotten to a point where I ignore the vast majority of gathering nodes in PoF maps. It's just not fun being forced to fight half a dozen enemies every time I dismount trying to gather nodes, view vistas, interact NPC's, etc.


I've never gathered from a single node in PoF outside of dailies and I can't say there were ever any enemies involved. The only time they were actually annoying is the ones that spawn when you interact with some of the collectibles, like the Bleached Bones. Maybe if you try to get through a Forged Camp and run into a trap it can get annoying, but besides that? Enemies are spread out enough to not be a concern 90% of the time. And in terms of actual aggro range the PoF mobs aren't even the worst offenders. All I can say is: White Mantle anything. Especially those unlimited range fireballs that chase you around half the map mmm


For real though. The only change to the enemies was that they stopped helplessly running around when you were in unreachable terrain. Instead they now use ranged attacks to hit you, which is infinitely better than having them run around from aggro and deaggro and healing because they can't jump

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I totally agree. It is sad. They should tune down the rewards for doing Istan etc. and ramp up the rewards for doing PoF maps. Good suggestions by


Istan drains too many players from other maps. It needs to be less profitable past one daily run, and PoF metas need to have better rewards to compensate. Rather than staying hours in one spot, people should want to jump from map to map doing different stuff.

For example, by removing drops from enemies in the istan meta, and improving the drops from the chests to compensate. Then making most of the chests appear only once a day, have only a few final chests past upon successful event past the first daily try.


* Casino Blitz should have greater bonuses when picking over 90% of the coins in each round, and a choice chest from the piñata for those who participated in all 3 rounds.

* Desert Highlands treasure hunt meta should give bonus rewards to those who dig up 15 or more chests, and get a progress counter for discovered chests, and trigger a final boss if the progress is filled. Something like an undead or ghost stone summit or corsair who hid all the treasures and has been enraged by all the digging. Those who recovered at least 10 superior treasure chests and defeated the boss would get a choice chest.

* Elon Riverlands doppelganger meta should give bonus rewards to those who gather enough dispersed magic, and a choice chest to those who gathered enough magic and defeated the doppelganger. And the choice chests should be improved too. Currently their rewards are rather underwhelming compared to HoT ones, since in hot you also get lots of keys to use in chests that appear as events are completed an bosses are defeated, but in PoF you are given just a final chest after the boss on only two of the metas, and that's it.



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OP , This is where people differs .. I for one quit GW2 in rage when i entered HoT's verdant brink for the first time and found out moving around in HoT's STARTER ZONE is massively gated by so many masteries that it become annoying for a solo / casual explorer player which i assume the majority of players in any MMORPG.


I bought PoF on the recommendation of friendly people in this forum and become very happy and engrossed with GW2 love all over again as if im playing the old GW2 again.. There's no zone wide meta events going on all the time , there's localized events that i can either join or ignore , there's plenty of exploration and the mount's are the best in PoF , it make GW2 classic core zones more enjoyable and the masteries for mounts are not hard to get even for soloer.


all in all , PoF is what GW2 need after the HoT fiasco where everything is gated for group content and endless meta event , which not everyone enjoyed.

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Yeah HoT metas reward so much better although I like the bounties more so they do not reward very well. As well the treasure hunting kits are even rewarded in maps where they cannot be used. Furthermore I personally can get around 1-2 stacks of them before I can use 10-20 of them. Which the desert highlands that was pretty much the rewards for that map but it just needs to be revamped so that its quicker and faster to use the kits which most of it is due to having to go on the other side of the map every single time you go to use the next kit.


One idea I thought of is having that event for superior treasure still occur as it does but have every map where it will spawn that event for the area if you have cleared the bounty board that it would trigger so you are only using them in that one area. That would sort of help along the lines of how to reward better with already existing assets.

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