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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Rococo.8347" said:

> I always use the thread sticky, I suspect the idea is that you feel the need to check the TP regularly and end up dropping gems on items you wern't waiting for...


For me personally, I was hoping to receive email notifications so that I didn't have to log into the game or forums to check. I've taken time away from GW2 from time to time, and I've missed out on items that I surely would have bought had I known about them because I didn't have the discipline or desire to continue to log into GW2 or the forums to check every week. I haven't dropped gems on things I wasn't waiting for; I just ended up not dropping gems at all because I flat out miss the items I was waiting for (which was my point as to why this is a bad thing for Anet.)


But I recognize I'm not necessarily representative of other players. Other players may do as you suggest and actually drop *more* gems when the items they're waiting to go on sale simply don't go on sale. I actually hold off, whereas other players may give in and just spend more gems. If more players behave in that manner, then it's actually beneficial for Anet to NOT put the desired items on sale and let us know about it.

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Hey there, just something that's bugged me for awhile.


If I follow an achievement so I can keep track of progress, it replaces the tracker for Dailies. Is there a way to have both?


If players are worried about visual clutter, could we just have a box to check in settings if we'd like to keep both up at the same time?


It's a bit annoying to have to constantly open the hero window to check dailies while I'm tracking other things. It's a small annoyance and not game breaking, but it would improve my experience at least.

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There is no way to stop it from hiding the dailies, and if there was I'd definitely want it to be optional because I track an achievement specifically to stop the whole list of dailies coming up.


One option is to track the dailies you want to do, then they show up alongside other achievements until you complete them.

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Danikat's suggestion is good. What I do is when the dailies pop up, I select the ones I want to do and track those from the initial panel. If I end up tracking more things than fit in the tracking list on the main view, I can just click More on the upper right of the UI to get the full list of what I'm tracking in a pop up panel.

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Sorry if this was covered or answered at some point - I was AFK for 8+ months and started playing again 2 weeks ago.

Maybe these things aren't a priority but some are wanted for a long time and they aren't implemented yet :)


1. Tonics and Gizmos in wardrobe.

2. LFG Full Map Icons (If there is a group in the LFG but their map is full).

3. Option to auto store materials.

4. Option to auto salvage specific rarity of items (common, uncommon, rare, etc) with specific salvage kit or item like salvage-o-matic etc. (unless items are in one of those especially hidden bags.)

5. Option to auto-consume essences of luck.

6. Build+wardrobe templates.


To everyone: Please add your suggestions.

To devs: Please sticky this <3

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Customizable UI.


edit for clarity: I mean placeable and resizeable windows, not third party addons. Background and transparency settings for those windows would be great too.


example: conditions/buffs on target would appear in their own window, that we could place where we want so it's easily visible. Same for conditions/buffs on self.


example 2: floating damage numbers size and placement. currently, they appear directly over the target and obscure it so we can't read it's animations and react. I would kill for the ability to offset them above or to the side so I can see the target properly and react to what it's doing.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Salvage minor/major runes/sigils into Dust which takes only 1 slot instead of 9000 and it's sellable to merchants for a few Copper.

> OR

> Remove minor/major runes/sigils from dropped gear.


Oh yeah, this is very frustrating to deal with.

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Not a high priority or anything but I would find these very useful:

- In-game Timers for time-based world events

- In-game tracker for which daily rewards have been earned. ie. an icon on the HoT maps indicating if we've acquired the Hero's Choice daily box. Or an indication in Desolation/Vabbi/Sandswept.etc. if the current character has already earned the various meta daily rewards.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> 1. Tonics and Gizmos in wardrobe.

This might be my #1 request along with a similar bookshelf for books and such.


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Saving gear stats if you've equipped them that can be changed. Second would be saving Sigils and Runes in the same system. Basically you've already bought or crafted the gear and equipped it, I would even be for it if you have to give up your salvage to save it to a menu. For the ascended stuff if you equipped it of that stat you have access to it in same system.

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I agree with most of what people ask for again and again in the forums. Most of it makes perfect sense and helps raise the enjoyment of playing the game. The minor runes and sigils in blue an green gear get on my nerves every single day. Please make them go away. The term inventory wars did not come out of nowhere, and these junk items contribute a lot to players getting the feeling that they spend too much time/effort doing stupid uneeded repetitive tasks while playing.


I would view a patch with quality of life improvements as more valuable than any content patch or living story episode, not kidding.



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I posted [this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51969/suggestion-quality-of-life-features#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51969/suggestion-quality-of-life-features#latest") about a week ago. But mainly it was:


* Have a keybind feature for "Show/Hide Other Players", at least on Open World

* Disable ally area of effect rings, so it could reduce the visual noise during zerg fights.

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The ability to switch weapon skills e.g. putting the sword AA on "weapon ability 4" and weapon set dependent trait builds.


I'd also like to see an official personal DPS meter with features like "% damage vs. the last boss type mob", "average DPS vs. the last boss type mob", "average DPS within the last [insert time frame here]".

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