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Why did you bring back the Dragon Emblem Shirt?


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I‘m totally in favor to make the T-shirt available again since it’s something I always wanted. I‘m wondering though why are they making it available for an entire month? I don’t mind if a lot of people get their hands on it but let’s be honest making it available for an entire month makes it a lot less special. Nothing is wrong with here and there events where you can get it but 1 entire month is a little too much imo. Not that I would want others to be locked out of this outfit but in the end it is and was supposed to be a little of a special item wasn’t it?

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> I‘m totally in favor to make the T-shirt available again since it’s something I always wanted. I‘m wondering though why are they making it available for an entire month? I don’t mind if a lot of people get their hands on it but let’s be honest making it available for an entire month makes it a lot less special. Nothing is wrong with here and there events where you can get it but 1 entire month is a little too much imo. Not that I would want others to be locked out of this outfit but in the end it is and was supposed to be a little of a special item wasn't it?


The promotion is supposed to be as much for the tea company's benefit as Anet's. They're mainly promoting their drinks - which requires people to actually go to the shops to buy them. For that a month is much more reasonable.


Besides with all the trouble people are having with the app if sounds like if it was just running for a few days they'd end up having to extend it anyway.

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> @"deatine.2498" said:

> We have a special word in my language for not wanting others to have a thing, even though you may have the same thing and won't lose it. Apparently, there is no direct English translation.

We have several words for that in English but they would all just appear as "kitten".

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GW2 is a game. It's to have fun. Not for a few, for everyone.

And so the value of an item is in its use, not in keeping it away from others.


Because of that, there's only two good kinds of exclusivity:


* Skill-gated, like Mini liadri and many raid rewards. Anyone who gets good enough can do it, and it stays there available until one gets good enough.

* Time-gated, things that are exclusive for a time until new exclusive items are added. Allowing wealthier and more skilled people who stay on top to get things early and show them off while they are new, but also letting the rest enjoy them too after enough time has passed.

This is particularly true in PvP. Each season should have some sort of exclusive wardrobe unlock like a novelty or a hat skin, that is accessible only to the highest tier. Then the next season it would also be available to the next tier, but for a higher price, and every season it'll become available to a lower tier for an increased price while keeping the lower prices for higher tiers. That way those who are at the top can get more shinnies earlier, but those at the bottom don't have to give up on the shinnies as the moment will come for them too, and someone who gets to the top doesn't get to sit on their laurels and show off forever after one victory, if they want to keep showing off, they have to keep winning. That would encourage people to strive for the top, without discouraging people who can't get to the top since they don't have to give up on a reward they will never reach.

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> I had the Dragon Emblem Shirt way back when as part of my "Town Clothes". Then they turned it into a tonic, and forced me to wear it with other clothing pieces that looked ugly. They finally converted clothing tonics into (Thpppt!!) "Outfits", which at least allowed me to dye the ugly parts and wear it full-time. But I would kill to be able to use my shirt with any other clothing pieces I desire.


> Are you saying that the shirt itself has been re-released as an individual piece of clothing again? Where? How?


I remember Bubbles and her Twoters outfit.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Yes, the sweepstakes is the potluck for deluxe editions or w/e. Literally 3 bullet points down from that quote, “No Purchase necessary for downloadable content.”, which the codes are.

> You only need to link a social media account to the KFT app to get the codes for the Heroic Box and the Tshirt Outfit. This can be done globally.


Ah, okay. Well, it's too late for me now anyway, see previous post. ;)


> I live in the UK and got my codes yesterday.


Grats! :)

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> @"deatine.2498" said:

> We have a special word in my language for not wanting others to have a thing, even though you may have the same thing and won't lose it. Apparently, there is no direct English translation.


I've said this in similar threads; but I tried to find a single English word for this, as well, but could only come up with a phrase (that I think works pretty well):


[Crab Mentality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality "Crab Mentality")

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> > @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


> There is nothing "prestigious" about this shirt. It is the equivalent of a concert T-shirt that says "I was there".


> Your big accomplishment for which you seem to want to be admired is that you had to drive 8 hours to get your shirt. I would have had to drive for a couple of _days_ and taken time off of work to get to that convention. Should that have earned me an even rarer, more "prestigious" item? What about folks who came from overseas? This shirt has no "prestige" attached. It only indicates that you live closer than us. (I actually EARNED mine through an in-game contest. THAT should be worth more admiration).


> If you want people to gush over you for being a long-time player, then you can display your TITLE which indicates your characters' age. Most of my characters got their "Devoted" titles (6 years old) last week, having been created on Day One. **Admire me! Love me! Bow down to me!**


> But of course "prestige" in all in the mind of the beholder. Other people might look at my Devoted title and say **Showoff! Braggart! Get a life!**. The same goes for Legendary owners. Some folk may admire their efforts, but with few exceptions I look at them and think "Ugh! Why would anyone want that ugly thing?" So don't assume that just because you own something rare, people will admire you for it.


> (And by the way... when you got your shirt, you had only been playing GW2 for 2 months yourself. So give little ol' Billy a break. Maybe his Mom drove him 8 hours too).


OP rn:



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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> This stuff always makes me wonder wtkitten is going on inside people's heads. Obviously, if you are wanting to re-release *insert rare item here* you recolour it somehow, to avoid situations like this.


Situations like what? a small portion of the game that *LUCKY* in being close to an event, or lucky enough to *BUY* a code for the item shortly after the event ended? cause thats how you got this item before this promotion being upset that no *everyone* has the chance to get it *IF* they can get through the piece of crap program to get the codes, of which i spent *TWO* days trying to do before finally get it, thats more dedication than being lucky enough to live close enough to be able to go an event.

You didnt do *anything* prestigious to get the shirt, its not like they gave this to every player who pre ordered the base game like the GW2 baseball cap, if they had id agree with you.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> You didnt do *anything* prestigious to get the shirt, its not like they gave this to every player who pre ordered the base game like the GW2 baseball cap, if they had id agree with you.


They didn't even do that - they just stuck it in the gem store for 0 gems for the first week. So some people who didn't pre-order and just bought the game on impulse after they head it was popular got one, and some who pre-purchased the Deluxe edition on day 1 missed out because they didn't know where to look for it or weren't able to log in during the promotion period.


It's very difficult to do a limited-time promotion which rewards the most 'dedicated' or long-term or whatever players rather than simply those who happen to be around at the time and come across the relevant information. For that something like the birthday gifts are better because they actually require owning the game for a long time to qualify. But even that doesn't suit everyone's definition of dedicated players - you could buy the game on day 1, make a character, forget about it and come back 6 years later to the same rewards as people who have been there the entire time, while some of those people miss out because they deleted their characters along the way.


All of which is part of the reason I think it's pointless to worry about it. Use items you like because you like them and then it doesn't matter if other people have them. Play games just because you enjoy them and you'll be rewarded by having fun, instead of feeling obligated to stick with one you may be bored with in the hope that one day you'll get an item someone else might want to have and you can show it to them.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > This stuff always makes me wonder wtkitten is going on inside people's heads. Obviously, if you are wanting to re-release *insert rare item here* you recolour it somehow, to avoid situations like this.


> Situations like what? a small portion of the game that *LUCKY* in being close to an event, or lucky enough to *BUY* a code for the item shortly after the event ended? cause thats how you got this item before this promotion being upset that no *everyone* has the chance to get it *IF* they can get through the piece of crap program to get the codes, of which i spent *TWO* days trying to do before finally get it, thats more dedication than being lucky enough to live close enough to be able to go an event.

> You didnt do *anything* prestigious to get the shirt, its not like they gave this to every player who pre ordered the base game like the GW2 baseball cap, if they had id agree with you.


You are right - I didn't do anything special to get the shirt. In fact, I don't even own the shirt. I just respect the value people place on items like it and don't take particular glee in trampling over that. A recolour of the shirt to make it distinct would be perfectly fine - everybody would win... Except I get the impression that perhaps this wouldn't satisfy you, given that you appear to loathe the idea of people having something you cannot obtain, even if the only difference is a splash of colour.

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> @"Nury.3062" said:

> Edit : And you talk about "little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months".Let's talk about the "Billy" who played a for a month and acquired the literal power I acquired in 6 years because of the game system that doesn't reward dedication in meaningful way.Someone who joined the game and played for a month can get almost everything I have acquired in 6 years...that's the real problem...not an ugly outfit.


Considering I put thousands of hours into this game and people who created an account several years ago and not playing until recently having access to anniversary skins when I can't do anything but wait is the most frustrating. I sympathize.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


I played from beta.. and gw1.. I didn't have access to this outfit until this :)

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> @"Nury.3062" said:

> Edit : And you talk about "little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months".Let's talk about the "Billy" who played a for a month and acquired the literal power I acquired in 6 years because of the game system that doesn't reward dedication in meaningful way.Someone who joined the game and played for a month can get almost everything I have acquired in 6 years...that's the real problem...not an ugly outfit.

Well, isn't that the way it goes with most games? As games progress things get easier and faster for reason of QoL and to have new players being able to catch up and be part of the endgame content and such.


If they didn't do this, new players will forever be behind and you create rifts between player groups. An MMO needs new players and returning players as much as it needs those who are always here if you will. Without new players the game would keep bleeding players and not gain enough new ones.


So how would you suggest they do it, cause if new players can't catch up, they'll leave again.


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I dont understand this mentality. Who cares about what others have? Only those who want to have more.

GW1 wasn't about being richer or having more stuff than others, it was not about comparing yourself to others, it was about what you personally wanted and achieved. GW2 now is going back to those roots.

With so many old items being brought back everyone, even the new players have the same choices as you and me had back in the older days. It's a good thing, not a bad one.

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the giveaway is some of the cards/codes that someone has sat on this whole time? they are original codes that someone hoarded out of circulation (maybe to sell?) and now a company is giving them away with their tea as a giveaway?




was this a new set of codes released by anet to the tea company as a promo deal because of the special beverage?



either way i think making the t-shirt tied to an event one had to travel to or a few European giveaways was a bit unfair.


but oh well "mai fashun warz.....i don't care if you were deployed at the time!...mai tea_shirt"

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