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Before you buy or sell on the trading post READ THIS!

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When selling, click either sell now or post your goods for 1 copper below what the last guy did.

When buying, click either buy now or put an ad up for 1 copper above what the last guy did.


That's it! You're now ready to make monies. This time proven method will ensure the sanctity of the TP goes untarnished and you don't piss off your fellow TP'ers. This is important because if everyone does their part, there is more money to go around! Have a nice day, and remember, Evon Gnashblade is watching you!

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Honestly I do not have the patience to do the "play the market" thing like a lot of other people as well. I come here to relax and have fun and not to be a 2nd occupation stock-broker. From what I have noticed so far, the +-1 copper gets really annoying when you want to sell something fast. The instant you've placed your offer, there is at least one guy with the +- 1 copper and a large stack of the items. I ended up a few times waiting on my couple of items to sell for days, just because I followed that guideline. Yeah I know I could be a millionaire by now.


If you want to view more items per page and do not care about those fancy icons, you can type "I am Evon Gnashblade" in the search box. The effect can be triggered on/off this way. Enjoy.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> When selling, click either sell now or post your goods for 1 copper below what the last guy did.

> When buying, click either buy now or put an ad up for 1 copper above what the last guy did.


And then that one guy comes and sell his item 1 copper **above the highest buy order** and everyone who follow your instructions will instasell all his stuff. :)


Also, when I sell something 100g+ or even 1000g+ worth, I absolutely don't sell my stuff for 1 copper below the last guy and risk to be underselled 5 minutes later.



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Personally I like to bisect the buy and sell prices. That is, if an exotic weapon has a buy order of 60s and a lowest seller of 1g, I list for 75s. That way, potential sellers will buy my order and sell for a higher value, and potential buyers will jump on my sell price as a good deal.


It is both fast, and it earns more gold.

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/shrug. Most stuff I match the current price. Or if it’s something that’s worth more than the usual stuff I sell I’ll check the prices over the last week and match it to the average high price. Either way almost everything sells within a week or two, which is fast enough for me. The only time I don’t match current prices is if I think the item won’t move at that price. Generally I don’t feel the need to worry about pricing stuff a copper higher here or a copper lower there.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> /shrug. Most stuff I match the current price. Or if it’s something that’s worth more than the usual stuff I sell I’ll check the prices over the last week and match it to the average high price. Either way almost everything sells within a week or two, which is fast enough for me. The only time I don’t match current prices is if I think the item won’t move at that price. Generally I don’t feel the need to worry about pricing stuff a copper higher here or a copper lower there.


Word. This is me venting my frustration more then anything else. I'm flattered that some people took me literal though.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > /shrug. Most stuff I match the current price. Or if it’s something that’s worth more than the usual stuff I sell I’ll check the prices over the last week and match it to the average high price. Either way almost everything sells within a week or two, which is fast enough for me. The only time I don’t match current prices is if I think the item won’t move at that price. Generally I don’t feel the need to worry about pricing stuff a copper higher here or a copper lower there.


> Word. This is me venting my frustration more then anything else. I'm flattered that some people took me literal though.


I will gladly post items for 20% cheaper from now on to make people like you more uncomfortable :)

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Honestly I do not have the patience to do the "play the market" thing like a lot of other people as well. I come here to relax and have fun and not to be a 2nd occupation stock-broker. From what I have noticed so far, the +-1 copper gets really annoying when you want to sell something fast. The instant you've placed your offer, there is at least one guy with the +- 1 copper and a large stack of the items. I ended up a few times waiting on my couple of items to sell for days, just because I followed that guideline. Yeah I know I could be a millionaire by now.


> If you want to view more items per page and do not care about those fancy icons, you can type "I am Evon Gnashblade" in the search box. The effect can be triggered on/off this way. Enjoy.


That doesn't make sense ... if you want to sell something fast you press the 'sell now' button.

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> But what if you want to drop the price of an item so you can buy up a whole bunch and resell at a later date? Flipping is part of the game, too.


Then the price goes down little buy little until it looks like what it is today and then degrades farther. The price may fluctuate buy its like a toy glider loosing a little height every time. The market will most likely never bounce back ever when so many people drive the price down every day.


Video game economics is not real economics, there's never going to be a drought or accident or well going dry to interrupt flow of materials letting you swoop in and make bank etc.

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