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Twitch tells us GW2 is dead?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Twitch viewers is a poor proxy for assessing vibrancy of a game. GW2 has never had that many Twitchlings, because it's like watching paint sprayed on drywall.


This. A lot of times the art style of the game makes it highly un-streamable. E.g. too many particle effects at times in the case of GW2, and potentially over aggressive UI (Not as bad here imo).


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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" , pvp is literally dead in the game, constantly playing with gold/silver players as a plat2/3 player makes it very fun for me.. How can you say wvw has a healthy population, have you tried roaming in wvw recently, it takes 30 minutes of running around trying to find a fight or a small zerg that you have to run away from?


i'd say current content streamers and viewership sais a lot more about who plays the game and active players than gem store sales. Kappa. the gem store is one of the main reasons people despise this game. Yes dont create content but create a skins for the gemstore.


I havent completed the PoF content cos it sucks and they brought in one raid wing LuL, seems like u play MMO's for the skins they make you buy, because that shows how good the game is and how many people play it.





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Elder Scrolls Online only has that many viewers because they pay people to watch. If you watch Twitch streams by approved steamers you get loot boxes to open in the game which have some unique drops. Before they started doing that their numbers were terrible. Now the numbers look better but a lot of that is people running 2 or 3 streams on minimised browser tabs while they do other things so they can farm the crates, not people actually watching the stream. Apparently they're not the only game to do that, but I don't know what the others are.


Which is another reason Twitch viewers are not a good way of judging how popular a game is. It'd be like trying to decide which supermarket has the most customers by looking at their Twitter followers - only a minority of people will want to engage with them that way and the ones they watch/follow are not necessarily the ones they like best or use most.

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@"eagles.6380" You should find some stats to back it up.

Saying that a game is dead because only 500 people are watching it, is like me saying that twitch is dead because I don't use it.

I'm playing GW2 casually and at the same time I've watched many WoW lore videos on youtube.

But I'm not playing or paying for WoW. Now if the videos weren't there I might've actually tried it for the lore.

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GW2 isn't big on Twitch because it never had popular streamers to carry the category. As far as I can recall, Anet also has not paid any big channels to stream the game. I think PoF's launch viewership topped out at 2k, so clearly no campaigning worthy of mention.


GW2 could have had a top 50 streamer to carry viewership, except Anet banned him during launch week. Now the two biggest channels that regularly stream GW2 are not even in English. In the past 6 months, the biggest channel to stream GW2 was xChocoBars (incidentally the only streamer I even recognize), who streamed for a total of 2 hours.

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> @"eagles.6380" said:

> @"Kal Spiro.9745" so you're saying gw2 is full of elderly gamer's who dont know how to get on Twitch? like i dont get it, i was referring to different MMO's and the viewership in my original post. I'd put people that play MMO's in the same demographic and in that aspect gw2 is failing in terms of viewership.


What are you talking about? I was just explaining something that seemed to be misunderstood in the context of the response that I specifically quoted. Pick fights much?

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You only have to play the game and see how full it is to know it isn't dead. Twitch isn't and never will be an indicator of a large population. Not really sure what you would stream on Twitch with this game after 6 years anyway. With all the particle effects and other visual noise, it isn't really something that would compliment the platform

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> @"eagles.6380" said:

> @"Randulf.7614", i mean having people that play the game isnt what im getting at, because people still play fifa 2014, but you see the same old players again and again.


No you don't? I don't know why you want the game to be dead so badly, but....it isn't. Or even anywhere near close to being it

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> @"Shostie.6435" said:

> > @"eagles.6380" said:

> > @YoukiNeko.6047, i dont think any1 can argue that twitch is dead, millions of viewers daily and it is a platform for games to be streamed live online, what other platform does that? i'd say oldschool runescape has more viewers watching pk streams than there are total active pvp players in NA.

> >

> > i dont think wow cares if you play it or not, they got 250k views on twitch the day bfa came out, and total of 3.3million followers on twitch. Lol get outta here

> > Gw2 is a dead game and all i hear is casual fanboys who play the game an 2-3 hours a week and claim that because of gem store sales the game is alive lol. No raid content, no pvp content, people are right there is nothing to stream in this game.


> Define "dead".


Lol, by his definition, dead game means 500 viewers on twitch. Nevermind the 1000's upon 1000's of people actually playing and spending money on the game.

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Does it matter if its dead? You play it because you like it or you dont like it and you dont play it.

The devs are all hard core pvers and im pretty sure no one really underatands pvp at all. Balance after balance they leave the community scratching there heads. Ele staff nerf in the last patch, like what are they thinking.

At least there doing something.

Tomorrow is a Tuesday, lets see what the balance/pvp team gives us this time.

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> @"eagles.6380" said:

> i dont think wow cares if you play it or not, they got 250k views on twitch the day bfa came out, and total of 3.3million followers on twitch. Lol get outta here


WoW may not care about that one specific person but I can absolutely guarantee they care far more about how many people are playing than how many people watch on Twitch because they'll make almost nothing from Twitch views (it may even cost them money if they're sponsoring streamers) whereas they make the majority of their money from subscriptions, which only come from people playing the game.


This is the problem with trying to use 3rd party metrics to gauge the popularity of a game, it's very easy to lose track of what you're actually trying to measure.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @"eagles.6380" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" so you're saying gw2 is full of elderly gamer's who dont know how to get on Twitch? like i dont get it, i was referring to different MMO's and the viewership in my original post. I'd put people that play MMO's in the same demographic and in that aspect gw2 is failing in terms of viewership.


> What are you talking about? I was just explaining something that seemed to be misunderstood in the context of the response that I specifically quoted. Pick fights much?


Does seem, based on earlier text, this is more of a "goodbye" thread and he just needs to prove it to himself.




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> @"eagles.6380" said:

> @YoukiNeko.6047, i dont think any1 can argue that twitch is dead, millions of viewers daily and it is a platform for games to be streamed live online, what other platform does that? i'd say oldschool runescape has more viewers watching pk streams than there are total active pvp players in NA.


> i dont think wow cares if you play it or not, they got 250k views on twitch the day bfa came out, and total of 3.3million followers on twitch. Lol get outta here

> Gw2 is a dead game and all i hear is casual fanboys who play the game an 2-3 hours a week and claim that because of gem store sales the game is alive lol. No raid content, no pvp content, people are right there is nothing to stream in this game.


Well I'm just following your logic. You said that 500 people are watching GW2 so it must be dead. And I'm saying you that I'm not watching twitch so it must be dead too.

You need more information than number of people watching play through on some random site.

And WoW do care that I don't play, they keep spamming me to sub and buy BfA.


By the way are UO, RO or even HL1 played on twitch? I sure know people that still play all of them every single day.

If you are tired of the game and don't enjoy it anymore, then take a break. You can even stop playing forever.

But that doesn't mean that the game is dead. The game would be truly dead once they shut down the servers.

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Using that and not equating the other factors, any game on twitch is now dead or dying. Do know that ESO has to bribe people to watch on Twitch with exclusive loot boxes. They are also just dropped a new update and DLC about a week ago. As for WoW, brand new expansion remember, the fact that they have competitive raid teams and is 10+ years old lends to their numbers. A lot of people I know don't play anymore, but are willing to live vicariously through someone else so they are still in the 'know.' BDO, if I remember right, just released a new class or something.

So without adding those quite big variables on why they have large viewing base right now, I can safely say that Overwatch and PUBG is dying because they don't have the viewership they once had. So using twitch as a barometer of a game's 'health' is folly, especially when you look at outside sources like youtube and the upcoming steam.tv as competitors for the same viewers.

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The problem is most Twitch streamers aren't entertaining in any way, instead playing up the sports/competition angle for drama and/or company sponsorship for retention. That doesn't work for Guild Wars 2 since its primary audience isn't hyper-competitive kittens, and has higher expectations for entertainment.


I say we change this! I'm currently in talks with some teams to get actual play going: entertainment that feels like fun instead of a technical manual. We RP characters and scenarios, we goof around, we use ridiculous (aka non-meta) builds... and most importantly, we play for fun. I suggest anyone wanting to stream GW2 try the same... and I humbly invite ANet to encourage this as much as possible.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> With all the particle effects and other visual noise, it isn't really something that would compliment the platform


Even before adding particle effects, GW2's aesthetic design doesn't lend itself to second-hand viewing. Not that it's a bad aesthetic, but it's more "real" approach and muted colors don't offer much visual variance for telling things apart or helping to convey action.

*After* you add particle effects, Bloodstone Purple and Electro Pink, it just gets worse...


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Since the OP appears to no longer play Guild Wars 2 , of course the game is dead for them.


However, the reality is that many people play Guild Wars 2, and seems to enjoy playing Guild Wars 2. ArenaNet continues to make a profit maintaining the game and developing new content. Irregardless of whether players are being drawn in/retained by one mode or all three, the continued in-game presence means the game itself is not dead.


To the OP: I'm sorry you no longer play Guild Wars 2. Asserting Doom'n'Gloom like Chicken Little, despite ample evidence to the contrary, does your argument (Whatever that may be.) no favors.

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