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How long are Black Lion Vouchers and Voucher Dealers available?

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:

> >

> > The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.


> Since the vendor is currently bugged, are there plans to extend the offering? ( Pretty please? :) )


The [black Lion Voucher Dealer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Voucher_Dealer "Black Lion Voucher Dealer") bug is not blocking you from buying nor using the vouchers. The dealer was only meant to let users preview the wares. If you buy a voucher, just double-click on it to choose the skin you'd like.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:



> The [black Lion Voucher Dealer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Voucher_Dealer "Black Lion Voucher Dealer") bug is not blocking you from buying nor using the vouchers. The dealer was only meant to let users preview the wares. If you buy a voucher, just double-click on it to choose the skin you'd like.


No, but some of us have been waiting for days to hear if the selection of outfits, weapon skins, etc., is going to rotate or not before we buy ANY vouchers. If there is going to be changing selection, I'll buy a 10-pack which is a much better deal per voucher. If there isn't, I'll buy a 5-pack. Until I hear, I'm probably not buying any.



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> @"Zet.9130" said:

> So? The vendor is still deactivated and Anet sells me a voucher today? Yes, I'm going to shout. GEEZ ANET HOW CARNY CAN YOU GET? You take my currency for a voucher while you have a broken vendor that redeems the voucher. It's as if you have a department whose goal is to lose good will. ~wanders away mumbling....



The voucher is set up like the other tickets, such as the Black Lion Weapon Skin tickets. If you right click on it you’ll bring up a vendor tab and you can preview the items and purchase from there.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have more information about the vouchers and voucher dealer:


> The Voucher Dealer is not a permanent feature, which makes sense because the vouchers themselves are available only for a limited time and **the dealer’s primary function is to allow players to preview items before making a purchase**. The dealer may remain present in Lion’s Arch for a couple of weeks after the vouchers stop being available, but I’d imagine no longer than that.








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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The items offered through the Black Lion Vouchers will not be rotated or changed. They will remain as presented through the end date of the sale, September 4.


Wait, the 2nd sentence is kind of ringing an alarm. It could imply that after September 4th, the Black Lion Vouchers will stop functioning and any vouchers players haven't used yet may become unusable. Please tell me this isn't what you meant.

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> @"Combatter.5123" said:

> I'm looking for an answer to these questions too. Also, when will the Black Lion Voucher Dealer be enabled? Every time I try to interact with him, I get "That content has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later"



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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Combatter.5123" said:

> > I'm looking for an answer to these questions too. Also, when will the Black Lion Voucher Dealer be enabled? Every time I try to interact with him, I get "That content has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later"


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52491/black-lion-voucher-vendor-temporarily-unavailable#latest


Ah thank you :+1:

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Im assuming they wont be defunct after the 4th and will be cycled in to the gem store in the 'big' sales, with new items offered.


Does anyone know if the voucher prices for the glider and backpack/glider combo are competitive with the usual sale prices for those items?

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> @"Rococo.8347" said:

> Im assuming they wont be defunct after the 4th and will be cycled in to the gem store in the 'big' sales, with new items offered.


> Does anyone know if the voucher prices for the glider and backpack/glider combo are competitive with the usual sale prices for those items?


in general, its

1pc: 10% off

5pc: 30%

10pc: 50%


the exception is glider-only's, which are normally sold in a range of 400/500gems, but for discount calculation purposes are counted as 400gems


don't recall seeing 50% off for normal sales periods, or if it was 50%, its prolly one of those, that er, the average player might start being tempted to buy at 70% off.

i've only played for arnd 500 days, 25-30% is the usual discount amount

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> So many questions about some strange vouchers. Isn't it better to simply not buy them?! Those outfits/gliders will appear later on in game as better offers for some other special occasions (Halloween, Christmas, New Year, and so on).


By this reasoning, if one had a bunch of questions about the game, it would be better to just not buy it.

This voucher system has not had a good release -- vendor for previews disabled for days, misunderstanding from some/many/?? players how it works or for how long, and so on. Hopefully if ANet does something similar in the future, it's better explained for those of us who don't have gems to throw away.

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> @"Calsie.2501" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > 4) it should have been explained in the blog post that you can click on a Voucher to pull up a Buy Panel and that this feature (the Buy Panel) will remain even after the Voucher is no longer being sold.


> This needs explanation in the Gem Shop as well. And not just for the vouchers but the mount licenses as well.


> Gayle, twice in her forum updates, mentioned that the items would be available "in the normal way". Awesome if you know what the normal way is. So many people don't know about buying a ticket from the shop then right-clicking it. It took me awhile to figure out what "the normal way" was, and it was only because I was motivated and had time to research it. In the shop it does say right-click to preview, but when you right-click in the shop, nothing happens. It really needs to say that this is for once it's in your inventory. So many people in my guild and map chat have run into that issue and been confused by it.


> **The natural assumption is that if there is a vendor in the game, he is there to sell something. People see that he is deactivated and assume they can't buy any of the things, so they go away with their money still in their pocket.**



If it hadn't been for stumbling across this thread, I wouldn't have bought any vouchers after finding the vendor inoperative. At the least, the NPC's message should state more clearly that the entire voucher system is not offline, just the NPC. A lot of lost revenue for ANET due to one text string.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Will the vouchers be returning? I am not a fan of these temporary things (because I usually don't have the money/inclination to buy until a week after they've gone) but I get that they are a fact of life now. Will I have to wait until next year's anniversary to get the weapon skin (Menzie's Agony) I want? Or is that it forever?

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