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Underwater mount needed


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Shark mount? I think the roller beetle is useless when raptor does the job, and when raptor isn't needed you can use griffon, springer, etc for whatever you need in the situation. Roller beetle though does not fit any special situation. An underwater mount would be good, as right now you're slow underwater and swimming takes a while compared to using a mount on land or on water. I would rather have use of an underwater mount than the roller beetle.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Roller Beetle has been discussed to death already: Git gud at using it unless you hate fun.


> We don't need an underwater mount at all imo. Even core Tyria barely has any underwater content to begin with


So? Perhaps they will release more underwater content in the next expac. Then you will wish you have an underwater mount.

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Roller Beetle has been discussed to death already: Git gud at using it unless you hate fun.

> >

> > We don't need an underwater mount at all imo. Even core Tyria barely has any underwater content to begin with


> So? Perhaps they will release more underwater content in the next expac. Then you will wish you have an underwater mount.


The chances are high that they will release it then, sure.

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We didnt really need Petey, the Roller beetle in first place since Raptor is similar (fastspeed mount). I would rather have an underwater mount as our 6th mount instead of an alternative speed mount.

Since Skimmer can't dive, we have no mount who covers the UW part.


What next? An alt version of Griffon but as a Dragon.... who can actual fly?


Hopefully whenever we travel and discover the Unending Ocean, deep sea basically, we'll get a watermount- I hope, if we even explore it. ?

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The Roller Beetle's special situation is breaking through walls. That may only be in Kourna ATM, but doesn't mean new zones won't add them.


As for an underwater mount, the idea's been floated around before. I wouldn't mind it, but I haven't seen a good suggestion as to what it'd do. Once that is presented, maybe one will show up in game.

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The Mastery panel has room for at least 6 masteries per track. But the mounts only have 3 or 4.

Why not giving skimmers two new masteries for a total of 6?



* Life Saver - The skimmer will instantly mount when stepping on a dangerous surface (sulfur, quicksand, brand crystals, lava, boiling water, etc). This can only happen once every 180 seconds.

* Return to the Sea - The skimmer can now dive underwater by pressing he "Dive down" key (instead sitting on the saddle, underwater the character holds the handlebars of the skimmer like a scuba scooter). While underwater, if its endurance is full, the skimmer stores water (appears as the endurance bar getting filled blue over the yellow). Pressing the second mount ability button quickly consumes the water stored to gain an extra boost of speed. Using an engage ability consumes all stored water to empower the healing effect.


That way we don't have to slot a new mount skill in the control settings, and skimmer gets a bit more use.


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> The Mastery panel has room for at least 6 masteries per track. But the mounts only have 3 or 4.

> Why not giving skimmers two new masteries for a total of 6?



> * Life Saver - The skimmer will instantly mount when stepping on a dangerous surface (sulfur, quicksand, brand crystals, lava, boiling water, etc). This can only happen once every 180 seconds.

> * Return to the Sea - The skimmer can now dive underwater by pressing he "Dive down" key (instead sitting on the saddle, underwater the character holds the handlebars of the skimmer like a scuba scooter). While underwater, if its endurance is full, the skimmer stores water (appears as the endurance bar getting filled blue over the yellow). Pressing the second mount ability button quickly consumes the water stored to gain an extra boost of speed. Using an engage ability consumes all stored water to empower the healing effect.


> That way we don't have to slot a new mount skill in the control settings, and skimmer gets a bit more use.



I'm not a fan of underwater combat and I'm not sure we need an underwater mount, but if we were to get one, this seems like a reasonable way to go about it. That having been said... I would definitely love a seahorse mount just because it would be so cute and fun to have my asura ele riding it underwater, cavorting around with quaggan!

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I think we’ll get one eventually if they intend to release more underwater content. As of right now there aren’t a lot of super massive underwater areas that’d make an underwater mount very effective/necessary.


I think the skimmer would be a good bargain for a multi-use Mount, though a separate mount with a new aesthetic would be cool too.


I felt like the roller beetle is splitting hairs tbh, but once it’s charged up it moves incredibly fast. I unlocked all wps in plains of ash ford in like 3 minutes on a new character, basically.


Id rather have less mounts than more though. There are only so many types of movement you can specialize them for before it gets redundant.

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As long as underwater content is not forced onto players - I am part of those who don't like underwater :3 - that an underwater mount would be added is OK to me, I would simply not use it.

However, I believe that over the entire world, there are only few places offering long distances under water with enough depth to allow much use for it. As said by some before, that would probably make more sense if a new expansion pack would add some real underwater content (if that should ever come, me crossing fingers that it remains an optional content =) ).

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> @"Zoid.2568" said:

> Shark mount? I think the roller beetle is useless when raptor does the job, and when raptor isn't needed you can use griffon, springer, etc for whatever you need in the situation. Roller beetle though does not fit any special situation. An underwater mount would be good, as right now you're slow underwater and swimming takes a while compared to using a mount on land or on water. I would rather have use of an underwater mount than the roller beetle.


Beetle gets you much farther faster (after the initial boosts is built, uhg) and its much more a fun mount to play with then the others. Please add more "tricks" animations though, the three just don't seem like enough when you do multiple jumps off cliff faces in a row. Try out the "Queensdale Circuit" if you haven't, it's almost like a perma boost around the map with no down time if done right.


and i don't think you've seen this fun [sPUD] video. (I'm so jelly) :D


> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> I wouldn't mind an uw mount but with the swim speed infusions I don't think its needed. I get around pretty fast uw atm but have a lot of fun with the mounts.


Isn't the swim speed infusion bound to 1 player at a time? Seems very limited and why isn't it an account bound feature? What's the likely hood that they are developing UW mounts and the swim speed infusions is a temporary addition to be used with UW mounts in the future possibly?


1) The beetle mount was a surprise

2) UW mounts were the expected next step

3) Even stealth mounts could be a fun cheat mode for more difficult future content or just maps with lots of easily aggro'd mobs you wan tot avoid


other then that i'm not sure what other mounts would be created. ( notice i didn't say necessary :P )

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