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How long are Black Lion Vouchers and Voucher Dealers available?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


> The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.


**So once the dealers are removed, are the vouchers useless junk?**


Some of us don’t have the vouchers yet. We don’t know how they work. We want to know they can be used later even once the dealers gone. I want to buy the 10 pack, but will only use 5~6 right now. If the remaining vouchers become useless junk, there is no point in me getting 10 vouchers.

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This is turning out harder than it should be. I can't click on the Voucher to see what the options are because I'm holding off on buying any until I know the definitive answers from ANet. I get that the Vouchers for sale and the Voucher Dealer are not permanent. They will be for sale/in Lion's Arch for a couple of weeks. But if you buy say, a 10-pack of outfit Vouchers and only use some before the Dealer is gone, what can you do with your Vouchers that are left? Are they useless? Will only the same outfits be for sale or will the selections change?


Sorry to sound pedantic about this, but I can't afford tons of gems whenever I feel like it, so I'm a careful spender. Thank you.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> This is turning out harder than it should be. I can't click on the Voucher to see what the options are because I'm holding off on buying any until I know the definitive answers from ANet. I get that the Vouchers for sale and the Voucher Dealer are not permanent. They will be for sale/in Lion's Arch for a couple of weeks. But if you buy say, a 10-pack of outfit Vouchers and only use some before the Dealer is gone, what can you do with your Vouchers that are left? Are they useless? Will only the same outfits be for sale or will the selections change?


> Sorry to sound pedantic about this, but I can't afford tons of gems whenever I feel like it, so I'm a careful spender. Thank you.


The wiki has a list of what the [Vouchers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Voucher_Dealer) contain. Not great but better than nothing.




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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> The wiki has a list of what the [Vouchers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Voucher_Dealer) contain. Not great but better than nothing.




Yes, before the Voucher Dealer was deactivated yesterday I thoroughly perused the choices. One of my questions is, will the selection change over time or is this it? If it's not going to change then there is no point in buying more vouchers than I want to use right now. Am awaiting clarification, and I feel sorry for those who don't read the forums and buy a bunch of vouchers thinking the selection is going to rotate like the Gem Shop does.


Repeat to myself, "It's just a game and I really should relax." ;-)


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imo the Voucher system information was not done well. It should have been released along with important information either in the gemstore or in the blog post. It should not require people asking basic information and having an ANet staff member going back and forth trying to get the answers.


1) the fact that it’s not something the gemstore keeps on hand continuously to sell (just found this out from the forum!).

2) if it is limited time it should have the date when it stops being sold in the gemstore under each Voucher.

3) is it one time only? Is it annual? Will it be back every X months? No one seems to know. The people who run the gemstore should have this sort of information and have it available for their customers so they can make plans

4) it should have been explained in the blog post that you can click on a Voucher to pull up a Buy Panel and that this feature (the Buy Panel) will remain even after the Voucher is no longer being sold.

5) last but not least, what sort of item rotation will there be? How often will it change up?


I appreciate Gale getting the answers for us but the information should already have been out there. The gemstore steps on its own sales when people don’t buy because they don’t know important information.

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I guess one lesson learned was that this particular gem store offering had a lot of confusion about it. If something like this is offered in the future, I'd guess that the description in the item itself should be more clear about how long it is good for, and whether offered items will rotate in and out. The item should allow preview of contents in and of itself, and not rely on a separate vendor.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> imo the Voucher system information was not done well. It should have been released along with important information either in the gemstore or in the blog post. It should not require people asking basic information and having an ANet staff member going back and forth trying to get the answers.


> 1) the fact that it’s not something the gemstore keeps on hand continuously to sell (just found this out from the forum!).

> 2) if it is limited time it should have the date when it stops being sold in the gemstore under each Voucher.

> 3) is it one time only? Is it annual? Will it be back every X months? No one seems to know. The people who run the gemstore should have this sort of information and have it available for their customers so they can make plans

> 4) it should have been explained in the blog post that you can click on a Voucher to pull up a Buy Panel and that this feature (the Buy Panel) will remain even after the Voucher is no longer being sold.

> 5) last but not least, what sort of item rotation will there be? How often will it change up?


> I appreciate Gale getting the answers for us but the information should already have been out there. The gemstore steps on its own sales when people don’t buy because they don’t know important information.


I agree entirely.

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> @"SeptembersOwn.4583" said:

> So I bought a glider/backpack voucher solely for the purpose of purchasing the geomancer glider. Right clicked the voucher, skimmed the list, and its not even available. GG


It definetly is available. Go to the NPC in Lions Arch and you will have it there 100%.

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> @"SeptembersOwn.4583" said:

> So I bought a glider/backpack voucher solely for the purpose of purchasing the geomancer glider. Right clicked the voucher, skimmed the list, and its not even available. GG


While I haven't observed the list myself, you should have seen it if you had purchased the [black Lion Glider Voucher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Glider_Voucher "Black Lion Glider Voucher"). Assuming you haven't used the item you purchased yet, you may want to contact Support to see if you can work with them to swap the voucher for the one you wanted.

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> @"SeptembersOwn.4583" said:

> So I bought a glider/backpack voucher solely for the purpose of purchasing the geomancer glider. Right clicked the voucher, skimmed the list, and its not even available. GG


The Geomancer glider won’t be on the [backpack/glider Voucher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Backpack_and_Glider_Voucher) because there is no Geomancer backpack. The backpack/glider Voucher is for backpack/gliders that are similar, such as the various Wing backpack/glider combos. To get the Geomancer glider you need the [Glider Voucher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Glider_Voucher). If you haven’t used it yet and you’re not going to use it you can contact support and see if they can help you.

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> @"SeptembersOwn.4583" said:

> So I bought a glider/backpack voucher solely for the purpose of purchasing the geomancer glider. Right clicked the voucher, skimmed the list, and its not even available. GG


I think you wanted the Black Lion Glider Voucher , not the backpack+glider one




versus this



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> imo the Voucher system information was not done well. It should have been released along with important information either in the gemstore or in the blog post. It should not require people asking basic information and having an ANet staff member going back and forth trying to get the answers.


> 1) the fact that it’s not something the gemstore keeps on hand continuously to sell (just found this out from the forum!).

> 2) if it is limited time it should have the date when it stops being sold in the gemstore under each Voucher.

> 3) is it one time only? Is it annual? Will it be back every X months? No one seems to know. The people who run the gemstore should have this sort of information and have it available for their customers so they can make plans

> 4) it should have been explained in the blog post that you can click on a Voucher to pull up a Buy Panel and that this feature (the Buy Panel) will remain even after the Voucher is no longer being sold.

> 5) last but not least, what sort of item rotation will there be? How often will it change up?


> I appreciate Gale getting the answers for us but the information should already have been out there. The gemstore steps on its own sales when people don’t buy because they don’t know important information.


I agree.


My first thought when I saw the vouchers in the store was that this is the kind of thing that needs an announcement on the main site, because it's similar to several existing items but not obviously identical to any of them so it's not clear how it works. So I was pleased when I saw there was an announcement, but then surprised that it had so little detail and didn't actually answer any of the questions I had.


I'm glad I come to the forum frequently, because otherwise I'd have no idea this information was available and I'd be even more in the dark guessing at how it works and if it's something I want.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


> The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.

Another question though is if the vouchers will be updated with each new outfit for example. The timekeeper outift isn’t available through the voucher yet will that change anytime? Looks unlikely to me but clarification would be appreciated.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > My question is regarding the ability to “trade the Vouchers,” not the ability to “purchase the Vouchers.” I know “purchasing Vouchers” is a limited time offer. However, if I stock up on Vouchers now and save the Vouchers to use later (say, 3 months from now), will the Voucher Dealers remain in the game so I can use my Vouchers in the future? Or will the Dealers be removed soon, meaning it’s pointless to stock up on Vouchers for later use, since they’ll be useless if the Voucher Dealers are removed.

> >

> > Basically, we don’t want to buy 10 Vouchers, save half for later, and have the Vouchers “expire” on us.


> Yes, I understand there are two questions: duration of the voucher availability and how long the vendors will be in place. I had the one answer and will post the other when I get it.


Why not just leave it there forever, Sales make more money, leaving the option there to go back and buy stuff for anyone that wants to at any time means more money for Arena Net?


Why bother removal of items anyways?

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> > The wiki has a list of what the [Vouchers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Voucher_Dealer) contain. Not great but better than nothing.

> >

> >

> >

> Yes, before the Voucher Dealer was deactivated yesterday I thoroughly perused the choices. One of my questions is, will the selection change over time or is this it? If it's not going to change then there is no point in buying more vouchers than I want to use right now. Am awaiting clarification, and I feel sorry for those who don't read the forums and buy a bunch of vouchers thinking the selection is going to rotate like the Gem Shop does.


> Repeat to myself, "It's just a game and I really should relax." ;-)



This is exactly the reason I haven't brought any yet, there's only a few skins I currently want so if they aren't going to ever rotate or change the selection then there's no point in me buying a 10 pack. If though they will definitely rotate the selection over time then I'll be happy to buy some.


Official clarification on this would be nice, as I'm not going to commit to buying a pack of 10 on people's speculations/assumptions that the rotation will probably change.

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> @"SeptembersOwn.4583" said:

> Thank you for the input guys. I didn't realize that there was a difference between the glider/backpack voucher and the regular glider voucher. Wasted 630 gems, mistake on my part ._.


> On the bright side, I got the Geomancer glider! :D


Glad you got the glider you wanted. Hope you were also able to get either your gems refunded for the first purchase or that you found a glider/backpack combo you like. I'm not generally a big fan of the backpacks but like some of the wings and a few of the more subtle ones.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> 4) it should have been explained in the blog post that you can click on a Voucher to pull up a Buy Panel and that this feature (the Buy Panel) will remain even after the Voucher is no longer being sold.


This needs explanation in the Gem Shop as well. And not just for the vouchers but the mount licenses as well.


Gayle, twice in her forum updates, mentioned that the items would be available "in the normal way". Awesome if you know what the normal way is. So many people don't know about buying a ticket from the shop then right-clicking it. It took me awhile to figure out what "the normal way" was, and it was only because I was motivated and had time to research it. In the shop it does say right-click to preview, but when you right-click in the shop, nothing happens. It really needs to say that this is for once it's in your inventory. So many people in my guild and map chat have run into that issue and been confused by it.


The natural assumption is that if there is a vendor in the game, he is there to sell something. People see that he is deactivated and assume they can't buy any of the things, so they go away with their money still in their pocket.


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> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > the information should already have been out there. The gemstore steps on its own sales when people don’t buy because they don’t know important information.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I agree.


> then surprised that it had so little detail and didn't actually answer any of the questions I had.


One of the few consistencies is that the gem shop team seems to misjudge their audience frequently. And that's a shame because, it does step on their own sales, diminishes our enthusiasm, and sometimes even turns a great thing into negative hype. It's not delightful to be surprised by timing, mechanics, or the relative discounts.


Worse, I don't think it would take them more work than what they are already doing, just applied differently.

* Set our expectations about availability, prices, & benefits.

* Be explicit about discounts, e.g. 25 BL keys doesn't sell for 3125 (that's the price of 25 individual keys)

* Be thoughtful explaining new acquisition mechanics.


Our community liaison shouldn't have to do Gnashblade's job for him.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


> The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.


Since the vendor is currently bugged, are there plans to extend the offering? ( Pretty please? :) )

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