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Do you think it would be cool to be able to craft Ascended trinkets?

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Well, cool but kinda pointless at this point as they are already easily available from so many different sources. The opportunity to “save Jeweler” has long since passed.


Yes and No they wanted to implement it and stopped halfway the 500 raw materials were already implemented. Lets check ah they changed it latter for the use of Aurora https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Xunlai_Electrum_Ingot this was once a 500 material . They also added new recipes with HoT but only exotic ones the only thing what stopped them was properly a lot of typing work for the recipes and products and not enough time at the end. ( I remember they said HoT was rushed at the end).


But what would make this really interesting are ascended jewels as alternative to runes.


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What could be cool to have with 500 jewelry is ascended and legendary sigils. No way they are going to give ascended trinkets if people are highly incentivized to get them through LS maps.


Ascended sigils: you can equip/de-equip a sigil. You get it by with a recipe that consists of the the exotic sigil, luck and some other random crafting materials.


Legendary sigils: as ascended sigils, you can equip/de-equip them. However legendary sigils allow you do dye your weapon and cost a much more significant amount of gold to craft (exotic sigil, dyes, luck and other expensive crafting materials).


One can dream, right ?



Edit: it would also be cool to get, through 500 jewelry, a item that allows you to turn minor sigil and runes into luck.

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