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Possible future expansion feature/mastery

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EDIT - I'm deleting the original post and editing title since a lot of players don't seem to be reading beyond the title. I may also be confusing players into thinking I'm talking about a hero system like GW1. Please see my latest comment and I apologize if I was confusing you into thinking I'm talking about a GW1-like hero system.

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You severely under estimate the power coefficient of an extra actor, when working in concert as a coherent group comp. This would utterly break open world on multiple levels..... mechanical, technical, power creep, encounter balance, scaling, support skills, Mob AI behavior, the list is long and touches nearly every aspect of it. Even just in the presence of a second entity like with Ranger's pets, makes the majority of standard difficulty scale of content (which is open world and story instances) fairly easy just by taking aggro off the player. But Rangers are also balanced around a pet being 25% of their base line damage, causing the rest of the ranger to scale that much lower when given any type of external buffs, such a Might or % based traits. The mechanical advantage alone can double or triple the effectiveness of many classes when allowed to focus solely on one task.... and giving a thief a tank, is taking away the one thing that keeps them in check.


There is no way this is going to be a limited "%" effectiveness bonus, when you're dealing with altering of multiple combat dynamics. And this is on top of the fact that most builds allow for strong defensive aspects to be weaved in through choice of skills/traits, or opting for certain strategies. To build an entire expansion around this is to repeat the mistake of Nightfall- and that was a game designed around a party of 8, where most content in this game is designed around solo players already.


it sounds like a good idea on paper..... but the ramifications in practice are much greater on both social and mechanical levels.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> I REALLY want them to add heroes, but I want them to be available for dungeons, not open world. Instanced content, it would allow people to dungeon at their own pace and not really break anything else.


Generally I am wary of any suggestions for heroes - not that I am against it fundamentally, but the balance issues that it would cause. But if it was limited to a dungeon only team I could see that working. Dungeons are all but abandoned, so it isn't like there are any balance issues to be worried about there. The only problem I see with that is that it would then encourage people to request in fractals and / or raids as well, and I don't think it should be applied in those modes.

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> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > I REALLY want them to add heroes, but I want them to be available for dungeons, not open world. Instanced content, it would allow people to dungeon at their own pace and not really break anything else.


> Generally I am wary of any suggestions for heroes - not that I am against it fundamentally, but the balance issues that it would cause. But if it was limited to a dungeon only team I could see that working. Dungeons are all but abandoned, so it isn't like there are any balance issues to be worried about there. The only problem I see with that is that it would then encourage people to request in fractals and / or raids as well, and I don't think it should be applied in those modes.


The economy destroying potential of Mystic Forging account bound exotics into ones that can be sold/processed and a chance at rare, high value skins. While it sucked, dungeon rewards were nerfed for a reason. Making farming even more efficient for them is a step back in the direction toward that reason.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > I REALLY want them to add heroes, but I want them to be available for dungeons, not open world. Instanced content, it would allow people to dungeon at their own pace and not really break anything else.

> >

> > Generally I am wary of any suggestions for heroes - not that I am against it fundamentally, but the balance issues that it would cause. But if it was limited to a dungeon only team I could see that working. Dungeons are all but abandoned, so it isn't like there are any balance issues to be worried about there. The only problem I see with that is that it would then encourage people to request in fractals and / or raids as well, and I don't think it should be applied in those modes.


> The economy destroying potential of Mystic Forging account bound exotics into ones that can be sold/processed and a chance at rare, high value skins. While it sucked, dungeon rewards were nerfed for a reason. Making farming even more efficient for them is a step back in the direction toward that reason.


It wouldn't be a step back. Heroes and henchman in GW1 got drops (you never saw them). If you can solo a dungeon now, you get all the drops, but if you solo a dungeon with 7 heroes, you get 1/8th of the drops, so less loot. That is how it worked in GW1, and not like getting the occasional armor or weapon piece, eventually getting 4 to throw in the forge is going to be economy breaking. Tons of other farms will still be incredibly more effecient/profitable. It would just allow the casual/average player to do dungeon content at a pace they want.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > I REALLY want them to add heroes, but I want them to be available for dungeons, not open world. Instanced content, it would allow people to dungeon at their own pace and not really break anything else.

> > >

> > > Generally I am wary of any suggestions for heroes - not that I am against it fundamentally, but the balance issues that it would cause. But if it was limited to a dungeon only team I could see that working. Dungeons are all but abandoned, so it isn't like there are any balance issues to be worried about there. The only problem I see with that is that it would then encourage people to request in fractals and / or raids as well, and I don't think it should be applied in those modes.

> >

> > The economy destroying potential of Mystic Forging account bound exotics into ones that can be sold/processed and a chance at rare, high value skins. While it sucked, dungeon rewards were nerfed for a reason. Making farming even more efficient for them is a step back in the direction toward that reason.


> It wouldn't be a step back. Heroes and henchman in GW1 got drops (you never saw them). If you can solo a dungeon now, you get all the drops, but if you solo a dungeon with 7 heroes, you get 1/8th of the drops, so less loot. That is how it worked in GW1, and not like getting the occasional armor or weapon piece, eventually getting 4 to throw in the forge is going to be economy breaking. Tons of other farms will still be incredibly more effecient/profitable. It would just allow the casual/average player to do dungeon content at a pace they want.


Except drops are NOT the main reward for Dungeons. Its Tokens. And Tokens can be gained continually on a curve that resets daily. But what you're not acknowledging is Economy of scale. 1 Person doing it isn't a big deal. Several thousands doing it every day does. And unlike Istan farm, its not on a schedule.


never assume that just because it helps casuals, that hardcore players won't find a way to abuse the crap out of it. Since most "helping casual" features is to bump up rewards to close the gap, players simply do a bunch of dailies and then go off to a repeatable farm for the rest of day.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> You severely under estimate the power coefficient of an extra actor, when working in concert as a coherent group comp. This would utterly break open world on multiple levels..... mechanical, technical, power creep, encounter balance, scaling, support skills, Mob AI behavior, the list is long and touches nearly every aspect of it. Even just in the presence of a second entity like with Ranger's pets, makes the majority of standard difficulty scale of content (which is open world and story instances) fairly easy just by taking aggro off the player. But Rangers are also balanced around a pet being 25% of their base line damage, causing the rest of the ranger to scale that much lower when given any type of external buffs, such a Might or % based traits. The mechanical advantage alone can double or triple the effectiveness of many classes when allowed to focus solely on one task.... and giving a thief a tank, is taking away the one thing that keeps them in check.


> There is no way this is going to be a limited "%" effectiveness bonus, when you're dealing with altering of multiple combat dynamics. And this is on top of the fact that most builds allow for strong defensive aspects to be weaved in through choice of skills/traits, or opting for certain strategies. To build an entire expansion around this is to repeat the mistake of Nightfall- and that was a game designed around a party of 8, where most content in this game is designed around solo players already.


> it sounds like a good idea on paper..... but the ramifications in practice are much greater on both social and mechanical levels.


I can understand your concern, but it's way too overblown. There are other MMO's and other types of games that already added heroes like I mentioned, and it doesn't cause these problems you're worried about (when done properly, of course).


Heroes in open world MMO's are nothing like heroes in GW1. In GW1, you always do contents designed for a party so your heroes need to be every bit as powerful as a real player. In open world MMO's, heroes are minor additions that have very little HP, very little damage, etc. You do not need to worry about a Thief with a tank hero not having to worry about aggro at all. The heroes won't survive long enough that it completely negates a player's own effort to survive.


To explain in a way so players who never played these games can have an idea, having a damaging hero is like having one more damaging ability. Depending on your build, players already carry like 10 damaging abilities, so 1 more is nothing. A healer hero is like having 1 extra healing skill, which is not even as powerful as the vast majority of self heals players use in skill slot 6. A tank hero is like having a skill that blocks a few regular attacks since a tank hero will not hold aggro, nor will it even have the survivability to fight even a regular enemy alone for 5 seconds.



The percentage I added was just to give players an idea. In reality, it's not that high. In fact, some players simply not use heroes in these games because the increase is so trivial and heroes have a tendency to aggro extra enemies.


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