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New playable race


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > New races won't happen in the near future, this has been established and explained ad nauceum.

> > > > > Also ppl (including devs) don't want generic fantasy tropes in the game (why do you think the dwarves went extinct)

> > > >

> > > > Just like mounts

> > >

> > > Not comparable. Mounts had design issues to not be implemented, new races have development issues.

> >

> > Other games do it, I don't see why we're considering Anet to be less capable


> “Then play (insert other game)”

> One game having Y is literally *zero* argument for another game to have it.

> Othrwise there would only be one game with everything.

> The Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape it would be called, I bet


> Edit; it would be called the Black Desert of the Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape **online**


Fixed that for you.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > New races won't happen in the near future, this has been established and explained ad nauceum.

> > > > > Also ppl (including devs) don't want generic fantasy tropes in the game (why do you think the dwarves went extinct)

> > > >

> > > > Just like mounts

> > >

> > > Not comparable. Mounts had design issues to not be implemented, new races have development issues.

> >

> > Other games do it, I don't see why we're considering Anet to be less capable


> “Then play (insert other game)”

> One game having Y is literally *zero* argument for another game to have it.

> Othrwise there would only be one game with everything.

> The Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape it would be called, I bet


> Edit; it would be called the Black Desert of the Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape


Other folks have put up good arguments that I didn't bother refuting, but this is the worst argument you could have made.

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1. All dwarves eventually turned into stone.

2. There's no sign any remained flesh.

3. They are slowly going extinct as their numbers do not increase, they only go down.

4. They completely turned into single animated slabs of stone, clothes and all, so they can't be customized like you can't with sylvari and their plant clothes.

5. All their cities are gone, any remaining dwarves likely exist only in isolated war camps in the depths of Tyria.


They have been pretty much ruled out as a playable race.


The core things you need for a playable race are:


* Culturally diverse and advanced so they can be all professions and specializations.

* They must have a main City hub.

* They must be customizable enough to make very distinct characters.

* They must not be too distinc physically from other races: two arms, two legs.. etc, so making armors for them can be done based on existing armors.


That rules out all tribal races, dwaves, kodan, and most other known races except Tengu, since their armors can be done out of charr armors.



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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Quaggan, Tengu, Skritt, Largos and then we have 9 professions and 9 races. Perfect!


> Fixed


I second this !

*Quaggan an Skritt would be hardest on fashion wars, but those races do have good amounts of customization in game already

*Tengu have been noted to use Charr assets from armor to Skeleton.

*Largos are Humanoid so very easy on fashion wars, plus the Largos Back/Glider I feel was Anets way of experimenting with the race.

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So to properly integrate a race you would need to (among many other things):

-Completely model, rig and animate two new characters.

-Make every existing weapon in the game work with them properly.

-Rig every existing armor set to the new model

-Remodel a large number of those armor pieces to suit the new player characters

-Create 9 new cultural armor sets (3 tiers times 3 weights)

-Create at least one Cultural weapon set

-Create a new Personal Story (at least where the story was culturally specific) until you join an order

-Voice all the new story

-Re-record player character dialog for every instance of the player speaking that exists, including Personal Story, Seasons 2-4, Path of Fire, and Heart of thorns . Twice


> @"Xar.1387" said:

>Adding them to the game would bring many benefits with a relatively small amount of work.

a relatively small amount of work indeed.

And then you could say to all your friends who don't play GW2: "Hey come play GW2 with me. They added a race you've already played in 20 other games...only now you can do it in Tyria".


I love the story of the Dwarves in GW2 very much. It's part of the lore I enjoy more than most. I would love to see more than what we have.

But a playable race is not a small way to benefit this game.

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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > New races won't happen in the near future, this has been established and explained ad nauceum.

> > > > > > Also ppl (including devs) don't want generic fantasy tropes in the game (why do you think the dwarves went extinct)

> > > > >

> > > > > Just like mounts

> > > >

> > > > Not comparable. Mounts had design issues to not be implemented, new races have development issues.

> > >

> > > Other games do it, I don't see why we're considering Anet to be less capable

> >

> > “Then play (insert other game)”

> > One game having Y is literally *zero* argument for another game to have it.

> > Othrwise there would only be one game with everything.

> > The Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape it would be called, I bet

> >

> > Edit; it would be called the Black Desert of the Elder Rune-World of Guildwars-Craft Scrolls-Scape


> Other folks have put up good arguments that I didn't bother refuting, but this is the worst argument you could have made.


"I don't agree with you, so you're wrong"

Perfect argument, indeed.


Then allow me to reiterate;

In the original GW Prophecies the dwarves were introduced. Nice, but no redeeming qualities that set them apart from the copy pasted mold.

When they wrote Eye of the North to bridge us to the future GW2 they had a choice.

Continue with the generic trope of dwarves, or create a new, unique, and original race.


Anet worked hard to break the mold that cursed many RPGs, it even managed to completely reinvent the concept of dragons, by changing them into sentient forces of nature.


That's what i meant to say, anet is trying their hardest to be a unique and original game. Returning the copy paste fantasy topics like dwarves just because other games have dwarves is like the exact polar opposite of trying to be unique.


To say "because game Y has it, we should also have it" is to say "i want one game with everything that exists".

Changes and differences are what make games unique. If we all copy paste each other, we'll soon not have any games at all.


I am not saying the dwarves aren't welcome, the way anet handled their existence so far is in my mind one of the best ways.

But there's no point in them becoming a playable race if they add nothing new to the table that Tolkien didn't already bring

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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Quaggan, Tengu, Skritt, Largos and then we have 9 professions and 9 races. Perfect!


> Fixed



If Quaggans become playable i will only make a char to have it intentionally die all over the place

By the six do i hate those aquatic rats, defying logic of natural selection like that.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> 1. All dwarves eventually turned into stone.

> 2. There's no sign any remained flesh.

> 3. They are slowly going extinct as their numbers do not increase, they only go down.

> 4. They completely turned into single animated slabs of stone, clothes and all, so they can't be customized like you can't with sylvari and their plant clothes.

> 5. All their cities are gone, any remaining dwarves likely exist only in isolated war camps in the depths of Tyria.


> They have been pretty much ruled out as a playable race.


> The core things you need for a playable race are:


> * Culturally diverse and advanced so they can be all professions and specializations.

> * They must have a main City hub.

> * They must be customizable enough to make very distinct characters.

> * They must not be too distinc physically from other races: two arms, two legs.. etc, so making armors for them can be done based on existing armors.


> That rules out all tribal races, dwaves, kodan, and most other known races except Tengu, since their armors can be done out of charr armors.




Good points there on the dwarves. There are probably so few left at this time that even if they somehow reversed the Rite of the Great Dwarf (assuming it could even be reversed) they'd be a Critically Endangered species.


I reckon skritt are similar enough to charr that they could work too. I'd prefer tengu though, they may even have some usable tengu assets from before they were cut.

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> @"Xar.1387" said:

> New playable race like that could bring alot of new players to the game.


I'm not sure why this is an argument in every "New Playable Race" thread. It's not as if ANet will read this and suddenly go "Egads, he's right!" and get right to implementing it. I'm sure they're aware of the effect it might have on their player numbers.


> @"Xar.1387" said:

> with a relatively small amount of work.





> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> -Create 9 new cultural armor sets (3 tiers times 3 weights)

> -Create at least one Cultural weapon set


Would they though? If they were to add a new race, I'm sure they could force players to accept concessions, like no cultural gear.


> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> -Create a new Personal Story (at least where the story was culturally specific) until you join an order

> . . . . .

> -Re-record player character dialog for every instance of the player speaking that exists, including Personal Story, Seasons 2-4, Path of Fire, and Heart of thorns . Twice


Not necessarily. A better story implementation would be to insert a new playable race character into current events. Yes, they would still need new personalized story, which they could use to introduce the character to the current cast of NPCs, and perhaps have you take over for their former "slain" commander, then by the end have it flow right into the current story that core race characters experience.


Not that I'm advocating for a new race, personally. Although I wouldn't say "no" if one were dropped in my lap. :D

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> [Massively OP Summarizes Mike Zadorojny's (April 2018) Comments on New Professions, new Races](http://massivelyop.com/2018/04/09/pax-east-2018-guild-wars-2-game-director-mike-zadorojny-on-path-of-fire-monetization-and-more/)


> We also talked a bit about things that are probably not happening. New professions, for example, have probably been sidelined forever in favor of new elite specializations; they allow the team to change the feel of a given profession without actually forcing you to play a new character along the way. New races, too, are a lot of work for limited rewards, and any sort of console development is also not something the team is focused on.


> Obviously, none of this is set in stone; he stressed that the quote to take away is not that new races will never be added. It’s just not the current direction.

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> > @"Xar.1387" said:

> > New playable race like that could bring alot of new players to the game.


> I'm not sure why this is an argument in every "New Playable Race" thread. It's not as if ANet will read this and suddenly go "Egads, he's right!" and get right to implementing it. I'm sure they're aware of the effect it might have on their player numbers.


> > @"Xar.1387" said:

> > with a relatively small amount of work.


> Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh............



> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > -Create 9 new cultural armor sets (3 tiers times 3 weights)

> > -Create at least one Cultural weapon set


> Would they though? If they were to add a new race, I'm sure they could force players to accept concessions, like no cultural gear.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > -Create a new Personal Story (at least where the story was culturally specific) until you join an order

> > . . . . .

> > -Re-record player character dialog for every instance of the player speaking that exists, including Personal Story, Seasons 2-4, Path of Fire, and Heart of thorns . Twice


> Not necessarily. A better story implementation would be to insert a new playable race character into current events. Yes, they would still need new personalized story, which they could use to introduce the character to the current cast of NPCs, and perhaps have you take over for their former "slain" commander, then by the end have it flow right into the current story that core race characters experience.


> Not that I'm advocating for a new race, personally. Although I wouldn't say "no" if one were dropped in my lap. :D


Sure, they could also start you at 80, and bar you from playing the story in HoT, PoF, core and seasons 2-4. They could make one set only of cultural armor. They could say "you are dwarves, there aren't enough of you left for a capital city". They could severely limit your customization options for economy's sake... the list goes on.


While you (or even I) might accept a "half-baked " new race without cultural armors, a unique personal story or even integration within the current narrative, the vast majority of people who make this request are in the same camp as the OP.

Do you think these players would be accepting of a limited experience for their dwarf/tengu/skritt?

Or do you think the feedback they would give is "Anet cheaped out on the Dwarves. Here is a list of things I am SUPER SALTY that I can't do!!!...ANET PLZ, WHY U HATE DWAVES!!"


We're talking about people who _earnestly believe_ this is " a relatively small amount of work" and I doubt any compromise would make them happy.


..and we are talking about a race that has been done to death in hundreds of other games.

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I'd like new races. Even if i know the tones of work (Story, maps, models etc..) I'm thinking about kodans they could adapt norns for armors and tengu with charrs one, like they do with human and sylvaris (wich are almost the same if it's not). I'd like to experience new stories with those two races. But if they have to include it into the already existing stories how to justify we are the only kodan or tengu in the pact ? In the orders ? and so on.. So yeah the hardest work with adding new races would be the scenario :/

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Xar.1387" said:

> > Really? So why those generic fantasy tropes already exist then? There's already ALOT of them in GW2.

> > Even dwarves already exist. I am not writing about creating whole new race, right? Dwarves already exist in this "not generic fantasy" universe :D

> > And there's alot of informations about them.

> >

> > Also "devs/players dont want" argument in 2k18? Really? They didnt want mounts too. While right now every1 uses it. Same with raids.


> They never said they didn't want mounts or raids.


> They said that there would be no mounts in game at launch. I don't remember them saying anything about not adding raids.


^ This. They even said "GW2 will have no expansions cuz we got Living World seasons".


So, let me get it all right;

No expansions - HoT & PoF expansions.

No raids - added later on after HoT exp.

No mounts - PoF expansion content.

No new playable races - next expansion??


Who knows really what ANet is up to and what's on the table.

New races are one of the most requested content of the playerbase, it would be a shame and a bad move if ANet dont grant us this in the future.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> So, let me get it all right;

> No expansions - HoT & PoF expansions.

They said that expansions aren't needed because of their Living World model. However, the Living World model failed and that's why they changed it to an expansion model. That was more out of necessity.


> No raids - added later on after HoT exp.

They said that their Orr Temple events and their explorable dungeons will be content for those that play Raids in other games. Both of these failed to attract players that play Raids in other games, or at least to keep them in the game for long. Which is why... we got them with Heart of Thorns.


> No mounts - PoF expansion content.

They absolutely never said no to mounts. They only said "there won't be mounts on launch". That's it. They NEVER commented on any of the mount threads that appeared on the forums for YEARS. Not even once.


> No new playable races - next expansion??

They said, multiple times, that Races are "highly unlikely" and not something that we'll see with the current direction. Not a definite "no", the future is in flux and it's not very good for a game developer to say "absolutely no" to a feature, but it's not something we'll see any time soon and it's NOT a priority.


So Races are completely different to Expansions (financial reasons), Raids (past promises?) and Mounts (never even commented about them). Instead the developers were clear that Races are not coming in the near future, something they never done with any of the above.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> So, let me get it all right;

> No expansions - HoT & PoF expansions.

> No raids - added later on after HoT exp.

> No mounts - PoF expansion content.

> No new playable races - next expansion??


> Who knows really what ANet is up to and what's on the table.

> New races are one of the most requested content of the playerbase, it would be a shame and a bad move if ANet dont grant us this in the future.


They never said there will never be expansions; the possibility was always left open. They never said anything about mounts. They never said raids wouldn't be in the games; they always left open the possibility.


In contrast, on more than one occasion (including this year), they have said that races aren't a priority for the studio, they aren't being considered at all at this time.


So sure, we never really know everything that's on the table, everything that's coming soon. But in this case, we know that this request isn't happening this year or next year. And that isn't likely to change even after that, because the reasons it's not being actively considered aren't likely to change: adding a new playable race uses a lot of the same resources already tasked with Living Story (among other things) **and** it increases the cost of designing new skins, especially outfits and armors.


It's not impossible for ANet to change their mind, it's just incredibly unlikely that it's going to happen before a GW3 (which also isn't on the table).

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