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The next expansion ?

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.



They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.



> They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses


the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.

> >

> >

> > They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses


> the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.


It is new, because it was never a mount before.


Back on topic:

We might see a few new mounts simply because they added this system and want to expand on it. HoT introduced mastery system and mounts simply added to that, we can get a few mounts that will help us in that specific area of the world, since they have been such a huge success.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.

> >

> >

> > They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses


> the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.


“ *then why do you care about expansions?* “

The only thing from expansions you’ll see in PvP are the elite specs, and those you’ll be getting regardless

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.

> > >

> > >

> > > They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses

> >

> > the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.


> It is new, because it was never a mount before.


He’s probably refering to the minigame Rollerbeetle Racing in gw1

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.

> > >

> > >

> > > They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses

> >

> > the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.


> “ *then why do you care about expansions?* “

> The only thing from expansions you’ll see in PvP are the elite specs, and those you’ll be getting regardless


I care because i want the game to expand with content, not just fansy skin jobs that are just for the eye balls, and dont actually create new content.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > > Mounts? Thats what you care most about in the next expansion? Dont they come out with new mounts every other week? Why is it so important for the next expansion to have even more mounts? I rather them work on actual content then reskins of mounts.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > They mean new like Roller Beetle, not new like Desert Racer Licenses

> > >

> > > the roller beatle is not new. Its a legacy thing from gw1 that they brought into gw2....also i have yet to get a single mount. Im pretty much just a pvper.

> >

> > It is new, because it was never a mount before.


> He’s probably refering to the minigame Rollerbeetle Racing in gw1


I know he did, which is why I specified as a mount

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Not Cantha, i liked the Jade Sea but something new and refreshing is needed here. Also if they want to attract people they need a new interesting features. No idea what it could be but a form of housing with perks and giving some choices like similar to making a guild hall (but less time and resources consumming) would be in my eyes fun and interesting. Separating each player home by lots etc.



Oh and an enemy that isn’t a dragon. It’s getting old tbh, since 2012.

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I would imagine mounts will be downplayed, unless they create new ones locked to the next expansion suited to new types of terrain.


Honestly, aside from an underwater mount or one with true flight, I’m not sure what “new” type of movement they could design one for. Even the Roller Beetle feels like splitting hairs tbh...


As for where we’ll go? No clue. I’d love the Unending Ocean, but if that happens it’ll likely be expansion 4 or 5.


I’d say Cantha or the Far Shiverpeaks/Charr Homelands are most likely.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I don’t see it having mounts as that would be a PoF feature just like gliding was a HoT feature.


> I’m hoping that the next expansion takes us somewhere brand new. This nostalgia train is getting boring.


Revenant was also and hot feature.

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The first expansion added the sky as additional area to play in with the glider and expanded maps vertically a lot.


The second expansion expanded every kind of movement in all of tyria except underwater. It contained horizontal jumps, vertical jumps, traversing water above level and traveling in the air. There is practically nothing missing except digging tunnels into the terrain :)


The third expansion **could** focus on the only element/terrain that so far has not had any additon in physics or mounts: Underwater.

Underwater was long shunned by ArenaNet and there was even content taken out of the game that had underwater as a theme (remember that lake in the pvp training zone?). But recently there was an overhaul of underwater skills which came kind of expected to most. Underwater content was probably thought to be dead by parts of the playerbase. The physics and skills have been in the game since launch, just as underwater content in many maps. It just never got a lot of attention. An underwater expansion would be a great opportunity to add content to already existing maps too, which we all know is no problem as content has always been added to existing core maps. Some has been removed again after a while and some stayed until today (like the toxic spawns in many places).


I would welcome underwater maps a lot. At least you cannot fall down and have to look for a way up again like in HoT :)

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When? If I knew how many living story episodes there are in season 4, then I could prob give a guesstimate. But since we truly don’t know, we shouldn’t give expectations when it will be out. I would say we’re in the second half of living world season 4. But it could vary.


I would say an announcement will be next year for the third expansion. When next year? Could be beginning of next year, or summer for announcement.


Now will we get more mounts? There’s a possibility. However I will not say we will only get mounts in the expansion because we just got one from the living world season 4, rather then waiting for another expansion.

So will we have to wait for expac to get another? No.


Only arenanet knows the estimate. But they won’t tell us. All we can do is progress in the game and enjoy the ride.

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I hope it introduces customizeable housing instances, marriages, new maps- Voodoo spec for necromancer that can actually allow them to 1v1 duel. magician type spec for mesmer,

no more mounts- maybe mount skins to match the environments along with gliders since anet needs to make money

New maps- but I would love to go to EotN and have more Norn lore. More specific interactions based on class/race.

better voice acting

options to make difficult choices nstead of being a mary/gary sue.

there is a plethora of other things id like to see but my mind went blank.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I don’t see it having mounts as that would be a PoF feature just like gliding was a HoT feature.

> >

> > I’m hoping that the next expansion takes us somewhere brand new. This nostalgia train is getting boring.


> Revenant was also and hot feature.


A class is different.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I don’t see it having mounts as that would be a PoF feature just like gliding was a HoT feature.

> > >

> > > I’m hoping that the next expansion takes us somewhere brand new. This nostalgia train is getting boring.

> >

> > Revenant was also and hot feature.


> A class is different.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > I don’t see it having mounts as that would be a PoF feature just like gliding was a HoT feature.

> > > >

> > > > I’m hoping that the next expansion takes us somewhere brand new. This nostalgia train is getting boring.

> > >

> > > Revenant was also and hot feature.

> >

> > A class is different.


> Why?


Didn’t think it through when I responded. I’m not sure why they made rev available and just locked the elite specs behind the expansions. Typically the entire class should have been locked behind the expansion.

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  • 2 months later...

Imo, i have been around gw2 since launch, ive played gw2 as well, i think they need to find another way with the game. Thinking how to reach out to more people that would invest more time in the game and not lose the interest of doing old versus new content. Personally, i have always played necromancer killing the whole idea of a necro with the new implemented class changes or elite specs made them trivial for endgame content. To go to a raid you need to play according to the meta, which in gw2 is the biggest issue for me. consider that new content, while uve been leveling > progressing as a old schooled necro. I do not see how that investment of time pays of when you are grinding towards the elite specs attunements. I do love the talent tree and how to unlock it, the synergy is somewhat confusing and not fun at all, since you've just dinged and then the progression starts again towards the elites. It is a massive grind with zero to none agency considered endgame content.


I bought pof unlocked the griffon, did some paths to raids from hot, and i say to you, the next expansion MUST be fresh and something exceptional in order to get players that left to buy the expansion. Something creative, but balance out the whole class aspect. You just can't make entire classes obsolete for endgame content, force to reroll if you do want to play raids. Multiclassing in this game is a must, but it is not paying off at all which should be adressed and changed in the new expansion, i do not see how that would be implemented in a patch. I hope as a matter of fact that with the old necromancer in mind, the old guardian, you get the idea, the concept of not needing arch types as tank/support/damage dealer or take those arch type philosophy and add it to the meta of the new content. Druids/Chronomancer and the warrior zerkers are meta since hot and even in the new expansion they are the core of endgame content. How is that possible with the current state of the game? I have been away for a while get back and the old expansions reign over the new expansion. It saddens me, maybee my desire to play the game that much, but getting disappointed about it is the core of my problem, but all of the above needs to be adressed in my opinion in order to get people pay the game again (like me).

Mesmers, necromancers and monks <-- not implemented were always my favorite and now they are basicly dead or you are forced to play like the devs want.


I hope they wil make something new, fresh and awesome with the playerbase in mind and not a theme where the game is forced upon.


The storytelling in this game is outstanding btw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not looking at this through the sell or new customer window, or even new mechanics window, but i'd say if it was possible to make this game in the first place, it is possible to do anything else. I would say, storywise, it is possible to tie the ongoing issues to Cantha via Balthasar and Zaishen Order. I would very much like to visit Cantha and in my mind, it is even possible (and wondrous) to bring the Tengu population back to Cantha as a side objective. New race (i'm not saying playable but oh i wish), new continent, new and old cultures to explore.


If you're gonna comment on this, please try not to be the buzzkill of the conversation by saying how it cannot be, instead maybe add to how IT CAN BE, because you're a human being and there is very little stuff that is impossible for human beings once they put their minds to it.

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