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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Or go to a different main city hub, if you don't care for the social factor, why even go to DR or LA? I go to the Grove for my hub needs, and usually there's no map chatting going on.


> Why even go to a social hub? I only go there when I need crafting. :P


For that Rata Sum or Ebonhawke is probably better

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > Or go to a different main city hub, if you don't care for the social factor, why even go to DR or LA? I go to the Grove for my hub needs, and usually there's no map chatting going on.

> >

> > Why even go to a social hub? I only go there when I need crafting. :P


> For that Rata Sum or Ebonhawke is probably better


Probably. But I got a scroll for warping to the Grove directly, as it was the cheaper one, so that's what I use. :)


The essence of ebonhawk costs 33g, if you really hate map chat in the cities, that's the cost ya gotta pay. ;) (edit: and, uhm, the low, low price of 50 mystic coins to make the scroll)

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> @"Siim.9530" said:

> I do not know the feasibility of my suggestion, but at face value it seems simple enough. Please add a checkbox in settings that will disable map chat specifically _within the major cities._ I very much profit from map chat in the open world, but within Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach the map chat is 80% undesirable (and I am being conservative). Certainly it is possible to turn it on and off manually, but if the program could do this automatically, I think it would really improve the overall gameplay experience.


You can already do this yourself.

* Create additional chat tabs, with different bits of chat enabled/disabled.

* Swap to them as appropriate to your taste. (There's even a keyboard shortcut, although I find it simpler to click.)


For example, I have the following:

* **Base:** Most things enabled, except for NPC/item, /emote, combat info.

* **Rosebud:** to avoid spoilers for new story patches, disables _all_ player chat, except party & whisper.

* **OJ:** for _concentrated_ focus in ~~instant~~ instanced parts of the game. It disables the chattiest of the guilds to which I belong.

* **Combat:** combat info only

* **System:** game messages plus NPCs

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Or go to a different main city hub, if you don't care for the social factor, why even go to DR or LA? I go to the Grove for my hub needs, and usually there's no map chatting going on.


> Why even go to a social hub? I only go there when I need crafting. :P


Because of the VIP area, honestly.

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> @"Bunter.3795" said:

> I agree with this as well. Just let it process everything automatically. Best fix I see is to change the pve and wvw parts to automatic and manual. This way we could scribe all the guild siege and let it process automatically but if we needed a decoration or particular type of siege print, we could manually queue them up and let the manual queue be for either pve or wvw.


That would be perfect

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Add an asuran gate between Lion's arch and amnoon. It would be blocked like the portal leading to lake doric until you finish the first step on the story in amnoon / so blocked to cores/ hot. Currently I have to tp to guild hall, travel through Vabbi, The desolation, Elon riverlands, to finally arrive in Amnoon.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:.


> You can already do this yourself.


Really appreciate what you shared. I toyed with the tabs a while back, but never imagined the solution you have proposed. It is still a manual step but an improvement over what I am currently doing.

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> @"Siim.9530" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:.

> >

> > You can already do this yourself.


> Really appreciate what you shared. I toyed with the tabs a while back, but never imagined the solution you have proposed. It is still a manual step but an improvement over what I am currently doing.


It's ONE manual step to switch chat tabs (once you've set up the tabs). I doubt that this impacts enough of the player base for Anet to devote resources to making this change.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Add an asuran gate between Lion's arch and amnoon. It would be blocked like the portal leading to lake doric until you finish the first step on the story in amnoon / so blocked to cores/ hot. Currently I have to tp to guild hall, travel through Vabbi, The desolation, Elon riverlands, to finally arrive in Amnoon.


You can just take the airship in LA...

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If Anet did this I think the option to switch to a specific chat tab (which the player creates in advance) when you enter a specific type of map would be the best way to do it, because the extra flexibility makes it useful to a wider range of players. My first reaction to this topic was that I have absolutely no use for an option to disable map chat in cities and therefore I'm not interested in this suggestion. But reading further made me realise an option to switch to my 'Group' tab (with just team, squad, party, say and whisper enabled) when I enter a group instance would be very useful. And I'm sure other people are in a similar situation where the original request is too specific to be useful to them, but a variation which uses the same function would be useful.


I'm still not sure it's worth the time it would take for Anet to do it, especially because I'm not sure if there actually are different types of maps, meaning this could be automated, or if the game 'thinks' they're all the same and someone would have to create and manually update a list of cities, explorable areas, instances etc. so new maps can use this system. But if the option was available I would use it.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Regardless of the conversations in cities, I think that implementing an _automated _way to "mute" them would run counter to the concept/design of GW2 being an MMO.


I think you're right, but I can also understand why some people would want it, and I don't think having the option is completely counter to the design. You could also say the point of going to a pub or bar is to socialise with other people there, but that doesn't mean everyone who goes there wants to talk to everyone else. I might want to just talk to the group of friends I'm going there to see and I'd be annoyed if every random person in there was joining in our conversation or if they were being so loud that I couldn't hear my friends speaking.


Same idea here. You might want to talk to just some of the people in the city (role-players for example), or you might need to go there for some reason (if you want to use the Mystic Forge and don't have a VIP pass you have to go to Lion's Arch) but you don't want to hear every single random thing everyone feels like sharing with the whole map.

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Umm, I don't know about you guys but I've got a freeloading golem named M.O.X. in my home instance. As far as I know, this thing is literally a machine invented to free me (it's latest owner) from doing repetitive boring tasks. Since the effort I put in to acquire the thing apparently wasn't enough, I'd be willing to take on a some sort of "processor upgrade quest" or whatever in order to get him to do my home-instance gathering. Yes, I'd also be willing to buy something from the gem store to accomplish the same thing. If the quest based approach was used, I'd even be willing to let him keep 10% of the daily take to send back home to Webby.

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I have found that by instantly blocking obnoxious people in map chat, it's pretty easy to pare down what you're seeing to eliminate the garbage. Usually it's only a couple of people being annoying. You might be surprised how easy it is to get it to an acceptable state just using that tool.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I have found that by instantly blocking obnoxious people in map chat, it's pretty easy to pare down what you're seeing to eliminate the garbage. Usually it's only a couple of people being annoying. You might be surprised how easy it is to get it to an acceptable state just using that tool.


Now if only we had a block function on the forums. :(

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks,


We had a lot of really interesting ideas for Quality of Life (QoL) suggestion in the GW2 Discussion Subforum, and even one over in the WvW Subforum. To keep things consolidated and increase the chances that these ideas will be seen during a forum visit by the devs, I'm merged the most recent suggestions into this QoL thread.


I invite members to continue to post your suggestions for game improvements of the QoL type in this thread!

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